Hitler tried to create an independent Polish state?

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Hitler tried to create an independent Polish state?

Postby Critical » 7 months 2 days ago (Sun Nov 06, 2022 6:43 pm)

In some writings of the Second World War it is suggested that Hitler initially sought to create a kind of independent Polish state immediately after the conquest, is this true? that he made you opt for a "more German" administration?

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Re: Hitler tried to create an independent Polish state?

Postby Lamprecht » 7 months 6 hours ago (Tue Nov 08, 2022 10:48 pm)

What Hitler considered a big problem was the corridor situation.
In his peace proposals with Britain, Hitler was willing to guarantee the existence of an independent Polish state.
The exact details of what that would have entailed is difficult to say. That is something that would have been agreed upon in negotiations with the British. Hitler very quickly asked for peace with Britain after their war declaration. He continued sending peace proposals for years, so he believed negotiation was on the table. As we know, Britain did not want peace.

Check out:

(Video) A Last Appeal To Reason - Hitler's various peace offers

Hitler's Peace Offers Vs Unconditional Surrender
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Hitler tried to create an independent Polish state?

Postby Cheeseburger » 6 months 3 weeks ago (Fri Nov 11, 2022 9:49 pm)

Lamprecht wrote:What Hitler considered a big problem was the corridor situation.
In his peace proposals with Britain, Hitler was willing to guarantee the existence of an independent Polish state.
The exact details of what that would have entailed is difficult to say. That is something that would have been agreed upon in negotiations with the British. Hitler very quickly asked for peace with Britain after their war declaration. He continued sending peace proposals for years, so he believed negotiation was on the table. As we know, Britain did not want peace.

Check out:

(Video) A Last Appeal To Reason - Hitler's various peace offers

Hitler's Peace Offers Vs Unconditional Surrender

I also would like to see this question resolved here.

In my previous studies I came across Hitler's peace proposal to the allies, directly after the conquest of Poland in which he states that "A Polish state must exist" and further goes on to make a point that one will. However despite my best recent efforts I have not found it again. Not sure where I read it!

It is not the October 6th 1939 Reichstag address, that does not mention clearing Poland at all. However in the film "Hitler's War? What the Hisotrians Neglect to Mention" at 54:30 to 54:45, the narrator claims that "in a secret address" Hitler offers to clear Poland except for the corridor and Danzig regions. But where and what is this secret address???

This question is absolutely crucial to have answered!

None of the links you provided shed any light on the question at all, except the first link in the other thread you linked possibly may have but since Tomatobubble no longer exists, it cannot be verified.

If you know this specific reference to post-Polish campaign offer to withdraw from Poland anywhere- can you please show me because I very much would like concrete demonstration of that. The film must have got that info from somewhere.

Kind regards.


Re: Hitler tried to create an independent Polish state?

Postby Otium » 6 months 3 weeks ago (Sat Nov 12, 2022 2:30 pm)

Cheeseburger wrote:It is not the October 6th 1939 Reichstag address, that does not mention clearing Poland at all. However in the film "Hitler's War? What the Hisotrians Neglect to Mention" at 54:30 to 54:45, the narrator claims that "in a secret address" Hitler offers to clear Poland except for the corridor and Danzig regions. But where and what is this secret address???

The documentary is indeed referring to Hitler's peace proposal of October 6, I don't know why this documentary claims it was a "secret address"; if it was a "secret address" then Paris and London could not "refuse the offer" as the documentary states.

Hitler never gave a secret address on this matter, but there is an abundance of information regarding Hitler's vision for a Polish rump state, and his desire to see it come to fruition. It was only the course of the war which nullified this possibility.

I will write a detailed post with all the evidence on this later.

Though it should be stated that nobody disputes that Hitler wanted to create a Polish rump state, what is questioned is Hitler's sinscerity for peace.

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Re: Hitler tried to create an independent Polish state?

Postby Lamprecht » 6 months 3 weeks ago (Sat Nov 12, 2022 2:38 pm)

Cheeseburger. Have you checked:

Offer to clear Poland?

I would not be completely surprised if the peace deals sent directly to the British government were not published.

BTW on Tomatobubble, I believe the website is now at:

You can also use the Internet Archive Wayback Machine to view pages no longer available online.

In my previous studies I came across Hitler's peace proposal to the allies, directly after the conquest of Poland in which he states that "A Polish state must exist" and further goes on to make a point that one will. However despite my best recent efforts I have not found it again. Not sure where I read it!


Adolf Hitler Rede vor dem Reichstag nach Polenfeldzug 1939-10-06 (Speech before the Reichstag after the Polish campaign)
https://archive.org/details/AdolfHitler ... 1939-10-06
https://hitler.org/speeches/10-06-39.html | https://archive.ph/bFjck
What then are the aims of the Reich Government as regards the adjustment of conditions within the territory to the west of the German-Soviet line of demarcation which has been recognized as Germany's sphere of influence?

First, the creation of a Reich frontier which, as has already been emphasized, shall be in accordance with existing historical, ethnographical and economic conditions.

Second, the disposition of the entire living space according to the various nationalities; that is to say, the solution of the problems affecting the minorities which concern not only this area but nearly all the States in the Southwest of Europe.

Third, in this connection: An attempt to reach a solution and settlement of the Jewish problem.

Fourth, reconstruction of transport facilities and economic life in the interest of all those living in this area.

Fifth, a guarantee for the security of this entire territory and sixth, formation of a Polish State so constituted and governed as to prevent its becoming once again either a hotbed of anti-German activity or a center of intrigue against Germany and Russia.

In addition to this, an attempt must immediately be made to wipe out or at least to mitigate the ill effects of war; that is to say, the adoption of practical measures for alleviation of the terrible distress prevailing there.

These problems can, as I have already emphasized, perhaps be discussed but never solved at the conference table.

If Europe is really sincere in her desire for peace, then the States in Europe ought to be grateful that Russia and Germany are prepared to transform this hotbed into a zone of peaceful development and that these two countries will assume the responsibility and bear the burdens inevitably involved.
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Hitler tried to create an independent Polish state?

Postby Lamprecht » 6 months 3 weeks ago (Sat Nov 12, 2022 3:15 pm)

Otium wrote:Though it should be stated that nobody disputes that Hitler wanted to create a Polish rump state, what is questioned is Hitler's sinscerity for peace.

Important point. The general argument is that Hitler could not be trusted. These people will use the term "appeasement" to describe Britain and France's behavior prior to their declarations of war. Check out:

Hitler's 26 September 1938 claim Sudetenland "last territorial demand in Europe" a lie? // "Appeasement"

Why did Hitler invade so many 'neutral' European countries?

They will say that the Munich Agreement was appeasement, and that they handed over non-German territory to Hitler (who, ultimately, they claim wanted to control the world) and then he kept gobbling things up. They might say that the unification with Austria was begrudgingly permitted (Hitler was born there after all) but while also claiming that the plebiscite was rigged because German troops occupied the country or something. They'll say in March 1939 when Slovakia declared independence (a "Nazi puppet") Hitler brutally invaded the Czech lands, but they were still "appeasing" him but everyone in Europe was afraid he would invade. He was a madman, you see, and wanted world domination?

I recently spoke to a Jew on Twitter who asked me if I would have supported the Third Reich in WW2. I said I would have opposed the USSR, because I pick my sides based on what is good for the USA. He said that was the wrong choice and contradicted my position on free speech because Hitler's NSDAP was against free speech. I said I think all people should have freedom of speech but I'm mostly concerned with the USA, and the USSR opposed free speech as well (and Germany doesn't have it now either). He said only Hitler wanted to invade and conquer America and would have tried.
These people are too invested in their "Hitler was evil" idea, especially Jews that will double down when I accuse them of being extremist racial supremacists for thinking it was OK to sacrifice millions of gentile lives solely to punish Hitler for throwing the Jews out of Germany.
The invasion of Poland wasn't some horrible tragedy to these people that needed to be stopped. It was just a perfect excuse to launch their plan to destroy Hitler. Point out the absurdity of their reasons and they'll just double-down and engage in mental gymnastics. They claim to care about Poland yet don't seem to mind it being invaded and occupied by the Soviets.

I even spoke to one that said Germany's bombing of Britain was a war crime. I told him that Britain declared war on Germany, refused peace deals, and bombed Germany as well. He said that was acceptable because Hitler invaded Poland and he needed to be stopped. I told him it was legal [so no crime] for Germany to retaliate against Britain because of the declaration of war. He said a declaration of war is not a good enough reason to bomb someone, and I was justifying "Nazi murder."
That was just one guy, sure, but they nearly all behave in just about the same way. They start with the assumption "Hitler had to be stopped" and the truth is bent in every possible way to justify it morally.
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Hitler tried to create an independent Polish state?

Postby chaos » 6 months 3 weeks ago (Sun Nov 13, 2022 4:45 am)

Lamprecht wrote:These people are too invested in their "Hitler was evil" idea, especially Jews that will double down when I accuse them of being extremist racial supremacists for thinking it was OK to sacrifice millions of gentile lives solely to punish Hitler for throwing the Jews out of Germany.
The invasion of Poland wasn't some horrible tragedy to these people that needed to be stopped. It was just a perfect excuse to launch their plan to destroy Hitler. Point out the absurdity of their reasons and they'll just double-down and engage in mental gymnastics. They claim to care about Poland yet don't seem to mind it being invaded and occupied by the Soviets.

I even spoke to one that said Germany's bombing of Britain was a war crime. I told him that Britain declared war on Germany, refused peace deals, and bombed Germany as well. He said that was acceptable because Hitler invaded Poland and he needed to be stopped. I told him it was legal [so no crime] for Germany to retaliate against Britain because of the declaration of war. He said a declaration of war is not a good enough reason to bomb someone, and I was justifying "Nazi murder."
That was just one guy, sure, but they nearly all behave in just about the same way. They start with the assumption "Hitler had to be stopped" and the truth is bent in every possible way to justify it morally.

It is also good to mention that Britain initiated, and continually bombed Germany for months before retaliation.

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Re: Hitler tried to create an independent Polish state?

Postby Cheeseburger » 6 months 3 weeks ago (Sun Nov 13, 2022 6:34 am)

[quote="Lamprecht"][endquote] [quote="Otium"][endquote]

Thank you both for taking the time to respond.

I have to declare that the thread Otium referenced me to is my own thread from several years ago since I was "Deitrich".

In any case it was good to revisit this information since I had totally forgotten that I had in fact first learned of this stuff right here and then forgot this source altogether.

It seems more than enough information is at hand now with that thread and this one now combined to satisfy the thread starter- however 2 further points should be pointed out:

Otium claims that the "secret address" adhered to in the film "Hitler's Krieg" is in fact reference to the October 6th speech. Whilst I do believe that these are related I can't help but think some background piece is being alluded to here- although both events are implied at the same time in the film.

More pressingly though I have found further reference in this film very specifically:

From 57:20 until 57:35 we hear the film reference that Germany repeated it's offer of peace to both Britain and France, including clearing Poland, on both March 2nd and April 6th 1940. No reference to either of these dates can be found in "Hitler's Peace Plans" by Friedrich Stieve for example or any other clear source. However I did find that Hitler forwarded peace on March 2nd independently to foreign diplomat Sumner Welles which I accept as the source.

Does anyone know what the film is referring to regarding this elusive "April 6th 1940" date of a peace proposal??


Sorry for pressing for details but collating all this sporatic revisionist information is very important because whenever anyone is confronted with somebody who asks the quick hard questions right away we need quick decisive answers- not having to re-research for 72 hours first :)

I acknowledge these other points- that the offer to clear Poland is not the sole issue for the uninitiated- but the offer to clear Poland is of central importance to the very idea that Germany wanted to dramatically expand Eastward, which would be rendered an absurd charge given she was prepared to create a buffer state inbetween her and the Soviet Union.


Again, thank you for paticipating- if anybody can shed light on this April 6th 1940 proposal alluded to in the film- that would be icing on this cake!

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Re: Hitler tried to create an independent Polish state?

Postby karl_fallout4 » 6 months 3 weeks ago (Mon Nov 14, 2022 2:33 am)

Critical wrote:In some writings of the Second World War it is suggested that Hitler initially sought to create a kind of independent Polish state immediately after the conquest, is this true? that he made you opt for a "more German" administration?

Wikipedia itself admits that Hitler approached multiple influential Poles to help create an independent Polish state. However, their ultra-nationalist tendencies proved difficult.

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