Holocaust revisionism will not prosper

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Re: Holocaust revisionism will not prosper

Postby Lamprecht » 5 months 4 days ago (Wed Jan 04, 2023 8:13 am)

OP wanted everyone here to believe that support of these mRNA shots is so widespread and universal that nobody would take revisionism seriously unless everyone here was pro-vax. However, a new Rasmussen poll of Americans has found quite the opposite:

https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public ... 9_vaccines
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that (49%) of American Adults believe it is likely that side effects of COVID-19 vaccines have caused a significant number of unexplained deaths, including 28% who think it’s Very Likely. Thirty-seven percent (37%) don’t say a significant number of deaths have been caused by vaccine side effects, including 17% who believe it’s Not At All Likely. Another 14% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Twenty-eight percent (28%) of adults say they personally know someone whose death they think may have been caused by side effects of COVID-19 vaccines, while 61% don’t and another 10% are not sure.
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Holocaust revisionism will not prosper

Postby HeiligeSturm » 5 months 4 days ago (Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:32 am)

Lamprecht wrote:OP wanted everyone here to believe that support of these mRNA shots is so widespread and universal that nobody would take revisionism seriously unless everyone here was pro-vax. However, a new Rasmussen poll of Americans has found quite the opposite:

https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public ... 9_vaccines
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that (49%) of American Adults believe it is likely that side effects of COVID-19 vaccines have caused a significant number of unexplained deaths, including 28% who think it’s Very Likely. Thirty-seven percent (37%) don’t say a significant number of deaths have been caused by vaccine side effects, including 17% who believe it’s Not At All Likely. Another 14% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Twenty-eight percent (28%) of adults say they personally know someone whose death they think may have been caused by side effects of COVID-19 vaccines, while 61% don’t and another 10% are not sure.

In addition to this, many people were ready to loose their jobs for not getting vaccines. And many people did lose their jobs.
"Surprisingly, however, in the book [Schlomo] Venezia does not describe it at all: he
does not indicate its size, its location in the building..."
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Re: Holocaust revisionism will not prosper

Postby Lamprecht » 4 months 2 weeks ago (Fri Jan 20, 2023 10:44 am)

UK doctors are now coming out at great personal risk against these shots. (OP appears to be from the UK, based on his laughably childish assertion that the UK government is trustworthy).

UK Doctors Call For Government To Urgently Pause and Investigate the Use of Novel mRNA Covid Vaccines
https://archive.vn/9Bu2H | https://doctorsforpatientsuk.com/press-release/

These physicians risk being fired and having their license to practice medicine taken away. Their crime? Telling the truth about the dangers of the COVID mRNA "vaccines."
Linking to the video is disallowed on Twitter and other platforms. When practicing medical professionals have to be systematically censored to promote a narrative, you can be certain that the government is not interested in public health!
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Holocaust revisionism will not prosper

Postby forasanerworld » 3 months 2 weeks ago (Fri Feb 24, 2023 8:00 am)

Revision wrote:
Lamprecht wrote:

Lamprecht. We are not some "supporters" of the vaccines or Covid measures. For me at least the biggest problem is the grand conspiracy in which very many people even in "revisionist" circles seem to believe. Most of them seem to believe that the vaccines are used to deliberately genocide people.

In reality Jews are more vaccinated than other people :lol: Anudda shoah!
"Jews have the lowest levels of vaccine 'hesitancy' of any religious group in the country, according to a report released Tuesday by the Public Religion Research Institute, with 85% vaccinated or planning to get the shot — compared to 71% of all Americans."
Forward: Guess which faith group is most likely to be vaccinated?: https://forward.com/news/473643/jews-ac ... ps-survey/

"Most of them seem to believe that the vaccines are used to deliberately genocide people."

Well Bill Gates is on record as saying that golobal population needs to be reduced, his African vaccination programme got kicked out of African states because of the "unintended" side efect of female sterilisation, he his alos right behind Palanne Parenthood, as for direct deaths as a consequence, oh yes, SADS "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome" is the new kid on the illness block where 24 year female air hostesses drop dead as have countless professional and amateur athletes at a rate WAY above the background rate, mortallity rates are now off the chart bu the only "pandemic" was created by the falsity of the "testing programme", always remember, we can all understand that people tell small lies but surely not lies so big as tosteal the whole world?

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Re: Holocaust revisionism will not prosper

Postby Hektor » 3 months 1 week ago (Sat Feb 25, 2023 4:18 am)

forasanerworld wrote:
Revision wrote:
Lamprecht wrote:

Lamprecht. We are not some "supporters" of the vaccines or Covid measures. For me at least the biggest problem is the grand conspiracy in which very many people even in "revisionist" circles seem to believe. Most of them seem to believe that the vaccines are used to deliberately genocide people.

In reality Jews are more vaccinated than other people :lol: Anudda shoah!
"Jews have the lowest levels of vaccine 'hesitancy' of any religious group in the country, according to a report released Tuesday by the Public Religion Research Institute, with 85% vaccinated or planning to get the shot — compared to 71% of all Americans."
Forward: Guess which faith group is most likely to be vaccinated?: https://forward.com/news/473643/jews-ac ... ps-survey/

"Most of them seem to believe that the vaccines are used to deliberately genocide people."

Well Bill Gates is on record as saying that golobal population needs to be reduced, his African vaccination programme got kicked out of African states because of the "unintended" side efect of female sterilisation, he his alos right behind Palanne Parenthood, as for direct deaths as a consequence, oh yes, SADS "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome" is the new kid on the illness block where 24 year female air hostesses drop dead as have countless professional and amateur athletes at a rate WAY above the background rate, mortallity rates are now off the chart bu the only "pandemic" was created by the falsity of the "testing programme", always remember, we can all understand that people tell small lies but surely not lies so big as tosteal the whole world?

I think it's called 'planned Barrenhood ' for a reason. There is issues with vaccinations. One thing is toxic ingredients in them. Another issue is 'the science' behind it . A lot of it is simply superstition. And remarkably similar to some tenets of homeopathy. E.g. small amounts of poison to fight bigger amounts of poison. Then there is of course the whole issue of what causes disease or detrimental health conditions in humans. AND, perhaps that's the biggest issue. What are the long term health effects of vaccinations in a larger population. You'd have to compare comparative vaccinated people with unvaccinated ones in large groups over decades to determine what the effects actually are. Strangely such research is virtually never done. There is only anecdotal evidence available from doctors that compare the health histories of vaccinated patients with unvaccinated one. Those that I heard about indicate that unvaccinated children are healthier at average. But the question still remains why this is the case.

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Re: Holocaust revisionism will not prosper

Postby fireofice » 1 month 2 weeks ago (Thu Apr 20, 2023 7:24 pm)

Here is a book I came across called Will Vaccines Be the End of Us? by John Massaro.

https://endtheshots.com/wp-content/uplo ... S-2021.pdf

His website:

He takes on the narrative that vaccines have been beneficial going all the way back to its origins. I'm no medical expert and I'm not sure how accurate the book is, but I figured I would post it here as it is relevant to the thread and others here would be interested in giving it a look. He also talks about holocaust revisionism a bit in the book as well.

He did a review of his own book here:
https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/02/wh ... cine-book/

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Re: Holocaust revisionism will not prosper

Postby Butterfangers » 1 month 2 weeks ago (Fri Apr 21, 2023 12:29 am)

fireofice wrote:vaccines have been beneficial

That's a completely different question than whether:

1) The vaccines which exist are more beneficial than they are problematic, relative to the diseases they aim to prevent and the actual risk thereof at any given time. The number of vaccines on the recommended schedule blew up just as soon as liability protections went up (1986, if I recall correctly). That's no coincidence.
2) Whether experimental mRNA technology (produced in companies overwhelmingly run---or disproportionately influeced---by Jews) are really a close comparable to any vaccines of the past.

I'm not sure what this thread was originally about (have not read it through as of yet) so I don't want to derail and not feeling patient enough to dig up my research thus far on this subject but, long story short, there is some clear evidence the negative impacts on fertility from these mRNA "vaccines" has disproportionately affected whites/caucasians, mainly white females.

Here a kicker: the least affected group, of all groups on the planet, is Ashkenazi Jews.

If you're a doubter of so-called" white replacement theory", you might want to check out "Europa: The Last Battle", a ten-part series, here:


I have some criticisms of it but those pale in comparison to the overall value in watching it from start-to-finish.

Taken in the context of the information provided in that documentary series (and tons of other information now widely available), I feel I have good reason to suspect the producers of these "vaccines" have motives which go beyond the best interests and well-being of global citizens.

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Re: Holocaust revisionism will not prosper

Postby Whodunnit? » 1 month 2 weeks ago (Fri Apr 21, 2023 2:05 am)

If you research the history of revisionism, it's quite amazing how far it got in the past, but in the end it failed. The antifa-religion only got more and more irrational and hysterical. So if it didn't prosper in the past, it won't in the near future. So in the early 80's you had the Zuendel-trial, but all that was needed to eradicate it from people's memory was a bunch of movies. Stories are just more powerful than facts.
How did I get here? Well, several years ago, Youtube would recommend you Holocaust revisionist documentaries. I didn't look for this. Youtube said "hey, watch this bro". I clicked and :shock: A lot of people must have experienced the same. But did it have any effect? I don't see it.

Look at this.
https://odysee.com/@AvaWolfe:d/Brave-Sl ... ogue-(2019):0

This is a clip of a Slovakian student telling a "Holocaust survivor" that he doesn't believe in the Holocaust. He has to dance around it because Holocaust denial is illegal in Slovakia, but I guess he knows the basic arguments. And the Holocaust survivor knows that he knows these arguments. How does the Holocaust survivor reply? Is she talking about how the gas chambers actually do work, or how it was actually possible to cremate all those people in that little amount of time with these few ovens and that little coal? No. She tells him a story. A story of heroism and tragedy, heartwarming, sad... She probably knows that it won't convince the brave student that stood up. But all the other students probably will be so touched by the story, that they will consider their class mate a cruel and ignorant Nazi-apologist and/or tin foil-hatter.

This is how easy it is.

The legitimacy of pretty much every country in the secular world is based on emotions, and these emotions are taught by stories. Emotional stories have replaced religion. It's not just the Holocaust. For the Chinese, it's probably their own "Chinocaust", their suffering under European colonization in the "age of humiliation", then Japanese aggression, the "rape of Nanjiing" and "Unit 731" or whatever, and then their anti-colonial struggle and steep ascendancy to an economic world power. That's a cool story.
So this is how it works.

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Re: Holocaust revisionism will not prosper

Postby Hektor » 1 month 2 weeks ago (Fri Apr 21, 2023 2:32 am)

fireofice wrote:Here is a book I came across called Will Vaccines Be the End of Us? by John Massaro.

https://endtheshots.com/wp-content/uplo ... S-2021.pdf

His website:

He takes on the narrative that vaccines have been beneficial going all the way back to its origins. I'm no medical expert and I'm not sure how accurate the book is, but I figured I would post it here as it is relevant to the thread and others here would be interested in giving it a look. He also talks about holocaust revisionism a bit in the book as well.

He did a review of his own book here:
https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/02/wh ... cine-book/

The question whether vaccines are beneficial would need some well designed research done on the matter first. This has, to my knowledge, never been done or published. What would have to be done is have a large group of people taking part in a long-term study. You'd need at least two large groups in this. One group getting vaccines another group that doesn't. After that the groups need to be compared over time in terms of their health history. Only when the vaccinated are significantly healthier than the unvaccinated one could say that the vaccines are 'beneficial' at least in terms of the broader group.

This does not say whether they are beneficial for the individual, though. There always can be exception.

Now the argument that the pro-vaxxers are using also work with statistics. E.g. they pick the figures of how many people did die diagnosed with a specific disease over the years. Then they indicate that a major vaccination campaign started at some point of time and will point out that the number of people that died with a specific diagnose did decrease over time. Now that sounds plausible to the layman that this would show that 'vaccines are beneficial'. But it actually doesn't. At best they are not significantly deadly.
The argument also neglects that living conditions did change during the period the data was gathered, often drastically. But one can not simply disconsider this in the way they are doing this, unless one wants to deceive of course.

The argument that vaccines work is more or less the following. Certain molecules are associated with 'immunity'. Now they go and inject the vaccine. If the probands have those molecules after them in them after having had the vaccine, they will claim that the vaccine has immunized the probands successfully. This has a ring of logic to it, but it leaves a lot of questions unanswered that are assumed to have positive answers to them.

Vaccines have become a Myth since there inception. They made Jenner famous and governments forced populations to be vaccinated since then. Medical professionals are taught that vaccines saved the world. That Jenner is a 'hero of science', etc. Vaccination gets treated like a sacrament in this. If you take it you do that to protect your health and the health of others, etc. Many of those that believe this, get hysterical, if somebody is known to be 'unvaccinated'. The unvaccinated get blamed, when the vaccinated get sick. This has the marks of an irrational cult. It should also be considered that the number of vaccines given to people has grown exponentially over time. This went with a growth in chronic disease requiring perpetual medication. For every little problem there are pills now that help to manage them. That's lots of turn-over for this industry. So there is some conflict of interest as well.

Holocaust Revisionism is agnostic on vaccines of course. But people that are skeptical when it comes to Main Stream Historiography, naturally are prone to be skeptical on statements made by the medical establishment as well. Many anti-vaxxers are Health-Nazis, too. So from the Holocaust Believer perspective this can easily be associated with each other. But why should one care about this? The bulk of Holocaust Believers are people that will believe anything society or the establishment says.


Slovakia was an early ally of NS-Germany.

The vast majority of people are not interested whether a detail of history is true or not. Even if they are interested that interest is secondary at best to them. And well, 'there are so many other problems that need attention' can't bother about something that happened about a generation ago. They are also not interested into debating with people that don't want to listen and think anyway. So they rather leave it there. They prefer to don't have additional conflicts with their neighbors. And for sure they don't want to be on some PC-enforcers watchlist.

Those talks by "Holocaust-Survivors" are much like a church setting. Some martyr talking to a crowd of people that want to hear a fascinating story. That his or her presence is actually contrary evidence to what is alleged doesn't matter. The story is emotional and that's actually what those stories are about. Then they also have a fluid definition of what 'Holocaust' means. It starts with Jews being deported and interned during world war two and then slides into them being 'put into gas chambers'. The story-line can change. What counts is them 'feelings'. If those can be induced in people, it becomes possible to manipulate the masses in the future. That's all that counts. It's irrelevant, if it is true or not, what counts is that people find it believable at least to some extent. If you can get them to believe absurd stuff, that's a bonus. If they feel ashamed or anxious for not believing you, the better.

Most religions will employ emotion as a device to instill attachment and receptiveness. It creates a 'togetherness' among them. The less genuine it is, the more emotion needs to be employed. The Catholics did do that with Martyr stories and stories of saints and also with the whole ritualism they are using. They know how important it is to control the culture. They also know that 'victimhood' conveys 'authority' to the (alleged) victims or those that claim to act on their behalf. Jews know that as well. In fact within the Kahal-system they have perfected this to the max.

That one is not 'legally permitted' to 'deny the Holocaust' should be stressed in public conversations. Perhaps people realize that this is a problem. But I've seen this being rationalized as well. 'If it wouldn't be bad, it wouldn't be banned'. I've also seen Holocaust Believers complaining that Holocaust Deniers use 'Holocaust Denial bans' as excuse not to argue against it. What can they do, if people don't say "it never happened", but instead say they lack belief in it, because there is no compelling evidence for this?

I mean, they find that acceptable when Atheists (Deity Deniers) argue like this. Why should "Holocaust Deniers" not be be allowed to do the same? Are supposedly gassed Jews, more important than God? That's exactly what it seems to be.

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Re: Holocaust revisionism will not prosper

Postby Rockartisten » 1 month 2 weeks ago (Fri Apr 21, 2023 7:02 pm)

Kwashiorkor wrote:It's now conflated with conspiracy theory twaddle including Covid-19 denial and anti-vaccinationist rhetoric.

It will prosper just fine as long as people deep in the establishment keep telling stupid stories like these:

The stepfather of U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, survived the gas chambers of Auschwitz, twice, pretending to mop the floors. Lololol

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Re: Holocaust revisionism will not prosper

Postby Hektor » 1 month 2 weeks ago (Sat Apr 22, 2023 1:33 am)

Rockartisten wrote:
Kwashiorkor wrote:It's now conflated with conspiracy theory twaddle including Covid-19 denial and anti-vaccinationist rhetoric.

It will prosper just fine as long as people deep in the establishment keep telling stupid stories like these:

The stepfather of U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, survived the gas chambers of Auschwitz, twice, pretending to mop the floors. Lololol

And that's still an improved story. Much like many that is passed on as 'oral history' nowadays. The typical structure is exposed. 'Evil White people' ("Nazis") wanting to kill innocent non-White people (Jews), but ultimately failing in one special case. While that doesn't live up to scrutiny, there will be 80% plus people who will find it sufficiently believable and even educative. If you're under the spell, you find this perfectly reasonable. If you are not, you will have your doubts, of course . But doubting is a sin in this religion. So rather not be open about it.

German girl on memory culture:

I'm sure she tries to be honest about the subject.
But she essentially repeats the lies they are told by schools, media, publishers.
And that makes them credible to most people, that the lies are told by people that are essentially sincere in believing them. This is how larger con-scams work. And it is of course makes it difficult to tell people that they are being lied to.

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Re: Holocaust revisionism will not prosper

Postby hermod » 1 month 2 weeks ago (Sun Apr 23, 2023 11:11 pm)

Whodunnit? wrote:If you research the history of revisionism, it's quite amazing how far it got in the past, but in the end it failed. The antifa-religion only got more and more irrational and hysterical. So if it didn't prosper in the past, it won't in the near future. So in the early 80's you had the Zuendel-trial, but all that was needed to eradicate it from people's memory was a bunch of movies. Stories are just more powerful than facts.

True, but keep in mind that Holocaust revisionists don't have schools and mainstream mass media to tell a large audience on a daily basis about their arguments. In a way, Holocaust revisionists are like Palestinians. They are right but almost without a voice and even with many voices loudly speaking against them 24/7.


Whodunnit? wrote:The legitimacy of pretty much every country in the secular world is based on emotions, and these emotions are taught by stories. Emotional stories have replaced religion. It's not just the Holocaust. For the Chinese, it's probably their own "Chinocaust", their suffering under European colonization in the "age of humiliation", then Japanese aggression, the "rape of Nanjiing" and "Unit 731" or whatever, and then their anti-colonial struggle and steep ascendancy to an economic world power. That's a cool story.
So this is how it works.

If memory serves me right, Hitler explained in Mein Kampf that he had learned a lot of things from Allied propaganda during WWI and that one of those things was that crowds are always more emotional than rational. Ironically, a big part of that Allied propaganda was made of atrocity stories that were later rehashed and compiled under the name "The Holocaust."
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Holocaust revisionism will not prosper

Postby Hektor » 1 month 2 weeks ago (Mon Apr 24, 2023 4:54 am)

Holocaust Revisionists have only a limited access to funding, income streams and commercial, educational and administrative infrastructure. It's mostly hobbyists dealing with the issue. People that do some things on their private initiative. For the product there is only a niche market available. And then there is a limited number of sponsors. Simply because most people don't even know about it. Many won't understand the value of it neither.

Exterminationists, on the other hand, have access to public funding, have income streams from official position and can access the commercial and educational infrastructure rather easily. A lot of them have university education in history and the humanities and they can make a living from being a 'Holocaustian'. They don't need to worry about persecution and harassment for entertaining a controversial opinion neither. The book publishers will gladly procure their work and make sure the books will get a wider distribution via their networks. There is sponsors for this work as well. The public also 'understands the value'. After all don't we have to educate those little ones that something like the Holocaust can 'happen never again'?

That gives one the idea of the power disparity Holocaust Revisionism has to face in the present world. Until the 1970s the Holocaust thing was mostly a side issue. There was a Revisionist niche already but rather in an embryonic stage. Other issues had more of social relevance at the time. This only changed ones the Holocaust Lobby became more pushy. And movies were made to persuade people about 'the Holocaust' putting it in the public mind. That's why there was a reaction from the Revisionist side. Ernst Zundel being perhaps the most famous example. A lot of it was still amateurish. Although Ernst Zundel did indeed make some good interviews with researchers and contemporary witnesses. And well, his trial lead to the Leuchter Report and subsequent forensic research into gas chambers. The Fall of the USSR/Warsaw pact made this possible. Legislation to suppress Holocaust Revisionism was steeped up however. And the Holocaust Lobby also became more pushy over time.

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Re: Holocaust revisionism will not prosper

Postby hermod » 1 month 2 weeks ago (Mon Apr 24, 2023 7:55 am)

Hektor wrote:Until the 1970s the Holocaust thing was mostly a side issue. There was a Revisionist niche already but rather in an embryonic stage. Other issues had more of social relevance at the time. This only changed ones the Holocaust Lobby became more pushy. And movies were made to persuade people about 'the Holocaust' putting it in the public mind. That's why there was a reaction from the Revisionist side. Ernst Zundel being perhaps the most famous example. A lot of it was still amateurish. Although Ernst Zundel did indeed make some good interviews with researchers and contemporary witnesses. And well, his trial lead to the Leuchter Report and subsequent forensic research into gas chambers. The Fall of the USSR/Warsaw pact made this possible. Legislation to suppress Holocaust Revisionism was steeped up however. And the Holocaust Lobby also became more pushy over time.

An almost unbelievable title :
"Holocaust, What's That? "
- May 1981

And no such thing as a Holocaust in the 1973 edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica :

"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Holocaust revisionism will not prosper

Postby Hektor » 1 month 2 weeks ago (Mon Apr 24, 2023 9:21 am)

hermod wrote:
Hektor wrote:Until the 1970s the Holocaust thing was mostly a side issue. There was a Revisionist niche already but rather in an embryonic stage. Other issues had more of social relevance at the time. This only changed ones the Holocaust Lobby became more pushy. And movies were made to persuade people about 'the Holocaust' putting it in the public mind. That's why there was a reaction from the Revisionist side. Ernst Zundel being perhaps the most famous example. A lot of it was still amateurish. Although Ernst Zundel did indeed make some good interviews with researchers and contemporary witnesses. And well, his trial lead to the Leuchter Report and subsequent forensic research into gas chambers. The Fall of the USSR/Warsaw pact made this possible. Legislation to suppress Holocaust Revisionism was steeped up however. And the Holocaust Lobby also became more pushy over time.

An almost unbelievable title :
"Holocaust, What's That? "
- May 1981

And no such thing as a Holocaust in the 1973 edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica :

Did Reitlinger and Hillberg use the term in their earlier publications?
The term emerged only in the 1970s although earlier usage is of course possible.

Notably I wonder how many 'students' would know those facts today. And I'm talking about people that essentially believe in the Holocaust 'as the Nazis did murder all those Jews'-thing. They will recall the name Hitler. Think they know what "NAZI" is, but wouldn't know that this was neither the name of the party (NSDAP) nor the political movement (National Socialism). They could perhaps recall the name of one camp, but wouldn't have any idea about the history and how things came about. They probably will recall some movie from 'school' or the staff that is frequently on media. But that's it. What they did "learn" are the lessons like 'being tolerant', 'not to be critical of Jews', 'not to be racist', 'not to be homophobic', etc... And of course to be against any ethno-nationalist or anti-woke groups they can think of. They may not even know why. So the whole affair is kind of 'prejudices' that have been instilled there over time.

They probably have heard about "Holocaust Deniers" , but think they must be stupid, haven't they seen the movies, haven't they heard what Deborah Lipstadt said?

An academic doing his doctoral degree in history once told me that he thinks the problem for Holocaust Revisionism, even when this is legal and handled without prejudice, is simply that only a small percentage of people would be interested in the subject. 1-5% would be an interest. They'd buy books on the matter, if they were on the rack. I should however add that this is the group that matters on what is 'thought in society'. Those are the people that form the opinions for other people within the same society. If they'd think the Revisionists are right. This ultimately would also be part of the curriculum. It would say that Jews were put into camps, but add that this feature was later abused by Allied atrocity propaganda. In fact I think a 'school book' survey would perhaps be a good idea. What do textbooks given to students in school ACTUALLY say?

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