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Postby Review » 7 years 9 months ago (Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:57 am)

All historians are re-visionist, who re-view and re-vise history :wink:

The 14,000 members of this Association, however, know that revision is the lifeblood of historical scholarship. History is a continuing dialogue between the present and the past. Interpretations of the past are subject to change in response to new evidence, new questions asked of the evidence, new perspectives gained by the passage of time. There is no single, eternal, and immutable "truth" about past events and their meaning. ... historians

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Postby Dresden » 7 years 9 months ago (Sat Aug 29, 2015 10:29 am)

Review said:

"All historians are re-visionist, who re-view and re-vise history :wink: "

Not all historians are Holocaust Revisionists.
This thread is about Jewish Holocaust Revisionists.
This Forum is not about history in general, but about the Holocaust specifically.

On a side note:

Almost every historian of WWII in the world right now is a liar and a coward; they can't possibly be as stupid as they pretend to be.

"There is no single, eternal, and immutable "truth" about past events and their meaning"

Oh, yes there's called the Holocaust.
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Postby Jurgen » 7 years 9 months ago (Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:40 am)

If you havent already, I would suggest a number of us download and archive those videos. Never know when they will be taken down and lost forever.
"The Holocaust narrative actually breaks down on a discrete, factual level, and is only tenable when it is presented as some vague or nebulous larger than life metahistorical event" Mulegino1

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Postby Zulu » 7 years 9 months ago (Fri Sep 04, 2015 5:49 am)

Bobby Fischer must be on the list. Beside his deep antisemitism, he denied the reality of gas chambers.
I found hilarious his diatribe against jews in his interview on September 2000 there (no details about place and interviewer).

Bobby Fischer on the Jews

3:08 "There were no gas chambers. That's all baloney"

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Postby k0nsl » 7 years 9 months ago (Fri Sep 04, 2015 6:33 am)


If you want more Mr. Fischer material, please see:

Best wishes,

Zulu wrote:Bobby Fischer must be on the list. Beside his deep antisemitism, he denied the reality of gas chambers.
I found hilarious his diatribe against jews in his interview on September 2000 there (no details about place and interviewer).

Bobby Fischer on the Jews

3:08 "There were no gas chambers. That's all baloney"

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Postby Mortimer » 7 years 6 months ago (Mon Nov 23, 2015 8:35 am)

As Gerard Menuhin has now come out in support of holocaust revisionism he now deserves mention in this thread -
There are 2 sides to every story - always listen or read both points of view and make up your own mind. Don't let others do your thinking for you.

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Postby Review » 7 years 6 months ago (Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:24 pm)

Maybe we should add Benjamin Netanyahu (or whoever came up with the rewriting of history) to this thread ? His recent sayings that Hitler never wanted to exterminate jews, and then revising the narrative to pin the blame on the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (or whatever his words were), is quite probably a result of someone using the revisionist scientific method..

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Postby Mortimer » 7 years 4 months ago (Thu Jan 14, 2016 12:56 am)

David Cole appeared on the Donahue show on March 14 1994 with Bradley Smith. Cole has stated that Phil Donahue was very rude to him and when it was time for an ad break turned off his microphone and called him "the antichrist". Michael Shermer also makes an appearance. This version has added narration and clarification by Denierbud -
There are 2 sides to every story - always listen or read both points of view and make up your own mind. Don't let others do your thinking for you.

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Postby Mortimer » 6 years 9 months ago (Thu Sep 01, 2016 5:37 am)

Veterans Today has published an interview with the late Josef Ginsburg - ... c-thomson/
Ginsburg helped as an advisor to Ernst Zundel in his second trial for holocaust heresy in 1988.
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Postby madhatter » 6 years 9 months ago (Thu Sep 01, 2016 7:17 am)

Review wrote:Maybe we should add Benjamin Netanyahu (or whoever came up with the rewriting of history) to this thread ? His recent sayings that Hitler never wanted to exterminate jews, and then revising the narrative to pin the blame on the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (or whatever his words were), is quite probably a result of someone using the revisionist scientific method..

My take on the above is that they know the official narrative is falling apart.

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Postby NLH » 6 years 5 months ago (Wed Dec 21, 2016 3:29 pm)

Their is another thread which mentions other Jewish revisionists "Survivors who deny the holocaust" -

Some names and additional links below. Some just have interesting quotesand.

* Marika Frank Abrams
"Let me explain that even though I had been in Auschwitz I did not know about the gas chambers. Can you imagine that?” — Marika Frank Abrams in Voices from the Holocaust, referenced during Mark Weber’s testimony before the Human Rights Commission, Toronto, Canada, Dec. 9, 1998 ... the-quotes

* Dr. Benedikt Kautsky
"I was in the big concentration camps in Germany. I must truthfully state that in no camp have I ever seen anything that might have resembled gas chambers.” — Dr. Benedikt Kautsky, Austrian Social Democrat and Jewish prisoner of various concentration camps from 1938-1945, including three years in Auschwitz, in Auschwitz — A Personal Account, p. 4 ... the-quotes

* Maria Vanherwaarden

* Arnold Friedman

* Paul Rassinier

* Joseph G. Burg/Joseph Ginsburg/J. G. Burg

* Esther Grossman ... s-gas.html
“Also, I saw no gas chambers, nor even heard of them until after my release.” — Esther Grassman, prisoner of Auschwitz and Buchenwald, quoted from the 26-Oct-1979 edition of Hutchinson News (Kansas) ... the-quotes

* Professor Michel de Bouard
http://exposing-the-holocaust-hoax-arch ... ormer.html

* Roger Dommergue
"Believe me, I came into Auschwitz in a much worse condition than I actually left it."
- Kitty Hart-Moxon, Jewish Holocaust Survivor (June 1998 testimony, USC Shoah Foundation, Visual History Archive. Part 2 - YouTube - 1:21:42)

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Postby Dresden » 6 years 4 months ago (Fri Jan 27, 2017 3:30 pm)

Robert Litoff is a Jewish Revisionist:


“DEAR BROTHER NATHANAEL… My name is Robert Litoff. I have been following your site for many years. You may publish this Letter and my name.

I was born in New Haven, Connecticut in 1945 of two Jewish parents but am now a non-practicing Jew. As far as I can trace, all my ancestors are Jews.

I graduated Phi Beta Kappa in psychology from the University of Connecticut.

The claim that 6 million Jews died during World War II is wrong.

During the war period, before and shortly afterward, 5 million Jews went to Israel, and the Jewish population of North America increased from 4 million to 6 million.

Jews also went to Brazil, Argentina, Australia and other nations. This accounts for the decrease of 6 million Jews in Europe.

The world Jewish population was 15 million circa 1929 but it reached an estimated high of 18 million in 1989, an increase of 16%, which would have been impossible if 6 million Jews died in World War II.

The rabbi of my synagogue was Rabbi Andrew Klein who was a Hungarian Jew. He was interned in Auschwitz during World War II. His wife and 2 sons, Theodore and Lester, were interned in Bergen-Belsen.

One of the stories you hear about the nazis is that they killed all the Jews who could not work. But, Theodore and Lester were both children who could not work when they were at Bergen-Belsen but they were not killed.

Soon after the end of the war, there were a few different stories of how the nazis committed mass murder. One was that the victims were put in water and an electric current was sent through the water electrocuting the victims.

Another was that the victims were thrown in great fiery pits. Yet another was that the victims were driven in trucks which had their exhaust fumes channeled into the compartment in which the victims were placed, thereby killing them.

Finally, there is the story about the victims ‘taking showers’ in gas chambers which is the one claimed today. I take issue with this claim for the following reasons.



ZYKLON-B WAS INVENTED in America, not Germany. It was first used in Texas to disinfect the clothing of Mexicans crossing the border.

In the German work camps, Zyklon-B was used to disinfect the clothing of the internees to stem the tide of typhus.

Perhaps you have heard the story that the internees were led into a room in which they were told that they would be given showers and then they were gassed to death.

In reality, the doors of a real gas chamber would have to be airtight and look something like an airplane door. Otherwise, the gas would seep out and kill those operating the gas chamber.

In employing a gas chamber for an execution of one person, (as it was once done in America), a method used was to have potassium nuggets dropped into sulfuric acid by a lever. This would result in the production of hydrogen cyanide which would kill the person being executed.

Before the doors of the gas chamber could be opened—post-execution—another gas, anhydrous ammonia, must be injected into the chamber to react with the poisonous gas to make it a less lethal resulting gas.

Even so, anhydrous ammonia being poisonous, it would react with the gas used and would have to be scrubbed away. All of this would have been a long, dangerous, inefficient and toilsome task for the nazis to destroy ‘millions’ using gas chambers.

If Hitler wanted to kill as many Jews as he could, he would have had them shot by machine guns and automatic rifles. This would have been the least expensive and quickest way to commit mass murder. And, tragically, there were many mass murders in World War II by soldiers using machine guns and automatic rifles.

But, I am only stating that the claim that Hitler committed a genocidal war against Jews is false. I am not defending Hitler. He started a war which caused the deaths of millions. (NOTE *)



I FIRST READ Elie Wiesel’s “Night” when in it was an earlier publication.

In this early edition, Wiesel does not mention any gas chambers but states that mass murder was committed by throwing Jews of all ages into great fiery pits.

When I ask various Jews why did Wiesel not mention gas chambers if they existed, and, if great fiery pits were used to kill people, then why are people not talking about the great fiery pits now like people are always talking about the gas chambers?

The usual response is that the victims were killed by both methods and that Wiesel’s failure to mention gas chambers is not proof that the gas chambers for killing people did not exist. This answer is not convincing since Wiesel purports to be giving an eyewitness account.

Weasel (misspelling intentional…for the man is a deceiver and a sneak) wrote about the internees taking showers, being shaved of all body hair, and being covered with disinfectant which would be consistent with a program to prevent typhus and other diseases from killing the internees and not consistent with a program which wanted the internees to die.


In the earlier edition of “Night,” Wiesel wrote that he had surgery on one of his feet at a “well equipped hospital” in Auschwitz before taken to other camps. In the newer editions of “Night” this has been changed to an “infirmary.”

Yet, in both editions, he states that he was given two weeks off from work after his surgery which is inconsistent with the claim that all internees who could not work were killed.

Weasel wrote that while he was recuperating the Russians were approaching Auschwitz and the Germans knew that they could not hold out in Auschwitz any longer.

So, they offered all their internees who were in the hospital that they could decide whether to wait for the Russian soldiers to come or leave with the Germans. Wiesel decided to leave with the Germans who were supposedly committing genocide against the Jews instead of waiting for liberation by the Russians.

Perhaps, you have seen pictures of piles of dead and walking skeletons of a liberated concentration camp.

But, by the end of the war, all Germans were having difficulty feeding themselves.

Also, the American and British air forces were bombing all the railroad tracks making it impossible to bring sufficient quantities of food into the camps. So, America and Britain share most of the blame for the starvation in the camps at the end of the war.

Jews need to keep bringing up the Holocaust so they can extort billions of dollars from America and its most advanced weapons systems for their Zionist program in Israel.

Jews own and control America’s mainline media, so that they can control most everything Americans hear and see.

While Americans argue about what to do about medical care and how much it will cost, Israel has a much more generous medical care program for its citizens and does not need to worry about the costs because it’s paid for by tax-paying American citizens in the aid we give to Israel.

* Hitler didn't start WW II, the war was forced on him.
Last edited by Dresden on Fri Jan 27, 2017 3:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Maybe, just maybe, they believe what they are telling you about the 'holocaust', but maybe, just maybe, their contempt for your intelligence and your character is beyond anything you could ever have imagined. -- Bradley Smith

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Postby Dresden » 6 years 4 months ago (Fri Jan 27, 2017 3:37 pm)

Brother Nathanael Kapner has already been mentioned:

Indeed, the Holocaust tale is a huge HOAX.

When I was growing up in the 1950’s the Encyclopedia Britannica published an Article by Jacob Markus, a Jewish historian, in their World War II entry.

Markus called the camps “work camps” NOT “concentration camps". He ALSO stated that “thousands perished” and NOT the ridiculous figure of “6 million.”

But, the edition was pulled off the market in the 60’s when the Jews started HYPING the HOAX.

See my Video: “The Holocaust Denial Debate” @
Maybe, just maybe, they believe what they are telling you about the 'holocaust', but maybe, just maybe, their contempt for your intelligence and your character is beyond anything you could ever have imagined. -- Bradley Smith

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Re: The new JEWISH REVISIONISTS thread / M. Rothbard

Postby Hannover » 5 years 8 months ago (Mon Sep 25, 2017 2:13 pm)

Excerpted from Righteous Jew, Murray Rothbard's, Review of The Origins of the Second World War, 1966
Obviously Revisionism is not a new phenomenon.

Have a look.

- Hannover

Revisionism has the general function of bringing historical truth to a public that had been drugged by wartime lies and propaganda.

Now revisionism teaches us that this entire myth, so prevalent then and even now about Hitler, and about the Japanese, is a tissue of fallacies from beginning to end. Every plank in this nightmare evidence is either completely untrue or not entirely the truth. If people should learn this intellectual fraud about Hitler's Germany, then they will begin to ask questions, and searching questions, about the current World War III version of the same myth. Nothing would stop the current headlong flight to war faster, or more surely cause people to begin to reason about foreign affairs once again, after a long orgy of emotion and cliché.

For the same myth is now based on the same old fallacies. And this is seen by the increasing use that the Cold Warriors have been making of the "Munich myth": the continually repeated charge that it was the "appeasement" of the "aggressor" at Munich that "fed" his "aggression" (again, the Fu Manchu, or Wild Beast, comparison), and that caused the "aggressor," drunk with his conquests, to launch World War II. This Munich myth has been used as one of the leading arguments against any sort of rational negotiations with the Communist nations, and the stigmatizing of even the most harmless search for agreement as "appeasement." It is for this reason that A.J.P. Taylor's magnificent Origins of the Second World War received probably its most distorted and frenetic review in the pages of National Review.

The task of revisionism has been to penetrate beneath these superficialities and appearances to the stark realities underneath — realities which show, certainly in this century, the United States, Great Britain, and France — the three great "democracies" — to be worse than any other three countries in fomenting and waging aggressive war. Realization of this truth would be of incalculable importance on the current scene.

For revisionism, in the final analysis, is based on truth and rationality. Truth and rationality are always the first victims in any war frenzy; and they are, therefore, once again an extremely rare commodity on today's "market." Revisionism brings to the artificial frenzy of daily events and day-to-day propaganda, the cool but in the last analysis glorious light of historical truth. Such truth is almost desperately needed in today's world.

The "Holocau$t Industry" in court:

'Please your honor, there really are remains of millions buried in huge mass graves, we know where the mass graves are, ... but, but, well, umm, we can't show the court. You must trust us, we're Zionists.'
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: The JEWISH REVISIONISTS thread / M. Rothbard

Postby Hektor » 5 years 8 months ago (Tue Sep 26, 2017 11:26 am)

Hannover wrote:Excerpted from Righteous Jew, Murray Rothbard's, Review of The Origins of the Second World War, 1966

Revisionism has the general function of bringing historical truth to a public that had been drugged by wartime lies and propaganda.

Now revisionism teaches us that this entire myth, so prevalent then and even now about Hitler, and about the Japanese, is a tissue of fallacies from beginning to end. Every plank in this nightmare evidence is either completely untrue or not entirely the truth. If people should learn this intellectual fraud about Hitler's Germany, then they will begin to ask questions, and searching questions, about the current World War III version of the same myth. Nothing would stop the current headlong flight to war faster, or more surely cause people to begin to reason about foreign affairs once again, after a long orgy of emotion and cliché.

For revisionism, in the final analysis, is based on truth and rationality. Truth and rationality are always the first victims in any war frenzy; and they are, therefore, once again an extremely rare commodity on today's "market." Revisionism brings to the artificial frenzy of daily events and day-to-day propaganda, the cool but in the last analysis glorious light of historical truth. Such truth is almost desperately needed in today's world.


Excellent find Hannover!

In my experience Austro-Libertarians are far more open to Revisionism than people from other political movements. And in my mind I'm comparing them to 'Conservatives' right now, who may of course have various other interests vested in the Holocaust narrative.
Kind of revealing is also the following:
After hearing rumors that Mises’s papers might have survived the war, Ebeling made inquiries at the Holocaust Museum in D.C. The museum researchers found no mention of Mises in their database, but on a hunch Ebeling asked if there could possibly be anything related to Mises in Moscow.

Museum staff member Karl Modek came over to talk to Ebeling. Modek was looking into a Soviet archive of documents that had recently been declassified, and had just received an index of the archive. In the index, Ebeling and Modek found the name “Ludwig Mises,” with “Fund #623” printed next to it. ... 64689.html

That's a hint at the Holocaust Museum Researcher's lack of interest in actually investigating available research material. Could it be that they are afraid of finding information contradicting their narrative? Of course they portrayed this in a different light scooping that they "helped finding the papers" ( ... in-moscow/), while they actually had to be pushed by the Mises Institute to do some digging.

Also interesting that the evil Nazis actually didn't destroy the Mises papers, but actually preserved them. The Soviets, believing that anything the Nazis had perserved must have value, put it subsequently into their archives.

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