Jews, Bolsheviks and the Murder of Tsar Nicholas II and the Romanov Family // Jewish Ritual Murder

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Jews, Bolsheviks and the Murder of Tsar Nicholas II and the Romanov Family // Jewish Ritual Murder

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 10 months ago (Sat Aug 03, 2019 5:40 pm)

Nicholas II of Russia was the last crowned and annointed Tsar and Emperor of Russia. He ruled from 1894 until his forced abdication during the Russian Revolution of 1917, after which he and his family were murdered by Bolsheviks. Because so many of the Bolsheviks were of Jewish ethnicity, it has been described by some as a "Jewish Ritual Murder." The following article is from the now-deleted blog "Semitic Controversies" by Karl Radl.

Jews, Bolsheviks and the Murder of Tsar Nicholas II and the Romanov Family

The murder of the Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and his family on the 17th July 1918 was one of several epoch-defining moments that occurred in the 20th century the murder was that acted as motivational element for nationalists across Europe: in particular in Germany where the nascent National Socialist Germany Workers Party (the NSDAP) supported the candidacy of Grand Prince Kirill Romanov. (1)

It is an event which sent shock-waves through Europe and assured that the 20th century would; to use Eric Hobsbawm's term for it, forever be known as the 'Age of Extremes'. For the murder of the Tsar meant that for one of the great European empires; Russia, there was little prospect to return to how it was without the man that made it so and thus made a political choice necessary for ordinary Russians that they had to get behind the Bolshevik revolution, actively fight against it or leave for a life of exile from the motherland.

What the murder also meant was that Western attitudes towards would-be Bolsheviks and the left in general significantly hardened giving rise to new action-orientated non-traditional patriotic groups; such as the Fascisti of Italy as well as the CEDA and Falange of Spain, who began a process of national revival across Europe that was cut short and then crushed by the Second World War.

The role of the jews; specifically four directly and two indirectly, in the murder of the Tsar has long been well-known among writers and researchers on the subject of the last of the Romanovs. Although some have sought to dismiss this jewishness as being inconsequential: they do not; as a rule, even attempt to deny it as to do is evidentially absurd.

Of the four jews the first; and the man who actually killed the Tsar, was Yakov Yurovsky: (2) a long-time Bolshevik activist and also an individual who was then steadily rising through the ranks of the Cheka. (3) Yurovsky was also the man who served as the last; as well as the harshest, gaoler of the Romanovs in addition to possibly being a young protégée of Joseph Stalin. (4)

The second is a man who called himself Filipp Goloschekin, but in actuality his real name (as opposed to his party name) was Isay Isaakovich. (5) He was Sverdlov's envoy to the Urals Regional Soviet; headed by a lacklustre local Bolshevik named Beloborokov, and was the man who controlled the decisions and behaviour of the Soviet. (6) Goloschekin was no new figure to the Bolshevik party given that he had sat on the Central Committee of the Russian Social Democratic Party (that was later to split forming both the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks) along with Lenin in 1909 and 1912. (7)

Goloschekin; as the head of the regional Cheka, (8) was Yurovsky's direct superior and the man who it was who deliberately brought the Romanovs into his power with; in all probability, the wish; as well as the means, to kill them. (9) It was Goloschekin who had masterminded the unanimous vote of the Urals Regional Soviet to kill the Tsar with all possible speed on the 29th June 1918 (10) as well as who left on the 3rd June 1918 to meet with his Bolshevik superiors in Moscow (Sverdlov and Lenin respectively [who are the other two responsible parties]) (11) to discuss what should be done with the Tsar. (12)

When he returned on the 12th July 1918 Goloschekin brought verbal orders from Sverdlov and Lenin to murder the Tsar, which would give them plausible deniability and allow them to cast the brutal murder of the Romanovs as being the independent act of Goloschekin and Yurovsky, which was how the event was subsequently portrayed by obedient Soviet historians. (13)

As Service has noted Lenin's reasoning behind the murder maybe simply summed up as follows:

'He exterminated Romanovs because they had misruled Russia. But he also turned to such measures because he enjoyed – really enjoyed – letting himself loose against people in general from the ancien regime.' (14)

What Service leaves out is that Lenin had a special reason to hate Nicholas II; aside from his overt rationalization of class war, given that Lenin was partly jewish (15) and Nicholas II had overseen a major effort to fight against the jews and jewish power in the Russian Empire. (16) It is difficult to conceive of Lenin's homicidal nature towards the Romanovs; who had also hanged his brother (after all jews supplied most of the leadership and supporters of left wing revolutionary parties in pre-Bolshevik Russia), (17) without thinking that at least part of it was because he was himself the grandchild of a jew.

Yakov Sverdlov; who was the 'man behind the curtain' of Lenin's government and in many ways its true architect, (18) is well-known to have been jewish and to have had; like Lenin, a fanatical hatred of the Romanovs (19) that was almost unique to jewish revolutionaries. (20) Less well-known is the fact that Goloschekin; as observant readers may have guessed from his real name, was jew who had trained to be a dentist (21) and Yurovsky was the staunchly jewish grandson of a well-regarded Polish rabbi. (22)

With all this in mind we need to remember that the murder of the Tsar was inevitable as long as he was in Bolshevik hands precisely because he was a symbol of hope to the enemies of Bolshevism (even those who didn't want to see him restored to the throne) as well as a symbol of the old regime and everything the Bolsheviks professed to despise.

The problem that confronted the Bolsheviks in relation to the Tsar was not whether they should kill him, but rather how and when they should do it. The reason for this dilemma was simple enough: the Bolsheviks were not a monolithic party, but rather a coalition of many different elements with their own Marxist ideological priorities. There were the radicals around Trotsky, the pragmatists around Lenin and Sverdlov as well as the more traditional Marxists around Bukharin (the latter being rather marginalized in the Bolshevik party due to their ideological association with the Mensheviks).

Each of these groups were engaged in a political struggle with the others for political and ideological supremacy within the Bolshevik party and while Trotsky wanted to emulate the French Revolution and put the Tsar on trial for his life. (23) Lenin and Sverdlov wanted the Tsar murdered at a convenient time, but only once they had squeezed the last bit of diplomatic and domestic advantage they could out of him. (24)

Lenin and Sverdlov were keen to retain their control of the Tsar; which is illustrated by their choice of their long-time and trusted associate Goloschekin to take charge of him, but were also unwilling to allow the Tsar to fall into the hands of their enemies precisely because in doing so they would destabilize their own political positions and hand a propaganda coup to their enemies both within the Bolshevik party and without on the battlefields of Russia.

This is why when removing the Tsar from Ekaterinburg without significant risk of him being liberated by the Whites became impossible: Yurovsky was ordered to murder him and his family, while other elements of the Cheka wiped out the other captured members of the Romanov family held at Alapaevsk in the northern Urals on Goloschekin's orders. (25)

This then gives us something approaching the conventional narrative about the Tsar being murdered by the Bolsheviks to prevent him falling the hands of the White armies (and specifically the Czech Legion). (26)

This however completely leaves out the fact that the jewish Bolsheviks who made the decision to; as well as carrying out the, murder the Tsar and his family had long-planned that it would happen. This took the form of the resolution by the Urals Regional Soviet; conceived by and directed by Goloschekin, on the 29th June 1918 giving Lenin and Sverdlov a way to kill the Tsar and represent it as the 'will of the people' (Goloschekin having left to officially present this rationale to them in person).

This lead to the change over in command at 'The House of Special Purpose' from the non-jew Aleksandr Avdeev to the jew Yakov Yurovsky on 4th July 1918: (27) who in turn replaced most of the guards with mercenaries/Cheka personnel, strengthened the security and introduced a much harsher regime on the Romanov family. (28)

This is compounded by the fact that on 6th July 1918 Yurovsky's guards received brand new American-made weapons in the form of Colt pistols and Maxim machine guns. (29) These were badly needed on the front-lines where Bolshevik troops were suffering shortages of everything from food to bullets to serviceable weapons. However suddenly an already well-armed guard detachment were given brand new weapons that would be more likely to be in perfect working order.

Clearly they had a special task ahead of them and with Goloschekin in Moscow till the 12th July 1918: (30) it is clear that Yurovsky and his men were being armed in order to make sure that the murder of the Tsar and his family would go as smoothly as possible.

This is also born out by the fact that the Urals Regional Soviet's resolution, Goloschekin's departure to consult with Lenin and Sverdlov and Yurovsky's arrival to replace Avdeev only occur after the failure of an attempt to resolve the problem presented by the Tsar by murdering him and his family while they were trying to escape.

This was achieved by a letter that the Romanovs received from an anonymous monarchist officer on the 20th June 1918, which asked for information about their situation in the prison so they could be freed in an organized breakout. As Rappaport has pointed out: the elementary mistakes in the letter (such as not referring the Tsar as 'Your Majesty' or 'Your Highness') point to it being a creation of the Cheka themselves. (31)

This was the first of 4 letters that reached the Tsar and his family from their supposed supporter: the culmination of the letters was that on the 25th June the Tsar and his family would shimmy down a rope made of bedclothes from a window and be rescued by the anonymous monarchist officer and his supporters. (32)

Rather too conveniently Avdeev had; on the 25th June (the date of the escape letter and on the night of which it was due to happen), suddenly relented and allowed the Romanovs the ability to open one of the windows in their apartment. (33) What the Romanovs (who decided against the plan thinking it unworkable) (34) didn't know; and couldn't have known, was that the Cheka had machine gun nests (with new American-made Maxim machine guns remember) trained on said window (notably from the nearby church tower). (35)

Clearly escaping via this window was a death sentence, but if the Tsar and his family had attempted to do so it would have allowed the Bolsheviks to murder them in a relatively neutral way. Indeed the blame for their deaths could be cast upon the victims themselves for trying to escape and thus would solve the problem of how to deal with Trotsky's ambitious plans for a trial of the Tsar, free up the troops guarding him and his family as well as score a propaganda coup for the Bolshevik cause by executing the Tsar without formally executing him.

That this plot to indirectly execute the Tsar failed coupled with the continuing rapid advance of the Czech Legion on Ekaterinburg meant that the Bolsheviks no longer really had the option of subtlety if they wished to prevent the Tsar falling into the hands of his friends and supporters. They had to murder him and to do so directly required both a precedent and authorization at the highest level as well as speedy operational preparations locally.

This is the origin of the unanimous resolution for the murder of the Tsar from the Urals Regional Soviet; which remember Goloschekin controlled, on 29th June: two days after the Romanovs declared to their 'anonymous monarchist officer' that they 'no longer wished to be rescued'. (36) As well as why Goloschekin immediately left with this 'warrant from the people' to consult with Lenin and Sverdlov in person (which was extraordinary behaviour on Goloschekin's part) and also why the order confirming the replacement of Avdeev with Yurovsky (who had likely been involved in the attempt to murder the Tsar while they were escaping) on the 4th July 1918 (i.e. the day after Goloschekin arrived) came through when it did.

That Yurovsky already had his orders and that they came from the very top of the Bolshevik regime is indicated by his immediately replacing Avdeev's guards with those of his own choice, the brand new (rare) weapons that were shipped to him on 6th July as well as why he began requisitioning 400 pounds of sulphuric acid to be used in the disposal of the bodies well before he was given his official orders by Goloschekin.

Goloschekin's arrival on 12th July with the formal verbal order from Lenin and Sverdlov to (brutally) murder (37) the Tsar and his family was merely the final go that Yurovsky needed to carry out the murders. That this was a deliberate conspiracy to murder the Romanovs; as opposed to an act of simple desperation, is also shown by the fact that the Bolsheviks had executed the Tsar's brother; Grand Duke Mikhail, on the 12th/13th June to gauge the international and domestic response to such murders (38) as well the fact that the day after the Tsar was killed the Bolsheviks simply murdered every Romanov they held captive whether or not they were liable to be liberated from captivity or not. (39)

Once we understand this fact then it is clear that the Bolsheviks always intended to murder the Tsar and all of the Romanov family, but were attempting to do so at a time and in such a way as it provided them with best advantage. The only reason they did when they did so was because all their other stratagems had been unsuccessful and if they moved the Tsar again: there was a significant risk that he could (and would) be liberated by the advancing Czech Legion, which was to them an unacceptable risk.

This then makes the composition of the decision-making and operational command apparatus of special importance precisely because if this apparatus was universally jewish then it means that the murder of Tsar Nicholas II and the Romanov family was conducted purely by jewish Bolsheviks giving good evidence of the truth of the Judeo-Bolshevism thesis (i.e. the jews largely controlled the Bolshevik party and [at least] the early Soviet Union).

By way of a concluding summary let us remind ourselves of what and who that apparatus precisely consisted of:

Vladimir Lenin
(Part-Jewish Head of the Soviet State)

Yakov Sverdlov
(Jewish Chair of the Bolshevik Central Executive Committee)

Filipp Goloschekin
(aka Isay Isaakovich)
(Jewish Member of the Presidium of the Urals Regional Soviet and de facto Head of the Urals Cheka)

Yakov Yurovsky
(Jewish Head of 'The House of Special Purpose' and member of Ekaterinburg Cheka)

Who then murdered the Tsar and his family on 17th July 1918.

Now who says that jewish Bolsheviks didn't play a key part in the murder Tsar Nicholas II and the Romanov family?


(1) Michael Kellogg, 2005, 'The Russian Roots of Nazism: White Émigrés and the Making of National Socialism 1917-1945', 1st Edition, Cambridge University Press: New York, p. 14
(2) Andrew Cook, 2011, 'The Murder of the Romanovs', 1st Edition, Amberley: Stroud, p. 162
(3) Helen Rappaport, 2009, 'Ekaterinburg: The Last Days of the Romanovs', 1st Edition, Random House: London, p. 33
(4) Ibid, p. 32
(5) Ibid, p. 130
(6) Ibid, p. 131
(7) Ibid.
(8) Ibid.
(9) Cook, Op. Cit., pp. 147-149
(10) Rappaport, Op. Cit., p. 41
(11) Orlando Figes, 1997, 'A People's Tragedy: The Russian Revolution 1891-1924', 1st Edition, Pimlico: London, p. 638; Robert Service, 2003, 'A History of Modern Russia: From Nicholas II to Putin', 2nd Edition, Penguin: New York, p. 107; Robert Service, 2011, 'Spies & Commissars: Bolshevik Russia and the West', 1st Edition, MacMillan: Basingstoke, pp. 120-121
(12) Robert Massie, 2000, [1967], 'Nicholas & Alexandra', 1st Edition, Phoenix: London, p. 489
(13) Service, 'Spies', Op. Cit., p. 120
(14) Robert Service, 2000, 'Lenin: A Biography', 1st Edition, MacMillan: Basingstoke, p. 364
(15) For more information see the following article:
(16) For a useful summary see Benjamin Pinkus, 1988, 'The Jews of the Soviet Union: The History of a National Minority', 1st Edition, Cambridge University Press: New York, pp. 23-33
(17) Robert Service, 2007, 'Comrades. Communism: A World History', 1st Edition, MacMillan: Basingstoke, pp. 136-137
(18) Rappaport, Op. Cit., pp. 104-105
(19) See Leon Trotsky's diary quoted in Figes, Op. Cit., p. 638
(20) Indicated by the decision not to use ordinary Russian revolutionaries or Cheka units to kill the Romanovs, but rather a special unit of 3 long established fanatical members of the Cheka with a unit of predominately non-Russian mercenaries as a reserve force. See Cook, Op. Cit., pp. 158-163 as well as Figes, Op. Cit., p. 640
(21) Rappaport, Op. Cit., p. 130
(22) Ibid, pp. 31-32; Figes, Op. Cit., p. 640
(23) Cook, Op. Cit., p. 149; Rappaport, Op. Cit., pp. 140-143; Service, 'Spies', Op. Cit., p. 121
(24) Rappaport, Op. Cit., pp. 68-69; 136-137
(25) Figes, Op. Cit., p. 641
(26) See Nicholas Riasanovsky, 1993, 'A History of Russia', 5th Edition, Oxford University Press: New York, pp. 481-182
(27) Rappaport, Op. Cit., pp. 139-140
(28) Cook, Op. Cit., p. 159
(29) Ibid, p. 158
(30) Ibid, p. 159
(31) Rappaport, Op. Cit., pp. 122-123
(32) Ibid, p. 124
(33) Ibid, p. 123
(34) Ibid, p. 124
(35) Cook, Op. Cit., p. 155
(36) Rappaport, Op. Cit., p. 124
(37) See William Henry Chamberlain, 1987, 'The Russian Revolution', Vol. II, 1st Edition, Princeton University Press: Princeton, p. 91
(38) Rappaport, Op. Cit., p. 38
(39) Figes, Op. Cit., p. 641


The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia’s Early Soviet Regime: Behind the Murder of Russia's Imperial Family

The End of the Romanoffs - Nicholas, Alexandra, & Their Children

Two Hundred Years Together - Alexander Solzhenitsyn - a comprehensive history of Jews in Russia & the USSR between 1795-1995 ... s_Together

Russian Orthodox Church: Jews May Have Killed Russia's Last Czar Nicholas II In Ritual Murder

The Jews behind the Bavarian Soviet Republic of 1919

[Israeli Professor] Ariel Toaff (2016). Blood Passover: European Jews and Ritual Murder
PDF: ... SSOVER.pdf

Nationalities of NKVD Purge Officials Identified

Russia 1917-1918: A key to the riddle of an age of conflict
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Jews, Bolsheviks and the Murder of Tsar Nicholas II and the Romanov Family // Jewish Ritual Murder

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 10 months ago (Sun Aug 04, 2019 7:45 pm)

Occasionally, even today some Jewish historians will acknowledge this disproportionate Jewish involvement in Russian communism. Norman Cantor, Jewish professor of history at New York University, confirmed:
Half of the six members of the politburo that was the supreme government of Soviet Russia in 1920 were Jews. The first head of the Soviet secret police was Jewish. Jews were prominent in the leadership of the Communist party in Germany, Hungary, and Austria. In the 1920s close to half the members of the small and politically insignificant American Communist party were Jewish.
"The Sacred Chain - A History of the Jews," Norman F. Cantor, HarperCollins, 1995

From another book, Norman Cantor:
The Bolshevik Revolution and some of its aftermath represented, from one perspective, Jewish revenge. During the heyday of the Cold War, American Jewish publicists spent a lot of time denying that—as 1930s anti-Semites claimed—Jews played a disproportionately important role in Soviet and world Communism. The truth is until the early 1950s Jews did play such a role, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. In time Jews will learn to take pride in the record of the Jewish Communists in the Soviet Union and elsewhere. It was a species of striking back.
Norman Cantor, “The Jewish Experience” (1996, p. 364)

Sergei Semanov:
Under the revolutionary regimes of Lenin and the early Stalin the former majority population of Eastern Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians, White Russians) in their own country were dispossessed and put under the jurisdiction of the prerevolutionary minority peoples (Jews, Georgians, Latvians, Poles, and Armenians). The October Revolution differed substantially from earlier Western revolutions as, for example, when Frenchmen were pitted against Frenchmen in the French Revolution or when Englishmen fought against fellow Englishmen in the American Revolution for the purpose of improving conditions for the less fortunate. In Russia in 1917, international misfits provided much of the leadership for that revolution as part of a world conspiracy to bring down all other governments that did not accept the dictatorial teaching of Karl Marx and his disciples.
NKVD: Excerpt from Sergei Semanov, The Russian Club. Translated in 2012. viewtopic.php?t=12632

Statement of researcher Michael Mills, an official of the government of Australia at Canberra:
It is legitimate to adopt a critical attitude toward the relatively large number of Jews who particularly in the first decade after the Bolshevik revolution collaborated with the Soviet Government in the persecution of other peoples.
“Irving's Case Getting Aid from Aussie: Mills, a Civil Servant, Playing a Role in Trial; Leibler. Seeks Reprimand.” Forward, 10 Mar. 2000.

Russian President Vladimir Putin:
I thought about something just now: The decision to nationalize this library was made by the first Soviet government, whose composition was 80-85 percent Jewish
Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish.
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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"such a masquerade deceived no one" - Ariadna Vladimirovna Tyrkova-Williams

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 9 months ago (Sat Sep 07, 2019 1:42 pm)

From BROI's blog (which is now hidden):

"such a masquerade deceived no one"
Ariadna Vladimirovna Tyrkova-Williams (1869 - 1962)

Russian born politician and writer, who organised anti-Bolshevik resistance in Southern Russia. After emigrating to Britain in 1918, she published From Liberty to Brest-Litovsk: The First Year of the Russian Revolution, in which she commented:

Besides obvious foreigners, Bolshevism recruited many adherents from among émigrés, who had spent many years abroad. Some of them had never been to Russia before. They especially numbered a great many Jews. They spoke Russian badly. The nation over which they had seized power was a stranger to them, and besides, they behaved as invaders in a conquered country. Throughout the Revolution generally and Bolshevism in particular the Jews occupied a very influential position. This phenomenon is both curious and complex. But the fact remains that such was the case in the primarily elected Soviet (the famous trio—Lieber, Dahn, Gotz), and all the more so in the second one.

In the Tsarist Government the Jews were excluded from all posts. Schools or Government service were closed to them. In the Soviet Republic all the committees and commissaries were filled with Jews. They often changed their Jewish name for a Russian one—Trotsky-Bronstein, Kamenev-Rozenfeld, Zinoviev-Apfelbaum, Steklov-Nakhamkes, and so on. But such a masquerade deceived no one, while the very pseudonyms of the commissaries only emphasised the international or rather the alien character of Bolshevist rule. This Jewish predominance among Soviet authorities caused the despair of those Russian Jews who, despite the cruel injustice of the Tsarist régime, looked upon Russia as their motherland, who lived the common life of the Russian intelligentsia and refused in common with them all collaboration with the Bolsheviks.

Tyrkova-Williams, Ariadna. From Liberty to Brest-Litovsk: The First Year of the Russian Revolution. London; MacMillan & Co. 1919. pp. 298-299.
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Robert Wilton 'Russia's Agony' (1918) and 'The Last Days of the Romanovs' (1920)

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 8 months ago (Tue Sep 10, 2019 7:29 pm)

British journalist Robert Wilton in his 1920 book 'The Last Days of the Romanovs' documented that the October Revolution was primarily led by atheistical Jews, often from Western Europe of the USA. Chapter 16 of his 1920 book was omitted from the English-language British and US editions of his book, but named various Jews running the revolutionary parties. Peter Myers presents an English translation of the French edition in the following article:

Robert Wilton, Russia's Agony (1918) and The Last Days of the Romanovs (1920) incl. Ch 16. or ... ilton.html

The link above quotes the most important passages, but the full book is here:


The Last Days Of The Romanovs or

An excerpt:
When the Jewish murderers and their accomplices, the German-Magyar 'Letts,' had taken wing before the advance of the Whites, these prisoners were sent to Perm for future disposal, while they themselves had hurried westward, having helped to accomplish the hellish design of the Jew fiend, Yankel Sverdlov - to exterminate 'all the Romanovs.' Others had already preceded them to Perm, and the design had been fully accomplished there. The murder of the Romanovs at Perm took place exactly twenty-four hours after the murder of the family at Ekaterinburg.
But why all these precautions? If the people are so anxious to try and punish their late ruler, why resort to all manner of subterfuges, both in committing the 'execution' and in acquainting the people with the death of their 'oppressor'?

The answer is a simple one: Sverdlov and his associates were not sure of the people. The reason of that is equally simple: they were not Russians; they were Jews. They were 'internationalists,' repudiating all nationality, yet disguised under Russian names. The Russians in their midst were dupes or dummies.
The Jewish domination in Russia is supported by certain Russians: the 'burgess' Ulianov, alias Lenin, the 'noble' Chicherin, the 'dissenter' Bonch-Bruevich. They are all mere screens or dummies behind which the Sverdlovs and the thousand and one Jews of Sovdepia continue their work of destruction
; having wrecked and plundered Russia by appealing to the ignorance of the working folk, they are now using their dupes to set up a new tyranny worse than any that the world has known.
When the Jew Kanegisser assassinated the Jew Uritsky, the Soviets ordained a Terror throughout the land. Rivers of Russian blood had to wipe away the stain caused by a Jew who dared to oppose the Jewish rulers of unhappy Russia.

The following quotes are from chapter 16, because it is translated from French many of the names are the French versions, rather than the anglicized form of the Russian names (example: Romanof = Romanov):
The Red autocracy, at the time of the murder of the Romanof, consisted entirely of Jews, with the sole exception of Lenin, his real name being Vladimir Oulianof, ennobled bourgeois of Simbirsk. Only a Russian could have been capable of such a destructive imagination; only Jews could have realize his plan of universal upheaval. But Lenin's conception had no other goal that a utopian, while the Semites' actions were pursuing a real goal: the takeover of Russia.
It's in the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party the rests the power; now here is its composition in 1918:

Bronstein (Trotski), Apfelbaum (Zinoviev), Lourie (Larine), Ouritski, Volodarski, Rosenfeldt (Kamenev), Smidovitch, Sverdlof (Yankel), Nakhamkes (Steklof).

Oulianov (Lenin), Krylenko, Lounatcharski.

The other socialist "Russian" parties are in the same situation.
Here are their central committees: S.D. mensheviks: 11 members, all Jews; Communists of the People: 6 members, of which 5 are Jews, 1 Russian; S.R. (right), 15 members of which 13 Jews, 2 Russians (Kerenski - unless he has a Jewish origin - and Tchaikovski); S.R. (left) 12 members, of which 10 are Jews, 2 Russians; Committee of Anarchists of Moscow, 5 members of which 4 Jews, 1 Russian; Party of the Polish District, 12 members all Jews including Sbelson (Radek), Krakhmal Zagorski and Schwartz (Goltz).

These parties, so-called of opposition, work more or less openly with the Bolsheviks, blocking the Russians. Of 61 individuals heading these parties, there were 6 Russians and 55 Jews. Whatever the label, a revolutionary government will Jewish.

Here the Revolutionary Council of the People:
Oulianof, (Lenin), president, Russian; Tchitcherine, Foreign Affairs, Russian; Lounatcharski Public Education, Russian; Djougachvili, Nationalities, Georgian; Protian, Agriculture, Armenian; Lourie (Larine), Economic Council, Jew; Schlichter, Food Supplies, Jew; Bronstein (Trotski), War and Navy, Jew; Lander, State Control, Jew; Kauffman, Public Land, Jew; Schmidt, Labor, Jew; E. Lilina (Knigissen), Public assistance, Jew; Spitzberg, Religion (Cults), Jew; Apfelbaum (Zinovief), Interior, Jew; Avelt, Hygiene, Jew; Isidore Goukovski, Finances, Jew; Volodarski, Press, Jew; Ouritski, elections, Jew; I. Steinberg, Justice, Jew; Fenigstein, Refugees, Jew; Savitch and Zaslavski, his assistants, Jews.
Of 22 Members, 3 Russians, 1 Georgian, 1 Armenian, 17 Jews.

Here is the Central Executive Committee:
Y. Sverdklof, president, Jew; Avanessof, secretary, Armenian; Bruno, Letton; Breslau, Letton; Babtchinski, Jew; Boukharine, Russian; Weinberg, Jew; Gailiss, Jew; Ganzburg, Jew; Danichevski, Jew; Starek, German; Sachs, Jew; Scheinmnn, Jew; Erdling, Jew; Landauer, Jew; Linder, Jew; Wolach, Czech; Dimanstein, Jew: Encukidze, Georgian; Ermenn, Jew; Ioffe,Jew; Karkhline, Jew; Knigissen, Jew; Rosenfeldt (Kamenef), Jew; Apfelbaum (Zinovief), Jew; Krylenko, Russian; Krassikof, Jew; Kapnik, Jew; Kaoul, Letton; Oulianof (Lenin), Russian; Latsis, Jew; Lander, Jew; Lounatcharski, Russian; Oeterson, Letton; Peters, Letton; Roudzoutas, Jew; Rosine, Jew; Smidovitch, Jew; Stoutchka, Letton; Smiltch, Jew; Nakhamkes (Steklof), Jew; Sosnovski, Jew; Skrytnik, Jew; Bronstein (Trotski), Jew; Teodorovitch, Jew; Terian, Armenian; Ouritski, Jew; Telechkine, Russian; Feldmann, Jew; Froumkine, Jew; Souriupa, Ukrainian; Tchavtchevadze, Georgian; Scheikmann, Jew; Rosental, Jew; Achkinazi, Imeretrian; Karakhane, Karaim; Rose, Jew; Sobelson (Radek) Jew; Schlichter, Jew: Schikolini, Jew; Chklianski, Jew; Levine (Pravdine), Jew.
62 Members, 5 Russian, 6 Lettons, 2 Germans, 1 Czech, 2 Armenians, 2 Georgians, 1 Imeretian, 1 Karaim, 1 Ukrainian, 41 Jews.

Here now are the members of the Extraordinary Commission of Moscow:
Dzerjinski, president, Pole; Peters, vice-president, Letton; Chklovski, Jew; Zeistine, Jew; Razmirovitch, Jew; Kronberg, Jew; Khaikina, Jewess; Karlson, Letton; Schaumann, Letton; Leontovitch, Jew; Rivkine, Jew; Antonof, Russian; Delafabre, Jew; Tsitkine, Jew; Roskirovitch, Jew: G. Sverdlof (brother of the president), Jew; Biesenski, Jew; Blioumkine (murderer of Count Mirbach), Jew; Alexandrovitch (accomplice of the preceding) Russian; I. Model, Jew; Routenberg, Jew; Pines, Jew; Sachs, Jew; Jacob Goldine, Jew; Galperstein, Jew; Kniggisen, Jew; Latzis, Letton, Daybol, Letton; Suissoune, Armenian; Devlkenen, Letton; Liebert, Jew; Vogel, German; Zakiss, Letton; Schillenkuss, Jew; Janson, Letton; Kheifiss, Jew.
In all, 36 with 1 Pole, 1 German, 1 Armenian, 2 Russians, 8 Lettons, 23 Jews.

No need then to be surprised of the Jewish complicity in the murder of the Romanof family. The absence of such a complicity would have been astonishing.

Lenin is quoted as the gentile that is the exception to the rule of Bolsheviks being Jews. Winston Churchill said the same thing in his 'Zionism versus Bolshevism' article: "With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures [in Bolshevism and the Russian Revolution] are Jews" ( ... Bolshevism)

What we know now is that Lenin was 1/4 Jewish.

Vladimir Lenin Was Part Jewish, Say Declassified KGB Files

Lenin's Jewish roots put on display in Russian museum

Yuri Slezkine (2004) "The Jewish Century":
But of course the most sensitive "nationality" [ethnicity] of all was Lenin's. In 1924, Lenin's sister Anna discovered that their maternal grandfather, Aleksandr Dmitrievich Blank, had been born Srul (Israel), the son of Moshko Itskovich Blank, in the shtetl Starokonstantinov [Old Konstantinov] in Volynia [Volhynia, now Ukraine]. When Kamenev found out, he said, "I've always though so," to which Bukharin allegedly replied: "Who cares what you think? The question is, what are we going to do?" What "they," or rather, the Party through the Lenin Institute, did was proclaim this fact "inappropriate for publication" and decree that it be "kept secret."

In 1932 and again in 1934, Anna Ilinichna [Lenin's sister] begged Stalin to reconsider, claiming that her discovery was, on the one hand, an important scientific confirmation of the "exceptional ability of the Semitic tribe" and "the extraordinarily beneficial influence of its blood on the offspring of mixed marriages"; and, on the other, a potent weapon against anti-Semitism "owing to the prestige and love that [Vladimir] Ilich [Lenin] enjoys among the masses." Lenin's own Jewishness, she argued, was the best proof of the accuracy of his view that the Jewish nation possessed a peculiar " 'tenacity' in struggle" and a highly revolutionary disposition. "Generally speaking," she concluded, "I do not understand what reasons we, as Communists, may have for concealing this fact. Logically, this does not follow from the recognition of the full equality of all nationalities." Stalin's response was an order to "keep absolutely quiet." Anna Ilinichna did. The enemies of the regime were deprived of additional anti-Semitic ammunition" (pgs. 245-246)

"All advanced Jews supported assimilation, according to Lenin, but it is also true that many of the "great leaders of democracy and socialism" came from "the best representatives of the Jewish world." Lenin himself did [have Jewish ancestry], through his maternal grandfather, although he probably did not know it. When his sister, Anna, found out, she wrote to Stalin that she was not surprised, and "this fact" was "another proof of the exceptional ability of the Semitic tribe," and that Lenin had always contrasted "what he called its 'tenacity' in struggle with the more sluggish and lackadaisical Russian character." (pg. 163)

"And in 1965, all archival documents relating to Lenin's Jewish grandfather were ordered "removed without leaving any copies." (pg. 338) or ... g/YsNkCp6I
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Jews, Bolsheviks and the Murder of Tsar Nicholas II and the Romanov Family // Jewish Ritual Murder

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 4 months ago (Sat Jan 25, 2020 4:12 pm)

Kevin MacDonald reviews a book about the overwhelmingly Jewish role in the Bolshevik movement. The book is Yuri Slezkine’s "The Jewish Century" found at the very bottom of this post: viewtopic.php?p=93622#p93622 (or:

MacDonald's review, with an excerpt:
Stalin's Willing Executioners: Jews As a Hostile Elite in the USSR - Reviewed by Kevin MacDonald
A PERSISTENT theme among critics of Jews -- particularly those on the pre-World War II right -- has been that the Bolshevik revolution was a Jewish revolution and that the Soviet Union was dominated by Jews. This theme appears in a wide range of writings, from Henry Ford's International Jew, to published statements by a long list of British, French, and American political figures in the 1920s (Winston Churchill, Woodrow Wilson, and David Lloyd George), and, in its most extreme form, by Adolf Hitler, who wrote:

Now begins the last great revolution. By wresting political power for himself, the Jew casts off the few remaining shreds of disguise he still wears. The democratic plebeian Jew turns into the blood Jew and the tyrant of peoples. In a few years he will try to exterminate the national pillars of intelligence and, by robbing the peoples of their natural spiritual leadership, will make them ripe for the slavish lot of a permanent subjugation. The most terrible example of this is Russia. [1]

This long tradition stands in sharp contradiction to the official view, promulgated by Jewish organizations and almost all contemporary historians, that Jews played no special role in Bolshevism and indeed were specifically victimized by it. Yuri Slezkine's book provides a much needed resolution to these opposing perspectives. It is an intellectual tour de force, alternately muddled and brilliant, courageous and apologetic.


THE victory over National Socialism set the stage for the tremendous increase in Jewish power in the post-World War II Western world, in the end more than compensating for the decline of Jews in the Soviet Union. As Slezkine shows, the children of Jewish immigrants assumed an elite position in the United States, just as they had in the Soviet Union and throughout Eastern Europe and Germany prior to World War II. This new-found power facilitated the establishment of Israel, the transformation of the United States and other Western nations in the direction of multiracial, multicultural societies via large-scale non-white immigration, and the consequent decline in European demographic and cultural preeminence. 73 The critical Jewish role in Communism has been sanitized, while Jewish victimization by the Nazis has achieved the status of a moral touchstone and is a prime weapon in the push for massive non-European immigration, multiculturalism, and advancing other Jewish causes.

The Jewish involvement in Bolshevism has therefore had an enormous effect on recent European and American history. It is certainly true that Jews would have attained elite status in the United States with or without their prominence in the Soviet Union. However, without the Soviet Union as a shining beacon of a land freed of official anti-Semitism where Jews had attained elite status in a 96 Vol. 5, No. 3 The Occidental Quarterly stunningly short period, the history of the United States would have been very different. The persistence of Jewish radicalism influenced the general political sensibility of the Jewish community and had a destabilizing effect on American society, ranging from the paranoia of the McCarthy era, to the triumph of the 1960s countercultural revolution, to the conflicts over immigration and multiculturalism that are so much a part of the contemporary political landscape. [74]

It is Slezkine's chief contention that the history of the twentieth century was a history of the rise of the Jews in the West, in the Middle East, and in Russia, and ultimately their decline in Russia. I think he is absolutely right about this. If there is any lesson to be learned, it is that Jews not only became an elite in all these areas, they became a hostile elite -- hostile to traditional peoples and cultures of all three areas they came to dominate. Until now, the greatest human tragedies have occurred in the Soviet Union, but Israel's record as an oppressive and expansive occupying power in the Middle East has made it a pariah among the vast majority of the governments of the world. And Jewish hostility toward the Europeanderived people and culture of the United States has been a consistent feature of Jewish political behavior and attitudes throughout the twentieth century. In the present, this normative Jewish hostility toward the traditional population and culture of the United States remains a potent motivator of Jewish involvement in the transformation of the U.S. into a non-European society. [75]

Given this record of Jews as a hostile but very successful elite, I doubt that the continued demographic and cultural dominance of Western European peoples will be retained either in Europe or the United States and other Western societies without a decline in Jewish influence. (Perhaps more obviously, the same might be said vis-à-vis the Palestinians and other Arab peoples in the Middle East.) The lesson of the Soviet Union (and Spain from the fifteenth to seventeenth centuries) is that Jewish influence does wax and wane. Unlike the attitudes of the utopian ideologies of the twentieth century, there is no end to history.
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Jews, Bolsheviks and the Murder of Tsar Nicholas II and the Romanov Family // Jewish Ritual Murder

Postby Werd » 3 years 3 months ago (Fri Feb 28, 2020 2:48 am)

I very much doubt the entire family was murdered. The Tsars were simply moved out of the picture. The Rothschilds had simply had enough of them and didn't want any competition in their drive for wealth. The descendants of this family are alive today.


In fact, the hoax that they were all murdered was blown apart years ago in a book by Michael Occleshaw called "The Romanov Conspiracies." The House of Windsor even knows this was a partial hoax. That rich elite family who was/is in bed with the Rothschilds know the real facts.

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Re: Jews, Bolsheviks and the Murder of Tsar Nicholas II and the Romanov Family // Jewish Ritual Murder

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 1 month ago (Mon Apr 20, 2020 8:54 pm)

Two good articles by biological Jew (who converted to Christianity) Brother Nathanael:

Jews Murdered the Russian Royal Family or or ... com/?p=109

Jewish Murderers Of The Russian Revolution or or ... .com/?p=62

An excerpt:
IN THE DARK NIGHT OF JULY 16 1918, Tzar Nicholas II and his pious Christian family were shot and bayoneted in cold blood by these Cheka Jews:

1. Jacob Yurovksy, a Jewish Czech
2. Sergei Medvedjev
3. Lev Nikulin, a Jewish Czech
4. Peter Yermakov
5. Fyodor Vaganov, a New York Jew
6. Jacob Sverdlov, (Yankel Solomon), the first President of the Soviet Union. He gave the order to murder the Royal Family. Sverdlov began his Anti Christian career when he joined the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party in 1902.

*** This was the beginning of the wholesale slaughter of over 8,000,000 Russian Orthodox Christians from 1918 through 1943. ***


a) Leon Bronstein (Trotsky), Commander of the Soviet Red Army.

b) Grigory Apfelbaum (Zinoviev), Director, Soviet Secret Police, seized Church-owned property, murdered tens of thousands of Orthodox Christians.

c) Maxim Wallach (Litvinov), Soviet Foreign Minister.

d) Solomon Lozovsky, Deputy Soviet Foreign Minister.

e) Yuri Andropov, Jewish Director of the Soviet KGB

A PROMINENT JEWISH JOURNALIST now admits that in 1934, 38% of those holding high office in Stalin’s murderous regime were Jews:

1. Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich: Millions of Orthodox Christians were murdered by order of Kaganovich. He orderered the destruction of hundreds of Christian churches including Christ The Saviour Cathedral in Moscow.

In 1991, after living the life of a prince, Kaganovich committed suicide in fear of the “open society,” that is, “glasnot” which would have exposed his murderous deeds.

2. Ilya Ehrenburg: Minister of Soviet Propaganda for Stalin. He wrote, “The Germans are not human beings. Nothing gives us greater joy than corpses of Germans.”

3. Yevgeny Khaldei: Red Army photographer. Born in the Ukraine of Jewish parents. He staged the raising of the Hammer & Sickle Flag in the German Reichstag in Berlin in 1945, the emblem of the slaughter of millions of peasants and Christians, describing it as “the Russian national symbol of justice, triumph, and revenge.”

4. Bela Kun (Cohen): Dictator of Hungary in 1919. Kun was later Stalin’s chief terrorist in the Crimea. Kun’s eventual successor was Matyas Rakosi, a Jewish Communist mass murderer of Christians in Hungary.

5. Moshe Pijade: Commander, Yugoslav Communist People’s Army. Tito’s top butcher of hundreds of thousands of Yugoslavian Christians.

SEE: Prominent Jew Admits To Soviet Jewish Murderers

ALSO SEE: Bloody Jew Kaganovitch
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Jews, Bolsheviks and the Murder of Tsar Nicholas II and the Romanov Family // Jewish Ritual Murder

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 1 month ago (Mon Apr 20, 2020 8:57 pm)

Werd wrote:I very much doubt the entire family was murdered. The Tsars were simply moved out of the picture. The Rothschilds had simply had enough of them and didn't want any competition in their drive for wealth. The descendants of this family are alive today.


In fact, the hoax that they were all murdered was blown apart years ago in a book by Michael Occleshaw called "The Romanov Conspiracies." The House of Windsor even knows this was a partial hoax. That rich elite family who was/is in bed with the Rothschilds know the real facts.

The Russian Imperial Romanov family (Emperor Nicholas II, his wife Empress Alexandra and their five children: Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and Alexei) survied? Can you post the evidence?
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Jews, Bolsheviks and the Murder of Tsar Nicholas II and the Romanov Family // Jewish Ritual Murder

Postby Werd » 3 years 1 month ago (Thu Apr 23, 2020 10:52 pm)

Lamprecht wrote:
Werd wrote:I very much doubt the entire family was murdered. The Tsars were simply moved out of the picture. The Rothschilds had simply had enough of them and didn't want any competition in their drive for wealth. The descendants of this family are alive today.


In fact, the hoax that they were all murdered was blown apart years ago in a book by Michael Occleshaw called "The Romanov Conspiracies." The House of Windsor even knows this was a partial hoax. That rich elite family who was/is in bed with the Rothschilds know the real facts.

The Russian Imperial Romanov family (Emperor Nicholas II, his wife Empress Alexandra and their five children: Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and Alexei) survied? Can you post the evidence?

I'm not sure if all survived, but according to the book, not all of them are dead.

This is truly one of the most compelling and important works done on the case of the last Imperial Russian family and their demise. Building off of a chapter in his first published work on British Military Intelligence during the First World War, Occleshaw pieces together bits of very fascinating evidence which suggest that Nicholas II's second-oldest daughter, The Grand Dutchess Tatiana, was rescued from her captivity in 1918 and brought secretly to England, where she eventually assumed a new identity and married a young Hussar officer.

I won't go too far into the details, as it is easy for aspects of the story to be taken out of context or misunderstood by those who seek to immediately discredit this work due to a heavy bias towards the official account of the fate of the Romanov's. I will say that I have read dozens of works on the mysterious disappearance/purported murder of Nicholas and his family, books offering all the various possible versions of events (including the offical story) and I can say in all honesty that Occleshaw's book/theory is still today the most logical and believable to me.

Occleshaw's work is very well written, the scope of his research is huge and one gets the sense of a staggering amount of work done. He is someone with no ulteriar motive for claiming at least one member of the Family lived past 1918 (books aren't exactly the quickest means for wealth and fame in our modern age after all). He has uncovered many pieces of evidence that are extremely difficult to dismiss when looked at seriously. It is a shame that this under-appreciated gem of historical work is so quickly cast aside by those who cling to the official version of events, the heavily romanticized story of Nicholas and Alexandra. The DNA work that was done on the bones found in the Koptyaki Woods are far from conclusive upon serious review, and endlessly plagued with political motives. I don't mean to suggest that this book should be taken as a gospel, as many details are absent and open to speculation. I do however personally believe that Occleshaw's theory is closer to reality than many major aspects to the official version, and I am not the kind of person who is easily fooled by wild conspiracy theories. I enjoy this book more and more every time I read it, though in a heavy hearted sense as it increases the number of questions one can raise about the fate of the Romanov's, a fate which perhaps the world will never know the full reality of.

The paperback edition, published in 1994 has an updated preface, and the major typos of the first printing have been cleared up (I own a copy of both). I would suggest it to anyone willing to 'think outside the box' when it comes to what is still largely an open case as regards the unfortunate Romanov's. ( )

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[Book] Beyond the Pale: The Jewish Encounter with Late Imperial Russia // Jewish role in Bolshevism

Postby Lamprecht » 2 years 11 months ago (Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:22 pm)

Book review by Theodor O'Keefe / Francis Dixon:
"That numerous Jews lived outside the Tsarist Pale of Settlement – legally and illegally – is a little known fact that eventually proved fateful for the Russia of the Romanovs. Beyond the Pale is the first systematic study of the presence, power, and influence of Jews in Russia’s former capital, St. Petersburg, in the half century before the Revolution. Professor Nathans's thesis of a Jewish integration into Russian political and financial affairs that paved the way for widespread Jewish leadership in the Communist revolution and state has proved controversial among Zionists, but his book is indispensable for serious students of the Jewish role in Bolshevism."


Beyond the Pale: The Jewish Encounter with Late Imperial Russia
PDF: ... russia.pdf or ... dbb88e.pdf
Mirror: ... siapdf.pdf
TXT (has some transcription errors): or or ... g/873p0X8s

The summary given by mainstream sources:
"A surprising number of Jews lived, literally and figuratively, "beyond the Pale" of Jewish Settlement in tsarist Russia during the half-century before the Revolution of 1917. Thanks to the availability of long-closed Russian archives, along with a wide range of other sources, Benjamin Nathans reinterprets the history of the Russian-Jewish encounter.
In the wake of Russia's "Great Reforms," Nathans writes, a policy of selective integration stimulated social and geographic mobility among the empire's Jews. The reaction that culminated, toward the turn of the century, in ethnic restrictions on admission to universities, the professions and other institutions of civil society reflected broad anxieties that Russians were being placed at a disadvantage in their own empire. Nathans's conclusions about the effects of selective integration and the Russian-Jewish encounter during this formative period will be of great interest to all students of modern Jewish and modern Russian history."
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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