Heavy Updates from Castle Hill (2022)

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Heavy Updates from Castle Hill (2022)

Postby Butterfangers » 5 months 3 weeks ago (Fri Dec 16, 2022 1:26 pm)

I just came across some rather troubling (yet, in part, slightly hopeful) updates that are relevant to both Castle Hill and CODOH, and Revisionism as a whole. Please read along:

The Year 2022 at Castle Hill Publishers
December 15, 2022

We had to deal with three major obstacles this past year: Ingram Content Group canceling our printing, distribution and order-fulfillment contract; Barclays Bank in the UK closing our British account and thus our last banking stronghold in Europe; and our CEO Germar Rudolf resigning from his leadership positions at CODOH and Castle Hill, and taking an extended leave of absence. Let me address them in sequence.

As we reported earlier this year in a blog post, the General Assembly of the United Nations ratified a resolution introduced by Germany and Israel on January 20, 2022, which calls for all governments in the world to do everything possible to combat and suppress Holocaust revisionism. Since both CODOH and Castle Hill have been singled out for decades by governmental and NGO watchdog organizations in the US, the UK, Germany and Israel, among other countries, for being the only entities left that produce new and relevant revisionist material, you didn’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure out what was coming…

After eight years of flawless cooperation, Castle Hill’s partner for multi-national book printing, distribution and order fulfillment, the almighty Ingram Content Group, canceled the contract just four days after the above-mentioned UN resolution had passed, claiming that retailers had been complaining about Castle Hill’s type of books. Ingram has a monopoly in book distribution in the U.S., and Amazon controls some 70% of all new books sales here, hence also of Ingram’s turnover. Each time we published a new book, Ingram’s live data feed into Amazon’s websites had it show up there. Amazon got harassed by the usual enemies of free speech for again offering one of our books. They had to manually delete it, but the game would start all over once we issued a new edition (which we do with regularity). Finally sick of this futile whack-the-mole game, Amazon, no doubt with the UN resolution in hand, went to Ingram telling them to stop the charade at the source by kicking us out for good – which they promptly did. Since Ingram’s database also feeds into all kinds of databases abroad, all our books suddenly disappeared from the national and international book markets. We lost some 50% of our turnover in the U.S., and our entire turnover from overseas, as we don’t have any printing, warehousing and order-fulfillment outlets in the UK or Australia (but Ingram does).

As a consequence, we had to completely reorganize the way we operate. We had to find a new printing partner in the U.S., reformat all cover artwork to fit their specs, invest into a complete reprint of everything, get ourselves a small warehouse locally, equip it with shelving, basic equipment and shipping supplies so we can do order fulfillment ourselves, and then repeat the procedure also in Europe and/or the UK somehow to recover that market as well.

Just a week after the UN resolution, Barclays Bank in the UK, with whom we had our business banking since 2007 and never had any problems, opened some investigation by requesting more details about what our business was all about. Then three weeks later, they told us unceremoniously that they will close our accounts, citing a passage in the agreement that simply allows them to close whatever account they want whenever they please. Period.

Since business had become pretty much impossible for Caste Hill in the UK, with Brexit making exports to EU countries borderline impossible and banking being canceled, we decided it is time to pack up and leave. Castle Hill was officially sold by its UK owner (identity undisclosed) to CODOH on April 8, 2022, and CODOH reorganized it as a single-member, non-neglected limited liability company as “Castlehill Publishing LLC.”

Our attempts at establishing a printing, warehousing and order-fulfillment solution in the UK/Europe for our English-language material hit unexpected resistance when we realized that many British printers are now mortally afraid to get involved in the production of printed matters that could violate Britain’s 2017 anti-revisionist law. Although that law requires that “Holocaust denial” happens concurrently and in conjunction with disparaging the victims, which is something Caste Hill does not do, any printer accepting our printing jobs would be legally required to thoroughly read and correctly assess all our material before printing it to make sure it does not contain anything legally hazardous. No printer will invest that amount of time and effort. They simply turn down the job, and that’s the end of that…

When the first consequence of the UN resolution hit Castle Hill in early 2022, our then-CEO Germar Rudolf predicted that he expects “them” to go after him personally next. And that is what happened this past summer. This is not the place to divulge what exactly has been happening. Suffice it to say that Rudolf dropped all responsibilities at CODOH and Caste Hill this past summer, and disappeared from the face of the earth in early fall. His whereabouts are currently unknown.

Rudolf’s main vulnerabilities are that his application to become a U.S. citizen was terminally rejected in 2020, and that the German authorities have issued numerous arrest warrants against him for reasons that are yet unknown. However, with some 80 new revisionist books or new editions of older books in the German-language published over the past ten years with Rudolf as the production manager, it’s easy to understand why they want him locked away. Although those German arrest warrants cannot be enforced in the U.S. due to the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, Rudolf’s German passport expired in 2019, and Germany refuses to issue him a new one. His “Green Card” here in the U.S. expired in 2021, and the U.S. authorities followed Germany’s lead by also refusing to issue him a new one. You get the picture. They are trying to entrap him, then play the same dirty trick on him and his family as they did back in 2005: arrest, deport, put into a German dungeon, and throw away the keys.

In the meanwhile, Castle Hill is getting reorganized once more, so it can survive in this increasingly hostile environment even without Germar Rudolf’s involvement. We appreciate your patience and support for this drawn-out, difficult process.

Sincerely yours,

CEO Michael Santomauro / Founder Germar Rudolf
Castle Hill Publishing LLC
30 Paddle Boat Lane
Townhouse # 202
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina 29928
E-mail: [email protected]
iPhone: 917-974-6367

Now to the more-pleasant side of this past year’s activities: our new book releases, of which there were a whopping 13 this year, with five of them being merely new editions of books we published in earlier years, plus seven audio books, and one release by another publishing outlet [...]

https://castlehill.shop/2022/12/15/the- ... ublishers/

Now seems like as good a time as any to buy books, donate, volunteer (especially translators), and otherwise help in any way you can to keep this boat afloat. Legislation and legal persecution are making things difficult so we need to fight back however we can.

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Re: Heavy Updates from Castle Hill (2022)

Postby Libertas Aut Mors » 5 months 3 weeks ago (Fri Dec 16, 2022 5:10 pm)

This is extremely sad news, but I hope that Castle Hill continues to fight the good fight. I’ve devoured so many of Castle Hill’s books, and they’ve been monumental to not only my view of the Holocaust, but also my view of life in general. It has instilled a healthy skepticism in me of pretty much everything I hear.

One thing that must be said here is that FEAR is the greatest weapon the enemy of truth uses to suppress the truth. Fear and cowardice is a poison to the soul, and is far deadlier than any weapon. Every person who has ever said the truth has been hated, persecuted and terrorised. We should expect it, and in fact we should be glad that we are hated by these hypocrites and tyrants, because if we weren’t, then we’d be sure we were doing something wrong.

Furthermore, the goal of revisionists (and all lovers of truth in general) should not be to impress the people that exist today, but to be vindicated in the eyes of future generations, untainted by the prejudices of today. Eventually the truth will come out, no matter how much it is suppressed.

So never give up, never falter, never surrender.

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Re: Heavy Updates from Castle Hill (2022)

Postby DissentingOpinions » 5 months 3 weeks ago (Fri Dec 16, 2022 10:59 pm)

Let's look at another revisionist loss: Carlo Mattogno is retiring from revisionism. Holocaust Handbooks Volume 50 "The Neuengamme and Sachsenhausen Gas Chambers—With a Focus on British Investigations for the Tesch Trial", was a surprise release this year. The Real Auschwitz Chronicle is expected to be released next year in September. Mattogno doesn't have any other new volumes in the works, so this could be it.

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Re: Heavy Updates from Castle Hill (2022)

Postby Butterfangers » 5 months 3 weeks ago (Sat Dec 17, 2022 2:29 am)

DissentingOpinions wrote:Let's look at another revisionist loss: Carlo Mattogno is retiring from revisionism. Holocaust Handbooks Volume 50 "The Neuengamme and Sachsenhausen Gas Chambers—With a Focus on British Investigations for the Tesch Trial", was a surprise release this year. The Real Auschwitz Chronicle is expected to be released next year in September. Mattogno doesn't have any other new volumes in the works, so this could be it.

In my opinion, Mattogno has done far more than his share of work. It absolutely blows my mind how much this man has done for the field of Revisionism as a whole. I often stop and really think about just where we would be without him... I'd say decades behind where we are now. He's basically set us up to just need to fine-tune things as they come about, going forward. Broadly-speaking, the Revisionist case is already thoroughly compelling enough for any honest, objective, competent person who enters the topic of the "Holocaust" with a sound, open mind and hears all sides of it.

The future is on our shoulders, gentlemen (and ladies). Accessing historical archives (directly or indirectly), writing books, setting aside time and other conflicting opportunities, and/or supporting financially and morally those who do these things to advance the exposure and thoroughness of Revisionism; that is our next, continual frontier. The good news is, the market for all of it is growing. This means a career in writing Revisionist works (thus, the ability to set aside time and really focus on it) is increasing, for those dedicated and competent enough to do so.

Another extremely important area which needs more attention is marketing. There is a LOT that the general public does not know about the 'Holocaust'. It has been that way for a long time but, at this point, Revisionism has become so well-developed on the most important 'Holocaust' topics that it is a lot more difficult to dismiss; cognitive dissonance only takes you so far. Moreover, there are now greater opportunities for marketing. I do not think Gab would prohibit advertising of Revisionist content on their platform. There are many content creators (generally labeled 'far-right') who are supportive of Revisionism... I have been watching one recently, Joe Prich (@MrJoePrich on Gab), who has about 16.5k followers and a bi-weekly podcast/show, "Just Joe Radio", with a pretty substantial following. He is one of the many who I think might appreciate the importance of scholarly Revisionist works and the importance of fundraising to that cause... he may either be willing to support it out of kindness and common cause (by encouraging his audience to donate) or, at the very least, might be open to running "commercials" which increase awareness of CODOH (for a small price, much like advertising in media works anywhere else). He is just one example.

I can say confidently that there is a large and growing interest in various causes which highlight the importance of Revisionist work. For a lot of people, they have noticed other modern-day deceptions from some of the same "usual suspects" propagating the Holohoax narrative. They are aware that Jews today use the Holocaust as their "trump card" on almost all attempts to criticize issues of Jewish interest. It's obvious to many people that this Holohoax lie holds huge weight on many issues which impact many millions, perhaps billions of lives today. How do we reach these people? How do we help them to recognize that scholarly efforts like CODOH and works published by Castle Hill are critical on the path forward? How do we make it easier for them to support the work done by Revisionists, or to support the authors and creators that keep things advancing?

Big changes like those of late, even those which seem troubling, are an opportunity to re-think. It's a chance to regroup and develop new strategies, seeing things in a new light.

One other thing I would like to keep in mind on the path ahead is how we can help those outstanding Revisionists who are dealing with terrible "legal" persecution and abuses. Vincent Reynouard, Germar Rudolf, are just those most recent whom I recall but this is not something to take lightly. I would like for everyone to stay creative and try to think of ways to help these brave individuals, even when things can seem so tragic and short on hope. Perhaps there is something that can be done.

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Re: Heavy Updates from Castle Hill (2022)

Postby DissentingOpinions » 5 months 3 weeks ago (Sat Dec 17, 2022 8:40 am)

The 6 major facets of revisionism(Books, documentaries, Inconvenient History, Furtherglory, CODOH, and Eli Wiesel Cons the World) are all dead or dying in the way of new research. Other periodicals like Journal of Historical Review, The Revisionist, and Smith's Report have been retired for years. The reality is that once John Wear stop writing his essays for Inconvenient History, there won't be any active revisionists left, aside from denier types like Jim Rizoli.


Re: Heavy Updates from Castle Hill (2022)

Postby Otium » 5 months 3 weeks ago (Sat Dec 17, 2022 10:07 am)

Not only is there the issue of fresh blood to keep revisionist projects alive, but there's also the issue of making such efforts available to people. To some degree it has to be profitable for obvious reasons.

I think we all knew that Germar and Mattogno would have their day, but nobody would've thought that it'd be so soon. I'm shocked at this news, and quite dismayed mainly because there's still so much more that could be done in terms of research. I hope that Mattogno keeps writing, and I hope Germar can find a way to bounce back.

The injustice of it all is what's most devastating about this; to me atleast. The obvious oppressive measures and blatant terror nobody cares about is the worst of all. This is all because nobody, practically speaking, is willing to stand up for the rights of anyone they disagree with, and so the globalist terror apparatus has free reign to do as they please with anyone as they see fit. There are no strictures in practical terms, there are no limits. Everything is just a facade, a veneer of checks and balaneces that go out the window when the cabal so requires. This is what we've seen, for example, with Twitter recently. Though people will still deny it, it's really not a matter of assumption when one has even taken a cursory glance at what's been happening.

The absolute worst part, and the ingeniousness of the apparatus, is how successful it's been not only of convincing people this isn't happening, but actually convincing people that do know and admit it's happening, that it's justified. If you can equate what you don't agree with with something bad, as being ontologically bad, then it's not hard for people to transgress their so-called principles. This is how human beings work, and why Democracy and Libertarianism really don't ever work and lead to the most corrupt Governments you'll ever see, which he told me goes back to ancient times. I don't claim to know what systems work or don't work, but I can tell what professes to exist now is not what it actually is and is its own horrific beast, mayble it's an Oligarchy.

Anyway. The other devastating thing is that, when one looks for example at those on the 'Dissident Right' who otherwise should take an interest in 20th century revisonism, of the Holocaust among other things, it is completely ignored. Actual shills like Mark Weber and others like Kevin Macdonald (who does do fantastic work) are bandied about at the expense of Castle Hill and CODOH which don't produce mediocre entertainment but very serious historical works. For example Coutner-Currents have a hyperlink on the sidebar of their website to the IHR of all things, with the phrase 'History Matters', what a joke! Why promote a defunct "institute" which produces nothing in well over 20 if not 30 years? What they do have is not even significant, they don't do any historical research, let alone unique research. People who care about the 'Jewish question' will, as said, extoll the values of Andrew Joyce, Kevin Macdonald, Mark Weber and others, but neglect CODOH, they don't dare say one should donate to the cause of HC revisionism. Though donating is one thing, pointing out the kind of oppression being faced by historians and other professionals who do write on these topics is something that has gone completely ignored. This is an injustice which has not even been spoken about by groups like the NJP, of whom Mike Penovich for example - who has been on this forum in the past - has said nothing. This is a real shame, even though I might not agree with everything they say. But to me the point of politics is really to raise awareness of adjacent matters of concern.

The best that could be hoped for is that the best literature explaining the revisionist case has been published - and I think it has. But as we know, everything from time to time requires correction either because of errors, or new material which could be included. When this can no longer be done, then that's when revisionism dies I fear. That is also when, knowing revisionism has no prolific authors, the academic propaganda apparatus will clamp down hard with mendacious slander and historically dubious articles, books etc. which cannot be rebutted by those whom they attack. This fact they will rely on; and we can see that this is already happening: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=14741&start=15#p106876 The lack of dynamism and production of material from the revisionist side is what might be its fatal blow. We can only hope what's been achieved so far is enough,

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Re: Heavy Updates from Castle Hill (2022)

Postby jarno » 5 months 3 weeks ago (Sat Dec 17, 2022 11:45 am)

I hope that Germar is doing well. It makes me feel terrible to know of his continual plight. He's done so much good for the world, and has sacrificed so much of his life. Given his efforts, and others like Sylvia Stolz, I'm often asking myself: what can I do to help? Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I've thought about starting a local revisionist group, or opening a small revisionist dedicated bookstore.

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Re: Heavy Updates from Castle Hill (2022)

Postby The_Problem » 5 months 3 weeks ago (Sat Dec 17, 2022 4:12 pm)

Butterfangers wrote:I just came across some rather troubling (yet, in part, slightly hopeful) updates that are relevant to both Castle Hill and CODOH, and Revisionism as a whole. Please read along:

The Year 2022 at Castle Hill Publishers
December 15, 2022

We had to deal with three major obstacles this past year: Ingram Content Group canceling our printing, distribution and order-fulfillment contract; Barclays Bank in the UK closing our British account and thus our last banking stronghold in Europe; and our CEO Germar Rudolf resigning from his leadership positions at CODOH and Castle Hill, and taking an extended leave of absence. Let me address them in sequence.

As we reported earlier this year in a blog post, the General Assembly of the United Nations ratified a resolution introduced by Germany and Israel on January 20, 2022, which calls for all governments in the world to do everything possible to combat and suppress Holocaust revisionism. Since both CODOH and Castle Hill have been singled out for decades by governmental and NGO watchdog organizations in the US, the UK, Germany and Israel, among other countries, for being the only entities left that produce new and relevant revisionist material, you didn’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure out what was coming…

After eight years of flawless cooperation, Castle Hill’s partner for multi-national book printing, distribution and order fulfillment, the almighty Ingram Content Group, canceled the contract just four days after the above-mentioned UN resolution had passed, claiming that retailers had been complaining about Castle Hill’s type of books. Ingram has a monopoly in book distribution in the U.S., and Amazon controls some 70% of all new books sales here, hence also of Ingram’s turnover. Each time we published a new book, Ingram’s live data feed into Amazon’s websites had it show up there. Amazon got harassed by the usual enemies of free speech for again offering one of our books. They had to manually delete it, but the game would start all over once we issued a new edition (which we do with regularity). Finally sick of this futile whack-the-mole game, Amazon, no doubt with the UN resolution in hand, went to Ingram telling them to stop the charade at the source by kicking us out for good – which they promptly did. Since Ingram’s database also feeds into all kinds of databases abroad, all our books suddenly disappeared from the national and international book markets. We lost some 50% of our turnover in the U.S., and our entire turnover from overseas, as we don’t have any printing, warehousing and order-fulfillment outlets in the UK or Australia (but Ingram does).

As a consequence, we had to completely reorganize the way we operate. We had to find a new printing partner in the U.S., reformat all cover artwork to fit their specs, invest into a complete reprint of everything, get ourselves a small warehouse locally, equip it with shelving, basic equipment and shipping supplies so we can do order fulfillment ourselves, and then repeat the procedure also in Europe and/or the UK somehow to recover that market as well.

Just a week after the UN resolution, Barclays Bank in the UK, with whom we had our business banking since 2007 and never had any problems, opened some investigation by requesting more details about what our business was all about. Then three weeks later, they told us unceremoniously that they will close our accounts, citing a passage in the agreement that simply allows them to close whatever account they want whenever they please. Period.

Since business had become pretty much impossible for Caste Hill in the UK, with Brexit making exports to EU countries borderline impossible and banking being canceled, we decided it is time to pack up and leave. Castle Hill was officially sold by its UK owner (identity undisclosed) to CODOH on April 8, 2022, and CODOH reorganized it as a single-member, non-neglected limited liability company as “Castlehill Publishing LLC.”

Our attempts at establishing a printing, warehousing and order-fulfillment solution in the UK/Europe for our English-language material hit unexpected resistance when we realized that many British printers are now mortally afraid to get involved in the production of printed matters that could violate Britain’s 2017 anti-revisionist law. Although that law requires that “Holocaust denial” happens concurrently and in conjunction with disparaging the victims, which is something Caste Hill does not do, any printer accepting our printing jobs would be legally required to thoroughly read and correctly assess all our material before printing it to make sure it does not contain anything legally hazardous. No printer will invest that amount of time and effort. They simply turn down the job, and that’s the end of that…

When the first consequence of the UN resolution hit Castle Hill in early 2022, our then-CEO Germar Rudolf predicted that he expects “them” to go after him personally next. And that is what happened this past summer. This is not the place to divulge what exactly has been happening. Suffice it to say that Rudolf dropped all responsibilities at CODOH and Caste Hill this past summer, and disappeared from the face of the earth in early fall. His whereabouts are currently unknown.

Rudolf’s main vulnerabilities are that his application to become a U.S. citizen was terminally rejected in 2020, and that the German authorities have issued numerous arrest warrants against him for reasons that are yet unknown. However, with some 80 new revisionist books or new editions of older books in the German-language published over the past ten years with Rudolf as the production manager, it’s easy to understand why they want him locked away. Although those German arrest warrants cannot be enforced in the U.S. due to the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, Rudolf’s German passport expired in 2019, and Germany refuses to issue him a new one. His “Green Card” here in the U.S. expired in 2021, and the U.S. authorities followed Germany’s lead by also refusing to issue him a new one. You get the picture. They are trying to entrap him, then play the same dirty trick on him and his family as they did back in 2005: arrest, deport, put into a German dungeon, and throw away the keys.

In the meanwhile, Castle Hill is getting reorganized once more, so it can survive in this increasingly hostile environment even without Germar Rudolf’s involvement. We appreciate your patience and support for this drawn-out, difficult process.

Sincerely yours,

CEO Michael Santomauro / Founder Germar Rudolf
Castle Hill Publishing LLC
30 Paddle Boat Lane
Townhouse # 202
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina 29928
E-mail: [email protected]
iPhone: 917-974-6367

Now to the more-pleasant side of this past year’s activities: our new book releases, of which there were a whopping 13 this year, with five of them being merely new editions of books we published in earlier years, plus seven audio books, and one release by another publishing outlet [...]

https://castlehill.shop/2022/12/15/the- ... ublishers/

Now seems like as good a time as any to buy books, donate, volunteer (especially translators), and otherwise help in any way you can to keep this boat afloat. Legislation and legal persecution are making things difficult so we need to fight back however we can.

You CAN'T buy revisionist books anymore! You can't use a card to pay for it in the first place. You can't even get a PDF delivered outside the US let alone a physical book even if you could pay for it.

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Re: Heavy Updates from Castle Hill (2022)

Postby Eduardo » 5 months 3 weeks ago (Sat Dec 17, 2022 4:42 pm)

Why you cant get a PDF outside US?
I understand quite good Germar Rudolf. German prisons are not a good chance to make tourism in Europe and he had many years of repression and prosecution, letting apart the he was presented in the disgusting german media as he was the worst of the felons.

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Re: Heavy Updates from Castle Hill (2022)

Postby Butterfangers » 5 months 3 weeks ago (Sat Dec 17, 2022 5:12 pm)

The_Problem wrote:You CAN'T buy revisionist books anymore! You can't use a card to pay for it in the first place.

That was not my interpretation of this set of updates. My understanding was that any order fulfillment is taking place out of the US, for now:
As a consequence, we had to completely reorganize the way we operate. We had to find a new printing partner in the U.S., reformat all cover artwork to fit their specs, invest into a complete reprint of everything, get ourselves a small warehouse locally, equip it with shelving, basic equipment and shipping supplies so we can do order fulfillment ourselves [...]

Attempts to rebuild a distribution setup in the UK/Europe have thus far failed.

Otium wrote:People who care about the 'Jewish question' will, as said, extoll the values of Andrew Joyce, Kevin Macdonald, Mark Weber and others, but neglect CODOH, they don't dare say one should donate to the cause of HC revisionism.

Otium, I do not have the same sense, such that those who are interested in the Jewish question have some opposition to CODOH. You are correct that they do seem to neglect CODOH but I feel that is out of ignorance rather than intent, which is why I have put emphasis on the need for marketing. People need to know:

1. The importance of Holocaust Revisionism relative to the "JQ".
2. The critical role CODOH and Castle Hill play with regard to Holocaust Revisionism.
3. How their donations, efforts, etc. are important to keep it afloat.

There is now a receptive audience to the above. The question is, how do we reach them? How do we reach the many nationalist organizations that are likely to have an interest in this, and encourage them to incorporate the promotion of scholarly/educational efforts like CODOH into their activism?

That, I think, is the key question for now, at least with regard to gathering sufficient resources for the path forward. The other question is how we motivate, support, etc. the next generation of high-quality Revisionist authors and researchers. On that point, I try to consider what it takes to do this sort of work. It requires, first of all, enough interest in doing so. It requires competence, of course. It also requires TIME. And last but not least, it may require significant sacrifice.

The potential sacrifice is less in areas where Revisionism is still technically legal, such as the US, but any Revisionists from the US will have to travel further to do any on-site investigation or archival research (not to mention, I think being multi-lingual is a lot more common in Europe, so it's rarer to find an American who can dive between German/Polish/Russian language sources).

A lot of these risks and sacrifices can be mitigated if Revisionism gets to the point that it provides job security. If someone can feel confident in being able to invest all of their time into Revisionism and still make a living, I think that's a way to help ensure more active Revisionists come about (and stick around).

I do not think any of this is out-of-reach. And frankly, I do not think we have much to worry about at this point. We might be losing some great talent with the current circumstances facing Rudolf and with Mattognos [presumed?] retirement but a temporary lull in published Revisionist content does not mean the effort is failing or has failed, it just means that the floor has opened up for anyone else who is ready to step forward.

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Re: Heavy Updates from Castle Hill (2022)

Postby Horhug » 5 months 3 weeks ago (Sat Dec 17, 2022 5:18 pm)

The Year 2022 at Castle Hill Publishers
December 15, 2022

Published by Michael Santomauro on December 15, 2022

The 231st anniversary of the adoption of the US Bill of Rights on December 15, 1791 ...

December 15, 1791


Articles three through twelve—known as the Bill of Rights—were ratified by the states on December 15, 1791, and became the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The Bill of Rights contains guarantees of essential rights and liberties omitted in the crafting of the original Constitution.


The United States of America adopted the Bill of Rights consisting of the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution, confirming the fundamental rights of its citizens on December 15, 1791.


Wikipedia : First Amendment to the United States Constitution

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Ame ... nstitution

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prevents the government from making laws that regulate an establishment of religion, or that prohibit the free exercise of religion, or abridge the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the freedom of assembly, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights.


Re: Heavy Updates from Castle Hill (2022)

Postby Otium » 5 months 3 weeks ago (Sat Dec 17, 2022 11:51 pm)

Butterfangers wrote:
Otium wrote:People who care about the 'Jewish question' will, as said, extoll the values of Andrew Joyce, Kevin Macdonald, Mark Weber and others, but neglect CODOH, they don't dare say one should donate to the cause of HC revisionism.

Otium, I do not have the same sense, such that those who are interested in the Jewish question have some opposition to CODOH. You are correct that they do seem to neglect CODOH but I feel that is out of ignorance rather than intent, which is why I have put emphasis on the need for marketing.

This, unfortunately, is not a matter of 'sense' or 'opinion' but of facts. Greg Johnson and Counter-Currents know about CODOH, Castle Hill and the Holocaust handbooks. The NJP also know, the podcasters at TRS, particularly on 'The Daily Shoah' have interviewed Germar Rudolf and discussed the Holocaust Handbooks at length, disputed with amatuer "historians" like Cockerill and "scientists" like Myles Power. They have even been on the forum. Other nationalists have also been made aware in various comment sections etc. It's not a matter of ignorance and lack of marketing, but a lack of interest and neglect. Greg Johnson in particular was not at all shy about this. Even the folks at the Occidental Obserber cannot be unaware, for they had published a favourable review of Ikuo Suzuki's book 'Unmasking Anne Frank' (which is sold on CHP's website) which shows that 1. they're tapped into more niche publishers like Clemens & Blair which have now made a forway into HC revisionism, which is no surprise considering Thomas Dalton is their primary author; 2. they're clearly not ignoring, in this case, a book which is related to HC revisionism. I would find it very difficult to believe they're also not aware of CODOH.


Re: Heavy Updates from Castle Hill (2022)

Postby Otium » 5 months 3 weeks ago (Sun Dec 18, 2022 12:14 am)

I hope the Holocaust Encyclopedia is still in the works, or at least shelved and not cancelled.

I also thought - probably not a unique thought - but that if Castle Hill is in such dire straits when it comes to money and marketing for the big HC revisionist projects, perhaps the time might be opportune to actually diversify its portfolio of publications? I don't know how these things work, how viable they are, but it occured to me that when one sees the success of other dissident publishers like Imperium Press or Antelope Hill Publications (AHP), it might be worthwhile to publish more than just HC related books which will also appeal to other audiences that may introduce them to HC revisionism, and even fund more HC related projects. I'm not exactly sure what these might be, perhaps a kind of primary sources series in which 20th century works which are out of copyright can be republished and translated can be sold.

In this vein I'm thinking of AHP who have translated and published various works from NS-Germany. I think there is a market for people who're interested in Nationalsocialist Germany, and what people in that society thought and read. Obviously this runs the risk of becoming inadvertently ideological, so it might not be in their interest to publish books which deal with matters of ideology despite the fact that academia is seriously lacking in publishing primary source material which explain from the Nationalsocialists own perspective what it was they believed. In any case, I can see the merits and drawbacks of such an idea and I'm aware that it may just be something I personally would like to see because there are many works from that period which I think are academically interesting.

Many of Hitler's speeches, for example, which have never been published in English are available from various archives and old newspapers without restriction, and many, if not all, are digitized by Germany's federal archives. So that's one benefit, and on top of that there's definitely a market for literally just translating and publishing what Hitler said because he is the most infamous and yet elusive figure of the 20th century. A chronological work of that kind of documentary nature is basically an untapped goldmine which, I'd think is of interest to many people. Obviously translating is the biggest issue with that, even though the material is all there.

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Re: Heavy Updates from Castle Hill (2022)

Postby Butterfangers » 5 months 3 weeks ago (Sun Dec 18, 2022 4:54 am)

Otium wrote:This, unfortunately, is not a matter of 'sense' or 'opinion' but of facts. Greg Johnson and Counter-Currents know about CODOH, Castle Hill and the Holocaust handbooks. The NJP also know, the podcasters at TRS, particularly on 'The Daily Shoah' have interviewed Germar Rudolf and discussed the Holocaust Handbooks at length, disputed with amatuer "historians" like Cockerill and "scientists" like Myles Power. They have even been on the forum. Other nationalists have also been made aware in various comment sections etc. It's not a matter of ignorance and lack of marketing, but a lack of interest and neglect. Greg Johnson in particular was not at all shy about this. Even the folks at the Occidental Obserber cannot be unaware, for they had published a favourable review of Ikuo Suzuki's book 'Unmasking Anne Frank' (which is sold on CHP's website) which shows that 1. they're tapped into more niche publishers like Clemens & Blair which have now made a forway into HC revisionism, which is no surprise considering Thomas Dalton is their primary author; 2. they're clearly not ignoring, in this case, a book which is related to HC revisionism. I would find it very difficult to believe they're also not aware of CODOH.

I absolutely would not consider Greg Johnson an honest figure based on what I read in your linked thread, above. I'd put him in the same category as either Cole or Weber, both of whom I feel confident have conflicts of interest which prevent them from being entirely honest in their Holocaust-related work. I also have mild suspicions about the TRS crew and Peinovich in particular, but that is another issue. I do think there are numerous "gatekeepers" in the "truth about Jews" movement, simply because it would be foolish for Jewish organizations not to invest in these, and all of their actions in history have shown that subversion and infiltration are well-within their repertoire. Additionally, for these or whatever other examples you might give, we cannot assume they are all aware of the challenges now facing CODOH, Castle Hill, Rudolf, etc.

On my first read-through of your response, I got the impression you were pessimistic about the future of Revisionism as a whole but after reading again I am not sure. Are you more so concerned that CODOH will get drowned out by competition?

If the former (pessimism about Revisionism, generally), I would speak strongly against that mindset. I've made numerous observations elsewhere on the forum (a list that is far from exhaustive) which show, clearly, that Revisionism and it's public support (aside from legal repression, internationally) is on the rise. Here's another recent poll you might find interesting... notice the number of votes (LOL):


If you were just making the point that CODOH will need a business strategy to effectively compete with the up-and-coming publishers out there, I might agree on that. Above all, I think the need for a strong set of authors to fill-in for Mattogno and Rudolf is the most obvious. I feel like the rest will work itself out if that gets solved.


Re: Heavy Updates from Castle Hill (2022)

Postby Otium » 5 months 3 weeks ago (Sun Dec 18, 2022 5:02 am)

Butterfangers wrote: On my first read-through of your response, I got the impression you were pessimistic about the future of Revisionism as a whole but after reading again I am not sure. Are you more so concerned that CODOH will get drowned out by competition?

If you were just making the point that CODOH will need a business strategy to effectively compete with the up-and-coming publishers out there, I might agree on that.

I am pessimistic, certainly. There is no competition out there. None of these other publishers are publishing any HC revisionist material. I'm very far from thinking CODOH will get drowned out, I was saying it will be submerged by opportunistic opponents who take pot shots and perhaps even write "serious" criticisms of the HC revisionist literature which exists because they know they can expect zero resistance from any of the authors, let alone adequate academic resistance from any new researchers.

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