Polish translations

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Polish translations

Postby EtienneSC » 2 years 9 months ago (Tue Aug 11, 2020 12:34 pm)

One of the main supports of the Holocaust industry is the situation in Poland, especially the camp museums (other than Maijdanek).

Hence, there seems to be a need for Polish translations of the principal revisionist texts. Poland was long occupied by the Soviets and thus the people learned Russian as a second language. English (and perhaps German) are increasingly learned since 1990.

Realistically, there must be many people who would benefit from Polish translations. The denial laws specifically exclude scholarly literature.

Do we have a plan to raise funding for this and identify people prepared to undertake the work?

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Re: Polish translations

Postby Lamprecht » 2 years 9 months ago (Wed Aug 12, 2020 9:33 am)

EtienneSC wrote:One of the main supports of the Holocaust industry is the situation in Poland, especially the camp museums (other than Maijdanek).

Hence, there seems to be a need for Polish translations of the principal revisionist texts. Poland was long occupied by the Soviets and thus the people learned Russian as a second language. English (and perhaps German) are increasingly learned since 1990.

Realistically, there must be many people who would benefit from Polish translations. The denial laws specifically exclude scholarly literature.

There was a Polish poster here but I do not believe he has posted in years. His account name is "Jerzy Ulicki-Rek" - he was arrested years ago in Australia for some nonsense weapons charges: viewtopic.php?t=8383

He ran a revisionist forum called "Polski Walczącej" I believe. Over 1/3 of Poles speak English and this would be heavily weighted towards the younger Poles. There are around 1 million Poles in the UK as well, I assume they nearly all speak English.

I think that it would be a good idea if you can find someone that speaks Polish. With the way translation software works now, it's pretty good (only improving) and I would suspect that a 1000 word (10 paragraph) article could be auto-translated and read over and grammatical errors fixed within a day or two. Introductory articles (especially chapters of "Dissecting the Holocaust") should be translated into as many languages as possible.

Do we have a plan to raise funding for this and identify people prepared to undertake the work?

That is the primary issue I am sure. If you had money for this or know someone that does, I could probably find a translator. The average monthly income in Poland is $1,000-1,500 per month according to a quick google search. If we're lucky we could maybe find a broke university student; I was one of those before and I used to write essays for money.
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Polish translations

Postby Webmaster » 2 years 9 months ago (Thu Aug 13, 2020 3:12 pm)

EtienneSC wrote:Do we have a plan to raise funding for this and identify people prepared to undertake the work?

Yes, please view: https://codoh.com/volunteer/
Render web pages multilingual; translate important revisionist material into other languages.
Good bi- or multilingual skills

The donate page also has a "Various translation projects" section at this link: https://codoh.com/donate/#projects


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Re: Polish translations

Postby EtienneSC » 2 years 9 months ago (Fri Aug 14, 2020 6:18 am)

Webmaster wrote:The donate page also has a "Various translation projects" section at this link: https://codoh.com/donate/#projects
None of these are Polish translations.

I would be prepared to contribute to a Polish translation of Graf's Giant with Feet of Clay or Concentration Camp Stutthof, or Mattogno's Curated Lies (on Auschwitz). To be clear, I mean financially, not linguistically, and not much at that, but hopefully others would too. These concern events or camps in modern day Poland.

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