Mattogno books waiting for English translations

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Mattogno books waiting for English translations

Postby Werd » 8 years 3 months ago (Wed Feb 11, 2015 11:54 pm)

From the thread:
Italy Senate moves to outlaw Holocaust denial

Werd wrote:Unfortunately, he may have to do what Ernst Zundel did after getting out of jail; that is not write anymore. Just take pride in his accomplishments and be proud of his place in history. Then pass the mantle on so he can retire and eventually die in peace in a ripe old age. Jurgen Graf also seems to be running out of places to go since Russia outlawed revisionism almost a year ago. The Swiss still have a warrant out for his arrest if not heavy fines waiting for him if he steps back into Switzerland. I think we were all hoping Thomas Kues would be around to continue his great work, but I have been informed that neither Graf nor Mattogno have been able to make contact with him since sometimes in 2014. He has apparently dropped off their radars and has not responded to attempts to contact him. Perhaps being a Swede, Kues realized he was going to have to stop what he was doing.

I was hoping Carlo would be able to finish his upcoming book on the Einsatzgruppen, but I am not so sure now. Jurgen Graf wrote the introduction for it but that is all he could contribute as he is busy with other translation project to fund his and his wife's existence. At the very least, someone has to get off their asses and hurry up and give the English world "The Crematory Ovens of Auschwitz" and "Health Care in Auschwitz" which are already in Italian and just need to be translated.

Moderator wrote:Werd:
At the very least, someone has to get off their asses and hurry up and give the English world "The Crematory Ovens of Auschwitz" and "Health Care in Auschwitz" which are already in Italian and just need to be translated.
How about starting a thread in search of an Italian to English translator?
Thanks, M1

I'm not sure if this is what M1 had in mind. Just bringing it to someone's attention and hope someone would see it and pass it on to someone they know who could translate it? I checked an old email from Mattogno I saved and he said:

"My book on the cremation ovens at Auschwitz is already translated; I think that the publication problems are of a financial nature."

So then the question becomes, what is the Barnes Review or even Castle Hill waiting for? We know Castle Hill is off to a good start for 2015 for which they ought to be commended.
Werd @ Upcoming holocaust handbooks
Could it be mattogno's book is waiting in the wings? Could it be that it is next? If I Forni Crematori Di Auschwitz (The Crematory Ovens of Auschwitz) is already in English, then what are some, if any, Italian ones, that need to be translated? As far as I remember, Mattogno only said that I Forni Crematori Di Auschwitz was already in English. He also said:

"Anyway I'm sure that all my Italian books will certainly be translated into English."

So I think two likely candidates waiting for English are

Auschwitz: assistenza sanitaria, "selezione" e "Sonderbehandlung" dei detenuti immatricolati, Effepi, Genova, maggio 2010. (Auschwitz: health care, selection and special treatment of Registered Detainees)


I verbali degli interrogatori sovietici degli ingegneri della Topf.Le dichiarazioni di Kurt Prüfer, Karl Schultze, Fritz Sander e Gustav Braun su “camere a gas” e forni crematori di Auschwitz: analisi storico-tecnica. Effepi, Genova, 2014, 206 pp. (The minutes of the Soviet interrogations of Topf engineers. The statements of Kurt Prüfer, Karl Schultze, Fritz Sander and Gustav Braun on the "gas chambers" and crematoria of Auschwitz: A historical-technical analysis. Effepi , Genoa, 2014, 206 pp)

Of course he has written many books over the years and I think that these more recent ones are the best ones to translate into English in terms of priority. I would however like to personally see a classic one like Il Rapporto Gerstein: Anatomia Di Un Falso (The Gerstein Report: Anatomy of a Fraud) in English one day.

Who are the men who have translated Mattogno's books in whole or part as mentioned inside the book covers? Henry Gardner. Carlos Porter. Santiago Alvarez. Albert Richardson. Regina Belser. Does anyone know if any of them are able to tackle these two newer Mattogno books? I still am wondering why the English translation of The Crimes Against the Wermacht that Carlos Porter did has not come out in the holocaust handbook series yet either? I mentioned here that he fully translated it.

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Re: Mattogno books waiting for English translations

Postby Kingfisher » 8 years 3 months ago (Thu Feb 12, 2015 3:02 am)


I'm PMing you on this.

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