Census figures were possibly even changed to reflect the "6 million" claim. See: viewtopic.php?p=92983#p92983
Over 100,000 Jews in "Holocaust victim database" listed as killed in military service: viewtopic.php?p=92184#p92184
Germar Rudolf:
Holocaust Victims: A Statistical AnalysisRegarding the number of Jews to be found in the post-war Soviet Union, Benz cites Soviet census data only. He sets out that "doubts about the reliability of Soviet censuses […] are not justified" because these data served as the basis and foundation of the Soviet national economy (B558).
But every child knows nowadays that all conceivable kinds of data have been falsified in the service of precisely this national economy so as to manifest Soviet superiority in economic competition with the capitalist western world. Domestically speaking, these falsifications served to close Russian eyes, ears and mouths to the inexorably approaching collapse. But where the number of Jews identified by the censuses is concerned, there is not even any need for falsification. After all, the radically atheistic Soviet Union was one of those nations that made it especially difficult for the Jews to profess their faith. Therefore, the numbers of Jews that voluntarily acknowledged their faith in 1959 and 1970 (2.2 and 2.1 million, respectively; B559; S117) says nothing at all about the number of survivors in the Soviet Union. Jewish estimates dating from the 1970s suggest 3 to 4 million Soviet Jews (S117ff.). More recent newspaper reports even speak of 5 million Jews and more, which, however, seems unlikely in light of the stagnating demographic trends.[55] Since Zionist circles are striving for the emigration of Jews from Russia to Israel after the collapse of the Soviet Union, it is possible that they tend to exaggerate the number of Jews in Russia, with the intent to dramatize their hard lot during 70 years of Stalinist oppression. The numbers of presumably present or missing Jews thus serve as politically strategic putty in other respects as well.
Juergen Graf:
Jewish population losses in the German sphere of influence during the World War IIAccording to the 1939 census, there had been 3.02 million Jews in the Soviet Union. Now the first postwar census, which took place in 1959, only yielded 2.26 million Jews, but all western Zionist agreed that this figure was unrealistically low. According to Soviet practice, every citizen could chose himself which nationality he or she belonged to, and a considerable part of the Soviet Jews were already assimilated and regarded themselves as Russians, Ukrainians etc.
Moreover, the political atmosphere was not particularly favourable to the Jews at that time, so many of them preferred not to be identified as such. Finally, one cannot exclude the possibility that the Soviet government, which endorsed the Holocaust legend, deliberately falsified the results of the census. On 1 July 1990, the Zionist New York Post, referring to Israeli specialists, stated that there were over five million Jews in the USSR. As the birth rate of the Soviet Jews was by far the lowest of any ethnic group in the country, and as many hundreds of thousands of Jews had already emigrated by that time, all points to the conclusion that there were between five and six million Jews in the USSR after the Second World War. This can only be explained by the fact that a large percentage of Polish and Baltic Jewry had been absorbed by the Soviet state.
Of course, it is impossible to give precise figures. For example, we do not know how many of the Polish Jews who had fled from the Germans in 1939, or who had been evacuated after the German attack on Russia in 1941, returned to Poland after the war, and how many of them elected to stay there. In February 1946, at a time when the return of Jews from Russia was still going on, and when large numbers of Polish Jews had already emigrated to the west, a British-American commission reported that there were still 800,000 Jews in Poland (17).
https://www.historiography-project.com/ ... losses.php or http://web.archive.org/web/201909152015 ... losses.php
This article by a Joshua Rothenberg confirm's what Graf has said, although gives lower estimates on the number of Jews who hide their identity:
How Many Jews Are There in the Soviet Union? - Joshua Rothenberg, Jewish Social Studies, Vol. 29, No. 4 (Oct., 1967), pp. 234-240
BY Joshua Rothenberg
Before the population census in 1959, estimates of the Jewish population in the Soviet Union varied by as much as one million-from as low as two million at one extreme to as high as three million at the other.
Data on the Jewish population of various countries are ordinarily hard to gather, since censuses in most countries do not include questions on religion or nationality. In the Soviet Union such information should be much easier to obtain, because a question on nationality status is included in the censuses, and Jews are one of the recognized nationalities of the multi-national country.
According to the Soviet census of 1959, 2,268,000 persons have declared that they are members of the Jewish nationality.1 This has, nevertheless, not settled the controversy on the size of the Jewish population in the country. Opinions were frequently voiced that a large number of Soviet Jews have, for various reasons, declared in the census questionnaires that they belong to other than Jewish nationalities (for the most part to the Russian), and that consequently the real size of the Jewish population in the Soviet Union is larger than the 2,268,000 indicated in the census.
For instance, Professor Salo W. Baron expressed the opinion that "it stands to reason that an unspecified number, perhaps several hundred thousands, preferred to list themselves as belonging to Russian, Ukrainian or some other nationality."'2
Mordecai Altshuler, an Israeli writer, maintained that "there are grounds to assume that in the last 1959 census at least 10-15% of the Jews concealed their Jewishness."3 Unfortunately, the assertions of these writers are based solely on a general assumption and are not deduced from specific calculations.
http://web.archive.org/web/201909152011 ... -union.pdf
What do you think?
More info:
USSR was created by Jews, but Stalin overthrew them / Stalin's "antisemitic" purges
Jews evacuated to USSR during war (37 articles from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 1939-45)
NYT: 24 JUNE 1946: INFLUX OF 3,000,000 JEWS; Tells Newspaper Executives in Germany That Refugees Have Created Grave Problem