The Anne Frank Story 75 years out, "On hold until further notice. "

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David 299
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The Anne Frank Story 75 years out, "On hold until further notice. "

Postby David 299 » 3 years 10 months ago (Mon Jul 29, 2019 5:07 pm)

One would have expected a media extravaganza on the 75th Anniversary of the detention of Anne Frank and her family on August 4, 1944.
However, the narrative crafted by Otto Frank and various fund-raising organizations has collapsed due to recent scholarship.
While the death of Anne Frank can only be viewed as a tragedy, the facts of the story are in direct contradiction to mainline Holocaust Belief propaganda. Anne Frank may be to be slipping into the Memory Hole.

Numerous organizations have raised tens of millions of dollars by exploiting the Anne Frank story. One of the latest was "The Cold Case Team;" a team of "forensic investigators using cold case techniques and supported by artificial intelligence."
In a widely heralded venture, Ex-FBI investigator Vince Pankoke promised a breakthrough discovery on who betrayed Anne along with a documentary film as part of his $5,000,000 fund raising drive, all to be released this week on the 75th anniversary of the "Betrayal." Part of Mr. Panoke's fund-raise efforts was an on-line "tell all diary" which kept his donors apprised of his progress. His first and his last posts tell the whole story of his venture

The first post, October 7, 2017
"Working undercover for the FBI meant that I could not tell anyone about my work. Now that I have started the preliminary investigation about the arrest and possible betrayal of Anne Frank, I can finally share my experiences with my loved ones, in particular with my daughter, Kate."

The last post May 10, 2018-
“Due to the sensitivity of our investigation I’ve decided to put this my diary on hold until further notice. " [emphasis added]

The true (or highly likely) facts of the Anne Frank Story are wildly divergent from the propaganda. Bumping into inconvenient facts seemed to have caused Mr. Pankoke's claim of "sensitivity" for the material.

Pankoke's fundraising story
"Anne, her parents, Otto and Edith, and her older sister, Margot, were forced to leave Germany because of the growing anti-Semitism in Germany after the rise of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party."

The actual story- the Shady Otto Frank.
Otto and his older brother Robert had left Germany before the National Socialists came to power; Otto for the US in 1909 and Robert for France in 1930. Otto did return to Germany and, in the 1920's, 1930's, and the 1940's engaged in various petty criminal affairs. He bankrupted his family's business, married Edith Hollander for money and bankrupted her family business in the 1920's, went on to work for a Germany food company, stole their client list in Holland, and, with the help of brother-in-law Erich Elias got a job with Opekta selling their products in Holland.

Along the way there were several affairs, some with Opekta employees, particularly Jetje Jansen. When the Germans came to Holland, Otto collaborated with the Nazis but also dealt in various black market activities. One might excuse the criminal acts during wartime but they were part of a life-long pattern with Otto Frank. While none of what Otto did justifies the tragedy that befell Anne, it was Otto Frank who caused Prinsengracht 263 to be visited by the police economic crimes unit. It was also Otto's criminal acts that caused the Frank family to be sent to Auschwitz rather than Theresienstadt or Bergen-Belsen or left in Westerbork.

Anne Frank was evidence of German policies
Official history is that all non-working Jewish people arriving at Auschwitz were murdered by being "gassed." But of the eight people from the Annex at Prinsengracht 263, not one was killed in a gas chamber. Instead, five of the eight were transported back to Germany-Austria in November 1944.

The pattern is the same with other groups closely associated with Anne Frank such as the 4 members of the Geiringers family and Janny Brandes-Brilleslijper. Of this sample of detainees, no one gassed, most were sent out of Auschwitz, and many died of the extreme conditions at the end of the War.

Even more telling are the facts regarding transports out of Westerbork Camp, in Holland. Of the last 5 transports out of Westerbork (from July 31, 1944), only one went to Auschwitz; the September 3, 1944 departure with the Frank family on board. 2,757 other detainees were sent to Bergen-Belsen or Theresienstadt and 876 more detainees remained in Westerbork until liberation. In fact, a large train with 2,087 detainees left for Theresienstadt on September 4, 1944, the day after the Franks were sent to Auschwitz.

In short, the story of Anne Frank fundamentally contradicts official Holocaust history.

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Re: The Anne Frank Story 75 years out, "On hold until further notice. "

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 10 months ago (Mon Jul 29, 2019 5:43 pm)

In short, the story of Anne Frank fundamentally contradicts official Holocaust history.

Of course it does. She was deported OUT of Auschwitz, where supposedly "Women and children were gassed on arrival" to Bergen Belsen.
Why waste the effort and not just gas her? Why wasn't anyone that was with her gassed?

The Importance of Anne Frank

While Anne Frank’s story is tragic, you ignore the manner of death of the 8 people in the Annex. The official history is that non-working Jewish people arriving at Auschwitz were all “gassed." But of the eight sent to Auschwitz on September 3, 1944 from the Annex, not one of them was killed in a gas chamber. Instead, five of the eight were transported back to Germany-Austria in November 1944.

The details of the eight individuals from the Annex are:

The Frank Family was detained for failing to report for labor service and for going into hiding.

1. Anne Frank-- sent to Auschwitz, then transported to Belsen where she died of typhus (in Belsen not Auschwitz).

2. Otto Frank-- left behind in Auschwitz with those in the sick barracks. Survived the War.

3. Edith Frank-Holländer--left behind in Auschwitz as the Germans retreated.

4. Margot Frank (Anne's older sister) died of typhus in Belsen (not Auschwitz).

5. Fritz Pfeffer, sent to Auschwitz then transported to Neuengamme concentration camp where he died on 20 December 1944. His cause of death is listed in the camp records as "enterocolitis."

6. Auguste van Pels born Auguste Röttgen (Hermann's wife), whose date of death is unknown. Witnesses testified that she was with the Frank sisters during part of their time in Bergen-Belsen. According to German records, van Pels was sent to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany with a group of eight women on November 26, 1944. Hannah Goslar's testimony was that she spoke to van Pels through the barbed wire fence "in late January or early February". Auguste was transferred on February 6, 1945 to Raguhn (Buchenwald in Germany), then to the Czechoslovakia camp Theresienstadt ghetto on April 9, 1945.

7. Peter van Pels died in Mauthausen (not Auschwitz).

8. Hermann van Pels died in Auschwitz. It is often claimed that he was "gassed." However, according to eyewitness testimony, this did not happen on the day of his arrival there. Sal de Liema, an inmate at Auschwitz who knew both Otto Frank and Hermann van Pels, said that after two or three days in the camp, van Pels mentally "gave up." He later injured his thumb on a work detail, and requested to be sent to the sick barracks. There is no evidence whatever for the assertion that Hermann van Pels was gassed.

The pattern is the same with other groups closely associated with Anne Frank who were also sent to Auschwitz from Holland.

9. Eva Geiringer -- born May 11, 1929. Sent to Auschwitz May 1944 Step-sister of Anne Frank. Survived the War.

10. "Fritzy" Geiringer, mother of Eva, Married Otto Frank. Survived the War.

11. Heinz Geiringer, brother. Survived Auschwitz but died on a forced march out of the camp.

12. "Pappy" Geiringer. Survived Auschwitz but died on a forced march out of the camp.

The Geiringers were immigrants from Austria; They too ignored a call up for labor service received July 6, 1942 and went into hiding. They were found out on May 11, 1944, detained and were sent to Auschwitz that month.

13. Janny Brandes-Brilleslijper. Was arrested for forgery. Was in the Westerbork, Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen concentration camps. Traveled to Auschwitz on the same train as the Frank family and to Belsen with Anne and Anne's older sister Margot. Survived the War.

14. Lientje, sister of Janny. Was in the Westerbork, Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen concentration camps with Janny. Survived the War.

Elsewhere you have praised the “relentless pursuit of historical details." You are right. Details allow us to learn what really happened. In this case the details tell us that none of the people traveling with Anne Frank died in “gas chambers.” Why? And why did the Germans transport Anne, her sister, Janny, Lientje and so many others back into Germany in 1944? These are details which should profoundly affect our, and your, understanding of German policies.
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: The Anne Frank Story 75 years out, "On hold until further notice. "

Postby David 299 » 3 years 10 months ago (Mon Jul 29, 2019 7:42 pm)

Thank you for the details, Lamprecht.
The conundrum of the details is heighten by the records of transports out of Westerbork.
These can be seen at ... edule.html

From January 11, 1944 thousands of detainees were transported to Bergen-Belsen
or Theresienstadt, generally more than were transported to Auschwitz. There were transports to Auschwitz
Theresienstadt and/or Bergen-Belsen on the same day.

Holocaust Believers have no explanation for this fact. Allegedly the "Final Solution" was in effect until...until...
well, the Believers have skated around that question too but clearly some sort of decision making process was going on. Unfortunately, the current laws in Europe prevent honest research on this interesting subject.

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Re: The Anne Frank Story 75 years out, "On hold until further notice. "

Postby forasanerworld » 3 years 10 months ago (Tue Jul 30, 2019 10:10 am)

"Forced marches out of Auschwitz" and elsewhere in the teeth of advancing forces. In I think it was 1951 that the ILO (International Labour Organisation) wrote that it was often impossible to tell the difference between deportation and evacuation; Ellie Weisel "we decided to go with the Germans", or something to that effect, evacuation, at a time of increasing disruption of the transport infrastructure people had to walk to railheads where critical rolling stock and motive power was found to remove them from immediate danger.

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"On hold until further notice. " Vince Panoke deletes his diary

Postby Merlin300 » 1 year 4 months ago (Mon Jan 17, 2022 12:14 am)

Like the walking dead which cannot be put to rest, profiteers and Holocaust propagandists cannot abandon the profit making possibilities of Anne Frank. This weekend, CBS 60 Minutes had a special, 60 Minutes” speaks with former FBI agent leading investigation into betrayal theory
The former FBI Agent was Vince Pankoke, the promoter of a widely heralded scheme called "Cold Case Investigation;" aka a team of "forensic investigators using cold case techniques and supported by artificial intelligence" to discover who betrayed Anne Frank.

Mr. Pankoke promised a breakthrough discovery on who betrayed Anne along with a documentary film as part of his $5,000,000 fund raising drive, all to be released this week on the 75th anniversary of the "Betrayal." Part of Mr. Panoke's fund-raise efforts was an on-line "tell all diary" which kept his donors apprised of his progress.

His first and his last posts tell the whole story of his venture.

The first post, October 7, 2017
"Working undercover for the FBI meant that I could not tell anyone about my work. Now that I have started the preliminary investigation about the arrest and possible betrayal of Anne Frank, I can finally share my experiences with my loved ones, in particular with my daughter, Kate."

The last post May 10, 2018-
“Due to the sensitivity of our investigation I’ve decided to put this my diary on hold until further notice. " [emphasis added]

Now, using his FBI training, Vince Panoke has erased all real evidence on his Cold Case website. Disgraceful, No?

In fact, what was discovered is that Otto Frank's sneaky business dealings were the cause of the police visit .
See ... ance-study

The $5,000,000 "Cold Case Scam" was exposed and debunked in 2018 by CODOH, but it has been resurrected in a more devious incarnation
by CBS.

Here are unarguable facts of why Anne Frank and her family were detained by the Germans and why the "Anne Frank Industry" is obfuscating the facts.

Business with the Germans

Holland did not give the Franks Dutch citizenship. When the Germans occupied Holland in 1940 Frank was happy to do business with the Occupying German Army (the pectin his firm produced was essential for the preservation of the German army’s rations.) In her book, Lee writes…”Otto Frank made a pact with the devil […]”

Otto manufactured and wholesaled pectin and other products to the German army.

“Pectin was a preservative that could be put to many uses, depending upon the type of pectin it was. All pectin was useful for food production, but certain kinds could be applied as a balm for wounds and as a thickener for raising blood volume in blood transfusions.

Other types of pectin were used in the steel industry as a hardener and in the oil industry as an emulsifier. Therefore, it is possible that the Wehrmacht used the pectin they bought from Otto Frank’s company for the war industry.”

Carol Ann Lee details evidence that after the War Otto paid hush money to people to keep his business dealings with the Nazis secret.
Frank also created "evidence" to shift attention to other people. It is a typewritten "document" that Otto Frank himself wrote that ex-agent Panoke
puts his faith in.

Otto Frank’s illegal activities

Frank illegally re-registered his business naming the husband of a secretary, Jan Gies, owner and changing the business name to Gies & Co. but Frank continued to act as an illegal “sleeping partner.”

Two years later, in July 1942, Margot Frank receives a call-up to report for a German work camp. Otto Frank went into hiding.

There is also the matter of the two Opekta employees, Martin Brouwer and Pieter Daatzelaa, who were arrested in March 1944 for dealing in counterfeit or reused ration cards. They worked in the same building as the Annex and were clearly the cause of the raid.

Rather than mention what appears to be a sizable black market food and fake ration card ring centered at the Gies & Co building, protectors of the “Anne Frank Brand name” make the dramatic claim that the family “had been betrayed.”
But the facts are, when Otto Frank was discovered in hiding, he and his family were illegal aliens in Holland with a string of legal violations by Otto Frank, including strong connections with a counterfeit ration card operation. Otto Frank had fled Germany to avoid creditors,

The family was held for almost a month at Westerbork Detention Center while all this was sorted out. When the Frank family’s legal status was determined and Frank's criminal activities understood, they were all transported to Auschwitz.
Note: Of the last 5 transports out of Westerbork, only one went to Auschwitz; that was the September 3, 1944 departure with the Frank family on board. 2,757 other detainees were sent to Bergen-Belsen or Theresienstadt and 876 more detainees remained in Westerbork until liberation. In fact, a large train with 2,087 detainees left for Theresienstadt on September 4, 1944, the day after the Franks were sent to Auschwitz.

See ... -paris/en/

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