Concentration camp money

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Concentration camp money

Postby Kiwichap » 1 decade 5 years ago (Sat Dec 22, 2007 3:32 pm)

Here are three links concerning the money issued to concentration camp inmates. The occasion is the travelling exhibit: Questionable Issue: Currency of the Holocaust

Holocaust currency is a subject that few know about, and there are only some survivors who recall the existence of scrip in the camps and ghettos, mostly because they were too young and their parents handled the money. The Nazis made it illegal for residents of the camps and ghettos to have hard currency and required that money be “exchanged” for scrip. In reality, the scrip was worthless Nazi propaganda as there was nothing for prisoners to buy inside the camps, and it had no value outside the camps. The purpose for issuing scrip was to create the façade that prisoners were being paid for their labor and treated well.

Once they were deported to the ghettos or concentration camps, Holocaust victims were issued scrip (pieces of essentially useless pieces of paper) by the Nazis in exchange for their confiscated valuable currency. Each ghetto and camp had its own distinct scrip and coins, often with hundreds of different issues. Compared with the more pressing issues of life and death during the Holocaust, the existence of scrip didn’t seem to matter much to historians. Until now.

When reading about the money, it is easy to see the lie of the hoax. However, in true dramatic Hollywood style:
The currencies of the Nazi ghettos silently embody the tragedy, depravity, horror, hope and salvation of the time. The money in this collection is, in some cases, the only reminder we have of people erased from our world during World War II. These notes move our souls to anguish. Through its breadth and depth, this exhibit bears witness to the full scope of the Holocaust.
So the money is evidence of the extermination. Only upside-down thinking with an agenda could come to this conclusion without evidence. Notice, parents and children are there together. In one article it says there was nothing to spend the scrip on, while another says there were canteens. One thing is certain, there was a lot of scrip issued and Jews had a hand in the design of their notes.
The exhibit, Questionable Issue: Currency of the Holocaust, consists of pieces of scrip (currency) issued at 13 Nazi concentration camps or ghettos, including Auschwitz, Dachau, Buchenwald, and the Warsaw Ghetto.

So each inmate received a number, a prison uniform, a hair-cut and some money, and then got gassed, ya just gotta laugh.
There was no holocaust.

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Postby NovyMir » 1 decade 5 years ago (Sun Dec 23, 2007 9:02 am)

Haha, this is a good one.
"Hard currency" means it has something of "tangible" value backing it up, which has usually been gold or silver(personally I don't think either of those metals have much intrinsic value, that they, like diamonds, have little value beyond industrial or manufacturing uses, specifically electronics). Gold is useful for coinage because it is inert and silver is also corrosion resistant.

Actually, Nazi Germany utilized government-issued fiat currency, which by definition is not "hard-currency"(and therefore also fits within the description of "worthless pieces of paper" referred to in the article) .
In my opinion, the truth is that "money" is simply a medium(a physical thing, like a generic contract) that facilitates(conveniently) the exchange of diverse goods and services. It is the goods and services that have the value, not the paper used as a mode of exchange.

The Nazi financial/economic policies were a threat to the globalist con-artists who charge not only the face-value but also interest on the "money" they create out of nothing, then "loan" to governments world-wide(debt-slavery). The "Federal Reserve"(a privatized cartel of international bankers) is a case in point of the scam.

I personally am sceptical of the "gold standard", for reasons stated above and also because the market is easily manipulated. The Empire of the City and the Rothschilds control the majority of the gold in the world, and it is they who are the forces moving the world into a global plantation/concentration-camp paradigm.
"Mathematically Perfected Economy" seems to me to be a better idea(though I am aware of some valid criticisms of it):

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Postby Hektor » 1 decade 5 years ago (Sun Dec 23, 2007 1:08 pm)

Place some pictures here on that currency. As far as I know, one could actually buy stuff with that currency even if the articles claim otherwise.

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Postby Haldan » 1 decade 5 years ago (Sun Dec 23, 2007 1:14 pm)

The Barns Review has a issue entitled Concentration Camp Money and if this issue is of interest to you there is a article which you can read about it:

This issue is available for purchase and includes pictures of various "Lagergeld".
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Postby Haldan » 1 decade 5 years ago (Sun Dec 23, 2007 1:19 pm)

In the article above a extract from a prisoner of Dachau is included and it contains this:
I must write you something about myself. I am very well. In the canteen I buy honey, marmalade, cookies, fruit and other food. If you worry about me, you’ll indeed be committing a sin. I have more reason to worry about you. . . .

People on the Internet has seen myself many times make the comparison that the average German or those seeking shelter from the Bolsheviks or the Allied gangsterbombers would have had it comparatively better in a concentration camp...
This letter indicates that my opinion might have some worth.

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Postby Kiwichap » 1 decade 5 years ago (Sun Dec 23, 2007 1:47 pm)

Hector: As far as I know, one could actually buy stuff with that currency.. Of course they could. New strings for the ol' violin, or perhaps a visit to the brothel....

Read these two sentences at least twice.
In reality, the scrip was worthless Nazi propaganda as there was nothing for prisoners to buy inside the camps, and it had no value outside the camps. The purpose for issuing scrip was to create the façade that prisoners were being paid for their labor and treated well.

That is pure smoke and mirrors from the masters of double speak.

The scrip was worthless, yet had value in the camp, but there was nothing to buy, yet the inmates got paid and were treated well.

I reckon the happy facade would have lasted about 1 minute if there was nothing to buy with the notes.

The articles predictably, in their tiresome anti-German way, go to some length to ensure we all know the scrip was worthless. In doing so they overplay their hand. They always do. Perhaps they want us to think the Germans ran the camps like a big Monopoly board, and the inmates went around buying Piccadilly Square and Northumberland St with the money.
There was no holocaust.

Tit 1:14 Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.

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Postby Coder62 » 1 decade 5 years ago (Sun Dec 23, 2007 6:29 pm)

Good find!

So each inmate received a number, a prison uniform, a hair-cut and some money, and then got gassed, ya just gotta laugh.

It reminds me the same as stories which present the old, "the inmates were giving towels, soap and a bath token before entering the gas chambers"

Its all very funny, like you said you just have to laugh!


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Postby MrNobody » 1 decade 5 years ago (Tue Dec 25, 2007 6:12 am)

I'm a little surprised no one has bought this up before, Militaria Collectors have known about "Camp Money" for years, I think there is even a type of reward/incentive stamp issued at Birkenau for those workers who had performed their employment duties well or if they had met production quotas, I remember seeing some for sale on ebay & at Militaria fairs, they are usually issued as 50 pfennig stamps to be used at the canteen.

The article is correct in one sense that the scrip & tokens are worthless......
Militaria sellers can not shift them no matter how cheap they are :D
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Postby Haldan » 1 decade 5 years ago (Tue Dec 25, 2007 9:44 am)

It has been brought up before on this forum, see for example this post from 2003 by Dan Cullum:
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Postby PotPie » 1 decade 5 years ago (Tue Dec 25, 2007 9:20 pm)

I think the interesting thing is how in inmate memoirs they rarely mention it. In its place, they speak of meager rations, endless starvation and thirst. Lengyel once made a slip about it, of one instance where someone in her book went to buy something at the canteen.

I don't know if the general population as a whole was issued this scrip, or just preferred inmates.

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Postby Harald » 1 decade 5 years ago (Wed Dec 26, 2007 9:36 am)


I am a bit confused. Why was my posting - concerning an obviously forged coin - deleted?

I am aware that the stress here lies on the existence of such money, but if the exterminationists are making fools of themselves by using coins (which, if anything, would prove the opposite) as an evidence for the alleged genocide there is no need for us to get lured.

This somehow reminds me of the forged Wannsee-documents. Some mistakes were obviously made on purpose in order to cause dissension among revisionists. Remember: Some revisionist still emphasize that nowhere a plan for the killing of Jews is (directly) mentioned while the smarter ones are aware of the complete fraude.

An I cannot think of any other reason for a deliberately crude forgery like this coin than causing confusion and a dillemma among revisionists.

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Postby Haldan » 1 decade 5 years ago (Sat Dec 29, 2007 5:01 pm)

I will not comment on the coin issue - but on a slightly similar note, it has been said that in Sachsenhausen, specificially block eighteen and nineteen Jews were forced to work in what has been described as the "biggest counterfeiting operation in history." Their job was to produce flawless five, ten, twenty and fifty pound notes.

I got this information from a show on the Discovery channel. It aired as "Mystery of Lake Toplitz", more on that can be read here: ... d-lake.php
(A collection of articles dealing with this issue.)

In any case, the "documentary" in itself is suspect because they allege that Sachsenhausen was "primarily a extermination camp". A Jew is naturally featured.

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Postby Harald » 1 decade 5 years ago (Mon Dec 31, 2007 6:21 am)

Haldan wrote:I will not comment on the coin issue - but on a slightly similar note, it has been said that in Sachsenhausen, specificially block eighteen and nineteen Jews were forced to work in what has been described as the "biggest counterfeiting operation in history." Their job was to produce flawless five, ten, twenty and fifty pound notes.

I think that this counterfeiting operation ("Operation Bernhard") had nothing to do with the (allegedly) bad money in Great Britain. If the banknotes were fakes at all, they probably came from within England. But my guess is that it was (excess) real money.

As you know the British bank of issue is not independent; therefore manipulation was easy: The Government needed money that they with their chronic mismanagement didn't have. So they printed money without any actual equivalent value in the gros national product.

On long term, the consequence of this policy was an enormous inflation of the British pound. When the war broke out, their first idea was to blame the Nazis for this.

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Postby Mendoza » 1 decade 5 years ago (Sun Jan 06, 2008 3:34 pm)

Heres a 2 RM bill from Buchenwald:


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