Turpitz wrote:On the left is Communist Jew, Klaus Schwab.
What's your source that he's a Jew?
In 2021, American Intelligence Media published a post where they speculated that Schwab's real mother may have been Emma Gisela Schwab née Tekelius, who is supposed to be the mother of Klaus Schwab's half brother Hans Ernst Schwab. [
https://aim4truth.org/2021/03/16/klaus-schwab-is-the-great-barker-of-the-fourth-reich/] AIM found a passenger manifest from Ancestry.com for a Gisela Schwab whose ethnicity was listed as Hebrew and who arrived from Hamburg to New York in 1938. [
But I think Gisela Schwab is not the same person as Emma Gisela Schwab: "In 1938, a Jewish merchant named Bernhard Schwab emigrated to the United States with his wife Gisela Schwab and their young son Ludwig. We know this because they arrived in Ellis Island on December 9, 1938, and their ethnicity is listed as 'Hebrew' on the immigration record. Commentators have proposed that this Gisela Schwab is actually Klaus Schwab's mother, Emma Gisela. In reality, this is clearly a completely different person. Her first name is Gisela not Emma, her maiden name is Schoenberg not Kilian, her birthplace is Graefenr not Karlsruhe, and her last name is Schwab because she is married to a man who is clearly not Klaus Schwab's father." [
In the passenger manifest, Gisela Schwab has age 38, occupation housewife, and visa ID 7154, and she is listed next to Bernhard Schwab (age 54, occupation merchant, visa ID 7155) and Ludwig Schwab (age 9, occupation pupil, visa ID 7155). It is not indicated whether they were family members, but they have consecutive visa IDs and Ludwig is listed as having the same visa ID as Bernhard. In the tenth column titled "Race or people", it says "HEBREW" on the first row and all other rows say "DO" which means ditto. The article by AIM didn't say anything about Bernhard or Ludwig.

The article by AIM didn't even provide good evidence that Emma Gisela Schwab was the real mother of Klaus. The official story is that she is only the mother of his half brother. The dedication of Schwab's book "Stakeholder Capitalism" says: "To my parents, Eugen Wilhelm Schwab (†) and Erika Epprecht (†), who taught me firsthand the value of education, collaboration, and the stakeholder principle". [
If you search Ancestry.com for records of people with the first names "Emma Gisela", the last name "Schwab", and the year of birth 1900, the passenger manifest featuring Gisela Schwab is one of the first results, along with results about people with names like "Emma G Schew" and "Emma Amalie Schwab". [
https://www.ancestry.com/search/?name=emma+gisela_schwab&birth=1900] So that may have been what fooled American Intelligence Media.
In 2022, American Intelligence Media also published an article where they said that Klaus Schwab's family is related to the Rothschild family because Mayer Amschel Rothschild's paternal ancestors had the surname Bacharach before they adopted the name Rothschild, and according to the Bacharach DNA project, a paternal ancestor of the Rothschilds was also the paternal ancestor of Rabbi Abraham Bachrach whose son was named Rabbi Schmül Schwab. [
https://jewsoffrankfurt.com/family-trees/j2a4b1-bacharach-treves-weil-wertheimer/bacharach/] AIM claimed that it indicated the Bacharach family was intermarried with the Schwab family, but I think one member of the Bacharach family just adopted the surname Schwab at one point, because the surname of the paternal line does not usually change through marriage (or at least not 500 years ago). On Geni there's an entry for "Rabbi Schmuel Ben Avrohom Bikrach Schwab" whose father is named "Rabbi Avrohom Schwab", so I don't know if Abraham also used the name Schwab. [
https://www.geni.com/people/Morenu-Raw-Rabbi-Schmuel-Schwab/6000000007272284063] But in any case, there's several unrelated families who have adopted the toponymic surname Schwab.

The article by AIM from 2022 also said: "Klaus Schwab's blood relationship to the Rothschilds (real name Bacharach) reaches back to the 13 century. According to numerous Schwab ancestries, his original ancestor was Ulrich Schwab, Commander of the Knights Hospitallers (1298-1315), and first Count of Nemerow (Germany)." But why would Klaus Schwab be descended both from someone who already used the name Schwab in the 12th century and from a family which only adopted the surname Schwab around the 16th century?