The stated purpose of this website is to promote open discussion of
but I can find no further explanation of the event historical event called "Holocaust,"
When I sought to learn the reality of the Holocaust, the first question was "Where, when, and how were six million jews killed?" No one had a ready answer, not the United States Holocaust Memorial and Museum, not Wikipedia, not major encyclopedias, and not this site. The information for individual events may exist, but I wasn't going to spend days digging out this information. Ultimately, while watching the "One Third of the Holocaust" video I did find what I was looking for. It was an extract from Hilberg's Destruction of the European Jews .
I am sure other first time investigators of the truth about the Holocaust have had the same problem. It would be good if this site could provide this summary.
It is certainly no accident that USHMM and Wikipedia do not provide this summary. Once the details of the story are known the lies become obvious. An identification of the where, when, and how's of the alleged crime is the first step to exposing these details.