I missed the beginning but I was surprised that when I came in and at the end of his talk, he mentioned a clear deceit about Robert Faurisson:
"Det han [Faurisson] sa till mig var "Tobias, du har aldrig haft din kusin Joel och alla de miljoner människor som mördades under Förintelsen har aldrig existerat". ("Tobias, you never had a cousin Joel and all the millions of people who were murdered in the holocaust have never existed")
After his presentation as people were leaving I talked to him one-to-one and diplomatically challenged him on this deceit. I did it very tactfully and politely: "You know, Faurisson does NOT deny that many Jews were killed and died during WW2" and to my surprise he admitted it immediately without any prevarication, before changing the subject.
I tactfully and respectfully tried to engage him in other aspects of his talk but then he turned his back upon me.
This gentleman is a Polish jew who was at Ravensbruck as a child of nine with his mother. Since 1948 he has been living in Sweden.
He told us that when he arrived at Ravensbruck from the Lodz ghetto in October 1944, the first thing that he saw as he came into the camp was "a large pile of female corpses":
I oktober 1944 skickades pappa iväg till fabriksbygget, medan jag och mamma skickades till Ravensbrück... ...det första som mötte oss när vi kom fram var en stor hög med kvinnolik."
He says that when the double doors were opened for them to enter the camp that was the very first thing that he could see. On an online recorded vodeo of his talk he has decribed it as "a mountain of female corpses" ("ett berg med kvinnolik"). Could this be true?
I have tried doing some research of death rates in Ravensbruck at that time, and also reading memoirs of prisoners at Ravensbruck but have found nothing yet that either confirms or denies this aspect of his testimony.
Can anybody here help?
Was there a typhus epidemic around October 1944 at Ravensbruck that would have resulted in "a mounatin of corpses"? If there were, would infected bodies of a disease epidemic be on open display positioned so as to confront new arrivals?
In the following paper it appears he was one of the 500 who arrived on October the 22nd of 1944. Though he says he was one of 297.
The closest I have found is testimony in the book 'The Jewish Women of Ravensbrück Concentration Camp' by Rochelle G. Saidel, pg 93 which states that in the barracks for the sick, when many people died "the corpses were piled up in the washrooms." Though this was describing events in December of 1944.
If any one can help confirm or otherwise this aspect of his story I would be grateful