HistorySpeaks wrote:I'm happy to oblige you, and I hope you learn your lesson about not projecting. (It is you who was caught lying about my quotations being about bandits and Bolsheviks rather than Jews in general).
Michal Kula (Polish-Catholic prisoner):
"The third part of the column was movable. . . A can of Zyklon was poured from above into the distribution cone and thus a uniform distribution of the Zyklon on all four sides of the column was obtained. After evaporation of the gas the entire central column was withdrawn and the evaporated silica removed.”
As I pointed out in my original comment, Kula does not mention a wired canister that was lifted up through the roof. Instead, he claims that the entire inside part of the column - a device of which he was the self-styled builder - could be lifted up, and that it was topped off by a "cone". This design contrasts sharply to the one described by Tauber, who is the only relevant witness to ever bring up the "wired canisters".
I pointed all of this out in my original comment. It comes as no surprise that you intentionally overlooked this embarassing detail. As I said, your claim that "multiple witnesses" mentioned this peculiar extraction device is inaccurate.
Henryk Tauber (Sonderkommando):
"Inside the third mesh, there was a movable box, which we emptied of powder, using a wire, when the gas had already evaporated."
As I pointed out in my original comment - and as you conveniently ignored - Tauber was the only witness to describe this type of extraction device. In fact, the entire idea of a wired canister comes from his testimony! Given how you've now staked your entire narrative on the idea that the Zyklon B canisters could somehow be extracted from the gas chamber before all the hydrogen cyanide had evaporated, how do you explain the fact that only 1 single eyewitness ever mentioned this wired canister, and only 1 or 2 other witnesses mentioned extraction devices? All of the most relevant eyewitnesses simply claimed that the Zyklon B was thrown in through the roof, some even without mentioning the columns themselves.
Josef Erber (SS-Oberscharführer):
"In each of these gassing areas [of the crematoria [II and III] in Birkenau] were two ducts: in each duct, four iron pipes ran from the floor to the roof. These were encased with steel mesh wire and inside there was a tin canister with a low rim. Attached to this tin was a wire by which it could be pulled up to the roof. When the lids were lifted, one could pull up the tin canister and shake the gas crystals into it. Then the canister was lowered, and the lid closed."
As you know, Erber's testimony is exceedingly late. Unlike Kula and Tauber, who invented their testimonies immediately after the war, Erber's comment comes from 1981 and is thus practically useless from a historical point of view. Secondly, Erber's comment does not square with any other description of the introduction columns for Zyklon B. He described them as metal pipes with steel-mesh surroundings (I wonder how long steel-mesh would have lasted in a packed gas chamber) and with an inside containing a container pulled with a rope. Given that Kula is the self-styled builder of these devices, his testimony should be by far the most relevant one, but orthodox Holocaust historians have not settled on his version. Instead, as is often the case with pseudohistory such as the Holocaust, the official version is basically a jumbled mess of minor details taken from numerous different testimonies in order to create a plausible version of events. Additionally, Erber's letter mentions 2 "ducts" and "4 pipes", which is utterly incomprehensible and at odds with the most important witness statements and with the officially sanctioned story.
Yehuda Bacon:
"Und im Krematorium Nummer II, da waren zwei Gaskammern. Eine hinter der zweiten, und in jeder Gaskammer waren zwei solche Schächte, so wie ein Lift. Diese waren ungefähr 40 auf 40 Zentimeter, mit Stahlstangen und ringsherum mit festem Gitterdraht. Sie endeten über dem Plafond, und oben sah es aus – da habe ich es auch irgendwo aufgezeichnet –, so wie bei einer Kanalisation. Ja, so ein Deckel. Diesen hob man auf, und von oben schüttete man das Zyklon B rein." (I feel like this can be interpreted to mean removal.)
First of all, his name was Bakon, not Bacon (?!). Second of all, his comment relates to the purported lids on top of the roof, not to extraction devices. I have no idea why you would attempt to furnish Bakon's testimony in support of your imaginary wired canister hypothesis. Bakon's entire claim to fame is his testimony that he entered the fenced-off area of the Crematorium and walked on to the roof and saw the lids on top of the morgue. This despite the fact that the area was supposedly well-guarded and no one was allowed anywhere near the area of the Crematoria.