Adolf Eichmann Tapes
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Adolf Eichmann Tapes
So what does everybody think about the tapes of Adolf Eichmann that supposedly prove the final solution narrative? I personally think it's a weak sauce attempt to double down on a failing Holocaust narrative. None of the quotes that they give are any sort of confession. ... tapes.html ... tapes.html
Re: Adolf Eichmann Tapes
Sassen discussion roundtable with Eichmann in Buenos Aires in 1957 and alleged "Mossad kidnapping"
Almost everyone knows the famous picture of Eichmann in 1961 in Israel with the pile of books. Exactly these books Eichmann knew very well before. In the "Eichmann Tapes" with Willem Sassen, Eberhard Fritsch and others in 1957, these books played a central role. Sassen and Fritsch wanted to refute these books and publish their own book on the subject. Apparently, they hoped to have a "key witness" in Eichmann. Although Eichmann's figures were well below the official data (6 million), he did not support Sassen's views. Fritsch's journal had previously called the industrial extermination thesis a lie on several occasions.
What exactly happened at the end of 1957 we do not know. The book project was no longer pursued. Bettina Stangneth writes that Sassen was probably bored and so the project was put on ice. In addition, Fritsch moved to Austria in early 1958. He actually wanted to rebuild the publishing house there. However, he was banned from publishing.
- Alex Weissberg: Die Geschichte von Joel Brand (1956)
- Gerald Reitlinger: Die Endlösung (1956)
- Léon Poliakov / Joseph Wulf: Das Dritte Reich und die Juden (1955)
- Bruno Blau: Das Ausnahmerecht für Juden in Deutschland 1933–1945 (1954)
- Walter Hagen (= Wilhelm Höttl): Die geheime Front (1950)
- Eugen Kogon: Der SS-Staat
- Das Urteil von Nürnberg (with a foreword by Robert Kempner)
Bettina Stangneth: "Probably no one in the late fifties studied literature on the 'Final Solution' as thoroughly and in such a well-informed circle as did the men in Buenos Aires [...]."
Sassen discussion roundtable with Eichmann in Buenos Aires in 1957 and alleged "Mossad kidnapping"
"Often," Hans Werner Woltersdorf quotes the statements of Schneider's two daughters, "Eichmann referred to communications from the postwar press, whose statements (about gassings by the millions) he did not doubt in the least, accepted them as historical facts, and often corrected his recollections afterwards in view of these new findings."
Almost everyone knows the famous picture of Eichmann in 1961 in Israel with the pile of books. Exactly these books Eichmann knew very well before. In the "Eichmann Tapes" with Willem Sassen, Eberhard Fritsch and others in 1957, these books played a central role. Sassen and Fritsch wanted to refute these books and publish their own book on the subject. Apparently, they hoped to have a "key witness" in Eichmann. Although Eichmann's figures were well below the official data (6 million), he did not support Sassen's views. Fritsch's journal had previously called the industrial extermination thesis a lie on several occasions.
What exactly happened at the end of 1957 we do not know. The book project was no longer pursued. Bettina Stangneth writes that Sassen was probably bored and so the project was put on ice. In addition, Fritsch moved to Austria in early 1958. He actually wanted to rebuild the publishing house there. However, he was banned from publishing.
- Alex Weissberg: Die Geschichte von Joel Brand (1956)
- Gerald Reitlinger: Die Endlösung (1956)
- Léon Poliakov / Joseph Wulf: Das Dritte Reich und die Juden (1955)
- Bruno Blau: Das Ausnahmerecht für Juden in Deutschland 1933–1945 (1954)
- Walter Hagen (= Wilhelm Höttl): Die geheime Front (1950)
- Eugen Kogon: Der SS-Staat
- Das Urteil von Nürnberg (with a foreword by Robert Kempner)
Bettina Stangneth: "Probably no one in the late fifties studied literature on the 'Final Solution' as thoroughly and in such a well-informed circle as did the men in Buenos Aires [...]."
Re: Adolf Eichmann Tapes
Unfortunately I do not believe they are publicly available. So, still, we can't see the contents.
As for the "Final Solution" it was definitely real, but it was not an extermination policy.
War-time German documents & writings mentioning the "Final Solution"
So what does everybody think about the tapes of Adolf Eichmann that supposedly prove the final solution narrative?
Unfortunately I do not believe they are publicly available. So, still, we can't see the contents.
As for the "Final Solution" it was definitely real, but it was not an extermination policy.
War-time German documents & writings mentioning the "Final Solution"
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...
— Herbert Spencer
NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...
Re: Adolf Eichmann Tapes
«Mich reut gar nichts!» (
8 minutes and 43 seconds, audio document, Buenos Airs 1957
Uki Goñi:
David Irving:
David Irving is in possession of some Eichmann documents or Sassen documents. He also has a letter from Hans Werner Woltersdorf on the subject. [Woltersdorf letter to Irving, January 14, 1992] It would be very useful if he could make his documents available. Can we ask him about this?
Transcript (Bettina Stangneth)
Notes (Bettina Stangneth)
[1] Kaufmann: In den Gesprächen mit Sassen kommt es immer wieder zur Verwechslung des sogenannten Kaufman-Plans mit dem Morgenthau-Plan. Theodore N. Kaufman hatte 1941 in New York eine Broschüre mit dem Titel Germany must perish im Selbstverlag veröffentlicht und darin die Ausrottung der Deutschen durch Sterilisation gefordert. Dem NS-Propagandaministerium diente die Veröffentlichung zur Untermauerung der These eines »ungeheuerlichen jüdischen Vernichtungsprogramms« (Völkischer Beobachter, 24.7.1941). Henry Morgenthau jr., der amerikanische Finanzminister, gab 1944 die Entwicklung eines Plans in Auftrag, nach dem das Deutsche Reich geteilt und in ein Agrarland zurückgestuft werden sollte, was von Goebbels ebenfalls für Durchhalteparolen genutzt wurde.
[2] »der vorsichtige Bürokrat«: Es handelt sich um ein Zitat aus dem Bericht von Dieter Wisliceny, der Eichmann mit diesem Etikett, das für einen SS-Mann eine unverzeihliche Beleidigung war, abfällig charakterisiert hatte. Die Sassen-Runde hatte diese Aussage mehrfach gelesen und besprochen.
[3] »Ihre Laus«: Gemeint ist Sassens Bemühen, Hitler und »das Deutsche« in größtmögliche Distanz zur Judenpolitik zu bringen, also »den Führer« und den »Nationalsozialismus« historisch als unerreichbar für einen Massenmord-Vorwurf darzustellen. Eichmann hingegen wollte sich selber gerade als typisch deutschen und guten Offizier im Führerauftrag verstanden wissen.
[4] »Korherr« / »10,3 Millionen Juden«: Der Bezug ist der sog. Korherr-Bericht, den man in der Sassen-Runde eingehend besprochen und zu dem Eichmann eigens Kommentare verfasst hatte.
[5] Streicher und Eichmann begegneten sich nachweislich 1937, als Eichmann auf Einladung von Streicher Gast auf dem Nürnberger Parteitag war.
[6] »Gesetzgebung«: gemeint sind die sog. »10 Gebote«.
[7] »Interventionisten«: Eichmann gibt in den Sassen-Gesprächen immer wieder Beispiele für Menschen, die ihm Hindernisse in den Weg legten. Dazu gehörten insbesondere Einzelanfragen von hochgestellten Personen des Regimes, die Ausnahmen für Bekannte (oder in Aussicht auf gute Bezahlung) durchsetzen wollten. Aber 1944 betrachtete Eichmann auch Himmler-Beauftragte wie Kurt Becher als so ein Hindernis.
8 minutes and 43 seconds, audio document, Buenos Airs 1957
Uki Goñi:
David Irving:
David Irving is in possession of some Eichmann documents or Sassen documents. He also has a letter from Hans Werner Woltersdorf on the subject. [Woltersdorf letter to Irving, January 14, 1992] It would be very useful if he could make his documents available. Can we ask him about this?
Transcript (Bettina Stangneth)
EICHMANN: … und bitte führen Sie mich da nicht nach 12 Jahren auf’s Glatteis, ob der Kaufmann[1] oder Eichmann oder Sassen geheißen haben mag, oder Morgenthau, das ist wurscht, es war da irgendetwas gewesen, wo ich mir sagte: gut, dann muss ich alle Bedenken fallen lassen, denn bevor mein Volk ins Gras beißt, da soll eher die ganze Welt ins Gras beißen, dann mein Volk. Aber erst dann!
Das war ich. Ich, und ich sage es Ihnen jetzt zum Abschluss unserer Sachen, ich »der vorsichtige Bürokrat«[2], der war ich, jawohl. Aber ich möchte die Sache »vorsichtiger Bürokrat« etwas zu meinen Ungunsten erweitern. Zu diesem vorsichtigen Bürokraten gesellte sich ein … ein fanatischer Kämpfer für die Freiheit meines Blutes, dem ich anstamme und ich sage hier, genau wie ich Ihnen vorhin sagte, Ihre Laus,[3] die Sie zwickt, Kamerad Sassen, interessiert mich nicht. Mich interessiert meine Laus unter meinem Kragen. Die zerquetsche ich. Das gilt für mein Volk. Da wurde ich von dem vorsichtigen Bürokraten, selbstverständlich der ich war, das war ich gewesen, wurde ich aber inspirierend geleitet: Was meinem Volke nützt, ist für mich heiliger Befehl und heiliges Gesetz. Jawohl.
Und jetzt will ich Ihnen sagen, zum Abschluss dieser ganzen Platten, wir sind ja bald zu Ende, muss ich Ihnen erstens sagen: Mich reut gar nichts! Ich krieche in keinster Weise zu Kreuze! Die vier Monate, in denen wir jetzt nun hier die Sache aufgenommen haben, in den vier Monaten, in denen Sie sich bemühten, mein Gedächtnis aufzufrischen, sehr vieles davon wurde aufgefrischt, es wäre zu leicht, und ich könnte ja es billig machen der heutigen Meinung nach … dass ich es zutiefst bedaure, dass ich gewissermaßen etwas spiele, dass aus einem Saulus ein Paulus würde.
Ich sage Ihnen, Kamerad Sassen, das kann ich nicht. Das kann ich nicht, weil ich nicht bereit bin, weil sich mir das Innere sträubt, etwa zu sagen, wir hätten etwas falsch gemacht. Nein. Ich muss Ihnen ganz ehrlich sagen, hätten wir von den 10,3 Millionen Juden, die Korherr,[4] wie wir jetzt nun wissen, ausgewiesen hat, 10,3 Millionen Juden getötet, dann wäre ich befriedigt und würde sagen, gut, wir haben einen Feind vernichtet. Nun durch des Schicksals Tücke der Großteil dieser 10,3 Millionen Juden am Leben erhalten geblieben sind, sage ich mir: Das Schicksal wollte es so. Ich habe mich dem Schicksal und der Vorsehung unterzuordnen. Ich bin nur ein kleiner Mensch und habe dagegen nicht anzustinken, ich kann’s auch nicht, will es auch gar nicht. Unsere Aufgabe für unser Blut und unser Volk und für die Freiheit der Völker hätten wir erfüllt, hätten wir den schlauesten Geist der heute lebenden menschlichen Geister vernichtet. Denn das ist’s, was ich Streicher[5] sagte, was ich immer gepredigt habe: Wir kämpfen gegen einen Gegner, der durch vielvieltausendjährige Schulung uns geistig überlegen ist. War’s gestern oder vorgestern oder vor einem Jahr, ich weiß es nicht, hörte oder las ich: Noch bevor die Römer ihren Staat errichteten, noch bevor Rom überhaupt gegründet wurde, konnten hier die Juden schreiben. Das ist bescheiden im Ausdruck. Sie hätten sagen müssen, noch bevor Äonen vor der Rom-Gründung, noch Äonen vor der Rom-Gründung konnten sie schreiben. Siehe die Gesetzestafeln. Sehen Sie, ein Volk, das heute über eine geschriebene, möchte ich mal sagen, sechstausendjährige Geschichte zurückgreifen kann, ein Volk, das vor sagen wir einmal fünftausend Jahren oder sechstausend Jahren – ich gehe nicht fehl, wenn ich glaub ich sogar das siebte Jahrtausend anschlage, gesetzgeberisch tätig gewesen ist. Dass die heutigen christlichen Kirchen sich dieser Gesetzgebung[6] bedienen, ist für mich sehr deprimierend. Aber es besagt mir, dass es sich um ein Volk erster Größenordnung handeln muss, denn Gesetzgeber sind immer groß gewesen. Und aus diesen Erkenntnissen kämpfte ich ja gegen diesen Gegner.
Und aus diesen Motivierungen heraus müssen Sie verstehen, wenn ich sage, wenn 10,3 Millionen dieser Gegner getötet worden wären, dann hätten wir unsere Aufgabe erfüllt. (Wirkungspause.) Nun es nicht so ist, werde ich Ihnen sagen, dass das Leid und das Ungemach unsere noch nicht Geborenen zu bestehen haben. Vielleicht werden sie uns verfluchen. (Wirkungspause.) Allein, wir konnten als wenige Leute gegen den Zeitgeist nicht anstinken. Wir haben getan, was wir konnten.
Selbstverständlich, muss ich Ihnen sagen, kommt dazu menschliche Regung. Auch ich bin nicht frei gewesen davon, auch ich unterlag derselben Schwäche. Das weiß ich! Auch ich bin schuld mit daran, dass die vielleicht von irgendeiner Stelle vorgesehene oder mir vorgeschwebte Konzeption der wirklichen, umfassenden Eliminierung nicht durchgeführt hat werden können. Ich erzählte Ihnen das in kleinen Beispielen. Ich war ein unzulänglicher Geist und wurde an eine Stelle gesetzt, wo ich in Wahrheit mehr hätte machen können und mehr hätte machen müssen.
Als Entschuldigung mag dienen, was ich Ihnen sagte: Einmal, dass es mir an umfassendem Geist fehlte. Als zweites mag dienen, dass es mir an der nötigen physischen Härte fehlte. Und als drittes mag gelten, dass sich selbst gegen mein Wollen eine Legion von Leuten einfand, die selbst gegen dieses Wollen wiederum anstanken, so dass ich, der ich selbst schon mich gehandikapt fühlte, auch den Rest, dem ich etwa zum Durchbruch verholfen hätte, wiederum nur mit Abstrichen durchführen konnte, weil ich mich verzetteln musste in einem jahrelangen Kampf gegen die sogenannten Interventionisten.[7] Das will ich Ihnen abschließend sagen.
Ob Sie das in das Buch hineingeben, weiß ich nicht, vielleicht ist es gar nicht opportun. Vielleicht soll man es auch gar nicht. Ich will damit nur Ihnen das Fazit sagen, was ich aus all diesen Monaten nunmehr gedächtnisauffrischend übernommen habe und zu dem es mich drängt, Ihnen es auch zu sagen.
Angespanntes langes Schweigen und Unruhe am Tisch
EICHMANN: Sin mer jetzt fertig mit der ganzen Aufnahme, ja?
SASSEN: Bitte?
EICHMANN: Jetzt sind wir fertig, nicht wahr, nicht?
SASSEN: Eigentlich nicht. Ich habe noch einige Seiten zu fragen. Aber das können wir sicher schaffen.
EICHMANN: Ach, wir sind gar nicht fertig mit dem Buch?
Sassen lacht auf (zwischen Mitleid und Nachsicht).
EICHMANN (völlig verunsichert und durcheinander): Ich denke, wir sind fertig mit … deshalb
habe ich … ich eine kleine Schluss … äh … ansprache an … an … äh die Tischrunde gehalten.
SASSEN: Spielt keine Rolle.
Tonbandaufnahme 68, EICHMANN: »Ja, ich möchte einen Punkt festhalten. Im Laufe oder im Zuge der letzten Platten, die aufgenommen wurden […] da habe ich eine Art Schlusserklärung gegeben. […] Nun ich dieses Buch Poliakov gelesen hab und dort … äh … Sachen vorfand, die getrieben wurden … halte ich dieses Schlusswort in dieser Form, wie ich es tat, nicht mehr aufrecht.«
Notes (Bettina Stangneth)
[1] Kaufmann: In den Gesprächen mit Sassen kommt es immer wieder zur Verwechslung des sogenannten Kaufman-Plans mit dem Morgenthau-Plan. Theodore N. Kaufman hatte 1941 in New York eine Broschüre mit dem Titel Germany must perish im Selbstverlag veröffentlicht und darin die Ausrottung der Deutschen durch Sterilisation gefordert. Dem NS-Propagandaministerium diente die Veröffentlichung zur Untermauerung der These eines »ungeheuerlichen jüdischen Vernichtungsprogramms« (Völkischer Beobachter, 24.7.1941). Henry Morgenthau jr., der amerikanische Finanzminister, gab 1944 die Entwicklung eines Plans in Auftrag, nach dem das Deutsche Reich geteilt und in ein Agrarland zurückgestuft werden sollte, was von Goebbels ebenfalls für Durchhalteparolen genutzt wurde.
[2] »der vorsichtige Bürokrat«: Es handelt sich um ein Zitat aus dem Bericht von Dieter Wisliceny, der Eichmann mit diesem Etikett, das für einen SS-Mann eine unverzeihliche Beleidigung war, abfällig charakterisiert hatte. Die Sassen-Runde hatte diese Aussage mehrfach gelesen und besprochen.
[3] »Ihre Laus«: Gemeint ist Sassens Bemühen, Hitler und »das Deutsche« in größtmögliche Distanz zur Judenpolitik zu bringen, also »den Führer« und den »Nationalsozialismus« historisch als unerreichbar für einen Massenmord-Vorwurf darzustellen. Eichmann hingegen wollte sich selber gerade als typisch deutschen und guten Offizier im Führerauftrag verstanden wissen.
[4] »Korherr« / »10,3 Millionen Juden«: Der Bezug ist der sog. Korherr-Bericht, den man in der Sassen-Runde eingehend besprochen und zu dem Eichmann eigens Kommentare verfasst hatte.
[5] Streicher und Eichmann begegneten sich nachweislich 1937, als Eichmann auf Einladung von Streicher Gast auf dem Nürnberger Parteitag war.
[6] »Gesetzgebung«: gemeint sind die sog. »10 Gebote«.
[7] »Interventionisten«: Eichmann gibt in den Sassen-Gesprächen immer wieder Beispiele für Menschen, die ihm Hindernisse in den Weg legten. Dazu gehörten insbesondere Einzelanfragen von hochgestellten Personen des Regimes, die Ausnahmen für Bekannte (oder in Aussicht auf gute Bezahlung) durchsetzen wollten. Aber 1944 betrachtete Eichmann auch Himmler-Beauftragte wie Kurt Becher als so ein Hindernis.
Re: Adolf Eichmann Tapes These scans are impossible to read. They're not even the originals. They're photographs of printed microfilms of the originals. Which means, there's a microfilm containing all these documents which could/should be digitized and released in high quality. Presuming this woman who uploaded the documents has a microfilm reader hooked up to a computer where she could print these, then she should've just had them turned into pdfs. . . .This is a really inefficient way to go about it.
- Butterfangers
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Re: Adolf Eichmann Tapes
greatmystery wrote:So what does everybody think about the tapes of Adolf Eichmann that supposedly prove the final solution narrative? I personally think it's a weak sauce attempt to double down on a failing Holocaust narrative. None of the quotes that they give are any sort of confession. ... tapes.html
I would agree that none of these quotes amount to any real admission or confession. I would also agree with Eichmann that, yes, had they killed 10 million Jews, they would have destroyed an enemy. I can only imagine his feelings post-war, having learned the fate of his German people at the hands of Allied governments and their Jewish masters. Certainly, his expressed sentiment is understandable in his condition.
Out of 15 hours of recording of this kind, it is not surprising the filmmakers were able to cherry-pick a few choice quotes that would capture attention and appear to bolster the hoax narrative. But it's telling that this is the best they can do and that saying a buzzing fly has a "Jewish nature" also made the cut.
Obviously, I would like more context to many of these statements but we don't have access to the original tapes. We don't have access to the 15 hours given to the filmmakers. We don't even apparently have access to the documentaries themselves which thus far appear only to have been screened on a limited basis in Israel (one as a film, the other as a 3-part television series), both shown here:
As with every other "shocking revelation" from the Holohoax establishment, as soon as Revisionists get a proper chance to comb through it, it inevitably turns to dust. Hence, I imagine they will keep the screening of these films as "limited" as possible; enough to make headlines but not enough for the Average Joe to see for himself.
- Butterfangers
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- Posts: 197
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Re: Adolf Eichmann Tapes
Okay, pulling from the German transcript from user 'research' above, I had to go to Google Translate and just wanted to see the section on the "10.3 million Jews" which is quoted in most of the headlines about this new documentary... Here is what I found:
Is this a correct translation? It seems pretty obvious Eichmann refers to deportation here and yet the headlines simply quote it as, 'If we had killed 10.3 million Jews, I would say with satisfaction, "Good, we destroyed an enemy"'.
I'm telling you, comrade Sassen, I can't do that. I can't do that because I'm not ready, because inside I'm reluctant to say, for example, that we did something wrong. no I have to tell you quite honestly, if we had killed 10.3 million Jews out of the 10.3 million Jews whom Korherr expelled,[4] as we now know, I would be satisfied and would say, well, we have destroyed an enemy. Now, through the treachery of fate, the majority of these 10.3 million Jews have survived, I say to myself: fate wanted it that way.
Is this a correct translation? It seems pretty obvious Eichmann refers to deportation here and yet the headlines simply quote it as, 'If we had killed 10.3 million Jews, I would say with satisfaction, "Good, we destroyed an enemy"'.
Re: Adolf Eichmann Tapes
research wrote:«Mich reut gar nichts!» (
8 minutes and 43 seconds, audio document, Buenos Airs 1957
Uki Goñi:
David Irving:
David Irving is in possession of some Eichmann documents or Sassen documents. He also has a letter from Hans Werner Woltersdorf on the subject. [Woltersdorf letter to Irving, January 14, 1992] It would be very useful if he could make his documents available. Can we ask him about this?
Transcript (Bettina Stangneth)EICHMANN: … und bitte führen Sie mich da nicht nach 12 Jahren auf’s Glatteis, ob der Kaufmann[1] oder Eichmann oder Sassen geheißen haben mag, oder Morgenthau, das ist wurscht, es war da irgendetwas gewesen, wo ich mir sagte: gut, dann muss ich alle Bedenken fallen lassen, denn bevor mein Volk ins Gras beißt, da soll eher die ganze Welt ins Gras beißen, dann mein Volk. Aber erst dann!
Das war ich. Ich, und ich sage es Ihnen jetzt zum Abschluss unserer Sachen, ich »der vorsichtige Bürokrat«[2], der war ich, jawohl. Aber ich möchte die Sache »vorsichtiger Bürokrat« etwas zu meinen Ungunsten erweitern. Zu diesem vorsichtigen Bürokraten gesellte sich ein … ein fanatischer Kämpfer für die Freiheit meines Blutes, dem ich anstamme und ich sage hier, genau wie ich Ihnen vorhin sagte, Ihre Laus,[3] die Sie zwickt, Kamerad Sassen, interessiert mich nicht. Mich interessiert meine Laus unter meinem Kragen. Die zerquetsche ich. Das gilt für mein Volk. Da wurde ich von dem vorsichtigen Bürokraten, selbstverständlich der ich war, das war ich gewesen, wurde ich aber inspirierend geleitet: Was meinem Volke nützt, ist für mich heiliger Befehl und heiliges Gesetz. Jawohl.
Und jetzt will ich Ihnen sagen, zum Abschluss dieser ganzen Platten, wir sind ja bald zu Ende, muss ich Ihnen erstens sagen: Mich reut gar nichts! Ich krieche in keinster Weise zu Kreuze! Die vier Monate, in denen wir jetzt nun hier die Sache aufgenommen haben, in den vier Monaten, in denen Sie sich bemühten, mein Gedächtnis aufzufrischen, sehr vieles davon wurde aufgefrischt, es wäre zu leicht, und ich könnte ja es billig machen der heutigen Meinung nach … dass ich es zutiefst bedaure, dass ich gewissermaßen etwas spiele, dass aus einem Saulus ein Paulus würde.
Ich sage Ihnen, Kamerad Sassen, das kann ich nicht. Das kann ich nicht, weil ich nicht bereit bin, weil sich mir das Innere sträubt, etwa zu sagen, wir hätten etwas falsch gemacht. Nein. Ich muss Ihnen ganz ehrlich sagen, hätten wir von den 10,3 Millionen Juden, die Korherr,[4] wie wir jetzt nun wissen, ausgewiesen hat, 10,3 Millionen Juden getötet, dann wäre ich befriedigt und würde sagen, gut, wir haben einen Feind vernichtet. Nun durch des Schicksals Tücke der Großteil dieser 10,3 Millionen Juden am Leben erhalten geblieben sind, sage ich mir: Das Schicksal wollte es so. Ich habe mich dem Schicksal und der Vorsehung unterzuordnen. Ich bin nur ein kleiner Mensch und habe dagegen nicht anzustinken, ich kann’s auch nicht, will es auch gar nicht. Unsere Aufgabe für unser Blut und unser Volk und für die Freiheit der Völker hätten wir erfüllt, hätten wir den schlauesten Geist der heute lebenden menschlichen Geister vernichtet. Denn das ist’s, was ich Streicher[5] sagte, was ich immer gepredigt habe: Wir kämpfen gegen einen Gegner, der durch vielvieltausendjährige Schulung uns geistig überlegen ist. War’s gestern oder vorgestern oder vor einem Jahr, ich weiß es nicht, hörte oder las ich: Noch bevor die Römer ihren Staat errichteten, noch bevor Rom überhaupt gegründet wurde, konnten hier die Juden schreiben. Das ist bescheiden im Ausdruck. Sie hätten sagen müssen, noch bevor Äonen vor der Rom-Gründung, noch Äonen vor der Rom-Gründung konnten sie schreiben. Siehe die Gesetzestafeln. Sehen Sie, ein Volk, das heute über eine geschriebene, möchte ich mal sagen, sechstausendjährige Geschichte zurückgreifen kann, ein Volk, das vor sagen wir einmal fünftausend Jahren oder sechstausend Jahren – ich gehe nicht fehl, wenn ich glaub ich sogar das siebte Jahrtausend anschlage, gesetzgeberisch tätig gewesen ist. Dass die heutigen christlichen Kirchen sich dieser Gesetzgebung[6] bedienen, ist für mich sehr deprimierend. Aber es besagt mir, dass es sich um ein Volk erster Größenordnung handeln muss, denn Gesetzgeber sind immer groß gewesen. Und aus diesen Erkenntnissen kämpfte ich ja gegen diesen Gegner.
Und aus diesen Motivierungen heraus müssen Sie verstehen, wenn ich sage, wenn 10,3 Millionen dieser Gegner getötet worden wären, dann hätten wir unsere Aufgabe erfüllt. (Wirkungspause.) Nun es nicht so ist, werde ich Ihnen sagen, dass das Leid und das Ungemach unsere noch nicht Geborenen zu bestehen haben. Vielleicht werden sie uns verfluchen. (Wirkungspause.) Allein, wir konnten als wenige Leute gegen den Zeitgeist nicht anstinken. Wir haben getan, was wir konnten.
Selbstverständlich, muss ich Ihnen sagen, kommt dazu menschliche Regung. Auch ich bin nicht frei gewesen davon, auch ich unterlag derselben Schwäche. Das weiß ich! Auch ich bin schuld mit daran, dass die vielleicht von irgendeiner Stelle vorgesehene oder mir vorgeschwebte Konzeption der wirklichen, umfassenden Eliminierung nicht durchgeführt hat werden können. Ich erzählte Ihnen das in kleinen Beispielen. Ich war ein unzulänglicher Geist und wurde an eine Stelle gesetzt, wo ich in Wahrheit mehr hätte machen können und mehr hätte machen müssen.
Als Entschuldigung mag dienen, was ich Ihnen sagte: Einmal, dass es mir an umfassendem Geist fehlte. Als zweites mag dienen, dass es mir an der nötigen physischen Härte fehlte. Und als drittes mag gelten, dass sich selbst gegen mein Wollen eine Legion von Leuten einfand, die selbst gegen dieses Wollen wiederum anstanken, so dass ich, der ich selbst schon mich gehandikapt fühlte, auch den Rest, dem ich etwa zum Durchbruch verholfen hätte, wiederum nur mit Abstrichen durchführen konnte, weil ich mich verzetteln musste in einem jahrelangen Kampf gegen die sogenannten Interventionisten.[7] Das will ich Ihnen abschließend sagen.
Ob Sie das in das Buch hineingeben, weiß ich nicht, vielleicht ist es gar nicht opportun. Vielleicht soll man es auch gar nicht. Ich will damit nur Ihnen das Fazit sagen, was ich aus all diesen Monaten nunmehr gedächtnisauffrischend übernommen habe und zu dem es mich drängt, Ihnen es auch zu sagen.
Angespanntes langes Schweigen und Unruhe am Tisch
EICHMANN: Sin mer jetzt fertig mit der ganzen Aufnahme, ja?
SASSEN: Bitte?
EICHMANN: Jetzt sind wir fertig, nicht wahr, nicht?
SASSEN: Eigentlich nicht. Ich habe noch einige Seiten zu fragen. Aber das können wir sicher schaffen.
EICHMANN: Ach, wir sind gar nicht fertig mit dem Buch?
Sassen lacht auf (zwischen Mitleid und Nachsicht).
EICHMANN (völlig verunsichert und durcheinander): Ich denke, wir sind fertig mit … deshalb
habe ich … ich eine kleine Schluss … äh … ansprache an … an … äh die Tischrunde gehalten.
SASSEN: Spielt keine Rolle.
Tonbandaufnahme 68, EICHMANN: »Ja, ich möchte einen Punkt festhalten. Im Laufe oder im Zuge der letzten Platten, die aufgenommen wurden […] da habe ich eine Art Schlusserklärung gegeben. […] Nun ich dieses Buch Poliakov gelesen hab und dort … äh … Sachen vorfand, die getrieben wurden … halte ich dieses Schlusswort in dieser Form, wie ich es tat, nicht mehr aufrecht.«
Notes (Bettina Stangneth)
[1] Kaufmann: In den Gesprächen mit Sassen kommt es immer wieder zur Verwechslung des sogenannten Kaufman-Plans mit dem Morgenthau-Plan. Theodore N. Kaufman hatte 1941 in New York eine Broschüre mit dem Titel Germany must perish im Selbstverlag veröffentlicht und darin die Ausrottung der Deutschen durch Sterilisation gefordert. Dem NS-Propagandaministerium diente die Veröffentlichung zur Untermauerung der These eines »ungeheuerlichen jüdischen Vernichtungsprogramms« (Völkischer Beobachter, 24.7.1941). Henry Morgenthau jr., der amerikanische Finanzminister, gab 1944 die Entwicklung eines Plans in Auftrag, nach dem das Deutsche Reich geteilt und in ein Agrarland zurückgestuft werden sollte, was von Goebbels ebenfalls für Durchhalteparolen genutzt wurde.
[2] »der vorsichtige Bürokrat«: Es handelt sich um ein Zitat aus dem Bericht von Dieter Wisliceny, der Eichmann mit diesem Etikett, das für einen SS-Mann eine unverzeihliche Beleidigung war, abfällig charakterisiert hatte. Die Sassen-Runde hatte diese Aussage mehrfach gelesen und besprochen.
[3] »Ihre Laus«: Gemeint ist Sassens Bemühen, Hitler und »das Deutsche« in größtmögliche Distanz zur Judenpolitik zu bringen, also »den Führer« und den »Nationalsozialismus« historisch als unerreichbar für einen Massenmord-Vorwurf darzustellen. Eichmann hingegen wollte sich selber gerade als typisch deutschen und guten Offizier im Führerauftrag verstanden wissen.
[4] »Korherr« / »10,3 Millionen Juden«: Der Bezug ist der sog. Korherr-Bericht, den man in der Sassen-Runde eingehend besprochen und zu dem Eichmann eigens Kommentare verfasst hatte.
[5] Streicher und Eichmann begegneten sich nachweislich 1937, als Eichmann auf Einladung von Streicher Gast auf dem Nürnberger Parteitag war.
[6] »Gesetzgebung«: gemeint sind die sog. »10 Gebote«.
[7] »Interventionisten«: Eichmann gibt in den Sassen-Gesprächen immer wieder Beispiele für Menschen, die ihm Hindernisse in den Weg legten. Dazu gehörten insbesondere Einzelanfragen von hochgestellten Personen des Regimes, die Ausnahmen für Bekannte (oder in Aussicht auf gute Bezahlung) durchsetzen wollten. Aber 1944 betrachtete Eichmann auch Himmler-Beauftragte wie Kurt Becher als so ein Hindernis.
Yad Vashem has some transcripts posted online in their archives. (German only).
It's record group O.65, files 85, 86, 87.
Re: Adolf Eichmann Tapes
Archie wrote:research wrote:«Mich reut gar nichts!» (
8 minutes and 43 seconds, audio document, Buenos Airs 1957
Uki Goñi:
David Irving:
David Irving is in possession of some Eichmann documents or Sassen documents. He also has a letter from Hans Werner Woltersdorf on the subject. [Woltersdorf letter to Irving, January 14, 1992] It would be very useful if he could make his documents available. Can we ask him about this?
Transcript (Bettina Stangneth)EICHMANN: … und bitte führen Sie mich da nicht nach 12 Jahren auf’s Glatteis, ob der Kaufmann[1] oder Eichmann oder Sassen geheißen haben mag, oder Morgenthau, das ist wurscht, es war da irgendetwas gewesen, wo ich mir sagte: gut, dann muss ich alle Bedenken fallen lassen, denn bevor mein Volk ins Gras beißt, da soll eher die ganze Welt ins Gras beißen, dann mein Volk. Aber erst dann!
Das war ich. Ich, und ich sage es Ihnen jetzt zum Abschluss unserer Sachen, ich »der vorsichtige Bürokrat«[2], der war ich, jawohl. Aber ich möchte die Sache »vorsichtiger Bürokrat« etwas zu meinen Ungunsten erweitern. Zu diesem vorsichtigen Bürokraten gesellte sich ein … ein fanatischer Kämpfer für die Freiheit meines Blutes, dem ich anstamme und ich sage hier, genau wie ich Ihnen vorhin sagte, Ihre Laus,[3] die Sie zwickt, Kamerad Sassen, interessiert mich nicht. Mich interessiert meine Laus unter meinem Kragen. Die zerquetsche ich. Das gilt für mein Volk. Da wurde ich von dem ...
Tonbandaufnahme 68, EICHMANN: »Ja, ich möchte einen Punkt festhalten. Im Laufe oder im Zuge der letzten Platten, die aufgenommen wurden […] da habe ich eine Art Schlusserklärung gegeben. […] Nun ich dieses Buch Poliakov gelesen hab und dort … äh … Sachen vorfand, die getrieben wurden … halte ich dieses Schlusswort in dieser Form, wie ich es tat, nicht mehr aufrecht.«
Notes (Bettina Stangneth)
[1] Kaufmann: In den Gesprächen mit Sassen kommt es immer wieder zur Verwechslung des sogenannten Kaufman-Plans mit dem Morgenthau-Plan. Theodore N. Kaufman hatte 1941 in New York eine Broschüre mit dem Titel Germany must perish im Selbstverlag veröffentlicht und darin die Ausrottung der Deutschen durch Sterilisation gefordert. Dem NS-Propagandaministerium diente die Veröffentlichung zur Untermauerung der These eines »ungeheuerlichen jüdischen Vernichtungsprogramms« (Völkischer Beobachter, 24.7.1941). Henry Morgenthau jr., der amerikanische Finanzminister, gab 1944 die Entwicklung eines Plans in Auftrag, nach dem das Deutsche Reich geteilt und in ein Agrarland zurückgestuft werden sollte, was von Goebbels ebenfalls für Durchhalteparolen genutzt wurde.
[7] »Interventionisten«: Eichmann gibt in den Sassen-Gesprächen immer wieder Beispiele für Menschen, die ihm Hindernisse in den Weg legten. Dazu gehörten insbesondere Einzelanfragen von hochgestellten Personen des Regimes, die Ausnahmen für Bekannte (oder in Aussicht auf gute Bezahlung) durchsetzen wollten. Aber 1944 betrachtete Eichmann auch Himmler-Beauftragte wie Kurt Becher als so ein Hindernis.
Yad Vashem has some transcripts posted online in their archives. (German only).
It's record group O.65, files 85, 86, 87.
Now for an unbiased native German speaker of the time that would have sounded rather obnoxious. But I guess, if you are already prejudiced in an Exterminationist way, you will eat it up as sweet cookies.
Wiki On Sassen:
The Sassen family lived first in Ciudad Jardín Lomas del Palomar in Greater Buenos Aires, where their second daughter was born. Sassen started to work as a journalist, translator and as a ghost writer for Hans-Ulrich Rudel and later Adolf Eichmann.
Around 1960, Willem Sassen was recruited by Gerhard Mertins.[citation needed] He was asked to represent Merex AG, which was a cover for the illegal arms trade controlled by the German secret service Bundesnachrichtendienst.[1] Other representatives in Latin America were Klaus Barbie (Bolivia),[1] Friedrich Schwend (Peru),[citation needed] his brother, Alfons Sassen (Ecuador),[citation needed] and, in Madrid, Spain, Otto Skorzeny.[2]
Interesting, so he worked for the intelligence services, acted as a business man and was also a writer/journalist. Sure he realise that an interview with Eichmann were he hints at "the Holocaust" would be worth millions in todays terms?! So there was some motive to talk in a way that would feed into the sensationalism of the media. Just Eichmann telling them that his job was rather boring wouldn't be a good sell at all.
So sorry, just having Eichmann or whomever on tape 'admitting things' isn't credible at all.
Re: Adolf Eichmann Tapes
research wrote:
Hektor wrote:
I'm not sure what "research" is trying to prove here. Eichmann isn't admitting anything relating to his secret knowledge of the extermination in that text.
Eichmann Denied Knowledge of the Death Figures: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=14298
There are some other times where Eichmann has really "admitted" some exterminations, but they are usually wrapped up in his absurd stories, like in his story about a "Russian submarine engine" used to gas people and his story about "blood fountains".
DenierBud on those absurd claims:
The mainstream Holocaust story is a baseless conspiracy theory.
Re: Adolf Eichmann Tapes
I'm not trying to prove anything here. So far it is about the context of this Sassen interview, which took place over months always on weekends. The problem is that simply the documents/sources/tapes are missing, in order to be able to make detailed contentwise criticism of Eichmann's remarks. The long quote reproduced above is Eichmann's famous "closing statement" from tape 67, which was actually not a closing statement at all, because the interview still went on. But it became the most quoted text from the Sassen transcripts. This lecture by Eichmann was actually published as raw material also in audio format. Otherwise, only some "snippets" exist in TV documentaries. I don't know how it looks in the new films from Israel.
The transcripts available online are almost impossible to decipher. In addition, there was no speech recognition in these documents. Because the Sassen Roundtable often read from books and then discussed those books, 10% of the Sassen transcripts consist of quotes from books. However, even these quotations are not identified as such. All this makes a cursory reading of the Sassen transcripts impossible. Nevertheless, Bettina Stangneth says, "Those who take the time, however, can still distinguish the speakers clearly and unambiguously, because Eichmann's and Sassen's language in particular is so characteristic that it becomes unmistakable as soon as one gets into it, and since at least some tapes have been preserved, one is by no means dependent only on linguistic feeling and reading experience."
Still, it's not a clear source, because there were other participants. Besides, such a decryption game ("who said what?") is absurd, considering that they could also just publish the preserved tapes. Not all of them are preserved, but some of them are.
Regarding Eichmann, it must be said that he simply did not make any clearly pro-revisionist statements (apart from numbers). On the other hand, he did not provide much "evidence" for the mainstream version either. One thesis could be: he was responsible for the deportations, but apparently had no idea what happened to the people afterwards, and in the 1950s he accepted the "historical facts" he learned from the postwar press.
All in all, the project was interesting in terms of its intention, because Sassen and Fritsch were really concerned with a critical perspective. At this early date (1957), as is well known, very few revisionist publications had appeared so far. Even the former's larger mainstream publications did not appear until 1955 (see the literature listing above). Eichmann, however, often told nonsense, as he later did in Israel.
The transcripts available online are almost impossible to decipher. In addition, there was no speech recognition in these documents. Because the Sassen Roundtable often read from books and then discussed those books, 10% of the Sassen transcripts consist of quotes from books. However, even these quotations are not identified as such. All this makes a cursory reading of the Sassen transcripts impossible. Nevertheless, Bettina Stangneth says, "Those who take the time, however, can still distinguish the speakers clearly and unambiguously, because Eichmann's and Sassen's language in particular is so characteristic that it becomes unmistakable as soon as one gets into it, and since at least some tapes have been preserved, one is by no means dependent only on linguistic feeling and reading experience."
Still, it's not a clear source, because there were other participants. Besides, such a decryption game ("who said what?") is absurd, considering that they could also just publish the preserved tapes. Not all of them are preserved, but some of them are.
Regarding Eichmann, it must be said that he simply did not make any clearly pro-revisionist statements (apart from numbers). On the other hand, he did not provide much "evidence" for the mainstream version either. One thesis could be: he was responsible for the deportations, but apparently had no idea what happened to the people afterwards, and in the 1950s he accepted the "historical facts" he learned from the postwar press.
All in all, the project was interesting in terms of its intention, because Sassen and Fritsch were really concerned with a critical perspective. At this early date (1957), as is well known, very few revisionist publications had appeared so far. Even the former's larger mainstream publications did not appear until 1955 (see the literature listing above). Eichmann, however, often told nonsense, as he later did in Israel.
Re: Adolf Eichmann Tapes
Revision wrote:research wrote:Hektor wrote:
I'm not sure what "research" is trying to prove here. Eichmann isn't admitting anything relating to his secret knowledge of the extermination in that text.
Eichmann Denied Knowledge of the Death Figures: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=14298
There are some other times where Eichmann has really "admitted" some exterminations, but they are usually wrapped up in his absurd stories, like in his story about a "Russian submarine engine" used to gas people and his story about "blood fountains".
DenierBud on those absurd claims:
My point is merely that the whole way he is presenting this in a boastful manner is rather suspicious.
Well, other statements ascribed to him are as well. And he isn't the only one that came up with mysterious stories of buried Jews making the Earth shake etc.
It has been suggested that this kind of statements may be an attempt to let listeners know that something ain't right here. Sabotage, if you want.
But on the other hand such ludicrous stories can function as priming the audience into a mystical mood. It's to get them to drop any further critical questioning into the matter... The story is accepted by virtue that it is to mystical to be untrue. It's a different type of truth as opposed to empirical truth. It's a mythical truth and that has more power over people than e.g. just knowing some facts, by virtue of this being proven beyond virtual doubt. E.g. Death, murder weapon and perpetrator have been proven by there being physical evidence.
Re: Adolf Eichmann Tapes
research wrote:I'm not trying to prove anything here. So far it is about the context of this Sassen interview, which took place over months always on weekends. The problem is that simply the documents/sources/tapes are missing, in order to be able to make detailed contentwise criticism of Eichmann's remarks. The long quote reproduced above is Eichmann's famous "closing statement" from tape 67, which was actually not a closing statement at all, because the interview still went on. But it became the most quoted text from the Sassen transcripts. This lecture by Eichmann was actually published as raw material also in audio format. Otherwise, only some "snippets" exist in TV documentaries. I don't know how it looks in the new films from Israel.
The transcripts available online are almost impossible to decipher. In addition, there was no speech recognition in these documents. Because the Sassen Roundtable often read from books and then discussed those books, 10% of the Sassen transcripts consist of quotes from books. However, even these quotations are not identified as such. All this makes a cursory reading of the Sassen transcripts impossible. Nevertheless, Bettina Stangneth says, "Those who take the time, however, can still distinguish the speakers clearly and unambiguously, because Eichmann's and Sassen's language in particular is so characteristic that it becomes unmistakable as soon as one gets into it, and since at least some tapes have been preserved, one is by no means dependent only on linguistic feeling and reading experience."
Still, it's not a clear source, because there were other participants. Besides, such a decryption game ("who said what?") is absurd, considering that they could also just publish the preserved tapes. Not all of them are preserved, but some of them are.
Regarding Eichmann, it must be said that he simply did not make any clearly pro-revisionist statements (apart from numbers). On the other hand, he did not provide much "evidence" for the mainstream version either. One thesis could be: he was responsible for the deportations, but apparently had no idea what happened to the people afterwards, and in the 1950s he accepted the "historical facts" he learned from the postwar press.
All in all, the project was interesting in terms of its intention, because Sassen and Fritsch were really concerned with a critical perspective. At this early date (1957), as is well known, very few revisionist publications had appeared so far. Even the former's larger mainstream publications did not appear until 1955 (see the literature listing above). Eichmann, however, often told nonsense, as he later did in Israel.
I'm more familiar with Eichmann's statements in Israeli custody. There is no question that once in custody many of Eichmann's statements do uphold the extermination story to some extent (though at other points he seems to undermine it in some respects, or his statements are manifestly inaccurate). For example,
Eichmann Interrogated (pg 75)
The war with the Soviet Union began in June 1941, I think. And I believe it was two months later, or maybe three, that Heydrich sent for me. I reported. He said to me, "The Führer, well, emigration is ..." He began with a little speech. And then: "The Führer has ordered the physical extermination." These were his words. [...] I didn't say anything, what could I say? Because I'd never though of a ... of such a thing, of that sort of violent solution. And then he said to me: "Eichmann, go and see Globocnik in Lublin."
Anyway, Heydrich said: "Go and see Globocnik, the Führer has already given him instructions. Take a look and see how he's getting on with his program. I believe he's using Russian anti-tank trenches for exterminating the Jews." As ordered, I went to Lublin, located the headquarters of SS and Police Commander Globocnik, and reported to the Gruppenführer. I told him Heydrich had sent me, because the Führer had ordered the physical extermination of the Jews.
Eichmann Trials (session 95)
Q. Was it proved to you that the Jews had to be exterminated?
A. I did not exterminate them. However, I would like to state here in this context that I am not trying to evade anything in this respect either, and it is my intention to ask for permission after the trial to put these matters down in the form of a book, say, in which I can express myself freely, and I am prepared to call a spade a spade, to serve as a deterrent example for today's generation and that of the future. I also made this point to Captain Less in my interrogation.
Presiding Judge: Mr. Hausner, from which page did you take the quotation about shooting his father?
Attorney General: I shall find this immediately.
Presiding Judge: Just one moment, Mr. Attorney General. I am now addressing the Accused:
I am telling you that it is your duty to say here everything which you would have written in your book - to call a spade a spade. That is your duty, just as you would have done in the book, or as you would do, and to hold nothing back.
Accused: Very well, then. Having been asked by you, Your Honour, to give a clear answer here, I must state that I consider this murder, this extermination of the Jews, to be one of the most heinous crimes in the history of mankind.
Eichmann Trials (session 96)
Q. Think back how that was with Globocnik. You came to him and said to him that the Fuehrer had ordered the extermination of the Jews. That was in 1941, was it not? And you did that on Heydrich's orders?
A. I said "The Fuehrer has ordered the extermination of the Jews"? I did not say that - Heydrich said that to me.
Q. And you passed that on?
A. I did not need to pass that on at all, since Globocnik certainly knew that already before, just like Heydrich or at least at the same time, but in any case long before I heard it from Heydrich's lips, because he did not send me there in order to hand over this order, but the preliminary measures for implementing this order of Hitler's, they were already underway. And they were what I had to look at and report on - that was what my orders said.
Q. Very well. So you saw that as early as 1941?
A. Yes, but then it was even...I would reckon must have been the autumn or late autumn, because I can still see the landscape, there were leaves on the trees, and the trees...
Q. All right, all right, but that was in 1941?
A. Yes, but there was no killing as yet for a long time - at that time the personnel there were just putting up the two small houses.
Q. All right. When did they start killing there?
A. I cannot give a date, because I was not present.
Q. Roughly, roughly when? The beginning of 1942, immediately after Wannsee?
A. It must...I would think...yes, it must have been around the time of the Wannsee Conference, but I do not know for sure.
Eichmann Trials (session 107)
Q. Now, in connection with the Wannsee record of proceedings - in connection with the Wannsee Conference - you replied to my colleague, Judge Raveh, that in the part not referred to in the record, methods of killing were talked about.
A. Yes.
Q. Who spoke about this topic there?
A. Today, I no longer have any detailed recollection of this matter, Your Honour, but I know that these gentlemen stood together and sat together, and in very blunt words they referred to the matter, without putting it down in writing. I would definitely not be able to remember this, if I did not know that at that time I said to myself: Look at that...Stuckart, who was always considered to be a very precise and very particular stickler for the law, and here the whole tone and all the manner of speech were totally out of keeping with legal language. That is the only thing, I would say, which has actually remained imprinted on my mind.
Q. What did he say about this topic?
A. In detail, Your Honour, I would like...
Q. Not in detail - in general.
A. There was talk about killing and eliminating and exterminating. I myself had in fact to make my preparations for drawing up the record - I could not stand there and just listen - but the words did reach through to me because the room was not, in fact, such a big one that one could not catch single words from the flood of words...
Eichmann Trials (session 105)
Judge Raveh: Please read this passage out.
"As far as I still remember, at that time Korherr came up with a total number of around five million Jews, made up of migration, natural decrease, concentration camp inmates, ghetto inmates, and those who were put to death."
Judge Raveh: Korherr was the statistician who drew up this report - when?
Accused: I think it was the end of 1942 to the end of 1943.
Q. And that was the figure he came up with then.
A. This is an approximate figure, which I had accepted intuitively at that time during the questioning. I do not now know whether it is correct or not.
Q. Not during the questioning - these are memoirs.
A. Oh yes, or memoirs - all the time before I was able actually to read the documents - as far as the Korherr report is concerned, I do not know if I have it in my files, I cannot say for sure. But I remember something like this, that the overall figure would be about five million.
Eichmann Trials (session 79)
Dr. Servatius: Witness, a record of this type cannot reproduce the atmosphere of this conference, the basic attitude of all the participants. Could you say something about this?
Accused: Certainly. The atmosphere was characterized by Heydrich's relaxed, satisfied behaviour. He most definitely expected the greatest difficulties at this conference.
Dr. Servatius: Witness, the point is what the other participants in the conference expressed.
Accused: Yes, of course. Not only did everybody willingly indicate agreement, but there was something else, entirely unexpected, when they outdid and outbid each other, as regards the demand for a Final Solution to the Jewish Question. The biggest surprise, as far as I remember, was not only Buehler, but above all Stuckart, who was always cautious and hesitant, but who suddenly behaved there with unaccustomed enthusiasm.
Dr. Servatius: Witness, before this conference, you yourself saw something of the preparations being made in the East for these extermination measures. Is that correct?
Accused: Yes.
Dr. Servatius: Did the conference participants also already know something about this form of the Final Solution?
Accused: I must assume that this was known, since, at the time of the Wannsee Conference, the war against Russia had been going on for six months and, as we have seen from the documents, the Special Operations Units were in action in these areas. And, of course, the central key figures in the Reich Government were aware of these facts.
Dr. Servatius: How long did the conference last? And what happened after the end of the conference?
Accused: The conference itself was relatively short. I cannot give the precise length today, but I think that somewhere between an hour and an hour and a half would be about right. Before and afterwards, the gentlemen stood around in groups, of course, clearly discussing the conference and other matters, and I remember that afterwards, when the guests had left, Heydrich and Mueller stayed behind. I was also allowed to be present at this informal get-together; I had received permission, and that was when Heydrich briefly expressed his opinion about the conference, and, as I have already said, his satisfaction was quite obvious.
Dr. Servatius: But the comments on - I think - the Sassen Documents seem to indicate that you were also extremely satisfied. Would you care to comment?
Accused: Yes, indeed; but my satisfaction was related to a totally different area from Heydrich's satisfaction and, if I might, I should like to make a few comments about this, in order to explain my frame of mind at this time. Heydrich's satisfaction was connected to the result of the conference, while my satisfaction was relative to my personal self-examination as to the results of the Wannsee Conference.
I had to render an account to myself, to determine to what extent I was personally connected with the result of the Wannsee Conference. I was reassured by the thought that, although I held a relatively low rank as Obertleutnant, and even more junior rank before that, I had striven to be on the look-out for possible solutions - possible peaceful solutions - which would be acceptable to both parties, but would not require such a violent and drastic solution of bloodshed.
I think that I can prove that I am not just saying this now when I stand at the bar of an Israeli court, by referring to my efforts to organize the otherwise chaotic nature of compulsory and voluntary emigration. Further corroboration is provided by what was called the Radom Project. Thirdly, there were my efforts in connection with the Madagascar Plan.
Having thus made clear to some extent my own wishes, when it came to the outcome of the Wannsee Conference, I felt something of the satisfaction of Pilate, because I felt entirely innocent of any guilt. The leading figures of the Reich at the time had spoken at the Wannsee Conference, the "Popes" had given their orders; it was up to me to obey, and that is what I bore in mind over the future years. A clear indication of how I felt and what I thought at this time can be seen in the hand-written comments on Tape 17, which is the only one from the so-called Sassen Documents which I acknowledge, and which I wrote at a time when I was able to record my thoughts in absolute security, on the edge of the Argentinian pampas, and when I did not have the faintest idea that one day I would be called upon to justify myself before an Israeli court.
Eichmann seems to more or less accept the essentials of the extermination story but minimizes personal involvement, similar to many at Nuremberg and at earlier trials (e.g. Kaltenbrunner). The usual revisionist take on such statements is that they were either 1) made under coercion or some form of duress, 2) made for sake of legal strategy (where directly challenging the "facts" recognized by the court and even the defense lawyers was not realistic or advisable), 3) possibly they had been misled in some way (quite of few of the Nuremberg defendants appear to have been gradually "convinced" there at Nuremberg, after the war).
With Eichmann, the significance of the earlier interviews would be that many of the usual revisionist arguments would not really apply (particularly #1 and #2, though some version of #3 could still be made, particularly since Eichmann's memory could have been contaminated by all the holocaust literature that he read). That is their argument, that he did not speak with Sassen under duress, nor would he have been concerned with legal strategy in that context. If it can be shown that Eichmann was making statements like the above prior to his being in Israeli custody, I think this would raises some difficulties for us, but not insurmountable ones. For one thing, and I think this point is often neglected, we simply cannot accept a claim of six million murders on the strength of a statement made twelve years after the war, no matter who is making the statement. That's not to say we should dismiss Eichmann's commentary out of hand, but for something of the vast scale of "the holocaust" it's simply not adequate evidence.
Re: Adolf Eichmann Tapes
Archie wrote:Eichmann Interrogated (pg 75)
The war with the Soviet Union began in June 1941, I think. And I believe it was two months later, or maybe three, that Heydrich sent for me. I reported. He said to me, "The Führer, well, emigration is ..." He began with a little speech. And then: "The Führer has ordered the physical extermination." These were his words. [...] I didn't say anything, what could I say? Because I'd never though of a ... of such a thing, of that sort of violent solution. And then he said to me: "Eichmann, go and see Globocnik in Lublin."
Anyway, Heydrich said: "Go and see Globocnik, the Führer has already given him instructions. Take a look and see how he's getting on with his program. I believe he's using Russian anti-tank trenches for exterminating the Jews." As ordered, I went to Lublin, located the headquarters of SS and Police Commander Globocnik, and reported to the Gruppenführer. I told him Heydrich had sent me, because the Führer had ordered the physical extermination of the Jews.
And literally on the next page on that book he tells this:
[p. 76]"Globocnik sent for a certain Sturmbannführer Hofle, who must have been a member of his staff. We went from Lublin to, I don't remember what the place was called, I get them mixed up, I couldn't say if it was Treblinka or some other place. There were patches of woods, sort of, and the road passed through — a Polish highway. On the right side of the road there was an ordinary house, that's where the men who worked there lived. A captain of the regular police [Ordnungspolizei] welcomed us. A few workmen were still there. The captain, which surprised me, had taken off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves, somehow he seemed to have joined in the work. They were building little wooden shacks, two, maybe three of them; they looked like two- or three-room cottages. Hofle told the police captain to explain the installation to me. And then he started in. He had a, well, let's say, a vulgar, uncultivated voice. Maybe he drank. He spoke some dialect from the southwestern corner of Germany, and he told me how he had made everything airtight. It seems they were going to hook up a Russian submarine engine and pipe the exhaust into the houses and the Jews inside would be poisoned. I was horrified."
The mainstream Holocaust story is a baseless conspiracy theory.
Re: Adolf Eichmann Tapes
Archie wrote:....
Eichmann seems to more or less accept the essentials of the extermination story but minimizes personal involvement, similar to many at Nuremberg and at earlier trials (e.g. Kaltenbrunner). The usual revisionist take on such statements is that they were either 1) made under coercion or some form of duress, 2) made for sake of legal strategy (where directly challenging the "facts" recognized by the court and even the defense lawyers was not realistic or advisable), 3) possibly they had been misled in some way (quite of few of the Nuremberg defendants appear to have been gradually "convinced" there at Nuremberg, after the war).
With Eichmann, the significance of the earlier interviews would be that many of the usual revisionist arguments would not really apply (particularly #1 and #2, though some version of #3 could still be made, particularly since Eichmann's memory could have been contaminated by all the holocaust literature that he read). That is their argument, that he did not speak with Sassen under duress, nor would he have been concerned with legal strategy in that context. If it can be shown that Eichmann was making statements like the above prior to his being in Israeli custody, I think this would raises some difficulties for us, but not insurmountable ones. For one thing, and I think this point is often neglected, we simply cannot accept a claim of six million murders on the strength of a statement made twelve years after the war, no matter who is making the statement. That's not to say we should dismiss Eichmann's commentary out of hand, but for something of the vast scale of "the holocaust" it's simply not adequate evidence.
Let's assume it is all genuine done bei Sassen and Eichmann. No duress, no trial strategy.
Actually, why did they do those interviews? It appears to me that they were trying to sell it given Sassen's professional background. Sassen worked for the BND (West*German Intelligence Service, which was under the influence of the Americans) and he was a journalist. Is there any indication of Eichmann working with intelligence services? Yes. Haaretz reported on this.
So the tapes are far more likely to be a 'customer service' than being a 'confession' to anything.
Five of Adolph Eichmann's Nazi assistants were recruited and employed by the Central Intelligence Agency after World War II, according to recently declassified intelligence documents.
An earlier document, from February 1950, states that Cross helped Rauff obtain the necessary papers for immigration to South America, even though the attempt to send him to Egypt had failed. Why, though, did Israel help Rauff? This document provides a hint: "It is not improbable that Subject's presence in Syria was in connection with a mission for the Israel[i] service." Rauff was indeed in Syria, serving as military adviser to President Hosni Zaim, who sought a peace agreement with Irsael. Rauff was forced to leave after Zaim was deposed in a military coup.
I'm sure more of that kind can be found. Let's face it a lot of "former Nazis" from the intelligence services of the NS-state were still active in that kind of services after WW2. They were ideal candidates for this. They had experience, were knowledgeable, would be welcomed by some, but could be threatened (hence blackmailed) with being set on trial for "War Crimes".
Now one could ask, why they would go to that extent to peddle that story? Well, isn't that obvious, it is cultural capital for a number of interest group Jewish and non-Jewish ones alike. The 'Holocaust narrative' is a Platonian "noble lie" to them. They need a myth for their own legitimation and as a tool to exercise social control. Something like that will be pushed with all kinds of cunning, resources and will be depended with violence as well.
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