bombsaway wrote:There's no evidence of material shipments of any kind into the Reinhard camps (except for excavators for Treblinka I think) , all related vouchers were destroyed if we're to trust Globocnik's letter to Himmler which I quoted earlier.
This is a great point, bombsaway. There is no documentary evidence of even material shipments in or out of the AR camps. Let's remember that next time we circle into a debate regarding any expectation of documents as to "where did they [Jews] go?".
How did I predict you would not have a single document or even a contemporary wartime statement which supports your 'gasoline' theory? You're dealing with 'gasoline' which is only told of in postwar testimony, apparently (which is easy to invent with enough motive). What is not-so-easy to invent is human remains, official documents and the like.
Pfannenstiel (presumably Rassinier's visitor) had this to say during his interrogation by West German authorities
“From the inspection site the corpses were taken directly to deep mass graves that had been dug in the vicinity of the extermination installation. When the pits were rather full, the corpses were doused with gasoline – it may have been some other flammable liquid – and were then lit. I could only determine that the corpses burned just partly. Then another layer of earth was thrown over the corpses and then fresh corpses were placed into the same pit.”
Yes, bombsaway, perhaps this is the same fellow---the same exact fellow who swore up and down that "15 minutes" is all it took for a diesel engine to suffocate a building full of hundreds of Jews to death. Just 15 minutes, bombsaway, he's absolutely sure of it. I notice you ignored that part. Why did you ignore it? Surely, you have some more testimony that will exonerate Pfannenstiel's claim of such an utterly impossible timeline.
There are other testimonies for Belzec about use of gasoline (as well as the other Reinhard camps).
Oh, more [postwar] testimony which aligns with the victors' propaganda narrative? For top-notch evidence, we know we can count on you.
HC blog provides this reference:
Report about investigation results in the Belzec extermination camp case, signed by state attorney Witkowski, German translation from Polish in BAL B162/208 AR-Z 252/59, Bd. VI, f.1185-88. The report refers to several witnesses including Eustachy Ukraiński, Tadeusz Misiewicz, Stanislaw Kozak and Kazimierz Czerniak. The machine(s) extracting the corpses were mentioned by witnesses Goch, Kirsz, Ukraiński and Kozak (depositions as note 5); Kirsz and Kozak mentioned the pyres being doused with a liquid, while Ukraiński stated that the fires had constantly been "fueled with a certain powder" ("mit einem bestimmten Pulver verstärkt", in the deposition’s German translation, as note 5, f.1119).
Got it, so either dousing or powdering... or perhaps it was lime pits? Or steam chambers... or vacuum? I forget, please remind me.
4 statements saying other flammables were used at Belzec vs zero statements saying only wood was used.
I'm starting to think you rely pretty heavily on
[postwar] statements.
Historians take an evidenced based approach, which yes includes witness testimony given after the war. If witness testimony and documentary evidence reinforce each other they have increased probative value.
You make a really great point, here... which is why it is curious that you have found
exactly zero documentary evidence supporting your 'gasoline' (or some mystery fuel) theory, yet still believe it anyway. Very weird, indeed.
bombsaway wrote:In terms of inspecting the experimental field ovens we know that it was Hoess and his adjutant that came all the way up from Auschwitz "to Litzmannstadt and back to inspect the experimental site of field ovens Aktion Reinhard". Travel report here, which also reveals they met with Blobel and requisitioned a "ball mill for grinding substances" and construction materials he was using for Auschwitz
https://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot ... tml#_doc63Mattogno's theory is that the Reinhard furnaces were waste incinerators, and the only witness testimony he brings to bear here is one where the witness points out "paper" was being destroyed. TEOCAR pg 1347
First, we need to make clear what you (and others) are alleging: that Hoess was sent from Auschwitz to Chelmno to inspect crematory ovens meant for "Aktion Reinhard" (extermination at Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka), for their potential adoption in corpse disposal techniques used at Auschwitz-Birkenau.
This makes no sense whatsoever.
Mattogno has already pointed out that the
only two documents connecting Auschwitz to 'Aktion Reinhardt' in any way are both related to disinfestation (and totally unrelated to claims of homicide or genocide). Moreover, nothing insofar as cremation techniques nor "bone grinding"--research of which is the purported purpose of the visit to Chelmno, which itself isn't mentioned on the document, either; the document mentions Litzmannstadt--were ever claimed to have been adopted at Birkenau, rendering the entire "field trip" pointless as alleged. Here is Mattogno's summary on the topic:
No orthodox holocaust historian has been able to establish a relation-
ship between the “Aktion Reinhardt,” as an alleged extermination oper-
ation, and the Auschwitz and Chełmno camps. Only an economic aspect
(the appropriation and exploitation of Jewish belongings) link it to
Auschwitz, while there is no link to Chełmno at all. Thus while Ausch-
witz was involved in the economic aspect of “Aktion Reinhardt,”
Chełmno was not involved at all. Accordingly the “field furnaces Ak-
tion Reinhard” were not cremation ovens and they were not located at
Chełmno. If in fact they had been cremation ovens and if they had been
linked to the extermination aspect of “Aktion Reinhardt,” why then
were these brick-and-mortar ovens not introduced at Bełżec, Sobibór
and Treblinka? I posit instead that they were actually field waste incin-
eration furnaces meant to destroy all flammable and unusable materials
originating from the appropriation of Jewish goods (the economic as-
pect of “Aktion Reinhardt”), while the “ball mill” was used to grind
down non-flammable materials. This is why the difference between a
“ball mill” and a “bone mill” is of significance here.
My hypothesis about the waste incineration furnaces resonates with
at least one testimony. The Sobibór witness Thomas Blatt declared in
1963 that he had been “in charge of the supervision of a paper and
clothing incineration furnace.” Two years later this witness confir-
“There was also a masoned furnace where the documents were burned.
[...] Then a furnace was built with bricks, so that the papers would not fly
away in the wind.”
TECOAR, p. 1212
Altogether, the notion that whatever equipment referred to in this document about "field ovens" refers to the handling and disposal of Jewish property or other materials makes far more sense than any unsupported references to "extermination".
Here's how Hoess relates the trip in his memoirs plus more about the overall mission of body destruction, which according to him began in mid 42
We don't need to go into this. Anything Hoess wrote after he was being tortured and his family was under explicit Soviet threat is moot and bunk. If you have real evidence, bombsaway, there's no need for you to cite Hoess' fraudulent "memoirs".
And here is further info on the visit from his interrogation, with additional info on gasoline used when he visited Treblinka
You are wholly reliant on bunk testimony, bombsaway. I will point out one thing, regarding the next excerpt you provided, shown here:
Defendant: I only know Chelmno, Treblinka and Auschwitz. I saw the crema¬
tion. By order of the Reichsfiihrer, Globe! [Blobel] had been assigned the task
of locating mass graves and totally eliminating their traces. In this context, he
ordered me to visit Chelmno in order to observe the experiments that were
carried out right there to eliminate these mass graves. There they worked with
flamethrowers, chemicals and explosives, even with various types of furnaces
used for cremation. For example, there were furnaces utilized as field furnac¬
es, or they cremated with the aid of wood soaked with gasoline. At Tremblinka
[sic], the corpses I saw and which came from the gas chamber, as well as
those which had been left for months in large pits [and that] were pulled out by
excavators, [were put] on pyres [made] of railroad tracks; the burning fire was
mixed with wood, and oil was again poured over it, and it was soaked with
gasoline. Initialy, only a few pyres and crematories were used in Auschwitz,
and cremations were carried out in this way in pits.
It would appear your excerpt comes directly from "Commandant of Auschwitz" by Mattogno, p. 254, but you seem to have missed the point Mattogno made right afterward which discredits this entire statement. Hoess refers here back to his July
1941 visit to Treblinka, claiming he saw burning pyres on a framework made of railway tracks (see ftn. 189, op cit.)
a full year before this method had even been conceived (let alone invented/practiced)! Amazing!
This is in addition to the entire book "Commandant of Auschwitz" ( which demonstrates
beyond any reasonable doubt that Hoess' testimony is a complete and utter work of manipulation from his captors. But this standard for evidence is par for the course from bombsaway.
Note that Blobel's activities around Chelmno are well documented including this British intercept which has him requisitioning a flamethrower, just as Hoess described above.
https://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot ... tml#_doc55Other witness statements have Blobel destroying corpses with flamethrowers as well.
Elon Musk has a flamethrower, too. He even sells them and not for killing but simply because they are "cool". Perhaps Blobel (or any one of his staff) did use a flamethrower for burning objects en masse, or for clearing out unwanted plants/vegatation/insects/etc in work areas. Or, to your credit, perhaps they even attempted using such a device on corpses (and the lice they contained). None of this proves a Holocaust-scale "extermination" operation. At most, it proves a creative and sanitary way to dispose of bodies which Hoess may or may not have actually observed at any point (but more likely, Hoess' captors simply wanted to make use of a document they found which mentioned Blobel and a flamethrower).
So basically if I'm an orthodox historian looking at this it would be foolish for me not to make a connection between the "field ovens Aktion Reinhard" and body destruction (which is indicated at all the Reinhard camps around this time period , late summer 1942). These statements also describe the use of liquid fuel in the destruction of corpses on metal pyres, the exact method used at these camps according to witnesses.
If you're an orthodox historian, you put in zero effort whatsoever toward source criticism and you think physical evidence is a relatively trivial matter compared to
tHe SuRviVoRs.
do realize you just used "statements" to 'corroborate' "witnesses", right?
Browning's thesis was that Eichmann was mistaken about Majdanek, not lying or "inventing", so I don't think this has been demonstrated and I don't know why you would bring it up if you didn't think it was relevant. I apologize if I'm misrepresenting you, but using a quote like this to back up your claim that he was "inventing" gassings is misleading.
You're playing dumb in a deceptive way here, bombsaway. You know full-well that what I am saying is that (1) Eichmann observed no 'gassing' at Majdanek, (2) he said he did in his precapture testimony, and (3) Browning suggests that this exact statement draws Eichmann's credibility into question.
Your emphasis that Browning has 'explained away'
why he believes Eichmann stated this falsehood is 100% irrelevant to the factual accuracy of points 1-3 I just repeated above.