Otium wrote:A new book has been released about Karl Marx this September. And it seems to be quite promising.
People generally had this idea that they can deny the Jewishness of certain key figures in the Communist movement, particularly Karl Marx. In his new book however, Jewish author 'Shlomo Avineri' will turn this myth on it's head.
The book is titled 'Karl Marx: Philosophy and Revolution 51JzCoYoPBL._SX335_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg
And the description reads.
Ethnicity and political affiliation is commonly omitted. When they have to admit that many Communist key figures were Jews they usually try to dispute the relevance of this. They will also point to those Jews being 'non-religious', which is mostly true at least in the traditional sense. The thing is however that many Communists substituted their former religion with their newly embraced political philosophy / ideology. They don't wait for the messiah anymore or that heaven is in the after life. To them their party/movement becomes a sort of messiah, their leaders prophets and their party will take-over power to establish 'heaven on Earth'.
Marxism actually does have a cosmology that substitutes fully for traditional religion:
- Creation becomes the physical world creating itself and also life including man.
- There is no Fall... That is replaced by "Division of Labor"... Which lead to a class society (replacing sinful condition of man).
- Sin is replaced with "Exploitation".
- Idolworship is now pursuit of profit.
- Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels replace the profits of OLD.
- Marxist intellectuals replace the apostles and theologians.
-The Revolutionaries replace missionaries the Communist Parties replace the Churches.
- Counterrevolutionaries are the pagans, dissidents heretics.
= Socialism is replacing sanctification... The Classless Society will be heaven of Earth.
- It's perfectly OK to kill for the new faith, as man are only a compound of molecules working as motion and matter.
- If it serves the cause, that means a Communist Take-Over it must be alright somehow.
Admittedly I adopted more Christian terminology here. But Marxism was designed to target previously Christian societies anyway. By extension others had to be included as well. But that is unavoidable if your goal is world revolution. In reality Communism was a means to gain global control and establish a world state in which a central committee would have bureaucracies everywhere to micromanage each society and economy. That wasn't working to good of course. And it actually can't since there are information and knowledge problems a centralized bureaucracy can not overcome. That's why Communist countries were always depending on aid from the outside. Which they did get, since they could trade their mineral commodities with partners in Western countries. When their nomenklatura did however realize that they are busy going nowhere the USSR did opt for "Reform"... which lead to the dismantlement of their empire.
Instead with got Neo-Marxism now... Which declares anything in human relations to be "oppressive" or "exploitative" and of course "discrimination", "sexist" and "racist". The result is the woke movement, which got anti-White and pro-homosexual undertones. There is also a movement towards 'Transhumanism', which takes things towards a new level.