My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed?

Postby cold beer » 1 year 6 months ago (Sun Dec 05, 2021 8:16 pm)

Yes I am able to view it online. I downloaded it onto a tablet and wasn't able to open it for whatever reason. My computer's processor is shot. Once I get it replaced I will download the file to my computer.

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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Fred zz » 1 year 6 months ago (Mon Dec 06, 2021 12:34 am)

ok good, thats all I needed to know
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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Fred zz » 1 year 5 months ago (Sun Jan 02, 2022 7:10 am)

I found one place a shower head from B42 (woman's delousing building) Majdanek. Half the shower heads were removed from B42. see my presentation
One of them ended up at the Dallas Holocaust Museum. See photo
This shower head played no role in gassing people. I suppose the simple minded will see it and think about how the Zyklon flowed through this shower head
maj shower head.JPG
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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Fred zz » 1 year 4 months ago (Sun Jan 09, 2022 12:48 am)

Unfortunately for you all, yesterday I was having coffee at my favorite shop and got to thinking about Majdanek.
I was thinking about the New crematoria at Majdanek that was burned down. Obviously the Germans were blamed for burning it down to hide their nefarious activities at Majdanek during WW2. When the Russians liberated the camp they found charred bones in front of the cremation muffles and inside each of the 5 muffles.

I got to thinking that what were they trying to hide/accomplish by burning the place down? If you seen photos, the 5 muffles with all that refractory brick, and all the other concrete infrastructure was all in tact albeit a bit singed. Regardless of what you may think of the Germans at that time, they are not a dumb people and would have understood that a mere fire would not cover anything up. Simple observations afterward would detect the function of the building. The building was built in Autumn of 1943, and went into service in January of 1944.

Note the attachment. The Majdanek camp staff got the word 4 months in advance, (I assume from Berlin) on March 25, 1944 to prepare to pull out of the camp. This attachment is from the Majdanek B43 back wall.
Was it really the Germans that burned this crematoria to hide something? Or was it the Poles trying to drum up stories? Why is it that the alleged gas chambers were not even touched? As Cole points out.

It seems to me that if the Majdanek staff were told to prepare to get out on March 25, 1944, Why is it that some of the staff were put on trial and hung in December 1944, long before the end of the war in May 1945. Seems to me that if I was doing something bad at Majdanek, I would get Westward to Germany and blend in away from the Soviets, and perhaps get caught after the war like many others were after the war.
Does any of this make sense to you? Or do I have to cut out visits to the coffee shop?
crem old maj.JPG
maj cremmm.JPG
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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Fred zz » 1 year 3 months ago (Sat Feb 26, 2022 2:19 am)

With all my free time, I have been watching the status of the CO2 tanks in the Room 14 control room Majdanek (kidding)

In case you do not know Rm 14, it is the control room for chambers 1 and 3.... Chambers 1 and 3 have the pipe running about 300mm off the floor and the pipe leads inside to Rm 14 and the tanks. People believe the hoax say CO gas flowed thru those pipes to kill unwanted inmates. Revisionist believe CO2 flowed in those pipes to preserve bodies waiting to be cremated since they had only 2 oil fueled cremation ovens during a Typhus outbreak.

If you watch this New look promotional video from the Majdanek website, @ 1:37 to 1:38 you can see the tanks are NOT there and only the straps to secure the tanks to the wall are seeable. This video was posted on 5/5/21. Link to video:
in 2020 and 2021, B41 and B42 at Majdanek have been going through renovations.

Now watch this video and stop at the 0:22 minute mark. ...
The tank has been returned to Rm 14. I asked the guy who made this video when he took the video, he told me 5/26/21. He did not post it until 12/1/21.
so from sometime on or after 5/5/21 and 5/26/21 the Majdanek museum returned the or a tank(s) to the Rm 14 wall.

I do not trust this museum to play fair with the truth. They demonstrated they will lie and cover up things to tell a false story to gullible tourist.

Why were the tanks removed?
I thought about the floor repair for the updates they did at this facility and B42. However, if you look at the floor in the video, seemingly nothing was done to improve it. So if not for redoing the floor, then perhaps to do something to the tanks?

Admittedly, I do not know for sure, but is it possible that the Majdanek State Museum worked on the tanks to cover up the CO2 stamped on them or replaced them with tanks that read CO?

These tanks are very important since they show that the 2 tanks clearly show CO2 contents and that body slams the CO narrative. A total of 5 tanks were found in Barrack 52 Majdanek, the other 3 tanks have disappeared completely.

My wish here is to get this on the record. I posted a few photos if you are not interested in watching the video links.

Also, I have posted a screen shot of the B41 wall on the outside that gives a clear view that there were 2 other windows in this gas chamber, one other is a seeable window. The windows are covered up on the inside by the Zyklon B canister in the room with dead space.
canister room walls.JPG
b41 clear view of boarded up windows.JPG
floor of rm 14 at maj.JPG
maj announcement 060521.JPG
this video taken on 052621.JPG
tanks are gone at maj you tube.JPG
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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Atigun » 1 year 2 months ago (Fri Mar 11, 2022 8:45 am)

I have heard that Majdanek has been taken off of the list of death camps. Is it now just an ordinary concentration camp or is it still considered to be a death camp? What is the current "official narrative" for the status of Majdanek?

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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Fred zz » 1 year 2 months ago (Fri Mar 11, 2022 10:51 am)

Then someone at the Majdanek State Museum did not get the message
This is the present sign outside the B1 alleged gas chamber.
Remember, This camp was liberated a full 6 months before Auschwitz. Majdanek, being very similar to Auschwitz, having the stories of large death tolls, incredible cremation capabilities, Zyklon use to kill unwanted inmates, and gas chambers are told by the same people 6 months before. December 3rd 1944, 5 people were hung for homicidal activities at Majdanek. That is before Auschwitz was liberated.
They have to hold on to the official narrative at Majdanek, or the narrative at Auschwitz too will crumble.
maj brick gas cham.JPG
maj brick gas cham.JPG (13.73 KiB) Viewed 1868 times
maj sign at brick bldg.JPG
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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Atigun » 1 year 2 months ago (Sun Mar 13, 2022 5:47 am)

So, the rumor I heard that Majdanek was no longer considered a "death camp" is false. Good to know. Thanks, Fred.

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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Fred zz » 1 year 2 months ago (Tue Mar 22, 2022 3:48 am)

Normally I do not like to pick on old ladies..... Here is an interview on You Tube:
I watched a video on about a lady named Mrs. Tzipora Schoonmaker who at the age of before 5 years old was put in Majdanek. Seems the Germans were not gassing kids if that is the case?
She showed herself as a kid at an orphanage in Lublin. Now go to the 45:20 mark and listen and watch her show a photo of the outside of the Lublin orphanage at 45:27. Now look at the photo I provided of the Auschwitz main camp. She said point blank this is a photo of the Lublin orphanage. Most of you know where this Auschwitz photo is. Look at the building in the middle and note the roof line of the buildings on the side. In other words, she discredited her story. Her photo was taken from near the so called gas chamber there.
She also made a comment about how the Americans came into Auschwitz and liberated it. Can listen from 16:50
At 49:17 the interviewer sits on the sofa with her and tells how Majdanek was worst camp and NO structural changes have been made there. If you been reading my presentation on Majdanek you will know that is a big lie.
The whole interview is hard to believe saying how Vashim always saved her all the time. THis may be worth a listen. Either she has been lied to? Or she is not a very good liar
another look at the Aus tower.JPG
orphange at Lublin or aus main camp.JPG
aus main camp or lublin orphanage.JPG
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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Fred zz » 1 year 2 months ago (Tue Mar 29, 2022 4:46 am)

Here is the 2nd of 3 interviews I have from Majdanek, This lady was with Schoonmaker at Majdanek and Lublin orphanage. These are not Showa interviews

This is Mrs. Sera Peri, who with the other lady named Mrs. Tzipora Schoonmaker, were together in the Lublin Poland orphanage after being liberated from Majdanek in July 1944. Recall Mrs. Schoonmaker pointed at the hospital and cafeteria for the German staff at Auschwitz main camp near the alleged gas chamber and said that was a photo of the Lublin Orphanage.
First, I do not get off by beating up on nice old ladies. I am sure Mrs. Peri is a nice old lady born in September 1939. From what I can figure out, she was as a small child of 3 to 4 years of age when she was put into the Majdanek camp during the cold months. At the age of 5 or 6 in 1945, Mrs. Peri was in an orphanage in Lublin Poland with Mrs. Schoonmaker.
Her English is not so great, so I am not able to accurately understand exactly everything she stated in the interview, and I must be careful not to misunderstand or take something she states out of context.
However, watch the video from the 9:55 to 11:33 minute mark. This is the link to the video:

Mrs. Peri stated the following…..
1. Mrs. Peri stated she was in Majdanek for 3.5 years until liberated. Back up 3.5 years from July 1944 (Majdanek Liberation) we are at February 1941. The problem here is Majdanek’s construction began in October 1941 and even then there were only Russians there building the camp. Thus, there was nothing there nor was Mrs. Peri. It is claimed that gassings did not begin until October 1942. Mrs. Peri, as young as she would have to be, said she remembered everything.

2. She and other kids survived by parents hiding the kids from roll call. She herself was hidden in potatoes. My questions are….
How did they sneak the kids like young Mrs. Peri into the camp? Everyone needs to be deloused before entering the Majdanek camp and am sure that goes for children also.
Roll call at Majdanek, (See Attachment) was at 6:30 am and 2:30 pm every day. (Mattogno, Majdanek P. 165)
Mrs. Peri hides to survive twice a day roll calls for 3.5 years? The Germans never noticed any kids in the camp all those years? I guess they should have looked in the potatoes?
I have a keen interest in the Majdanek camp because it tells me much more about what really went on than Auschwitz.
Personally, I think she was told a bunch of fairy tales of her life at Majdanek. Note, I am going after Mr. Les Glassman for conducting and posting this interview to sway people with emotions on the narrative of the Holocaust. So far no reply.

In the attachment, sitting next to Mrs. Peri is Mrs. Schoonmaker also holding a doll.

Tomorrow I will post an interview with a Mrs. Ella Blumenthal
kids at maj.JPG
matt Camp life at Maj.JPG
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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Fred zz » 1 year 2 months ago (Wed Mar 30, 2022 4:36 am)

Rebuttal to Mrs. Ella Blumenthal born 1921, (Listen to video from 1:05:27 to 1:11:05.) This is a very good story

Link to video:

1. At Majdanek, B41 was for men and B42 was for women. Mrs. Blumenthal has this correct. In the spring of 2021, the B42 building was opened for tourist for the first time. So there was no way the interviewer Glassman could access this building when he visited Majdanek.
2. Not even the Majdanek State Museum claims there were any gas chambers inside this building B42. Since Mrs. Blumenthal mentioned the fear of gas coming down from the showers, she is then referring to the shower room of B42. I provided a photo of the room she claims she was in.
3. Mrs. Blumenthal said there was a tiny window in the room, and had to have one person get on the shoulders of another to open it. Look at the photo I provided. The windows, three of them, are elevated. Now, one gets to ask about having 3 breakable and open-able windows in a gas chamber. Look at the photo I provided, and yes it seems you can open it since there seems to be a knob in the lower middle of the closest window.
4. The shower was a gas chamber? Then tell me how the Zyklon goes through the water pipe. There are no holes in the ceiling. Those pipes have water in them because they are showers, how does this all work?
5. It would be a tight fit with 200 people in this room, much less 500 people in this room.
6. Why would the so called evil Germans tell the other prisoners their plans to kill 500 or 700 people?
7. If there were doors to this room, they are no longer there. The March 31, 1942 drawing I provide does not indicate a door existing or not.
8. Why No blue staining on the walls due to Zyklon use?
I am sure she is a nice lady, and I believe she was in this shower room when deloused. However, her story does not hold water, and the guy making these videos is playing on emotions, not critical thinking,
B42 bath.JPG
b42 delouse shower room.JPG
satilite look at b41.JPG
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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Fred zz » 1 year 2 months ago (Wed Mar 30, 2022 11:45 pm)

Fred zz wrote:Rebuttal to Mrs. Ella Blumenthal born 1921, (Listen to video from 1:05:27 to 1:11:05.) This is a very good story

Link to video:

1. At Majdanek, B41 was for men and B42 was for women. Mrs. Blumenthal has this correct. In the spring of 2021, the B42 building was opened for tourist for the first time. So there was no way the interviewer Glassman could access this building when he visited Majdanek.
2. Not even the Majdanek State Museum claims there were any gas chambers inside this building B42. Since Mrs. Blumenthal mentioned the fear of gas coming down from the showers, she is then referring to the shower room of B42. I provided a photo of the room she claims she was in.
3. Mrs. Blumenthal said there was a tiny window in the room, and had to have one person get on the shoulders of another to open it. Look at the photo I provided. The windows, three of them, are elevated. Now, one gets to ask about having 3 breakable and open-able windows in a gas chamber. Look at the photo I provided, and yes it seems you can open it since there seems to be a knob in the lower middle of the closest window.
4. The shower was a gas chamber? Then tell me how the Zyklon goes through the water pipe. There are no holes in the ceiling. Those pipes have water in them because they are showers, how does this all work?
5. It would be a tight fit with 200 people in this room, much less 500 people in this room.
6. Why would the so called evil Germans tell the other prisoners their plans to kill 500 or 700 people?
7. If there were doors to this room, they are no longer there. The March 31, 1942 drawing I provide does not indicate a door existing or not.
8. Why No blue staining on the walls due to Zyklon use yet B41 men's delousing room has this staining?
I am sure she is a nice lady, and I believe she was in this shower room when deloused. However, her story does not hold water, and the guy making these videos is playing on emotions, not critical thinking,
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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Fred zz » 1 year 2 months ago (Mon Apr 04, 2022 5:09 am)

I came across this photo of the B41 Zyklon B canister room and once alleged gas chamber dead space before the Zyklon B canister display was constructed. Photo is from 1992 and a real treat for me.
Note the whiter plaster on the left side that sealed up the window that once was there. There is also blue staining on the walls and ceiling from the use of Zyklon. I feel it is quite possible the Germans opened these windows to ventilate the Zyklon out of the room.
This shows the cover up on both sides to sell the room as a gas chamber up until 2005
Majdanek B41 windows.JPG
1992 b41 zyklon room.JPG
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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Fred zz » 1 year 2 months ago (Fri Apr 08, 2022 6:53 am)

Here is an interesting slide to think about at the Majdanek time of liberation

see attachment

Note the date on the slide and look at the various conditions of the men's legs when walking
If these men came into Majdanek like this, would they not be material for the gas chamber?
If these men were operated on while in the camp, does that not show caring on the part of the Germans? They could have gassed them instead.

Note the man walking seemingly on his knees. In the same video, there are 4 more men that follow him walking on their knees not shown.

I can post link to video if there is interest in seeing the clip.
peg leg at maj.JPG
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Re: My Majdanek Presentation almost completed / now completed

Postby Fred zz » 1 year 1 month ago (Fri Apr 29, 2022 6:35 am)

For those interested, I have updated and cleaned up my Majdanek presentation and is now available on Dropbox
Link: ... 2.pdf?dl=0

If someone can tell me if they are able to access or not with link provided, I would be most thankful
It has a few more things to think about. It is cleaned up to be best of my abilities. If there is an issue with anything, I would be willing to reply.

Side note
I contacted the museum staff at Majdanek, and politely asked some questions, unsurprisingly I got no reply back
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