Yes indeed, this is Roberto's same Treblinka where Rachael Auerbach stated:
Blood, too, was found to be first-class combustion material.
- R. Auerbach, THE DEATH CAMP TREBLINKA: A DOCUMENTARY, edited by Alexander Donat
The Death Camp Treblinka, is a collection of essays. One of these essays is by Rachel Auerbach
In the Fields of Treblinka.
Auerbach goes on to say:
The gas chamber was filled to the top. People were so tightly pressed into it that they had to raise their arms and draw in their bellies in order to make room for some more victims. The small children were hurled in over their heads.
But according to the 'Encyclopedia of the Holocaust', ed. by Israel Gutman, the alleged 'victims were lured into the alleged gas chambers under the impression that they were going to receive showers.' In fact it says the alleged
diesel gas chambers had the 'appearance of showers' to facilitate the deception.
So, they supposedly had to raise their arms, suck in their bellies, and have children thrown in on top of them while falling for the alleged trick that they were about to receive a refreshing shower ... in an alleged diesel gas chamber made to look like a shower.
also said:
The engine inside the workshop next to the bath house was started. First a vacuum pump was used in order to suck out of the chamber the clean air. Then the valves were opened to let in the exhaust fumes from the engine.
After 25 to 45 minutes the chamber door on the other side could be opened and the dead bodies fell out, they were naked, some were white.
In Treblinka children were often thrown into the fire or mass graves alive. The idea was to save gas and ammunition. They believed, that children would not die as easily as adults because their blood vessels were not yet hardened.
Roberto and his Zionists also want everyone to ignore the fact that at Nuremberg it was 'proven' that mass extermination of Jews was done in
steam chambers at Treblinka.

- Hannover
The 'holocaust' storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent, racist, & privileged Jewish supremacists demand censorship. What sort of truth is it that denies free speech and the freedom to seek the truth? Truth needs no protection from scrutiny. The tide is turning.