Irving charged with questioning Auschwitz gas chambers

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Irving charged with questioning Auschwitz gas chambers

Postby theTRUTH » 1 decade 7 years ago (Tue Nov 22, 2005 10:33 am)

Irving officially charged:
Charges prepared against Irving

Mr Irving denies Hitler knew Jews were being systematically killed
Austrian authorities have prepared charges against British historian David Irving, who was arrested 11 days ago. The charges are linked to speeches he made in 1989 denying the existence of gas chambers at Auschwitz, prosecutor Otto Schneider has said.

Mr Irving, 67, can appeal against the charges under Austrian law.

Mr Irving sued US historian Deborah Lipstadt in London in 2000 for labelling him a Holocaust denier. He lost in a comprehensive verdict.

He is currently in custody in Vienna after having been arrested in the province of Styria on 11 November.

A hearing has been scheduled for Friday to determine whether he should remain in custody for up to four more weeks. No trial has been scheduled.

Despite the mortal blow to his reputation in 2000, he remains a showman and may well relish the opportunity to grandstand before a wider audience if put on trial, BBC legal affairs analyst Jon Silverman says.

In his books, Mr Irving has argued that the scale of the extermination of the Jews by the Nazis in World War II has been exaggerated.

He has also claimed that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler knew nothing of the Holocaust. Mr Irving was previously arrested in Austria in 1984.

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Postby Haldan » 1 decade 7 years ago (Tue Nov 22, 2005 1:03 pm)

BBC wrote:He has also claimed that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler knew nothing of the Holocaust.

I also don't believe Hitler knew in advance of the foul lies which would bestow the German people after the war. Or perhaps Hitler could look into the future, maybe he was clairvoyant? No, that is probably not the case, it is more likely that he knew nothing about these graveolent lies which we are forced to believe in today.
I consider that much more likely.

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Postby Hannover » 1 decade 7 years ago (Tue Nov 22, 2005 1:04 pm)

More manipulation from the typically judeo-supremacist/judeo-centric press:
Mr Irving denies Hitler knew Jews were being systematically killed

What "systematically killed"? There is absolutely no evidence for it, therefore Hitler of course would know nothing about it. Note the false & planted axiom of 'systematic'.
Despite the mortal blow to his reputation in 2000, he remains a showman and may well relish the opportunity to grandstand before a wider audience if put on trial, BBC legal affairs analyst Jon Silverman says.

No, Irving relishes the chance to defend himself and state his views like all those accused of absurdities. Only in the judeo-supremacist dominated press is defending yourself against absurd charges called "showmanship".
In his books, Mr Irving has argued that the scale of the extermination of the Jews by the Nazis in World War II has been exaggerated.

He has also claimed that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler knew nothing of the Holocaust. Mr Irving was previously arrested in Austria in 1984.

There was no "extermination", the numbers of Jews killed has been exaggerated to the point of being laughable. Jews died in much, much smaller numbers than those of other ethnic/religious groups who were really targeted because of their ethnicity/religion.
Again, of course Hitler didn't know of the 'holocau$t', the 'holocau$t' as defined is unsustainable nonsense.

All of these points are readily available at this forum for reading or debate. Notice how those that debate us get spanked.

'holocau$t' Revisionism is not going away, no matter what.

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Postby theTRUTH » 1 decade 7 years ago (Tue Nov 22, 2005 1:21 pm)

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Postby Maly Jacek » 1 decade 7 years ago (Tue Nov 22, 2005 2:23 pm)

The British-based Holocaust Educational Trust congratulated authorities on the arrest. Chairman Lord Greville Janner, noting Britain has no such laws that made denying the Holocaust a crime, praised the Austrians "for doing what our law should but does not permit". ... 12,00.html

I think there is clear suggestion in this statment that such "law" might very soon be introduced in UK.

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Postby Ajax » 1 decade 7 years ago (Wed Nov 23, 2005 7:38 am)

Maly Jacek wrote:I think there is clear suggestion in this statment that such "law" might very soon be introduced in UK.

This scares me, but I am not going to change how I think. My fear is that the authorities might really get the bit between their teeth on this and dig back as far as they can go. The net result might be that all of us who might have been cashiered at university for making statements against the Holocau$t - all decent, law abiding citizens - will get caught up in the net.

The bleaters are quick to cry 'Nazi' but their actions go just as far as those of Hitler's regime. People will end up being punished for thought crimes.
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Postby israelite » 1 decade 7 years ago (Wed Nov 23, 2005 8:30 am)

The British-based Holocaust Educational Trust congratulated authorities on the arrest. Chairman Lord Greville Janner, noting Britain has no such laws that made denying the Holocaust a crime, praised the Austrians "for doing what our law should but does not permit". ... 12,00.html

Well said from a known paedophile.

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Postby Barrington James » 1 decade 7 years ago (Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:28 am)

Irving's Crimes

It seems to me that Irving is being persecuted for two reasons, not one. Certainly his comments have threatened the Zionist’s billion-dollar holocaust industry, and their cover story for the brutal theft of Palestine but that is only half the story.

His books on Churchill claim that Churchill was the leading cause of WW2. He claims, with considerable proof, that Churchill, who in the 1920’s considered the Jews a menace, was paid by the Focus group in the 1930’s, a group of leading European Jews, to become their spokesman. Their purpose was to somehow get Great Britain into a war with Germany and continue the Jewish/communist war against Germany, declared in 1933. Consequently when Germany invaded Poland, thanks to the influence of the Focus Group, Great Britain declared war on Germany, not the Jewish led USSR, despite the fact Stalin would soon prove to be a far greater war criminal than Hitler. Irving also claims that Hitler offered a peace treaty to Great Britain, offering to withdraw Germany forces from all recently conquered countries except for the former Germany land lost in WW1, and clearly did not want a war with Britain.

Irving also reminds us that at least 80% of the leaders of Russia and her allies were Jews or, like Stalin, married to a Jew. His book Hungary, for example, explains the role of Jews in Hungary after the war. Needless to say this book comes as a shock to most people who have been taught that practically all the Jews of Europe were destroyed and not, as Solzhenitsyn also informed us, of running Stalin’s Gulags, the KGB, the intern camps for German Nationals after the war and some USSR satellite countries.

Clearly Irving’s books have offended many people.

Moreover Irving is presently researching a book on FDR. Judging from the enormous amount of unflattering evidence about FDR’s schemes to create his war with Japan and Germany and has desire to also support Stalin, his Uncle Joe, that been available for over 50 years, but mostly white washed, the last thing the Americans want at the present time is book to remind the world of their war crimes for the last 50 years. It seems to me the people who rule this world, who have recently destroyed countries such as Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Haiti, can and will destroy anyone who gets in their way. Irving got in their way.
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Postby Radar » 1 decade 7 years ago (Wed Nov 23, 2005 1:36 pm)

He lost in a [comprehensive] verdict.

Your honor, I would like to ask the 'honorable' Dr Green one question: If you insist blue staining could not form on gas chamber walls, then why are the Majdanek gas chambers covered in blue staining?

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Postby Vallon » 1 decade 7 years ago (Thu Nov 24, 2005 3:18 pm)

It seems that Irving is retracting some standpoints:
A lawyer for British historian David Irving said on the eve of a court hearing that Irving admitted past statements could be interpreted as denying the existence of Nazi gas chambers - but now acknowledges they existed.

"E pur si muove"?

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Postby simon1003 » 1 decade 7 years ago (Thu Nov 24, 2005 3:29 pm)

Vallon wrote:It seems that Irving is retracting some standpoints:
A lawyer for British historian David Irving said on the eve of a court hearing that Irving admitted past statements could be interpreted as denying the existence of Nazi gas chambers - but now acknowledges they existed.

"E pur si muove"?

We all know that Irving isn't what many consider a real revisionist historian anyway, and if they've threatened him with a long custodial sentence unless he retracts his statements then he lives to fight another day.

Hopefully, he'll be released and come back to the UK, then you can expect some fireworks from him, and a retraction retraction.

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Postby Haldan » 1 decade 7 years ago (Thu Nov 24, 2005 3:53 pm)

Vallon wrote:It seems that Irving is retracting some standpoints:
A lawyer for British historian David Irving said on the eve of a court hearing that Irving admitted past statements could be interpreted as denying the existence of Nazi gas chambers - but now acknowledges they existed.

"E pur si muove"?

Even if what is said in that news article is true there still aren't any "gas chambers" now, and there weren't any when the various camps was filled with residents either.
Let's just wait and see what Irving has to say about this. In another thread you said this was good attention for Irving, which is understandable, and now he is supposedly seeing "gas chambers"? Doesn't make sense. It only makes sense if this news story is false.

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Postby Hannover » 1 decade 7 years ago (Thu Nov 24, 2005 4:41 pm)

In an attempt to gain favor with their jailors, people say amazing things when being held in cells. Nothing new about that.

It should be said though that Irving has written no books about the so called 'holocau$t' and clearly knows little about the full extent of Revisionist research into the laughable 'gas chambers' tales, but he has said:
"According to the evidence that I have seen, there were no gas chambers anywhere. The evidence that we have been shown, the aerial photographs, the eyewitnesses, it's all very spurious indeed."

- David Irving

"more women died on the back seat of Edward Kennedy's car at Chappaquiddick than ever died in a gas chamber in Auschwitz"

- David Irving

- Hannover
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Postby Haldan » 1 decade 7 years ago (Thu Nov 24, 2005 5:06 pm)

Still, it is very remarkable that this can happen in modern times such as these; people saying "oh, yes I believe there were gas chambers", only because to get out of the jail!
"Yes, Your Honor, I saw this witch ride on that broom!", "No, Your Honor, I was just dusting my broom."



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Postby friedrich braun » 1 decade 7 years ago (Thu Nov 24, 2005 6:13 pm)

It is my understanding that Irving has said well prior to his arrest that probably "experimental gassings" took place at Auschwitz; hence, if he now forcefully admits that gassings indeed took place at Auschwitz, he's only changing emphasis and not really stating anything new.

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