Did international Jewry really declare war on Germany?

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Did international Jewry really declare war on Germany?

Postby Gordon Bennett » 2 weeks 16 hours ago (Fri May 26, 2023 2:38 pm)

I know it was in the Western press at the time - I guess I want to know whether they followed through and if so what sort of effect did it have?

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Re: Did international Jewry really declare war on Germany?

Postby Hektor » 2 weeks 12 hours ago (Fri May 26, 2023 6:19 pm)

It indeed was. It wasn't a secret.
But it is difficult to define what "International Jewry" is. There is a larger number of Jewish organizations. American Jewish Committee for example. Then there is the "World Jewish Congress", but there is a thicket of other Jewish organizations as well. And then there are Jews in a myriad of more localized organizations, individuals in influential positions etc. So it isn't easy to follow up on actions and intent there. Is is it their own initiative, or is it part of following through with 'boycott' and 'war'?

One needs to distinguish between the political and religious organizations as well. Judaism is another ball game. It's into the usual observant religions observing feasts and rules... And then there is the Mysticism and Philosophy of the Rabbis. There was/is a Jewish tradition that they have to "Destroy Amalek", which is of course open to interpretation. But one tradition is that Amalek is Germany. And this is actually older than World War One. So it can't have anything to do with "Hitler" or the NSDAP.

Jews were already rallying against Germany BEFORE the NSDAP took over. Complaining about Antisemitism of course. The "Declaration of War" was early, when the NSDAP came to power. This was an 'economic war' and there were indeed reports on boycotts in a larger number of countries. So there was coordinated action against German goods and German companies. The other type of action was propagandistic. Accusing the Germans/National Socialists of abuses of Jews. This is actually early 'atrocity propaganda'.

The problem with that kind of warfare is that one can not assess who is involved and who isn't. Those Jews that act belligerent can however count on support from their communities, which get dragged into this that way. Since they don't have a central government and no bureaucratic structure it is however not always traceable what happens there.

There's a lot in the archives. But the subject hasn't been addresses as such until now.

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Re: Did international Jewry really declare war on Germany?

Postby hermod » 2 weeks 11 hours ago (Fri May 26, 2023 7:21 pm)

When Jewish organizations torpedoed the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions [against the state of Israel]) movement everywhere, they demonstrated that Jews regard an economic war as a real war. So the answer is: yes, international Jewry (or more precisely, some Zionist organizations) declared war on Germany in 1933, before a single anti-Jewish law was enacted by the new National Socialist government of the German Reich, in order to increase the anti-Semitic pressure for massive emigration on their still-hesistant fellows in Central Europe and the public pressure for unrestricted immigration on the administrators of Mandatory Palestine (i.e. the British Government and especially the Colonial Office) too eager not to antagonize the reluctant natives (pampered because of the many millions of Muslims throughout the British Empire).
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Did international Jewry really declare war on Germany?

Postby Gordon Bennett » 1 week 6 days ago (Sat May 27, 2023 9:44 am)

Hektor wrote:It indeed was. It wasn't a secret.
But it is difficult to define what "International Jewry" is. There is a larger number of Jewish organizations. American Jewish Committee for example. Then there is the "World Jewish Congress", but there is a thicket of other Jewish organizations as well. And then there are Jews in a myriad of more localized organizations, individuals in influential positions etc. So it isn't easy to follow up on actions and intent there. Is is it their own initiative, or is it part of following through with 'boycott' and 'war'?

One needs to distinguish between the political and religious organizations as well. Judaism is another ball game. It's into the usual observant religions observing feasts and rules... And then there is the Mysticism and Philosophy of the Rabbis. There was/is a Jewish tradition that they have to "Destroy Amalek", which is of course open to interpretation. But one tradition is that Amalek is Germany. And this is actually older than World War One. So it can't have anything to do with "Hitler" or the NSDAP.

Jews were already rallying against Germany BEFORE the NSDAP took over. Complaining about Antisemitism of course. The "Declaration of War" was early, when the NSDAP came to power. This was an 'economic war' and there were indeed reports on boycotts in a larger number of countries. So there was coordinated action against German goods and German companies. The other type of action was propagandistic. Accusing the Germans/National Socialists of abuses of Jews. This is actually early 'atrocity propaganda'.

The problem with that kind of warfare is that one can not assess who is involved and who isn't. Those Jews that act belligerent can however count on support from their communities, which get dragged into this that way. Since they don't have a central government and no bureaucratic structure it is however not always traceable what happens there.

There's a lot in the archives. But the subject hasn't been addresses as such until now.

Thanks Hector, very interesting.

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Re: Did international Jewry really declare war on Germany?

Postby Hektor » 1 week 6 days ago (Sat May 27, 2023 2:35 pm)

Gordon Bennett wrote:
Hektor wrote:It indeed was. I....
There's a lot in the archives. But the subject hasn't been addresses as such until now.

Thanks Hector, very interesting.

Just to demonstrate that the "Germany=Amalek" thesis isn't a joke:
When Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany visited Jerusalem during his journey to the Holy Land almost all the religious leaders of Jerusalem came to the city gates to greet him. Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld (d.1932), the spiritual leader of Ashkenazic Jewry in Israel at that time, did not go. When asked about his refusal he answered that although the Kaiser himself was deserving of the honor bestowed upon him, “I have a tradition that Germany is Amalek.”

And it's even Rabbis today that interpret it like this:

https://archive.org/details/amalek-the- ... f-the-jews

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Re: Did international Jewry really declare war on Germany?

Postby Mortimer » 1 week 6 days ago (Sun May 28, 2023 4:16 am)

Gordon Bennett wrote:I know it was in the Western press at the time - I guess I want to know whether they followed through and if so what sort of effect did it have?

There is a thread on this topic in the WWII Europe/Atlantic Theater forum.
There are 2 sides to every story - always listen or read both points of view and make up your own mind. Don't let others do your thinking for you.

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Re: Did international Jewry really declare war on Germany?

Postby Rockartisten » 1 week 6 days ago (Sun May 28, 2023 4:28 am)

Hektor wrote:
Gordon Bennett wrote:
Hektor wrote:It indeed was. I....
There's a lot in the archives. But the subject hasn't been addresses as such until now.

Thanks Hector, very interesting.

Just to demonstrate that the "Germany=Amalek" thesis isn't a joke:
When Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany visited Jerusalem during his journey to the Holy Land almost all the religious leaders of Jerusalem came to the city gates to greet him. Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld (d.1932), the spiritual leader of Ashkenazic Jewry in Israel at that time, did not go. When asked about his refusal he answered that although the Kaiser himself was deserving of the honor bestowed upon him, “I have a tradition that Germany is Amalek.”

And it's even Rabbis today that interpret it like this:

https://archive.org/details/amalek-the- ... f-the-jews

Disturbing video.

So we have a powerful world religion which can't be scrutinized, where a people believe they have been chosen by God to genocide whichever people they deem are descendents of an evil bloodline.

It's difficult not to take that as a direct threat as a Nordic. If the Germans are a high concentration of Amalek, then by DNA evidence, Scandinavians must be the purest blood of Amalek there is from their point of view.

I don't know. Tell me if I'm out of line here. But it seems natural that you would not want people in your lands who would want to murder your entire family AND your pets. It's like letting an irrational psychotic loose on the streets without doing anything about it.

I mean. That entire narrative is completely insane. The rabbi even said that if logic and common sense doesn't understand it, you must do it anyway. That's basically manufacturing paranoia and psychotic episodes. I'm not a head doctor, but someone should take a serious look at that brain fart.

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Re: Did international Jewry really declare war on Germany?

Postby Hektor » 1 week 6 days ago (Sun May 28, 2023 5:44 am)

Rockartisten wrote:...

Disturbing video.

So we have a powerful world religion which can't be scrutinized, where a people believe they have been chosen by God to genocide whichever people they deem are descendents of an evil bloodline.

This is put online by Rabbis. Accessible to anybody. And it can be investigated and examined to hear what they are actually saying.
"descendants of an evil bloodline" ... Isn't that what they accused the 'Nazis' of claiming about the Jews?

Rockartisten wrote:It's difficult not to take that as a direct threat as a Nordic. If the Germans are a high concentration of Amalek, then by DNA evidence, Scandinavians must be the purest blood of Amalek there is from their point of view.

Yes, by extension all Germanic people are included as well. There is other traditions, though. Claiming Europeans are descendants of Edom (especially Rome) or Japhet. Other vies on Germans were that they are the 'people of Nebuchadnezzar' or Ashkenas. The traditional few in Christian Anthropology was that 'White People' are the descendants of Japhet, though. Amalek is a descendant of Abraham via Esau. So actually a Semite as well.

Rockartisten wrote:I don't know. Tell me if I'm out of line here. But it seems natural that you would not want people in your lands who would want to murder your entire family AND your pets. It's like letting an irrational psychotic loose on the streets without doing anything about it.

I mean. That entire narrative is completely insane. The rabbi even said that if logic and common sense doesn't understand it, you must do it anyway. That's basically manufacturing paranoia and psychotic episodes. I'm not a head doctor, but someone should take a serious look at that brain fart.

Confronted they will run back and claim that they 'are misunderstood'. But I take it that this was part of the reasons, why Jews were removed from countries in the past. They'll claim it was "irrational Antisemitism', but I suspect the reasons were quite rational in the past. Given that it was also effort on those that ordered and implemented the removing.
That people did it in the past was because they were "Antisemitic". And that was a reason for Jewish Organization to engage in combatting "Antisemitism"... And it didn't stop there. The whole socio-psychological make-up of the country had to be transformed and changed. Again, one can read about this in the 'American Jewish Committee Archives'.

But looking at the bigger picture, it seems necessary to 'have a talk about Antigentilism'.

One needs to understand how Judaist hermeneutics work. There are various approaches, of course. But they have factors in common:
* Being vindictive about 'how to keep the Thora'... Since nobody can keep the law and they burning to break it, they find all kinds of loopholes for themselves.
* A strongly dualistic morality, a 'us versus them'. Jews versus Goyim. Rules that apply internally, don't apply externally. In fact those 'Goyim' are less than human or 'lesser humans'.
* Mystical approach to 'reading into the text'. That's why they come up with code-words and numerology, etc.
* They aren't pro-actively recruiting for their religion, but there is a belief in a 'global mission of Jews', that they are to "Save The World".
* It is remarkable from any major Christian hermeneutical traditions.

This then constructs or contributes to construction of ideologies, narratives, etc. It looks pretty sinister to me.

Now there is parts of the Old-Testament were Israelites are commanded to exterminate the Canaanites. But there is also reasons given. That the Canaanites were / had become wicked people. Who engaged in sacrificing their children, perverse sexual practices, etc.

Reminds me of abortion, pornography, promiscuity, LGBT, etc. Plus lots of psychic cultism, 'New Age', occult practices, etc. Well, and who was promoting this over the top for more than a hundred years now. The advocates for this are often Jewish or the movements to legalize this had been started by Jews. Taken, mostly secularized Jews, but their background is commonly in their CVs. I'm not saying 'all Jews are involved in this to the fullest extent', but overlooking it, one can see a pattern there. A blurred one, but still a pattern.

Worthwhile to write an article about? Yes, but it needs to be well sourced and be put into understandable language. I already can see that there will be some that won't like that book at all. Not only Jews that is, but also academics, politicians, certain theologians won't like this.

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Re: Did international Jewry really declare war on Germany?

Postby Rockartisten » 1 week 5 hours ago (Sat Jun 03, 2023 12:54 am)

Hektor wrote:
Rockartisten wrote:...

Disturbing video.

So we have a powerful world religion which can't be scrutinized, where a people believe they have been chosen by God to genocide whichever people they deem are descendents of an evil bloodline.

This is put online by Rabbis. Accessible to anybody. And it can be investigated and examined to hear what they are actually saying.
"descendants of an evil bloodline" ... Isn't that what they accused the 'Nazis' of claiming about the Jews

I have read a broader meaning into the word scutinize than it deserves, hence the misinterpretation on your part. My English is fine, but apparently not fine enough. Built from movies and not studies.

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Re: Did international Jewry really declare war on Germany?

Postby Hektor » 1 week 2 hours ago (Sat Jun 03, 2023 3:40 am)

I was also overdoing it a little.

And yes, they are 'not scrutinized' and 'above critique'... Exactly like priests, royalty, deities are to be treated in the mind of the worshippers.
In fact, if people are pointed to this, they come up with a rational, why this isn't actually that bad what they say and do. Shocking blindness on many there.

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