Zionist disinfo about Schwab.

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Zionist disinfo about Schwab.

Postby Turpitz » 4 months 1 week ago (Wed Feb 01, 2023 6:05 am)

Just to put this one to rest, as communism devours the West, they are really going for food production again, as usual. The Judas-goats are out in force drawing the Goy away from the obvious and back to their beloved answer to anything they cannot comprehend "It waz du Nazis". Can you believe that they have actually convinced a large percentage of dumb-Goy that mass third-world immigration and rape of your daughters was a policy of the N.S.D.A.P.?

Anyway, here is one doing the rounds. On the left is Communist Jew, Klaus Schwab.


The Wermacht Officer on the right is: Generalmajor Dipl.Ing. Walther Dybilasz. It is not Klaus Schwab's father, Eugen Schwab as claimed.

Born: 1.10.1892 at Altona
Died/ murdered: January 1950 in a Russian P.O.W. Camp at Stalingrad. He was handed over to the commies by those good ol' Yanks. Sentenced to 25 years’ hard labour for war crimes (none specified, not that that seems to matter) and worked to death in Stalingrad.
First Joined: 1.10.1913
Became Lt: Eisenb.Rgt.2 6.8.14
Prewar Service: Eisenb.Pi.Lehr u.Vers.Bn 1.10.37
Promotions: Obstlt 1.3.37
Oberst: 1.1.39
Gen.Maj:. 1.8.42
Command: Eisenb.Pi.Rgt.3 25.10.39
Eisenb.Pi.Brig.1 Mid 41
Eisenb.Pi.Brig.3 1.8.42.-wars end
Awards: Deutsches Kreuz in Silber


Above: The real Generalmajor Dipl.Ing. Walther Dybilasz

Scumbag David Icke was doing this during the last few years, putting up images of the Waffen SS as being behind the dangerous farce of Covid. It takes very little effort to discover who owns the dysgenics industries and who infests the American C.D.C. from top to bottom.

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Re: Zionist disinfo about Schwab.

Postby Hektor » 4 months 4 days ago (Fri Feb 03, 2023 6:18 pm)

It's an extension of the "Nazi conspiracy theory". What it claims is that while Germany was defeated and occupied by the audience, while there was denazification and an international campaign against "Nazism", there was a powerful Nazi-underground that controls huge assets and resources that now tries to "take over the world".
The producers of that notion try to use existing prejudices and NAZI-imagery already present in their audience. It's a conspiracy theory that becomes believable, if you already have swallowed Holocaust and the cartoon version of National Socialism ('Nazi"). Not all that believe the later will however be falling for that theory, since pretty many are convinced that "NAZISM was defeated for good"... They maybe concerned about Neonazis (which is totally unwarranted), but they don't think they are plotting to 'take over the world'.

Those proposing and propagating this stuff are probably grifters on the one hand. On the other hand they are creating a smoke-screen and distraction from the real problems and the cabal that is thriving in them. Those are anything, but "NAZIS". They are internationalists, love plutocracy, lover multiculturalism and essentially support the woke version of Neomarxism. The NS-goals were limited to Germany and perhaps regions that had potential influence on it. They fought the second world war, because this was deemed necessary to defend Germany's position and claims to revising the so-called Versailles Treaty that was bullied onto the gullible Germans that assumed that Wilson't 14 points would be applied. They were naive to believe that there would be a fair settlement by the Allies, which there wasn't the Germanophobes got their way in Versailles and long afterwards.

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Re: Zionist disinfo about Schwab.

Postby Mongol » 4 months 3 days ago (Sat Feb 04, 2023 1:38 pm)

Turpitz wrote:On the left is Communist Jew, Klaus Schwab.

What's your source that he's a Jew?

In 2021, American Intelligence Media published a post where they speculated that Schwab's real mother may have been Emma Gisela Schwab née Tekelius, who is supposed to be the mother of Klaus Schwab's half brother Hans Ernst Schwab. [https://aim4truth.org/2021/03/16/klaus-schwab-is-the-great-barker-of-the-fourth-reich/] AIM found a passenger manifest from Ancestry​.com for a Gisela Schwab whose ethnicity was listed as Hebrew and who arrived from Hamburg to New York in 1938. [https://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/library/1938-12-09-Gisela-Schwab-aka-Emma-Gisela-Tekelius-Schwab-nee-Kilian-%28arr-Dec-09-1938-Manifest-of-Alien-Passengers-on-SS-Washington-sailing-from-Hamburg-Nov-30-1938-List-5-US-Nat-Arch-Dec-12-1938.pdf]

But I think Gisela Schwab is not the same person as Emma Gisela Schwab: "In 1938, a Jewish merchant named Bernhard Schwab emigrated to the United States with his wife Gisela Schwab and their young son Ludwig. We know this because they arrived in Ellis Island on December 9, 1938, and their ethnicity is listed as 'Hebrew' on the immigration record. Commentators have proposed that this Gisela Schwab is actually Klaus Schwab's mother, Emma Gisela. In reality, this is clearly a completely different person. Her first name is Gisela not Emma, her maiden name is Schoenberg not Kilian, her birthplace is Graefenr not Karlsruhe, and her last name is Schwab because she is married to a man who is clearly not Klaus Schwab's father." [https://dystopianliving.substack.com/p/reality-check-is-klaus-schwab-jewish]

In the passenger manifest, Gisela Schwab has age 38, occupation housewife, and visa ID 7154, and she is listed next to Bernhard Schwab (age 54, occupation merchant, visa ID 7155) and Ludwig Schwab (age 9, occupation pupil, visa ID 7155). It is not indicated whether they were family members, but they have consecutive visa IDs and Ludwig is listed as having the same visa ID as Bernhard. In the tenth column titled "Race or people", it says "HEBREW" on the first row and all other rows say "DO" which means ditto. The article by AIM didn't say anything about Bernhard or Ludwig.


The article by AIM didn't even provide good evidence that Emma Gisela Schwab was the real mother of Klaus. The official story is that she is only the mother of his half brother. The dedication of Schwab's book "Stakeholder Capitalism" says: "To my parents, Eugen Wilhelm Schwab (†) and Erika Epprecht (†), who taught me firsthand the value of education, collaboration, and the stakeholder principle". [https://libgen.lc/index.php?req=stakeholder+capitalism+schwab, https://books.google.com/books?id=0OQSEAAAQBAJ&q=eugen+wilhelm+schwab]

If you search Ancestry.com for records of people with the first names "Emma Gisela", the last name "Schwab", and the year of birth 1900, the passenger manifest featuring Gisela Schwab is one of the first results, along with results about people with names like "Emma G Schew" and "Emma Amalie Schwab". [https://www.ancestry.com/search/?name=emma+gisela_schwab&birth=1900] So that may have been what fooled American Intelligence Media.


In 2022, American Intelligence Media also published an article where they said that Klaus Schwab's family is related to the Rothschild family because Mayer Amschel Rothschild's paternal ancestors had the surname Bacharach before they adopted the name Rothschild, and according to the Bacharach DNA project, a paternal ancestor of the Rothschilds was also the paternal ancestor of Rabbi Abraham Bachrach whose son was named Rabbi Schmül Schwab. [https://aim4truth.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/2022-02-23-Rothschilds-and-Schwabs-are-German-Frankist-blood-cousins-Feb-23-2022.pdf, https://www.bacharachdna.com/family-trees/frankfurt-project/, https://jewsoffrankfurt.com/family-trees/j2a4b1-bacharach-treves-weil-wertheimer/bacharach/] AIM claimed that it indicated the Bacharach family was intermarried with the Schwab family, but I think one member of the Bacharach family just adopted the surname Schwab at one point, because the surname of the paternal line does not usually change through marriage (or at least not 500 years ago). On Geni there's an entry for "Rabbi Schmuel Ben Avrohom Bikrach Schwab" whose father is named "Rabbi Avrohom Schwab", so I don't know if Abraham also used the name Schwab. [https://www.geni.com/people/Morenu-Raw-Rabbi-Schmuel-Schwab/6000000007272284063] But in any case, there's several unrelated families who have adopted the toponymic surname Schwab.


The article by AIM from 2022 also said: "Klaus Schwab's blood relationship to the Rothschilds (real name Bacharach) reaches back to the 13 century. According to numerous Schwab ancestries, his original ancestor was Ulrich Schwab, Commander of the Knights Hospitallers (1298-1315), and first Count of Nemerow (Germany)." But why would Klaus Schwab be descended both from someone who already used the name Schwab in the 12th century and from a family which only adopted the surname Schwab around the 16th century?

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Re: Zionist disinfo about Schwab.

Postby Turpitz » 3 months 4 weeks ago (Wed Feb 08, 2023 4:03 pm)

What's your source that he's a Jew?

From researching about Elie Weasel in 2006, at that time all the info was available on the Internet. Total waste of time now as like so many things it has all been rewritten or deleted. He seemed to have a great deal to do with The Weasel, and I remember thinking at the time, how curious.

I can remember specifically reading a lot of articles at the time about these types of meetings: http://web.worldbank.org/archive/website00818/WEB/OTHER/HISTOR-2.HTM where it was mentioned time and time again about his Jewish heritage and representing them. Once again, all deleted now from the U.N., W.E.F.., World Bank, Club of Rome etc sites. But there used to be loads of these types of write-ups

Around this time, It used to be on The Chabad Bulletin Board (Wikipedia) about his "Jewishness" all since deleted and very minimal now.

Sixteen years ago the various Ancestry pages had his 'real' mother as the Jewess who did a bunk to America, this has all been removed now and become all cryptic. One of his brothers had said that he was of the same mother as he as well, was it Hans? I cannot recall now. As the exploits of this creature (I do believe him to be just a disposable front) has become more widely known to the dumb-Goy, it seems there has been a concerted effort to, how shall we say, cleanse his origins. Also of note, and wasn't in the least bit surprising, was at the time of Sept. 11th, 2001, he was sat in a Synagogue with a Jew named Rabbi Arthur Schneier and a load of other Khazars watching events unfold whilst drinking wine and eating breakfast, you know, like front row seats at a film premiere.

All this censorship is across the board now and is going to increase in magnitude at an alarming rate, exactly as many have warned us in the past. At the time, sixteen years ago, I had seen enough to satisfy myself that he was tribe though.

I never took any notice of the Rothschild stuff, just poisoning the well, which is a tactic used everytime.

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Re: Zionist disinfo about Schwab.

Postby Hektor » 3 months 4 weeks ago (Wed Feb 08, 2023 5:00 pm)

I don't see any reason yet not to believe the account that has been given on his family. But I won't be surprised, if there were already several accounts of his 'secret ancestors'. Klaus is around for longer already. And there are those that are obsessed with finding a Jew in anyone's ancestry.

Jewish media mentioned him already in the 1990s:
https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/arti ... s%20Schwab

Proof must be better than hearsay or something someone wrote on the internet.

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Re: Zionist disinfo about Schwab.

Postby Turpitz » 3 months 4 weeks ago (Thu Feb 09, 2023 12:46 pm)

Proof must be better than hearsay or something someone wrote on the internet.

Of course proof is better than hearesay, but when all proof is being deleted it becomes difficult, by design. I have no proof that all the Jews left Birkenau because they destroyed all the train departures, but I still believe they did simply by ignoring the lies and propaganda and using my own sense of reason and trying to piece it together against a tidalwave of censure and censorship. Hearsey from the internet is all you have and it will controlled absolutely. Everything you post if from the internet, a totally steerable enterprise, as was meant to be. As this censorship increaes I will probably have to leave the internet. The communist

At the time there was only one question regarding his ancestry and that was whether his mother was the Jewess who bore his brother, or she wasn't.

As mentioned, all the info has been scrubbed, what you have now is stuff like this:


They were the parents of at least 2 sons.
Talk about towing the official line but also making sure you cover yourself. And good old Klaus isn't even mentioned anymore.

I don't see any reason yet not to believe the account that has been given on his family.

Well, with all due respect, it seems you hold pathological Pyschopaths in higher esteem than I, as I would not believe anything from his mouth. When I hear this sort of apathy towards these warmongering nutcases I know that our children are doomed to an awful destiny and why the noose tightens and gathers momentun year after year. I am also, after the last few years, convinced the Goy want to make excuses up for these creatures because the alternative is to have to grow a backbone and confront them and I now do not believe the Goy have it in them to confront anything and they are going to literally sleepwalk into extinction. That's The conclusion I am drawing.

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Re: Zionist disinfo about Schwab.

Postby Hektor » 3 months 3 weeks ago (Sat Feb 11, 2023 6:58 am)

Turpitz wrote:
Proof must be better than hearsay or something someone wrote on the internet.

Of course proof is better than hearesay, but when all proof is being deleted it becomes difficult, by design. I have no proof that all the Jews left Birkenau because they destroyed all the train departures, but I still believe they did simply by ignoring the lies and propaganda and using my own sense of reason and trying to piece it together against a tidalwave of censure and censorship. Hearsey from the internet is all you have and it will controlled absolutely. Everything you post if from the internet, a totally steerable enterprise, as was meant to be. As this censorship increase I will probably have to leave the internet. The communist

Well, one needs to consider burden of proof.
1.) If you claim that Jews were gassed in Birkenau, you are the one that needs to prove this.
2.) If I claim that they were transported elsewhere, that won't be an accusation, hence no burden of proof on me.
3.) If you claim somebody is nefariously hiding his Jewish ancestry, while indeed he is a Jew. Well, then there is a burden of proof on you.
4.) If Klaus Schwab applies for a job with my firm... Yeah, then I can ask questions about his ancestry.

The thing is that claiming some famous person got 'Jewish ancestry' is sort of the disinfo gag of choice. Just spreading the rumors with phony proof is the easiest way to make critics look stupid, when you can actually show that there is documentation of this not being the case.... Done with Klaus Schwab. And well, the fact that there is far more disinfo making the rounds about him. Does actually increase the burden of proof on those making claims. There is a record about his mother (not Jewish). So there we go.

Claiming censorship is a cop-out akin to "the Nazis destroyed all the evidence". Some stuff gets kicked off, simply because it is nonsense nobody wants to be associated with. "Schwab is a Rothschild" is a good example for this, so are edited speeches.

The folks passing on disinfo on social media aren't helping... They discredit other critics by association. And that's probably the reason why that disinfo gets started anyway. We must stop helping those that distribute it.

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