War-time German documents & writings mentioning the "Final Solution"

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War-time German documents & writings mentioning the "Final Solution"

Postby Lamprecht » 4 years 3 months ago (Sat Feb 09, 2019 6:14 pm)

Didn't find a thread dedicated to this topic, but both revisionists and believers accept that the Nazis had a "Final Solution to the Jewish Problem" -- they simply disagree on what that meant. Exterminationists claim the "Final Solution" was a policy of exterminating the Jews. In his Hoax of the Twentieth Century, Professor Arthur Butz developed a revisionist definition:

"The 'final solution' meant the expulsion of all Jews from the German sphere of influence in Europe. After the invasion of Russia its specific meaning was the resettlement of these Jews in the East."

I will post some German war-time documents & diary entries that I have found directly mentioning the "Final Solution" -- feel free to add any additional ones

From the 'Wannsee Conference' January 20, 1942; NG-2586-G, NMT, vol. 13, 212-213:
At the beginning of the discussion Chief of the Security Police and of the SD, SS-Obergruppenführer Heydrich, reported that the Reich Marshal had appointed him delegate for the preparations for the final solution of the Jewish question in Europe and pointed out that this discussion had been called for the purpose of clarifying fundamental questions.

The wish of the Reich Marshal to have a draft sent to him concerning organizational, factual and material interests in relation to the final solution of the Jewish question in Europe makes necessary an initial common action of all central offices immediately concerned with these questions in order to bring their general activities into line. The Reichsführer-SS and the Chief of the German Police (Chief of the Security Police and the SD) was entrusted with the official central handling of the final solution of the Jewish question without regard to geographic borders. The Chief of the Security Police and the SD then gave a short report of the struggle which has been carried on thus far against this enemy, the essential points being the following:
a) the expulsion of the Jews from every sphere of life of the German people,
b) the expulsion of the Jews from the living space of the German people.

In carrying out these efforts, an increased and planned acceleration of the emigration of the Jews from Reich territory was started, as the only possible present solution.
In the meantime the Reichsführer-SS and Chief of the German Police had prohibited emigration of Jews due to the dangers of an emigration in wartime and due to the possibilities of the East.

Another possible solution of the problem has now taken the place of emigration, i.e. the evacuation of the Jews to the East, provided that the Führer gives the appropriate approval in advance.
See the relevant thread on the Wannsee Conference/protocols:
Wannsee Conference minutes debunked

From Document No. NG-2586 (E) or PS-710. "Letter from Hermann Goering to Reinhard Heydrich, Berlin, July 31, 1941"
"As supplement to the task that was entrusted to you in the decree dated January 24, 1939, namely to solve the Jewish question by emigration and evacuation in a way, which is the most favorable in connection with the conditions prevailing at the time, I herewith commission you to carry out all preparations with regard to organizational, factual, and financial viewpoints for a total solution of the Jewish question in those territories in Europe under German influence.

If the competency of other central organizations is touched in this connection, these organizations are to participate.

I further commission you to submit to me as soon as possible a draft showing the organizational, factual, and financial measures already taken for the execution of the intended final solution of the Jewish question."

German version: http://archive.is/F9oSF or https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Carta_G%C3%B6ring.JPG

On February 10, 1942, Foreign Office official Franz Rademacher sent to another Third Reich official a memo:
The war against the Soviet Union has in the meantime created the opportunity to use other territories for the Final Solution. Accordingly, the Führer has decided that the Jews will not be shoved to Madagascar but rather to the east. Madagascar no longer needs to be earmarked for the Final Solution
Document N.G. 3933 of the Wilhelmstrasse trial, quoted by Reitlinger. "The final solution" p.79

In his March 7, 1942 diary entry, Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels further explained the meaning of the "Final Solution"
I read a detailed report from the SD and police regarding the Final Solution to the Jewish question. A vast number of new significant points emerge from it. The Jewish question must now be solved within a pan-European framework. There are more than 11 million Jews still in Europe. They will have to be concentrated later, to begin with, in the east; possibly an island, such as Madagascar can be assigned them after the war

This seems to be confirmed by the passage of Goebbles' diary of March 27, 1942:
The Jews in the General Government, beginning in Lublin, are now being evacuated to the east This is a pretty barbaric procedure, not to be described here more precisely, and of the Jews themselves not much will remain…A judgment is being carried out against the Jews that, indeed barbaric, is fully deserved. The prophecy that the Führer made about them for causing a new world war is beginning to come true in a most terrible manner…No other government and no other regime would have the strength to solve this question comprehensively. Here too, the Führer is the unflinching champion and spokesman of a radical solution

There is also the "Schlegelberger letter"
Mr Reich Minister Lammers informed me that the Führer had repeatedly declared to him that he wants to hear that the Solution of the Jewish Problem has been postponed until after the war is over. That being so, the current discussions are of purely theoretical value, in Mr Reich Minister Lammers' opinion. He will moreover take pains to ensure that, whatever else happens, no fundamental decisions are taken without his knowledge in consequence of a surprise briefing by any third party.


See the relevant thread: viewtopic.php?t=534
Also: http://www.fpp.co.uk/Himmler/Schlegelbe ... f0342.html

During the NMT, the U.S. Prosecution in the Wilhelmstrasse Case presented a document, NG-2586, including "NG-2586-J" which is a summary of the other parts. It is a memo by Martin Luther (Horst Wagner's predecessor), a confidential German Foreign Office memorandum of August 21, 1942 (NMT. vol. 13, 243-249):
1. The principle of the German Jewish policy after the seizure of power consisted in promoting with all means the Jewish emigration. For this purpose, in 1939, Field Marshall Göring in his capacity as Plenipotentiary for the Four Year Plan established a Reich Central Office for Jewish Emigration, and the direction was given to SS Lieutenant General Heydrich in his capacity as chief of the Security Police. The Foreign Office is represented in the committee of the Reich Central Office. The draft of a letter to this effect to the Chief of the Security Police was approved by the Reich Foreign Minister as 83/24 B in February 1939.

2. The present war gives Germany the opportunity and also the duty of solving the Jewish problem in Europe. In consideration of the favorable course of the war against France, D III proposed in July 1940 as a solution - the removal of all Jews from Europe and the demanding of the Island of Madagascar from France as a territory for the reception of the Jews. The Reich Foreign Minister has basically agreed to the beginning of the preliminary work for the deportation of the Jews from Europe. This should be done in close cooperation with the offices of the Reichsführer-SS (compare D III 200/40).

The Madagascar plan was enthusiastically accepted by the RSHA, which in the opinion of the Foreign Office is the agency which alone is in the position technically and by experience to carry out a Jewish evacuation on a large scale and to guarantee the supervision of the people evacuated, the competent agency of the RSHA thereupon worked out a plan going into detail for the evacuation of the Jews to Madagascar and for their settlement there. This plan was approved by the Reichsführer-SS. SS Lieutenant General Heydrich submitted this plan directly to the Reich Foreign Minister in August 1940 (compare D III 2171). The Madagascar plan in fact had been outdated as the result of the political development.

The fact that the Führer intends to evacuate all Jews from Europe was communicated to me as early as August 1940 by Ambassador Abetz after an interview with the Führer (compare D III 2298).

Hence, the basic instruction of the Reich Foreign Minister, to promote the evacuation of the Jews in closest cooperation with the agencies of the Reichsführer-SS, is still in force and will therefore be observed by D III.

3. The administration of the occupied territories brought with it the problem of the treatment of Jews living in these territories. First, the military commander in France saw himself compelled as the first one to issue on September 27, 1940, a decree on the treatment of the Jews in occupied France. The decree was issued with the agreement of the German Embassy in Paris. The pertinent instruction was issued directly by the Reich Foreign Minister to Ambassador Abetz on the occasion of a verbal report.

After the pattern of the Paris decree, similar decrees have been issued in the Netherlands and Belgium. As these decrees, in the same way as German laws concerning Jews, formally embrace all Jews independent of their citizenship, objections were made by foreign powers, among others protest notes by the Embassy of the United States of America, although the military commander in France through internal regulation had ordered that the Jewish measures should not be applied to the citizens of neutral countries.

The Reich Foreign Minister has decided in the case of the American protests that he does not consider it right to have military regulations issued for making an exception of the American Jews. It would be a mistake to reject objections of friendly states (Spain and Hungary) and on the other hand to show weakness toward the Americans. The Reich Foreign Minister considers it necessary to make these instructions to the field commanders retroactive (compare D III 5449).

In accordance with this direction, the Jewish measures have been given general application.

4. In his letter of June 24, 1940 - Pol XII 136 - SS Lieutenant General Heydrich informed the Reich Foreign Minister that the whole problem of the approximately three and a quarter million Jews in the areas under German control can no longer be solved by emigration - a territorial final solution would be necessary.

In recognition of this, Reich Marshall Göring on July 31, 1941, commissioned SS Lieutenant General Heydrich to make, in conjunction with the interested German Control agencies, all necessary preparations for a total solution of the Jewish problem in the German sphere of influence in Europe (compare D III 709 secret). On the basis of this instruction, SS Lieutenant General Heydrich arranged a conference of all the interested German agencies for January 20, 1942, at which the State Secretaries were present from the other ministries and I myself from the Foreign Office. In the conference General Heydrich explained that Reich Marshall Göring's assignment to him had been made on the Führer's instruction and that the Führer instead of the emigration had now authorized the evacuation of the Jews to the East as the solution (compare page 5 of the enclosure to D III 29/42 Secret). State Secretary Weizsäcker had been informed on the conference; for the time being the Reich Foreign Minister had not been informed on the conference, because SS Lieutenant General Heydrich agreed to holding a new conference in the near future in which more details of the total solution should be discussed. This conference has never taken place due to Lieutenant General Heydrich's appointment as acting Reich Protector of Bohemia and Moravia and due to his death.

In the conference on January 20, 1942, I demanded that all questions concerned with countries outside Germany must first have the agreement of the Foreign Office, a demand to which SS Lieutenant General Heydrich agreed and also has faithfully complied with, as in fact, the office of the RSHA handling Jewish matters had, from the beginning, carried out all measures in frictionless cooperation with the Foreign Office. The RSHA has in this matter proceeded indeed almost over-cautiously.

5. On the basis of the Führer's instruction mentioned under '4' (above), the evacuation of the Jews from Germany was begun. It was urged that at the same time these Jews should also be taken who were nationals of the countries which had also undertaken Jewish measures. The RSHA accordingly made an inquiry of the Foreign Office. For reasons of courtesy, inquiry was made by way of the German legations in Bratislava [Slovakia], Zagreb [Croatia], and Bucharest [Romania] to the Governments there as to whether they wanted to recall their Jews from Germany in due time or to agree to their deportation to the ghettos in the East. To the issuance of this instruction, agreement was given before dispatch by the State Secretary, the Under State Secretary in Charge of the Political Division, the Director of the Division for Economic Policy and the Director of the Legal Division (compare D III 336 Secret).

The German Legation in Bucharest reports with reference to D III 602 Secret, that the Romanian government would leave it to the Reich Government to deport their Jews along with the German Jews to the ghettos in the East. They are not interested in having the Romanian Jews return to Romania.

The Legation in Zagreb has informed us that the Croat Government expresses gratitude for the gesture of the German Government; but it would appreciate the deportation of its Jews to the East (compare D III 624 Secret).

The Legation in Bratislava reported with reference to D III 661 Secret that the Slovak Government is fundamentally in agreement with the deportation to the eastern ghettos. But the Slovak claims to the property of the Jews should not be endangered.

The wire reports have also been submitted, as customary, to the Reich Foreign Minister's Bureau.

On the basis of the reports of the Ministers, I have informed the RSHA with reference to D III 661 Secret that the Jews of Romanian, Croat, and Slovak nationality could also be deported; their property should be blocked. The Director of the Political Division, Section IV of the Political Division, Section IX of the Legal Division and Section IV of the Division for the Economic Policy have cosigned the document. Accordingly, the deportations of the Jews from the occupied territories was undertaken.

6. The number of Jews deported in this way to the East did not suffice to cover the labor needs there. The RSHA therefore, acting on the instruction of the Reichsführer-SS, approached the Foreign Office to ask the Slovak Government to make 20,000 young, strong Slovak Jews from Slovakia available for deportation to the East. The German Legation in Bratislava was provided, by D III 874, with proper instruction. The instruction was signed by the State Secretary, the Under State Secretary in charge of the Political Division, and Section IV of the Political Division.

The Legation in Bratislava reported re D III 1002 that the Slovak Government has taken up the suggestion eagerly; the preparatory work could be begun.

Following up this pleased concurrence of the Slovak Government, the Reichsführer-SS proposed that the rest of the Slovak Jews also be deported to the East and Slovakia thereby be made free of Jews. The Legation was, re D III 1559 Ang. II, provided with proper instruction. The draft of the instruction was signed by the State Secretary; after its dispatch it was submitted for their information to the bureau of the Reich Foreign Minister and the Under State Secretary in charge of the Political Division.

As the Slovak Episcopacy meanwhile raised objections to the deportation of the Jews before the Slovak Government, the instruction carries the express statement that in no case must there develop internal political difficulties on account of the evacuation of the Jews in Slovakia. By the telegraphic report, re D III 2006, the Legation reported that the Slovak Government, without any German pressure, has declared itself agreeable to the deportation of all Jews and that the State President agreed personally to the deportation. The telegraphic report was submitted to the bureau of the Reich Foreign Minister. The Slovak Government had furthermore agreed that it will pay as a contribution to the cost entailed RM 500 for every evacuated Jew.

In the meantime 52,000 Jews have been removed from Slovakia. Due to church influences and the corruption of individual officials 35,000 Jews have received a special legitimation. However, Minister President Tuka wants the Jewish removal continued and therefore has asked for support through diplomatic pressure by the Reich (compare D III 3865). The Ambassador is authorized to give this diplomatic help in that he may state to State President Dr. Tiso that the exclusion of the 35,000 Jews is a surprise in Germany, the more so since the cooperation of Slovakia up to now in the Jewish problem has been highly appreciated here. This instruction has been cosigned by the Under State Secretary in charge of the Political Division, and the State Secretary.

7. The Croat Government is likewise fundamentally agreeable to the removal of the Jews from Croatia. It especially considers the deportation of the four to five thousand Jews from the Italian occupied Second zone (centered around Dubrovnik and Mostar) to be important, as they represent a political burden and their elimination would serve the general pacification. The removal can of course take place only with German aid, as difficulties are to be expected from the Italian side. There have been practical examples of resistance to the Croat measures by Italian officials on behalf of well-to-do Jews. Furthermore, the Italian Chief of Staff in Mostar has said that he cannot approve the removal since all the people living in Mostar have been assured of the same treatment.

Since meanwhile according to a telephone communication from Zagreb, the Croat Government has given its written approval of the proposed measure, Minister Kasche thinks it right to begin with the removal, and in fact to begin for the whole country. One could therefore take the risk of having difficulties develop in the course of the action, so far as concerns the zone occupied by Italians.

A report for the Reich Foreign Minister to this effect (D III 562 Secret) has been held up by State Secretary von Weizsäcker since he considered an inquiry should first be made at the Embassy in Rome. The answer has not been received.

The problem of the Italian Jews has come up in the same way in connection with the evacuation of the Jews in France.

Ambassador Abetz points out in connection with the deportation in preparation from the Occupied French Territory that there was an urgent political interest to take the foreign Jews first in the evacuation measures. Since these Jews were regarded as foreign bodies, they were already especially hated and passing them over and giving them thereby a quasi privileging would cause bad feeling, the more so since among them were to be found responsible instigators of Jewish terror and sabotage acts. It was regrettable that the Axis appeared exactly in this point to pursue no uniform policy.

If the evacuation of the foreign Jews were not immediately possible, the Italian Government should be for the time being asked to repatriate their Jews from France.

On the Italian side, economic interests appear to play a decisive role. The safeguarding of these interests, however, is entirely possible, so that on this point there needs to be no obstacle to the planned solution.

On this question of the Italian Jews in France a conference record of July 24, re D III 562 Secret, has been submitted to the Reich Foreign Minister.

8. On the occasion of a reception by the Reich Foreign Minister on November 26, 1941, the Bulgarian Foreign Minister Popoff touched on the problem of according like treatment to the Jews of European nationalities and pointed out the difficulties that the Bulgarians had in the application of their Jewish laws to Jews of foreign nationality.

The Reich Foreign Minister answered that he thought this question brought up by Mr. Popoff not uninteresting. Even now he could say one thing to him, that at the end of this war all Jews would have to leave Europe. This was an unalterable decision of the Führer and also the only way to master this problem, as only a global and comprehensive solution could be applied and individual measures would not help very much. Furthermore, one should not attribute too much worth to the protests on behalf of the Jews of foreign nationality. At any rate, we would not let ourselves be taken in any further by such protests from the American side. He - the Reich Foreign Minister - would have the problem described by Mr. Popoff investigated by the Foreign Office.

The Reich Foreign Minister commissioned me to undertake the investigation promised (compare D III 660g) [document NG-4669].

I should like to make reference to my basic conference memorandum of December 4, 1941, re D III 660 Secret, which I am dispatching, together with the proper files. This conference memorandum was held up by the State Secretary, because he considered a further examination by the Legal Division first necessary. In their opinion the German-Bulgarian trade and shipping pact was not in agreement with the German-Bulgarian arrangements proposed by me. I therefore notified the German Legation in Sofia, re D III 497 Secret, under the date of June 19, in reference to the suggestion of the Bulgarian Foreign Minister Popoff at his reception to contact the Bulgarian Government and find out whether it was prepared to come to an agreement in the Jewish problem that there should be no rights from the trade and shipping pact given effect in favor of the Jews in the promise of reciprocality.

If the question is put from the Bulgarian side as to whether Germany is ready to deport Jews from Bulgaria to the East, the question should be answered in the affirmative, but in respect to the time of the departing should be answered evasively. This decree was cosigned by the State Secretary, the Under State Secretary, the Director of the Political Division, the Director of the Division for Economic Policy, Section IV of the Political Division, Section IV of the Division for Economic Policy, and also by Ribbentrop. The Legation exchanged notes with the Bulgarian Government and reported that the Bulgarian Government is fundamentally prepared in the problem of the evacuation to sign an agreement with us. Thereby the basis is given to include the Bulgarian Jews in the Jewish measures. (D III 559 Secret and 569 Secret).

9. The Hungarian Government has not yet been approached with respect to the Jewish removal, because the status of the Hungarian legislation up to the present does not promise a sufficient success.

10. In accordance with the agreement of the Romanian Government mentioned under '8' the evacuation of the Romanian Jews from Germany and the occupied territories was begun, whereupon various Romanian consulates and the Romanian Minister in Berlin, who had no instructions from their Government, intervened. Ambassador von Killinger was therefore asked for clarification. The Legation seems to have made use of the Jewish advisor assigned to it, Richter, for this purpose. He is a person to whom the Romanian Government confirmed its earlier agreement to the inclusion of the Romanian Jews in the German measures and to whom the Deputy Ministry President Mihai Antonescu informed of the request of the Marshall that the German agencies should also carry out the removal from Romania itself and should be then immediately with the transport of the Jews from the areas Arad, Timisoara and Turda.

For details may I refer to my conference memorandum of August 17 as D III 649.

11. At the request of the governments concerned, the legations in Bratislava, Zagreb and Bucharest have been assigned advisors for Jewish affairs. They have been made available at the request of the Foreign Office by the RSHA. Their assignment is for a limited time. It ends as soon as the Jewish problem in the country concerned can be regarded as solved in the German sense. Originally it was regarded as solved as soon as the country concerned has issued Jewish laws similar to the German ones.

Accordingly Richter was recalled from Romania last year by the RSHA.

At the urgent request of the legation in Bucharest, Richter was again assigned to the legation despite the objection of the RSHA. This was done with the express intention of having him remain there until the actual final solution in Romania (D III 1703 Secret and 1893 Secret).

Since all negotiations with the Romanian Government went through the Foreign Office, the report of SS First Lieutenant Richter submitted by the Reichsführer-SS should be considered only as an internal work report to the RSHA. The unusual procedure of having the confirmation of a final conference in the handwriting of the Deputy Minister President was sharply objected to immediately through the directive of the 17th of this month; the official handling of the affair must be carried out immediately. The files have been submitted there already under D III 659 Secret.

The intended deportations are a further step forward on the way of the total solution and are in respect to other countries (Hungary) very important. The deportation to the Government General is a temporary measure. The Jews will be moved on further to the occupied Eastern Territories as soon as the technical conditions for it are given.

I therefore request approval for the continuation of the negotiations and measures under these terms and according to the arrangement made.

Signed: LUTHER
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: War-time German documents & writings mentioning the "Final Solution"

Postby Lamprecht » 4 years 3 months ago (Sat Feb 09, 2019 9:06 pm)

In regards to:
On February 10, 1942, Foreign Office official Franz Rademacher sent to another Third Reich official a memo

Here is the German text of the Feb 10, 1942 memo sent to Minister Harald Bielfeld by Franz Rademacher, from document NG-5770 (ADAP, Serie E, Bd. I, Nr.227):
Im August 1940 übergab ich Ihnen für Ihre Akten den von meinem Referat entworfenen Plan zur Endlösung der Judenfrage, wozu die Insel Madagaskar von Frankreich im Friedensvertrag gefordert, die praktische Durchführung der Aufgabe aber dem Reichssicherheitshauptamt übertragen werden sollte....
Der Krieg gegen die Sowjetunion hat inzwischen die Möglichkeit gegeben, andere Territorien für die Endlösung zur Verfügung zu stellen. Demgemäß hat der Führer entschieden, daß die Juden nicht nach Madagaskar, sondern nach dem Osten abgeschoben werden sollen. Madagaskar braucht mithin nicht mehr für die Endlösung vorgesehen zu werden.

On 12 July 1940, upon returning from Berlin, where he had been received by Hitler, Hans Frank, governor of Poland, made a speech in which he declared:
From the viewpoint of general policy, I would like to add that it was decided to deport all the Jewish communities of Germany, of the General Government [Poland], and of the Protectorate [Bohemia-Moravia] to an African or an American colony as soon as possible after having made peace: Madagascar, which France would have to abandon to that end, has been suggested

SOURCE: PS-2233, IMT, VoL XXIX. https://web.archive.org/web/20190418181 ... l-XXIX.pdf
also: H. Monneray, La Persécution des Juifs dans les pays de l'Est présentée d'Nuremberg (The Persecution of the Jews in the Eastern Countries Presented at Nuremberg), Paris, 1949, p. 202.

In a note of 14 November 1942 titled "Financing the measures related to the solution of the Jewish problem" Ministerial Counselor Maedel confirmed:
It is some time ago that the Reichsmarschall charged the Reichsführer-SS and chief of the German police with preparing measures appropriate to assuring the final solution of the Jewish problem in Europe. The Reichsführer-SS has charged the Chief of the Security Police and the SD with the execution of that task. The latter has, first of an, expedited, by special measures, the legal emigration of the Jews to overseas countries. When the war made overseas emigration impossible he made preparations for the progressive clearance of the Reich territory of its Jews by their evacuation to the east.
SOURCE: document NG-4583; Finanzierung der Massnahmen zur Lösung der Judenfrage: Memorandum des Reichsfinanzministeriums, Abt. I, Gruppe: Haushalt- und Kassenwesen.

A "notice" of 9 October 1942 captioned, "Preparatory Measures for the Solution of the Jewish Problem in Europe-Rumors About the Position of the Jews in the East" (PS-3244) summarizes the stages and explains clearly the meaning of "final solution":
For approx. 2000 years, a so-far unsuccessful battle has been waged against Judaism. Only since 1933 have we started to find ways and means in order to enable a complete separation of Judaism from the German masses.

The work toward a solution which has previously been accomplished can in the main be divided as follows:

The repulsion of Jews from the individual spheres of living of the German people. The laws issued by the lawmakers are hereby to be the basis, which guarantees that future generations will also be protected from a possible new overflooding by the enemy.

The attempt to completely drive out the enemy from the area of the Reich. In view of the only very limited living space [Lebensraum] at the disposal of the German people it was hoped this problem could be solved in the main by speeding up the Jewish emigration.

Since the outbreak of war in 1939 these possibilities of emigration decreased to an ever greater extent. On the other hand, in addition to the living space [Lebensraum] of the German people, their economic space [Wirtschaftsraum] grew steadily, so that in view of the large numbers of Jews residing in these territories a complete repulsion of the Jews by emigration is no longer possible.

Since even our next generation will not be so close to this problem and will no longer see it clearly enough on the basis of past experiences and since this matter which has now started rolling demands clearing up, the whole problem must still be solved by the present generation.

A complete removal or withdrawal of the millions of Jews residing in the European economic space [Wirtschaftsraum] is therefore an urgent need in the fight for the security of existence of the German people.

Starting with the territory of the Reich and proceeding to the remaining European countries included in the final solution, the Jews are currently being deported to large camps which have already been established or which are to be established in the East, where they will either be used for work or else transported still farther to the East.
See thread:
3244-PS Martin Bormann on the solution of the Jewish Problem
Last edited by Webmaster on Sun Jul 21, 2019 9:36 am, edited 2 times in total.
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: War-time German documents & writings mentioning the "Final Solution"

Postby borjastick » 4 years 3 months ago (Sun Feb 10, 2019 4:07 am)

Lamprecht I made some very good quotes and links to quotes in a previous post last week on the very subject of the use of the words Final Solution. They all came out of my copy of the book Founding Myths of Modern Israel by Roger Garoudy.
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

'We don't need evidence, we have survivors' - israeli politician

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Re: War-time German documents & writings mentioning the "Final Solution"

Postby Lamprecht » 4 years 3 months ago (Sun Feb 10, 2019 4:23 am)

This thread?

Document claims executed jews "Brought to the Final Solution" // "Final solution" used in context of executions

borjastick wrote:In pre war Germany the jews themselves admitted there was a jewish problem and it needed a solution. I am reading various books this morning trying to find the exact quotes but will weigh in here with other support quotes etc. All taken from Myths of the Twentieth Century by Roger Garoudy, original source shown below each.
'there is no document signed by Hitler, Himmler or Heydrich which speaks of exterminating the jews... the word 'extermination' does not appear in the letter from Goring to Heydrich concerning the final solution to the jewish question
This statement was made by Doctor Kubovy, of the Documentation Center in Tel Aviv 1960 Quote taken from Le veritable proces Eichmann - Paul Rassinier

The 'final solution' was often used in conjunction with the word 'territorial' but it would appear the word 'territorial' is dropped very often.

Heydrich wrote to Ribbentrop on June 24 1940 raising the issue of a 'territorial final solution' - Gerald Fleming, Hitler and the Final Solution 1984 pp44

Until its abandonment, the 'Madagascar Plan' was sometimes referred to by the German leaders as the 'final solution' to the 'Jewish question.'
Poliakov, Le proces de Jerusalem (The Jerusalem Trial)

But the word Endlosung gets interesting here...
Goring's protest of the English translation of the German word 'Gesamtlosung' (complete solution) as 'final solution' (Endlosung, led Justice Robert Jackson to acknowledge the false translation and restore the true meaning.
IMT, TMWC vol. 9 pp.519-520

Quite clearly in much of the use of the phrase 'final solution' they were talking of a territorial solution to the jewish problem. The problem being that they, the jews, would not leave steadily on their own and needed to be re-located. The war in Russia, leading to more available territory for this final solution being possible.

Good find: The June 24 letter Heydrich wrote to Ribbentrop:

Translation: C01 Heydrich letter to Ribbentrop regarding the "Territorial Final Solution" Letter by the Chief of the Reich Police and SD (IV D 4 –1574/40), signed Heydrich, to the Reich Foreign Minister, SS Major General Joachim von Ribbentrop, dated 24.6.1940
Dear Party Comrade von Ribbentrop!

In his capacity as Commissioner for the Four Year Plan, the Field Marshall General commissioned myself in January 1939 with implementing Jewish emigration from the whole Reich territory. Despite difficulties, in the following period it proved possible to successfully continue with Jewish emigration, even during the war. Since my office took responsibility for this task on 1 January 1939, over 200,000 Jews have emigrated from the Reich territory until now. The overall problem–there are already around 3¼ million Jews in the territories now standing today under German sovereignty – can no longer be solved through emigration however. A territorial final solution is therefore necessary.
May I request that I be allowed to participate in any forthcoming discussions concerned with the final solution of the Jewish question should any be planned.

Heil Hitler!
From: https://training.ehri-project.eu/sites/ ... n%20EN.pdf

Original German text: https://training.ehri-project.eu/sites/ ... n%20DE.pdf
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
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NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: War-time German documents & writings mentioning the "Final Solution"

Postby Lamprecht » 4 years 2 months ago (Sun Mar 24, 2019 1:11 pm)

Not yet mentioned is the "Korherr Report" which has been discussed at this forum. For example:
Short Version of Korherr-Report

- In 1942, Richard Korherr, Inspector for Statistics at the office of the Reichsführer SS, wrote the Korherr Report, which had the title "The Final Solution to the European Jewish Question" and submitted it to Himmler in January 1943. It makes no mention at all of gassing or extermination. In fact, Korherr himself in a letter to Der Spiegel (see in above link) denied that "Special treatment" meant extermination, and claimed that Jews were not being exterminated but "settled in the District of Lublin."

These next points are from Germar Rudolf's "Lectures on the Holocaust" (available here: http://vho.org/dl/ENG/loth.pdf)

- On Oct. 17, 1941, Martin Luther, the head of the Germany department in the Foreign Office, composed a document which discusses "comprehensive measures relating to a Final Solution of the Jewish Question after the end of the War."
(Politisches Archiv des Auswärtigen Amtes (Berlin), Politische Abteilung III 245, ref. Po 36, vol. I.)

- September 1942: In the so-called "Green Map" for the "Administration of the Economy in the Occupied Eastern Regions," it is stated that "After the War, the Jewish question will be solved overall throughout Europe," which is why until then everything would merely be "partial measures." It admonished that "thuggish measures" against Jews would be "unworthy of Germans and must be avoided by all means."
("Richtlinien für die Führung der Wirtschaft in den besetzten Ostgebieten" (Grüne Mappe), Berlin, September 1942; document EC-347. IMT, vol. XXXVI, p. 348. PDF)

- On 5 September 1942, Horst Ahnert of the Paris security police wrote that in conjunction with the "final solution to the Jewish question" that the "deportation of Jews for purpose of labor" was about to begin.
(Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine, vol. XXVI-61.)

I would also like to point out in regards to the Maedel note (document NG-4583) from a previous post (above), I have seen it cited for the date 14 November 1942 (which is what I have written) as well as 14 December 1942. Most recently it is cited as 14 December, so I believe that to be the correct date. The document itself I can not find online.

See also:

5 January 1944 Globocnik Report to Himmler (4024-PS) on Operation Reinhard(t)

The Missing Hitler Order (collection of quotes stating there is no "written order" to exterminate Jews)
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: War-time German documents & writings mentioning the "Final Solution"

Postby Lamprecht » 4 years 2 months ago (Mon Apr 01, 2019 8:35 pm)

Some interesting news articles mentioning the "Final Solution"

Jewish Telegraphic Agency - August 8, 1940
European Jews to Be Banished to Remote Part of World, Nazi Organ Asserts

The banishing of all Jews in Europe to some remote corner of the globe will be one of the paramount clauses of a “German peace,” Das Schwarze Korps, organ of the Nazi Elite Guard, asserted today.

Jews in Norway, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, France and other parts of Europe will be driven out of their “hide-outs,” the newspaper warned. The article indicated that anti-Jewish measures in various European states were too mild to suit the Germans.

“Germany will solve her own Jewish question,” the Elite Guard organ stated. “As soon as the last Jew is driven out of Germany, the rest of Europe, which is awaiting a German peace, may know this peace must be one without Jews.”


Zionist newspaper Die jüdische Wanderung (The Jewish Wandering), "Auswanderung als Endlösung" (Emigration as Final Solution), by Zionist leader Fabius Schach, Berlin, February 18, 1939

The San Bernardino Daily Sun - August 1940:

Frederick Cable Oechesner was an American journalist that reported from Germany between 1929-42, chronicling the rise of National Socialism. He headed the Berlin bureau of what was then the United Press, overseeing correspondents including Richard Helms, who would serve as director of the C.I.A. from 1965 to 1973.

He wrote in June 9, 1942 in The San Bernardino Daily Sun:
Last August when the Russian war had been going on two months and the Pacific outbreak was four months away. Hitler's plan was out lined to me by the best-informed Nazis and I made the following notes:
The area between the Urals, where Japanese influence ended, and a line extending from Leningrad to Moscow to the lower Volga, to be a buffer Jew state where Jews now confined in Poland would be moved to await a permanent solution of the Jewish question.


Another news clipping, from The Southern Israelite - August 1940. The Jewish communist Trotsky considered the "final solution" one of a "common homeland" for Jews:
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

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Re: War-time German documents & writings mentioning the "Final Solution"

Postby Lamprecht » 4 years 2 months ago (Wed Apr 03, 2019 11:01 am)

Goebbels’ diaries, March 7, 1942:
“I read a detailed report from the SD and police regarding a final solution of the Jewish Question. Any final solution involves a tremendous number of new viewpoints. The Jewish Question must be solved within a pan-European frame. There are 11 million Jews still in Europe. They will have to be concentrated later, to begin with, in the East; possibly an island, such as Madagascar, can be assigned to them after the war. In any case there can be no peace in Europe until the last Jews are shut off from (ausgeschaltet) the continent.”

Goebbels’ diaries, April 27,1942:
“I talked to the Führer once more in detail about the Jewish Question. His attitude is unrelenting. He wants, under all circumstances, to push the Jews out (herausdrängen) of Europe. That is right. The Jews have brought so much misery to our continent that the severest punishment meted out to them is still too mild. Himmler is presently implementing a large resettlement (Umseidlung) of Jews from German cities to the eastern ghettos.”

Goebbels’ diaries, May 30, 1942:
“Therefore the Führer does not at all wish that the Jews should be evacuated (evakuiert) to Siberia. There, under the harshest living conditions, they would undoubtedly develop again a strong life-element. He would much prefer to resettle (aussiedeln) them in central Africa. There they would live in a climate that would certainly not make them strong and resistant. In any case, it is the Führer’s goal to make Western Europe completely Jew-free. Here they may no longer have their homeland.”

Goebbels’ diaries, August 21, 1942:
“The Jews are now in large part evacuated (evakuiert) and established in the East. This is quite generous to them. Here the Jewish Question is tackled in the right place, without sentimentality and without much consideration. Only in this way can the Jewish problem be solved.”

"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: War-time German documents & writings mentioning the "Final Solution"

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 11 months ago (Thu Jun 27, 2019 5:16 pm)

Russian Jewish Holocaust historian Léon Poliakov published the "Harvest of Hate: The Nazi Program for the Destruction of the Jews of Europe" in 1955, and it features the following quote from a Goebbels speech, 16 months after the Nazis supposedly instigated the Final Solution of the Jewish Question.

Goebbels, May 1943 wrote: What will be the solution of the Jewish question? Whether a Jewish state will one day be created in some territory remains to be seen. But it is curious to note that the countries where public opinion is rising in favor of the Jews refuse to accept them from us. They call them pioneers of a new civilization, geniuses of philosophy and artistic creation, but when anybody wants them to accept these geniuses, they close their borders: "No, no. We don't want them!" It seems to me to be the only case in world history where people have refused to accept geniuses.

"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: War-time German documents & writings mentioning the "Final Solution"

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 10 months ago (Sat Jul 20, 2019 1:53 pm)

Originally the Nazis had the "Madagascar Plan" but when this was determined to be untenable, and after the start of the Russian campaign, they decided on transporting Jews to the newly conquered eastern territories. This change was announced 22 August 1941 by SS-Sturmbannführer Carltheo Zeitschel, an advisor at the German embassy in Paris, who wrote a note to the attention of ambassador Otto Abetz:
The progressive conquest and occupation of the far eastern territories can presently bring the Jewish problem in all of Europe to a final satisfactory solution within a very short time. As is seen from the cries for assistance by all the Jews of Palestine in their press to the American Jews, over 6 million Jews reside in the territories occupied by us during the last weeks, especially Bessarabia, which means one-third of World Jewry. During the new arranging of the eastern lands, these 6 million Jews would have to be collected anyhow and a special territory presumably marked off for them. It shouldn’t be too big a problem, at this opportunity, if the Jews from all the other European countries are added to this and the Jews presently crammed into ghettos in Warsaw, Litzmannstadt, Lublin, etc. are also deported there.

As far as the occupied territories are concerned, such as Holland, Belgium, Luxemburg, Norway, Yugoslavia, Greece, the Jews can simply be transported by military order in mass-transports into the new territory, and it can be suggested to the rest of the states that they follow the example and get rid of their Jews by sending them to this territory. We could then have Europe free of Jews within a very short time.

The idea, which has recurred for years and which was once again aired a few months ago by Admiral Darlan, of transporting all the Jews of Europe to Madagascar, is, to be sure, not bad in itself, but would run up against insurmountable transportation difficulties directly after the war, since world tonnage, seriously decimated by the war, will surely be needed for other things more important than taking large numbers of Jews for a ride on the oceans of the world. Not to mention that transportation of nearly 10 million would require years, even if there were plentiful ships available.

For this reason, I propose to present this question at the next opportunity to the Reich Foreign Ministry and to ask to meet for discussion with the already named future Minister for the eastern territories, Reichsleiter Rosenberg, and with the Reichsführer-SS with such a regulation in mind and to examine the matter according to the idea I have proposed. The problem of transportation of the Jews into the eastern territories could be dealt with even during the war and would not encounter insurmountable difficulties after the war, especially since all the Jews in the General Gouvernement would be able to cover the distance into the new delineated territory, of course, with their automobiles on country roads.

Source: Document 1017-PS (also "USA-142"). Trial of the Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal - Volume 26

PDF (Page 547): https://www.loc.gov/rr/frd/Military_Law ... l-XXVI.pdf
Text (possible OCR transcription errors): https://paste2.org/ZBLeBKAp
Last edited by Webmaster on Sun Jul 21, 2019 9:36 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: [edits made by request of Lamprecht per PM - Webmaster]
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: War-time German documents & writings mentioning the "Final Solution"

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 10 months ago (Sat Jul 20, 2019 8:03 pm)

From the above post:
Lamprecht wrote:- September 1942: In the so-called "Green Map" for the "Administration of the Economy in the Occupied Eastern Regions," it is stated that "After the War, the Jewish question will be solved overall throughout Europe," which is why until then everything would merely be "partial measures." It admonished that "thuggish measures" against Jews would be "unworthy of Germans and must be avoided by all means."
("Richtlinien für die Führung der Wirtschaft in den besetzten Ostgebieten" (Grüne Mappe), Berlin, September 1942. EC-347. IMT, vol. XXXVI, p. 348.)

The intention to deal with the solution of the Jewish problem after the war is apparent from the so-called 'Brown Portfolio,' which was devised by Alfred Rosenberg on 20 June 1941, and integrated into the 'Green Portfolio' of September 1942. There, the section "Richtlinien für die Behandlung der Judenfrage" (Guidelines for the handling of the Jewish question) starts with:
Alle Massnahmen zur Judenfrage in den besetzten Ostgebieten muessen unter dem Gesichtspunkt getroffen werden, dass die Judenfrage nach dem Kriege fuer ganz Europa generell gelost werden wird. Sie sind daher als vorbereitende Teilmassnahmen anzulegen und beduerfen der Abstimmung mit den sonst auf diesem Gebiet getroffenen Entscheidungen. Andererseits koennen die bei der Behandlung der Judenfrage in den besetzten Ostgebieten gemachten Erfahrungen fuer die Loesung des Gesamtproblems richtungweisend sein, da die Juden in diesen Gebieten zusammen mit den Juden des Generalgouvernements das staerkste Kontingent des europaischen Judentums bilden. Rein schikanoese Massnahmen sind, als eines Deutschen unwuerdig, auf jeden Fall zu unterlassen.

All measures for the Jewish problem in the occupied eastern territories must be executed with the perspective that the Jewish problem will be solved for all of Europe in general after the war. For this reason they are to be applied as preparatory partial measures and must be in harmony with the decisions otherwise affecting this area. On the other hand, the experiences gained in the handling of the Jewish question in the occupied eastern territories can point the way to the solution of the whole problem, since the Jews in these regions, together with the Jews of the General Gouvernement, comprise the strongest contingent of European Jewry. Measures, which are of a purely harassing nature, are to be refrained from under any circumstances as being unworthy of a German.

Source: "Richtlinien für die Führung der Wirtschaft in den besetzten Ostgebieten" (Grüne Mappe), Berlin, September 1942. EC-347. IMT, Vol. XXXVI, p. 348.
PDF: https://www.loc.gov/rr/frd/Military_Law ... -XXXVI.pdf or http://web.archive.org/web/201907210051 ... -XXXVI.pdf
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: War-time German documents & writings mentioning the "Final Solution"

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 9 months ago (Thu Sep 05, 2019 7:14 pm)

On 4 December 1940, Eichmann wrote a memo in which he evaluated the volume of Jewish immigration in the Reich territories and considered the Resettlement of almost 5.8 million Jews as the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question"

German text: https://archive.is/2facM
Also found here on page 336: https://books.google.com/books?id=u8bpB ... &q&f=false
BArch, NS 19/3979

Handwritten notes by Adolf Eichmann (initialled) from 4.12.1940

The Jewish Question [handwritten note: ”Immediate presentation RFSS"]

I. Initial solution of the Jewish question through emigration (through transferring the initiative from the Jewish political organisations to the Security Police and 5D).

a) The efforts undertaken until now have yielded the following emigration

from the Old Reich since 1933: 341,078 Jews
from the East Mark since 1933: 135,547 Jews
from the Protectorate since 1939: 25,086 Jews
Total: 501,711 Jews

b) To fund the emigration, foreign currency amounting to around 7.200.000 dollars was raised, which to a large part entered the country through the donation channels of foreign Jewish organisations and the foreign relatives of Jews, and was used for enforcing the emigration.

c) Decrease in the numbers of Jews through natural decline (in the Old Reich since 1933, in the East Mark since 1938, in the Protectorate since 1939)

overall mortality: 70,792
overall births: 13,756
mortality surplus: 57,036

d) The total number of Jews still resident in the Reich territory (including the Protectorate) as defined by the Nuremberg Laws, amounts therefore to 315,642 Jews

II. The final solution of the Jewish question.

Through resettling Jews from the European economic area of the German people to a territory yet to be determined. Within the framework of this project, around 5.8 million Jews come into consideration.
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: War-time German documents & writings mentioning the "Final Solution"

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 8 months ago (Sun Sep 15, 2019 7:33 pm)

On 30 June 1943, SS-Gruppenführer Fritz Katzmann in a report, titled "The Solution of the Jewish Question in the District of Galicia", Katzmann explained that the "Resettlement (Aussiedlung) from the district of Galicia" had been going since April 1942 and explained that "When the Higher SS and Police Leader again intervened in the Jewish question with his police ordinance on the formation of Jewish residential districts on 10 November 1942, 254,989 Jews had already been resettled or relocated (aus- bezw. umgesiedelt)."
The report also stated in Galicia that "By 27 June 1943, a total of 434,329 Jews had been resettled/evacuated (ausgesiedelt)."
- Document L-018. IMT, Vol. XXXVII, pp. 398-401. https://web.archive.org/web/20070831112 ... XXXVII.pdf
German PDF: https://web.archive.org/web/20200522234 ... ort-de.pdf or https://web.archive.org/web/20200522232 ... ericht.PDF
German documents: http://web.archive.org/web/202005230727 ... /a/C1KWsB8 or http://archive.fo/GYHxs

Einsatzgruppen report dated 12 September 1941:
"During the first weeks [of the military campaign] considerable numbers of Jews fell under our control, whereas in the central and eastern Ukrainian districts it has been observed that in many cases 70 to 90 percent, and sometimes 100 percent, of the Jewish population has fled. This can be seen as an indirect result of the work of the Security Police [Einsatzgruppen], since the removal [Abschiebung] at no cost of hundreds of thousands of Jews -- most of them reportedly to beyond the Urals -- represents a considerable contribution to the solution of the Jewish question in Europe."

Einsatzgruppen report dated 25 August 1941:
"Slowly but surely, one of the most important problems, the solution of the Jewish question, is being tackled. In Kishinev [the capital of Bessarabia, a Rumanian-speaking province], there were approximately 60 - 80 thousand Jews before the war. Most of them were deported with the withdrawal of the Russians. When the city was captured, there were only about 4,000 Jews present, but that number has since increased. Upon the initiative of the Einsatzkomando the Rumanian city commander established a Jewish ghetto in the old city which currently contains about 9,000 Jews. The Jews are being organized into work groups and assigned to various German and Rumanian units for clean-up work and other kinds of labor."
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: War-time German documents & writings mentioning the "Final Solution"

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 8 months ago (Fri Sep 20, 2019 9:09 pm)

On October 25, 1941, Franz Rademacher, Legation Counselor at the Foreign Office, composed a note, in which he added the following after the announcement of the shooting of 8,000 male Jews in Serbia:
"The rest of the approximately 20,000 Jews (women, children, and old people) and about 1,500 Gypsies, whose men were likewise also shot, were supposed to be collected into the so-called Gypsy Quarter of the city of Belgrade as a ghetto. Food for the winter could be secured in scanty amounts... As soon as the technical possibility exists within the scope of the total solution of the Jewish question, the Jews will be deported by sea to the reception camps in the east."
From: Robert Kempner, Eichmann und Komplizen, Europe Verlag, Zürich-Stuttgart-Vienna 1961, pp. 293, 288-292. Also found in: Akten zur deutschen auswärtigen Politik, D, XIII, pp. 570–72

According to the above source, the male Jews were supposed to have been deported after "numerous acts of sabotage and revolt". At first it was intended to deport them "to the General Gouvernement or Russia" but "difficulties with transportation" caused the Germans to classify these Jews as a direct security threat, and they were shot.

On June 26, 1942, the Chief of the Security Police and of the SD wrote the following in a report:
The measures taken by the Security Police and SD have caused basic changes also in White Ruthenia in regard to the Jewish question. In order to bring the Jews under an effective control, independent of the measures to be taken later, Jewish Councils of Elders were formed, who were responsible to the Security Police and the SD for the behavior of their racial comrades. Besides, the registration of the Jews was initiated and they were concentrated in ghettos. Finally the Jews had to wear yellow insignia in front and on their back to be recognized, in the manner of the Jewish star introduced in the territory of the Reich. In order to utilize Jewish labor fully the Jews were generally used for uniform employment and for clearing up operations.

With these measures the foundation was laid for the later intended final solution of the European Jewish problem, for the White Ruthenian territory as well.
Reports from the occupied Eastern territories No. 9 , June 26, 1942; Document 3943-PS. http://www.vho.org/GB/c/SC/incondocPS3943.html

This is consistent with the "Brown Portfolio" policy mentioned above, in which the "Final Solution" was intended for all of Europe after the war

Another Einsatzgruppen report, expressing satisfactions of Jews self-deporting themselves:
While a considerable number of Jews could be apprehended during the first weeks, it can be assumed that in the central and eastern districts of the Ukraine, in many cases, perhaps 70-90 % (possibly even 100%) of the Jewish population have fled the area.
The gratuitous evacuation of many thousands of Jews many be considered to be an indirect success of the work of the SD. We hear mostly from the other side of the Urals, this is a great contribution to the solution of the Jewish question in Europe.
Operational Situation Report USSR No. 81, September 12, 1941. https://archive.is/4JYUi

And a third Einsatzgruppen report:
The liquidations of Jews carried out by the Einsatzgruppe brought about a rapid external change. Nevertheless, the Jew remains dangerous and hostile in this area. Because of his education and tradition, he is ideally suited and also willing in most cases to inflict significant damage.
A solution of the Jewish question during the war seems impossible in this area because of the tremendous number of Jews. It could only be achieved through deportations.
Operational Situation Report USSR No. 31, July 23, 1941. http://web.archive.org/web/201909210304 ... e.it/3udwv
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: War-time German documents & writings mentioning the "Final Solution"

Postby borjastick » 3 years 8 months ago (Sat Sep 21, 2019 1:49 am)

Didn't some of the jewish leaders in Germany pre-war describe the issue of jews in the country thus - 'the jewish problem for which we need a final solution'. They meant of course the exit to Palestine of all those jews who could afford to travel and with the proviso they would be of any use to the fledgling state of israel.
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

'We don't need evidence, we have survivors' - israeli politician

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Re: War-time German documents & writings mentioning the "Final Solution"

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 8 months ago (Sat Sep 21, 2019 8:35 am)

borjastick wrote:Didn't some of the jewish leaders in Germany pre-war describe the issue of jews in the country thus - 'the jewish problem for which we need a final solution'. They meant of course the exit to Palestine of all those jews who could afford to travel and with the proviso they would be of any use to the fledgling state of israel.

Talk of a "solution to the Jewish question" was happening long before Hitler ever came to power. Famous Zionist Jew Theodor Herzl described Zionism as the "solution of the Jewish question."

See: Memo of Nov. 22, 1899. R. Patai, ed., The Complete Diaries of Theodor Herzl (New York: 1960), Vol. 3, p. 888.
also: T. Herzl, "Der Kongress," Welt, June 4, 1897. Reprinted in: Theodor Herzls zionistische Schriften (Leon Kellner, ed.), erster Teil, Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag, 1920, p. 190 (and p. 139).
and: Theodor Herzl, A Solution To The Jewish Question, January 17 1896. https://archive.org/details/HerzlSolutionJewishQuestion

"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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