Source of "blond hair blue eyes" myth?

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Source of "blond hair blue eyes" myth?

Postby Lamprecht » 1 decade 5 months ago (Mon Dec 24, 2012 7:17 pm)

Although it is generally believed by the least educated members in the US population (which arguably makes the plurality) that Hitler hated and killed Jews, gypsies, Poles, other races because they were "Racially inferior" to the explicitly blond haired, blue eyed master race. Although Hitler himself was not blond and many leading Nazi officials did weren't either, I have come across this belief numerous times. Is this allied or Jewish propaganda, a creation of hollywood, or just some general ridiculous belief held by the general public? Does this belief exist outside of America in Europe and other western counrries?
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NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Source of "blond hair blue eyes" myth?

Postby Haldan » 1 decade 5 months ago (Mon Dec 24, 2012 8:28 pm)

It seems to be a wide-spread belief with even crazier assertions than those you have listed, Lamprecht.

Check out these answers here: ... 605AA3mRNp

Where the hell do these people get this 'information' from? Horror books? Notice that not one of them are referenced. Well, one answer contains a link to more junk, that's it.

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Re: Source of "blond hair blue eyes" myth?

Postby Mkk » 1 decade 5 months ago (Tue Dec 25, 2012 2:42 am)

Even wikipedia admits (somewhere under a ridiculous "master race" [a term never even used] or "Aryan race" article) that the blue eyes blond hair thing is a total myth.

Then again most Americans believe that Hitler took Germans' guns away from them the first chance he had, which is easily debunked. Infact gun laws were loosened during the 3rd Reich.

Another quote:

Probably would. I say if we never got to Berlin in time or lost..he would have eventualy gotten all of the Jews, then moved on to black ppl, then Asians, ppl of other religions, and then his own ppl who don't have blonde hair and blue eyes..then he'd be dead, cause he'd be killing himself. ... 206AA0Sts0
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Re: Source of "blond hair blue eyes" myth?

Postby Hektor » 1 decade 5 months ago (Tue Dec 25, 2012 10:54 am)

National Socialists liked books on racial anthropology. Where it deals with Nordid people part of the description is blondism, which is associated with light eye colour. The aristocracy for Indo-European people pretty commonly displayed those features. That's just a statement of fact, but actually not a policy suggestion.

Friedrich Nietzsche is far clearer on this:
With regard to our problem, which may on good grounds be called a quiet problem and one which fastidiously directs itself to few ears, it is of no small interest to ascertain that through those words and roots which designate "good" there frequently still shines the most important nuance by virtue of which the noble felt themselves to be men of a higher rank. Granted that, in the majority of cases, they designate themselves simply by their superiority in power (as "the powerful," "the masters," "the commanders") or by the most clearly visible signs of this superiority, for example, as "the rich," "the possessors" (this is the meaning of arya; and of corresponding words in Iranian and Slavic). But they also do it by a typical character trait: and this is the case that concerns us here. They call themselves, for instance, "the truthful"; this is so above all of the Greek nobility, whose mouthpiece is the Megarian poet Theognis [Theognis of Megara, 6th Cent. B.C.]. The root of the word coined for this, esthlos [Greek: good, brave], signifies one who is, who possesses reality, who is actual, who is true; then, with a subjective turn, the true as the truthful: in this phase of conceptual transformation it becomes a slogan and catchword of the nobility and passes over entirely into the sense of "noble," as distinct from the lying common man, which is what Theognis takes him to be and how he describes him—until finally, after the decline of the nobility, the word is left to designate nobility of soul and becomes as it were ripe and sweet. In the word kakos [Greek: bad, ugly, ill-born, mean, craven], as in deilos [Greek: cowardly, worthless, vile, wretched] (the plebeian in contradistinction to the agathos [Greek: good, well-born, gentle, brave, capable]), cowardice is emphasized: this perhaps gives an indication in which direction one should seek the etymological origin of agathos, which is susceptible of several interpretations. The Latin malus [Bad] (beside which I set melas [Greek: black, dark]) may designate the common man as the dark-colored, above all as the black-haired man ("hic niger est—" [From Horace's Satires]), as the pre-Aryan occupant of the soil of Italy who was distinguished most obviously from the blond, that is Aryan, conqueror race by his color; Gaelic, at any rate, offers us a precisely similar case—fin (for example in the name Fin-Gal), the distinguishing word for nobility, finally for the good, noble, pure, originally meant the blond-headed, in contradistinction to the dark, black-haired aboriginal inhabitants.

The Celts, by the way, were definitely a blond race; it is wrong to associate traces of an essentially dark-haired people which appear on the more careful ethnographical maps of Germany with any sort of Celtic origin or blood-mixture, as Virchow [Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902), German pathologist and liberal politician] still does: it is rather the pre-Aryan people of Germany who emerge in these places. (The same is true of virtually all Europe: the suppressed race has gradually recovered the upper hand again, in coloring, shortness of skull, perhaps even in the intellectual and social instincts: who can say whether modern democracy, even more modern anarchism and especially that inclination for "commune," for the most primitive form of society, which is now shared by all the socialists of Europe, does not signify in the main a tremendous counterattack—and that the conqueror and master race, the Aryan, is not succumbing physiologically, too?

I believe I may venture to interpret the Latin bonus [Good] as "the warrior," provided I am right in tracing bonus back to an earlier duonus [Old form of bonus; duellum old form of bellum (war)] (compare bellum=duellum=duen-lum, which seems to me to contain duonus). Therefore bonus as the man of strife, of dissention (duo), as the man of war: one sees what constituted the "goodness" of man in ancient Rome. Our German gut [good] even: does it not signify "the godlike," the man of "godlike race"? And is it not identical with the popular (originally noble) name of the Goths? The grounds for this conjecture cannot be dealt with here.—

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Re: Source of "blond hair blue eyes" myth?

Postby Balsamo » 1 decade 5 months ago (Tue Dec 25, 2012 11:21 am)

I don't understand the topic.
What is a myth ?
the blond hair blue eyes is everywhere in the Nazi propaganda



Racism at that time was still considered as a science. It was not nazi specific.
Eugenism was international.
racist theory were used to justify colonization, segregation, etc.
Still those little boys above look quite blond to me

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Re: Source of "blond hair blue eyes" myth?

Postby Heimwehr » 1 decade 5 months ago (Tue Dec 25, 2012 11:47 am)

The hair color of a person changes over the course of life. So children with Northern and Central European parents have initially often very light-colored hair, which only later darkens. The reason is that in these cases the production of dark eumelanin begins only from the second year.

I myself had very blond hair as a teen, now it's much darker. So the pictures above showed the normal German youth at that time (before mass immigration was promoted after the war).
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Re: Source of "blond hair blue eyes" myth?

Postby Hannover » 1 decade 5 months ago (Tue Dec 25, 2012 12:11 pm)

It's interesting that Balsamo only sees the blond hair in his posters while ignoring the equal number of darker haired people, including 'Der Fuehrer'. It's as if any promotion of any type with a blond person pictured is somehow to be criticized.

And who promotes that racist, anti-blond agenda?

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Re: Source of "blond hair blue eyes" myth?

Postby Hektor » 1 decade 5 months ago (Tue Dec 25, 2012 1:03 pm)

Hannover wrote:It's interesting that Balsamo only sees the blond hair in his posters while ignoring the equal number of darker haired people, including 'Der Fuehrer'. It's as if any promotion of any type with a blond person pictured is somehow to be criticized.

Given that models and targets were Germans, who have a pretty large blond component in their population that shouldn't surprise either. Anyway blond people are often better looking, that's why they are popular with the model industry as well. Are those making the decisions in that industry all Nazis and racists?

"Racism at that time was still considered as a science." That's quite a prejudicial statement, since racism was never called a science. Physical anthropology was (and still is) a science. It's just that some circles started to call this racism, since the 1930s - I can go into that further.

The underlying facts of physical anthropology and capabilities of different races have never been proven wrong. It's just that such conclusions are considered politically incorrect nowadays.

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Re: Source of "blond hair blue eyes" myth?

Postby Hannover » 1 decade 5 months ago (Tue Dec 25, 2012 3:04 pm)

Anyway blond people are often better looking, that's why they are popular with the model industry as well. Are those making the decisions in that industry all Nazis and racists?

Here in the not so "United" States, there are a decent number of blond females represented in the media, many though are not true blondes, by a long shot. But when it comes to the male figure, blond is rarely seen, and obvious Ashkenazis get the work. A classic case of 'in-your-face' hiring discrimination by Jewish supremacists that absolutely dominate the media. I believe Kevin MacDonald's work explains this racist activity rather convincingly.

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Re: Source of "blond hair blue eyes" myth?

Postby Haldan » 1 decade 5 months ago (Tue Dec 25, 2012 3:50 pm)

I'm not sure but I think there's something like seven or eight "dark haired" individuals in the posters that Balsamo referenced earlier in the thread. Maybe I'm just splitting hairs, not sure. :lol:

Oops, must have missed Hannovers' response above which essentially is the same as mine.

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Re: Source of "blond hair blue eyes" myth?

Postby TheBlackRabbitofInlé » 1 decade 5 months ago (Tue Dec 25, 2012 9:53 pm)

It's strange how the "shockingly racist statements" of some are merely brushed aside as "that was the way of the world"


Ours is one continued struggle against degradation sought to be inflicted upon us by the European, who desire to degrade us to the level of the raw Kaffir, whose occupation is hunting, and whose sole ambition is to collect a certain number of cattle to buy his wife with and, then, pass his life in indolence and nakedness.

Gandhi, Sept, 1896

We (Indians in South Africa) believe as much in the purity of race as we think they (White in SA) do, only we believe that they would best serve these interests, which are as dear to us as to them, by advocating the purity of all races, and not one alone. We believe also that the white race of South Africa should be the predominating race.

Gandhi, Sept 24, 1903

Why, of all places in Johannesburg, the Indian location should be chosen for dumping down all Kaffirs of the town, passes my comprehension. Of course, under my suggestion, the Town Council must withdraw the Kaffirs from the Location. About this mixing of the Kaffirs with the Indians I must confess I feel most strongly. I think it is very unfair to the Indian population, and it is an undue tax on even the proverbial patience of my countrymen.

Gandhi, Feb 15, 1905

Clause 200 makes provision for registration of persons belonging to uncivilized races, resident and employed within the Borough. One can understand the necessity of registration of Kaffirs who will not work, but why should registration be required for indentured Indians who have become free, and for their descendants about whom the general complaint is that they work.

Gandhi, Mar 18, 1905

All quotes found here :

edited once, for typo
Nazis tried to create super-soldiers, using steroids ... they sought to reanimate the dead—coffins of famous Germanic warriors were found hidden in a mine, with plans to bring them back to life at the war’s end.
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Re: Source of "blond hair blue eyes" myth?

Postby Hektor » 1 decade 5 months ago (Wed Dec 26, 2012 11:07 am)

Hannover wrote:Hektor:
Anyway blond people are often better looking, that's why they are popular with the model industry as well. Are those making the decisions in that industry all Nazis and racists?

Here in the not so "United" States, there are a decent number of blond females represented in the media, many though are not true blondes, by a long shot. But when it comes to the male figure, blond is rarely seen, ...

Women tend to keep light features more as they keep older. But just ask yourself why there are so many people coloring their hair blonde, why this is so popular?
Anyway, there is quite some writers that stress the importance of the presence of the nordid element in countries. And Nordid being doliocephalic blonde, which has a common presence and influence in Germanic countries including Germany. Some off the writers were members of the NSDAP, some were not. Some academic that were NSDAP were Nordicists (HFK Guenther), others were not (Siegfried Passarge).

The Myth is that Hitler wanted to exterminate all non-blonde non-blue-eyed people. This, while often insinuated, isn't even claimed by most main stream sources. The truth is that Hitler wanted to make Germany a country for Germans, not further contaminating the genetic base with "artfremden" (type-alien) blood.

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Re: Source of "blond hair blue eyes" myth?

Postby Kladderadatsch » 1 decade 5 months ago (Wed Dec 26, 2012 5:22 pm)

The idea was in the air, as it were.


Aus der Erkenntnis, daß die Erhaltung und Vermehrung des guten, erbgesunden Blutes nur durch die schärfste Auslese und Zusammenfuehrung der Träger nordischen Blutes erfolgen kann, übernimmt der SS-Mann freiwillig bei seinem Eintritt in die Schutzstaffel die Verpflichtung, bei der Auswahl seiner Lebensgefährtin, der Mutter seiner Kinder, alle landläufigen Gesichtspunkte, wie Besitz, Mitgift, Stand, zurueckzustellen gegenueber dem einen der Rassereinheit und Erbgesundheit. Er muß sich daher bei seiner Wahl völlig auch über die Bedeutung seiner Ehe für die Zukunft seines Volkes klar sein.

-- SS-Hauptamt, 1944, Sieg der Waffen, Sieg des Kindes (pdf)

From the recognition that the preservation and increase of good, genetically healthy bloodlines can be achieved only through the sharpest selection and bringing-together of carriers of Nordic blood, the SS-Mann willingly undertakes, upon his entry into the Schutzstaffel, the duty to set aside, in the choice of his life-partner, mother of his children, all commonplace perspectives (such as property, dowry, social standing) in favor of one alone, that of racial purity and genetic health. In making his choice, he thus must be fully clear about the meaning of his marriage for the future of his Folk.

-- Victory of the Weapon, Victory of the Child


Wer wird nicht beim Anblick dieser Gesichter empfinden, was wir mit germanisch-deutschen Menschen meinen?

Who will not feel, looking at these faces, what we mean by Germanic-German people?


Yes, if you look at the pictures in Sieg der Waffen, you'll find images of (approved) German faces that do not match the "Nordic" stereotype, but it's pretty clear all the same where the preference lies. But then, as others have noted above already, perhaps that's simply because the fair-haired, fair-skinned, blue-grey-green-eyed phenotype really does (did? :() predominate among ethnic Germans, such that in any random sampling of them, half or more would fit the general pattern. And really, anyone who's got a problem with that has to explain why Germans should not want to preserve the genetic heritage that makes them unique, and commit demographic suicide instead. Hello?

Sieg der Waffen makes for fascinating reading--even if you don't know any German, you can get a lot from the pictures. (Lots of cute blondes too, lol.) In light of Europe's ongoing demographic crisis, images like this one are downright prescient:


Sure enough, Germany's current population has an age structure with ca 20% over-65, or pretty much 12 : 50 on the nose.

So maybe it's time to get past the propaganda and think about what the National Socialists were really trying to achieve. Race consciousness and above-replacement fertility as the foundation for maintaining a healthy, self-sustaining, demographically stable and culturally harmonious Germany.

Can't have that now, can we?
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Re: Source of "blond hair blue eyes" myth?

Postby Hannover » 1 decade 5 months ago (Wed Dec 26, 2012 6:13 pm)

Can't have that now, can we?

Well, there are those who can have that.

Race consciousness and above-replacement fertility as the foundation for maintaining a healthy, self-sustaining, demographically stable and culturally harmonious Israel ... and only Israel.

Well, the self-sustaining bit certainly doesn't apply to that. But I digress.

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Re: Source of "blond hair blue eyes" myth?

Postby The Warden » 1 decade 5 months ago (Wed Dec 26, 2012 9:41 pm)

Not that it matters, but research back in 2008 found that all blue eyed people had one common ancestor.
Read here:

However, blue eyed people are more successful...
Read here:

They also prefer people with the same characteristics...
Read here:

They also have laser surgery which can turn other color eyes to blue...
Read here:

Notice they can't reverse the process.

Just some blue eyed facts for the people who might find them interesting.
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