Eric Hunt rolls over?

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Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby Panda » 6 years 3 months ago (Mon Feb 13, 2017 4:06 am)

Eric Hunt apparently just published this material and challenges any revisionist to debate him. He also is disavowing his previous works.


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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby Moderator » 6 years 3 months ago (Mon Feb 13, 2017 11:52 am)

More on Hunt below, also search the CODOH main site here at :

E. Hunt's "Treblinka Archaeology Hoax" Video / READY TO VIEW
'Eric Hunt's response to David Cole / Treblinka'

The Last Days of the Big Lie
by Eric Hunt

Questioning the Holocaust: Why We Believed (Part 1 of 2)
by Eric Hunt

3D Imagery Demonstrates the Auschwitz Hole Hoax
by Eric Hunt

The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth
By Eric Hunt

The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax
by Eric Hunt

Response to David Cole Regarding Treblinka
By Eric Hunt

The Auschwitz Museum’s Misrepresentations, Distortions and Deceptions
By Carlo Mattogno , Eric Hunt

Only lies need to be shielded from debate, truth welcomes it.

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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby Hannover » 6 years 3 months ago (Mon Feb 13, 2017 1:27 pm)

Poor Eric, a quick read and viewing of his own work demolishes his new found status. There's nothing he can say or do to erase that fact.

Someone has 'persuaded' him to flip:



- We're talking about an alleged '6M Jews & 5M others' ... 11,000,000.
There is not a single verifiable excavated enormous mass grave with contents actually SHOWN, not just claimed, (recall the claim of 900,000 buried at Treblinka, or 250,000 at Sobibor) even though Jews claim they still exist and claim to know exactly where these alleged enormous mass graves are.

- The mere fact that we have so many "survivors" when it's claimed that 'the Germans tried to kill every Jew they could get their hands on' blows away the impossible '6M Jews, 5M others, & gas chambers'.

- If Jews are so sure that millions of Jews were murdered, then why do they ask such dumb questions like "what happened to them?"
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby ginger » 6 years 3 months ago (Mon Feb 13, 2017 2:23 pm)

I read part of Eric's article about assertions of Arthur Butz in the Hoax of the Twentieth Century. I recently have focused on the story of the Hungarian Jews, 300,000 of whom, it is alleged, were murdered and disposed of at Auschwitz in May and June of 1944. That would create 5000 dead bodies a day to be cremated. Butz debunks the story, saying that, according to Red Cross reports, the most and worst that happened to the Hungarian Jews happened in October of 1944. Mattogno has written about the capacity of the ovens at Auschwitz-Birkenau to cremate bodies and has made the point that the ovens could not handle 5000 a day. Ivan Lagace, a cremation expert for Ernst Zundel, claimed that the ovens at the camp could not handle 5000 a day. This is a big problem for Holocaust supporters, including Eric Hunt now, who can't or won't address the problems of disposal of huge number of dead bodies, especially in the summer months of 1944, at a time the bodies could not be put "on ice". All Holocaust supporters cite high numbers sent to camps but can't explain what happened to the bodies. A better question is how many people were actually sent to camps. The Red Cross reports that less than 70,000 may have died at Auschwitz during the war - the Red Cross picture of the Holocaust is less horrible. I believe Red Cross reports are important and more impartial.

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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby borjastick » 6 years 3 months ago (Mon Feb 13, 2017 2:28 pm)

Having plowed through Eric's article expecting something significant which might change my mind, and believe me in all my years researching this holocaust thingy I have always had an open mind, I found myself getting very very saddened and disappointed. Really Eric is that the best you can do? A picture of some fat old bird being manhandled towards a shower or truck, neither of which she wants in her life, and that's proof of mass gassings at Auschwitz. Jesus Eric you must be in some grip of extortion the size of which we've never seen before to try that pile of junk.

Then the argument that we are absobongolutely madly wrong because we cannot prove they were sent east they must have been gassed in the camps. I repeat because we cannot prove they were sent east and they can't prove they weren't we arrive at the only conclusion possible, they were gassed!

Something or someone has got poor old Eric by the short and curlies and is squeezing hard so that he has to make a pseudo credible argument to satisfy them. Strange this happens at a time when revisionism is gaining massive acceptance the world over simply because the logic and facts support it and at a time when most of the 'survivors' aren't any more, and when the film Denial seems to be prompting more people to our side than the Lipstadt argument. Odd that eh??

But ultimately very saddened that Eric has done this. There must be a very big skeleton in his cupboard which someone got hold of and wants it out in the open.
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby Kingfisher » 6 years 3 months ago (Mon Feb 13, 2017 3:06 pm)

So soon after the Black Rabbit... Both would appear to have been leant on, the nature of the pressure we can only speculate about. Knowing the record of this Industry, actual physical threats of violence cannot be ruled out.
Eric's reference to Muelenkampf's offer of reward for anyone who could provide proof of one person who was transited through the Reinhardt camps appears to carry quite a lot of weight but then no one ever took up Bradley's challenge for proof of one person who was gassed.

After the reasonable attempts in the first part of his article to defend the Orthodox position the photographs in the second part appear totally ludicrous, to the point where they make me wonder whether he wasn't doing an Eichmann, who told impossible stories about a submarine engine, which Denierbud suggests may have been intended to signal that we should perhaps not believe everything he was saying.

How does his recent spat with Germar fit in with this? Germar declined to give CODOH's endorsement to the second part of his Why Did We Believe video.

Another thing which seems strange is that Eric belonged to the anti-semitic end of the revisionist spectrum. Some of us here had arguments with him over including in his film Hitler's references to lying Jews, among other things. People do not usually move from that sort of position to endorsing the Holocaust.

And why so suddenly? He's been prolific over the last couple of years and it can only be a couple of months since he finished Why We Believed.

Whatever. His Opus will stand on its merits.

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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby Hektor » 6 years 3 months ago (Mon Feb 13, 2017 3:22 pm)

The link works again. ... -the-line/

Hannover wrote:Poor Eric, a quick read and viewing of his own work demolishes his new found status. There's nothing he can say or do to erase that fact.

Someone has 'persuaded' him to flip:


That comes as a surprise, but I understand he had serious financial strains in recent years. And as a "Holocaust Denier", I doubt his prospect of ever landing a middle class job are rather thin. In that light I do not hold this recantation against him.
The following I find quite disturbing:
After this moment, however, I will hold any “denial” leaders personally responsible for any naive people that get prosecuted and persecuted for denying N.S. mass murders. I will hold them responsible for continuing to mislead these naive people and egg them on into life destroying positions. They have no information which can help these people, to show a judge or jury to help them get acquitted. On the contrary. They are setting up others for prosecution due to their own stubborn refusal to admit they were wrong on this key issue.

With other words. the unlawful, actually even highly criminal, persecution of Holocaust Revisionist or just people publicly proclaiming disbelief in the Holocaust narrative, he doesn't hold against the persecutors (Legislators, Prosecutors, Police, Judges), but against those that informed others about the falsehood or unproven character of Holocaust claims (He calls them denial leaders). That's a rather odd view of blame shifting.

Now lets look at his attempt at salvaging the Holocaust (I take it he still doesn't claim that the complete narrative as presented by main stream historiography is true ). I only went briefly through the essay. But I didn't find any convincing novelty in it. It reads like a condensed version of the data heaps presented by the likes of NIZKOR and Holocaustcontroversies, which apparently didn't make it to more then a blospot as to look like "poor defenders of the truth". Although he left out most of the less persuasive, sloppy parts of those items of evidence.

If I have to list the arguments/evidences, I think the following is worth mentioning:

1. The Where-did-they-go-if-they-weren't-gassed-argument.
2. A reworked version of the "No-Nazi-did-deny-the-Holocaust"-argument. This time it's defendants that could have said the Reinhardt-camps were Transit camps.
3. Pictures supposedly showing Jews in Auschwitz. Some from the so-called "Auschwitz Album", some air-photos, alleged cremation "photos", one allegedly showing "Elderly Jew being forced into Crematorium 5" (seriously, Eric?). Those pictures supposedly show that Jews were deliberately killed/gassed in Auschwitz.
4. Ground disturbances in Treblinka and Babi Yar, failure of Revisionists to show convincing soil/surface analysis at those places.
5. Pictures supposedly showing Jews being rounded up at Babi Yar, (but not shot), the supposed clothing of the victims and supposed evidence removal there.
6. Pictures supposedly showing opened mass graves at Treblinka - We're to believed those are Jewish bones, I guess.
7. Some hinting at flat earth, moon-landing denial,9-11 truthing, etc. - Sorry that's irrelevant and obfuscation.

Now, if that's the best Exterminationists can come up after more then 70 years and millions of dollars spent, it really doesn't look to good for their position.

I leave the points as they are here for further discussion. But let me conclude with the following points. Revisionists do generally not dispute:
- That Jews were deported, interned and compelled to work at concentration camps, ghettos or other confined areas.
- That Jews died in those camps and ghettos during the war, when diseases was a major problem.
- That partisans and their helpers, which were often Jews were killed by shooting and hanging.

Anything added to this in form of narrative is slippery-slope and lacks evidence to be accepted as confirmed fact.

I'm speculating on what Eric is up to and imagine there are several possibilities, but I would like to leave that open for now. Perhaps Eric will enlighten us in due time about this.

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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby Charles Traynor » 6 years 3 months ago (Mon Feb 13, 2017 3:28 pm)

Kingfisher wrote:
How does his recent spat with Germar fit in with this? Germar declined to give CODOH's endorsement to the second part of his Why Did We Believe video.


This is news to me Kingfisher, could you please expand a little more on this subject?
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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby ChronoMachete » 6 years 3 months ago (Mon Feb 13, 2017 3:42 pm)

Charles Traynor wrote:
Kingfisher wrote:
How does his recent spat with Germar fit in with this? Germar declined to give CODOH's endorsement to the second part of his Why Did We Believe video.


This is news to me Kingfisher, could you please expand a little more on this subject?

Germar set up an income for Eric Hunt so that he could make "Questioning The Holocaust" and his documentary debunking the film "Denial". Because Eric made a comment about Deborah Lipstadt in the latter, Germar decided to drop the funding - which forced him to stop making documentaries unless the viewers pitched in. But when you look at how Germar has made defamatory remarks about others being autistic, it seems hypocritical.

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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby k0nsl » 6 years 3 months ago (Mon Feb 13, 2017 4:02 pm)

It doesn't any longer. I decided to suspend it as I do not want to endorse anti-German filth on my servers. I feel sorry for Mr. Hunt as I am sure he is being under some very heavy pressure at the moment. However, the best thing we can do is to distance ourselves from him. His past works, as Hannover noted, speaks for itself. Great stuff, all of it.

His conversion into a 'holocaust' enforcer (or believer) was the most laughable thing I have ever seen. Surely it must be some type of a warning to us all that he is under some type of duress. That is my only guess.

At any rate, there are very real reasons why he would succumb to duress but I cannot speak of those as I would be breaking my word and I do not ever break my word, no matter what.


Hektor wrote:The link works again.

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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby Dresden » 6 years 3 months ago (Mon Feb 13, 2017 6:27 pm)

Kingfisher said:

"After the reasonable attempts in the first part of his article to defend the Orthodox position the photographs in the second part appear totally ludicrous, to the point where they make me wonder whether he wasn't doing an Eichmann, who told impossible stories about a submarine engine, which Denierbud suggests may have been intended to signal that we should perhaps not believe everything he was saying"

Maybe he's hinting that he's the "old lady" in his first picture, and three gangsters came to his house

Maybe, just maybe, they believe what they are telling you about the 'holocaust', but maybe, just maybe, their contempt for your intelligence and your character is beyond anything you could ever have imagined. -- Bradley Smith

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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby Kingfisher » 6 years 3 months ago (Mon Feb 13, 2017 6:29 pm)

ChronoMachete wrote:Germar set up an income for Eric Hunt so that he could make "Questioning The Holocaust" and his documentary debunking the film "Denial". Because Eric made a comment about Deborah Lipstadt in the latter, Germar decided to drop the funding - which forced him to stop making documentaries unless the viewers pitched in. But when you look at how Germar has made defamatory remarks about others being autistic, it seems hypocritical.

Based on my admittedly limited knowledge of this business it does seem that Germar could have settled for asking Eric to remove the offending section and refrain from anything similar in the future.

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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby Kingfisher » 6 years 3 months ago (Mon Feb 13, 2017 6:39 pm)

Dresden wrote:Kingfisher said:

[b]"Maybe he's hinting that he's the "old lady" in his first picture, and three gangsters came to his house


Well, we know what happened to David Cole.

Tonight is Dresden night. The anniversary of the incineration of the city. I'm geographically not too far away at the moment, and thinking about it. The city authorities are comemorating it, but linking it in some way to the "refugee" issue, which has upset some nationalists who are holding a demonstration tomorrow.

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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby Dresden » 6 years 3 months ago (Mon Feb 13, 2017 6:44 pm)

Maybe, just maybe, they believe what they are telling you about the 'holocaust', but maybe, just maybe, their contempt for your intelligence and your character is beyond anything you could ever have imagined. -- Bradley Smith

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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby k0nsl » 6 years 3 months ago (Mon Feb 13, 2017 6:52 pm)

It does now, yes. Mr. Hunt, or whoever manages the site now, changed back to the old hosting company (HostGator, sigh) he used before I took him under my ‘umbrella’.

Best wishes,

Dresden wrote:The link still works.

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