fireofice wrote:Now it is true that the English version does downplay Hitler's acknowledgment of extermination by referring to it as a "rumor" which is not in the original German. But even if we take "extermination" to mean killing here, Hitler is by no means stating this is a fact. Carrier completely misread what this said. Hitler said it was good if "the fear that we exterminate the Jews" existed, not that the fear was actually based on fact.
Yes, that's a good and valid point. Shame that Nilsson doesn't cite an archival source for this entry along with the printed one. Which leaves me to assume that no such original exists for this particular date. If so, this is even more flimsy.
Moreover, while Nilsson mentions of course that the Genoud version is wrong, he doesn't go so far as Carrier in claiming outright that this was an admission of Hitler's knowledge of the alleged Holocaust, which is dubious. Interestingly Nilsson makes reference to one of Hitler's military directives which makes a similar statement to that of the 25 October, 1942
Table Talks entry:
The last part about the fear of extermination of the Jews has some resemblance to something that Hitler wrote in Weisung Nr. 33 dated 23 July 1941 where he said that acts of resistance against the German forces could not best be stopped simply by punishing those guilty of active resistance before a court, but “especially if the occupying power spreads such a fear” that it alone would quell any effort to resist among the people.
Mikael Nilsson, Hitler Redux: The Incredible History of Hitler's So-Called Table Talks (London: Routledge, 2021), pp. 257-258.
Nilsson is partly mistaken though—not in any particularly significant way—but the document in which this line is quoted comes not from Hitler's 'Directive No. 33' which was actually issued on July 19th, but from the supplementary directive issued by Keitel on July 23rd:
German:Die zur Sicherung der eroberten Ostgebiete zur Verfügung stehenden Truppen reichen bei der Weite dieser Räume nur dann aus, wenn alle Widerstände nicht durch die juristische Bestrafung der Schuldigen geahndet werden, sondern wenn die Besatzungsmacht denjenigen Schrecken verbreitet, der allein geeignet ist, der Bevölkerung jede Lust zur Widersetzlichkeit zu nehmen.
English:The troops available for securing the conquered Eastern territories will, in view of the size of this area, be sufficient for their duties only if the occupying power meets resistance, not by legal punishment of the guilty, but by striking such terror into the population that it loses all will to resist.
Walther Hubatsch (ed.), Hitlers Weisungen für die Kriegsführung 1939–1945: Dokumente des Oberkommando des Wehrmacht (Munich: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1965), p. 167; H. R. Trevor-Roper (ed.), Hitler's War Directives 1939-1945 (London: Pan, 1966), p. 144. So really, the idea as expressed both in the
Table Talks and in this military directive was to use the impressions concocted by the German resistance to their own advantage in hopes it would quell resistance, rather than propagate it; saying
nothing about any "real" Holocaust.