hermod wrote:Hektor wrote:hermod wrote:And the mainstream mass media in France between 1940 and 1939 never missed a chance to report with many details the killings of French women, children and babies by Allied bombers. German (Northern France) and Petainist (Central & Southern France) propagandists were very efficient at spreading anti-Allied hostility and pro-Axis sympathy in the French population.
I guess you mean 1944/45.
No, I meant 1940-1944, that is after France had been militarily defeated by the Germans and before the Allied armies had invaded a significant part of France. That fact is vastly forgotten today, but Allied planes bombed French people, factories and infrastructures during the entire time when France was occupied by German soldiers and the German & Petainist press often reported the victims of those bombs as good food for anti-Allies propaganda (the Allies were called Libératueurs (Libera-killers) instead of Libérateurs (Liberators) in wartime French newspapers). The Allied bombing of France was very high in June 1944 and the following months, but it had begun several years before that time. In fact, more French citizens were killed by the Allies than by the Germans during WWII. Of course, the roman national written by DeGaulle's regime carefully concealed that fact afterwards.
Indeed something we should investigate further and detail a bit. It's more for the WW2 section of course.
I recall this long ago. Occupied France - 'liberated France' that a lot was swept under the carpet. This would be victims of bombing as well as victims of the purge afterwards. This may however also the reason why many French have some distance to this nowadays. Not consciously, but as a matter of sensing that there is something wrong with the narrative and rather keep it untouched before cognitive dissonance kicks in.
Not sure what they have in their school books though. That said a school book survey could also come in rather handy. To demonstrate the misrepresentation therein (to use an understatement).