The Industry's Roberto Muehlenkamp posts more fake 'holocaust' photos / Babi Yar

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The Industry's Roberto Muehlenkamp posts more fake 'holocaust' photos / Babi Yar

Postby Hannover » 5 years 9 months ago (Tue Aug 15, 2017 2:44 am)

Have a look at these human remains from another site that 'holocau$t Industry' spokesman Roberto Muehlenkamp and those like him claim are remains from an excavation of Babi Yar, a ravine in Ukraine where it is claimed by Zionists that, depending on who you ask, 'tens of thousands' of Jews & 150,000 total' were shot and dumped into this ravine and buried.

Of course the problem with this laughable claim is that no excavations can be shown that these alleged 'holocaust' corpses supposedly came from. Let alone the claimed 'tens of thousands', and / or '150,000' corpses.

In fact a recent Zionist excavation revealed no human remains whatsoever. That's NONE.
'!! Excavation Result: No Enormous Human Remains as Alleged at Babi Yar !! ... of course '

Then there's the fact that detailed aerial photos at the exact time of the alleged German Babi Yar actions show nothing whatsoever, nothing.
The entire fraud is just one more lie within The Big Lie, aka: the 'holocau$t'.

Here we have Roberto claiming that these are Babi Yar corpses of who knows who, from who knows when, taken by who knows who, with no proof that they were murdered by anyone, and certainly no proof they were murdered by Germans.

Got pictures of corpses? OK then, just call them 'holocaust' corpses. That's all it takes.
In fact, anyone could and has posted pictures of corpses and made fake claims that they were 'holocausted'. Who's to stop them?
Believe it or risk arrest, verbal & physical attacks, and persecution.
Indeed, it's right from the witchcraft, witch hunt era where witchcraft was a "proven fact" with tons of "eyewitnesses", "confessions", and court trials.

Zionist Roberto & those like him post fake photos and simply make up nonsense about them that they insist everyone believe.

Have a look, enjoy the laugh.






'WWII Auschwitz aerial photos / Roberto Muehlenkamp & bungling Zionist 'Holocaust Industry' blow it again'
'Photograph of the Einsatzgruppen murdering Kiev Jews discovered'
Industry's Roberto Muehlenkamp claims these faked 'photos' are proof of 'holocaust'

- Hannover

The 'holocaust' storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent, racist, & privileged Jewish supremacists demand censorship. What sort of truth is it that denies free speech and the freedom to seek the truth? Truth needs no protection from scrutiny.

The tide is turning.
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: The Industry's Roberto Muehlenkamp posts more fake 'holocaust' photos / Babi Yar

Postby Pia Kahn » 5 years 9 months ago (Tue Aug 15, 2017 3:57 am)

I cannot laugh about these pictures. They are terrible. I understand your points, but I don't think talking about corpses in this manner is good for the cause of an honest and open debate about the holocaust.
If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.

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Re: The Industry's Roberto Muehlenkamp posts more fake 'holocaust' photos / Babi Yar

Postby Hannover » 5 years 9 months ago (Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:13 am)

Pia Kahn wrote:I cannot laugh about these pictures. They are terrible. I understand your points, but I don't think talking about corpses in this manner is good for the cause of an honest and open debate about the holocaust.

Your reverence is indicative of the religious nature of the impossible '6M Jews, 5M others, & gas chambers'.
I'll have none of it.

I think humor at what is so blatantly false is well deserved and useful in confronting the hate mongering 'holocau$t' Industry'.
The claims are not only scientifically impossible, they are hilariously stupid. I will not play the 'bow to Zion' game.

Cheers, Hannover

The 'holocaust' storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent, racist, & privileged Jewish supremacists demand censorship. What sort of truth is it that denies free speech and the freedom to seek the truth? Truth needs no protection from scrutiny.

The tide is turning.
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: The Industry's Roberto Muehlenkamp posts more fake 'holocaust' photos / Babi Yar

Postby Hegwood » 5 years 9 months ago (Tue Aug 15, 2017 12:59 pm)

Where are the dead babies?

Whenever such photos as these are show as "proof of jewish genocide" the first questions should be "Where are the dead babies?; Where are the dead children?; Why aren't there a large number of women's corpses?". Genocide is an attempt to kill an entire population and it takes all of these to make up a general population.

These photos appear to be of adult males only.

The claim is that the Germans tried to commit genocide, tried to kill the entire jewish population, not just adult males. Yet all of the photos I've seen of corpses from alleged mass graves are, like these, just adult males. A few may have shown some adult women and perhaps one showed the body of a child but not one has shown an infant.

I don't know what Roberto claims about the authenticity of these photos but given his track record for veracity it's doubtful they were taken anywhere near Kiev nor is it likely there is any evidence they are jews or that they were killed by Germans.

If these photos were actually taken in the ravine Babi Yar, they would do more bolster the revisionist position than the holocaust claims. Revisionists claim the only civilians executed in the east by the Germans were partisan fighters, not all members of the jewish population. These photos might support the execution partisans but they certainly do not support a story of large numbers of women and children being force to undress before being shot and buried.


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Re: The Industry's Roberto Muehlenkamp posts more fake 'holocaust' photos / Babi Yar

Postby Pia Kahn » 5 years 9 months ago (Tue Aug 15, 2017 3:15 pm)

"Your reverence is indicative of the religious nature of the impossible '6M Jews, 5M others, & gas chambers'.
I'll have none of it."

I do not revere the holocaust nor am I trying to advise you from the point of view of a holocaust believer. I am all for an open debate on the holocaust. Do whatever you please, but don't complain if you fail to convince believers by joking about pictures of corpses.
If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.

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Re: The Industry's Roberto Muehlenkamp posts more fake 'holocaust' photos / Babi Yar

Postby Hannover » 5 years 9 months ago (Tue Aug 15, 2017 4:06 pm)

So, Pia, labeling this photo a 'holocaust' victim would not be funny, worthy of joking?


- Hannover

"All but two of the Germans [at Nuremberg], in the 139 cases we investigated, had been kicked in the testicles beyond repair. This was Standard Operating Procedure with American investigators."

- Judge E. L. van Roden, "American Atrocities in Germany", The Progressive. February 1949, p. 21f.
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: The Industry's Roberto Muehlenkamp posts more fake 'holocaust' photos / Babi Yar

Postby Revisionist » 5 years 9 months ago (Tue Aug 15, 2017 4:44 pm)

What is the real nature of the pictures in the first post? First I thought they were made at Katyn but they look different. Are they showing a bolshevik murder scene? Or where this people killed by Einsatzgruppen elsewhere? Some of the corpses look like they were starved before, maybe they are from the holdomor.

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Re: The Industry's Roberto Muehlenkamp posts more fake 'holocaust' photos / Babi Yar

Postby Breker » 5 years 9 months ago (Tue Aug 15, 2017 6:39 pm)

Revisionist wrote:What is the real nature of the pictures in the first post? First I thought they were made at Katyn but they look different. Are they showing a bolshevik murder scene? Or where this people killed by Einsatzgruppen elsewhere? Some of the corpses look like they were starved before, maybe they are from the holdomor.

No one knows, that is the point. They are completely lacking in being "Holocaust" related, Jew related, and Germans & WWII related, that's for certain.
Revisionists are just the messengers, the impossibility of the "Holocaust" narrative is the message.

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Re: The Industry's Roberto Muehlenkamp posts more fake 'holocaust' photos / Babi Yar

Postby roberto » 5 years 9 months ago (Fri Aug 18, 2017 10:23 am)

Revisionist wrote:What is the real nature of the pictures in the first post?

They are photos taken by a Soviet investigation commission in 1943, of people who had died at the Syrets concentration camp, which was located near the Babi Yar ravine.

Revisionist wrote:First I thought they were made at Katyn but they look different. Are they showing a bolshevik murder scene?


Revisionist wrote:Or where this people killed by Einsatzgruppen elsewhere?

No. The Einsatzgruppen and their helpers killed hundreds of thousands of people according to their own reports, but they had no business with the Syrets concentration camp as far as I know. As mentioned under, Syrets was a sub-camp of Sachsenhausen concentration camp.

However, the camp was connected to mass killings at Babi Yar in that, as mentioned on the above page, several hundred inmates of the camp were forced to exhume and burn tens of thousands of bodies at nearby Babi Yar.

Revisionist wrote:Some of the corpses look like they were starved before, maybe they are from the holdomor.

Inmates of Nazi concentration camps, including Syrets, were not exactly well-fed (except for some privileged prisoners at some camps other than Syrets).

As to the Holodomor, none of the related photos I have seen includes those shown in Hannover's OP and in my response thereto.

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Re: The Industry's Roberto Muehlenkamp posts more fake 'holocaust' photos / Babi Yar

Postby Hannover » 5 years 9 months ago (Fri Aug 18, 2017 11:53 am)

roberto wrote:
Revisionist wrote:What is the real nature of the pictures in the first post?

They are photos taken by a Soviet investigation commission in 1943, of people who had died at the Syrets concentration camp, which was located near the Babi Yar ravine.

Revisionist wrote:First I thought they were made at Katyn but they look different. Are they showing a bolshevik murder scene?


Revisionist wrote:Or where this people killed by Einsatzgruppen elsewhere?

No. The Einsatzgruppen and their helpers killed hundreds of thousands of people according to their own reports, but they had no business with the Syrets concentration camp as far as I know. As mentioned under, Syrets was a sub-camp of Sachsenhausen concentration camp.

However, the camp was connected to mass killings at Babi Yar in that, as mentioned on the above page, several hundred inmates of the camp were forced to exhume and burn tens of thousands of bodies at nearby Babi Yar.

Revisionist wrote:Some of the corpses look like they were starved before, maybe they are from the holdomor.

Inmates of Nazi concentration camps, including Syrets, were not exactly well-fed (except for some privileged prisoners at some camps other than Syrets).

As to the Holodomor, none of the related photos I have seen includes those shown in Hannover's OP and in my response thereto.

Roberto, I challenge you to actually show us your alleged "Soviet investigation commission in 1943", the name of which you don't even know. :lol:
No dodging.

Laughable Einsatzgruppen reports which do not say what you allege. Not to mention the complete lack of verifiable, shown excavations where the results are actually shown. And please no ore Communist / Zionist fakes.

Note to readers, there are numerous threads at this forum debunking the faked 'Einsatzgruppen reports'.
The Industry now claims that ca. 2,000,000 Jews were shot by the Einsatzgruppen into huge pits, so, anyone, please show us the excavated enormous mass graves that are claimed to exist, their locations are allegedly known.
Is that:
100 graves of 20,000?
200 graves of 10,000?
400 graves of 5,000?
500 graves of 4,000?
1000 graves of 2000?
2000 graves of 1000?

Roberto, the link you post for Syrets is laughable. It's merely another Zionist / 'holocaust" industry fraud with no actual German documents shown. No verifiable excavations shown, the usual easily debunked Zionist nonsense.
It's merely text by who knows who to say whatever they wanted. Laughable contrivances.

And again, your faked photos in the OP present not a bit of proof that:
They are are from WWII, that they are Jews, that they were murdered, that they were murdered by Germans.
They present zero proof of origin, of photographer, of location, on & on.
They are fakes. Labelled to mean whatever the Zionists / Communists desired.

Want 'holocau$t' photos? No problem, it's easy.
Just label any photo, painting, drawing that you wish as being 'proof of holocaust'. :lol:

The bottom line here:
Zionist Roberto Muehlenkamp nor anyone else can show us the massive numbers of alleged corpses said to be buried at Babi Yar & the immediate area.
Game, set, match. :lol:

- Hannover

Why do so many people want 6M Jews to be dead? Revisionists don't.
Jews should be elated to know that 6M of their brethren were not murdered.
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: The Industry's Roberto Muehlenkamp posts more fake 'holocaust' photos / Babi Yar

Postby Rmbrmb21 » 5 years 9 months ago (Thu Aug 24, 2017 6:31 pm)

roberto wrote:
Revisionist wrote:What is the real nature of the pictures in the first post?

They are photos taken by a Soviet investigation commission in 1943, of people who had died at the Syrets concentration camp, which was located near the Babi Yar ravine.

Revisionist wrote:First I thought they were made at Katyn but they look different. Are they showing a bolshevik murder scene?


Revisionist wrote:Or where this people killed by Einsatzgruppen elsewhere?

No. The Einsatzgruppen and their helpers killed hundreds of thousands of people according to their own reports, but they had no business with the Syrets concentration camp as far as I know. As mentioned under, Syrets was a sub-camp of Sachsenhausen concentration camp.

However, the camp was connected to mass killings at Babi Yar in that, as mentioned on the above page, several hundred inmates of the camp were forced to exhume and burn tens of thousands of bodies at nearby Babi Yar.

Revisionist wrote:Some of the corpses look like they were starved before, maybe they are from the holdomor.

Inmates of Nazi concentration camps, including Syrets, were not exactly well-fed (except for some privileged prisoners at some camps other than Syrets).

As to the Holodomor, none of the related photos I have seen includes those shown in Hannover's OP and in my response thereto.

I would also like to know where I can find this Soviet commission. The photos above don't really do anything other than show dead bodies. You must understand that these photos show no defining characteristics of the landscape or of the method in which the people were killed, if they were in fact murdered. They also do not prove that the bodies are Jews or other stereotypical victims. For all we know and can observe from just the photos, they could be anybody. They could be partisans, they could be disease victims, they could have been shot by the Soviets, who knows? Maybe this commission, which I'm trusting Roberto will link or post elsewhere, will provide more substantial proof.

Likewise with pictures I find on the internet of supposed German massacres, there's nothing besides 1 or 2 photos accompanied with a tear-jerking story about how the killing was carried out and how the bodies were supposedly dealt with in such a fashion that they can never be found. But the photos are most always just a pit with bodies, maybe a few German soldiers standing around who may or may not have actually been there. People die during war, and I'd wager that getting shot was one of the least likely was to die if you were a civilian. Germans do not have a monopoly on mass graves either. When people assume photos of mass graves are linked to the holocaust I roll my eyes.

I more and more have begun to lean in the direction of "show me the bodies/remains and prove they're Jews and were murdered by Germans". I almost don't care about cyanide chemistry or documentation. If 6M people were really massacred like is religiously believed by the masses, there would be no possible way of ever hiding the fact. But, it seems the Germans were more technologically advanced than we originally believed, they've made just about every last one disappear completely. Unless Roberto's Soviet commission can do the job and prove what I'm looking for, I don't know if anything ever will. Maybe I should just go to Babi Yar with a spade and dispel one side or the other once and for all.

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Re: The Industry's Roberto Muehlenkamp posts more fake 'holocaust' photos / Babi Yar

Postby Dresden » 5 years 9 months ago (Thu Aug 24, 2017 8:10 pm)

Rmbrmb21 said:

"Maybe I should just go to Babi Yar with a spade and dispel one side or the other once and for all"

You'd have better luck with a divining rod.
Maybe, just maybe, they believe what they are telling you about the 'holocaust', but maybe, just maybe, their contempt for your intelligence and your character is beyond anything you could ever have imagined. -- Bradley Smith

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Re: The Industry's Roberto Muehlenkamp posts more fake 'holocaust' photos / Babi Yar

Postby borjastick » 5 years 9 months ago (Fri Aug 25, 2017 4:45 am)

This type of fakery, allowing the gullible public to assume all sorts of skullduggery on the part of the nazis, is a normal tactic and one which works well. Just show pictures from a war situation with a few dead bodies for extra horror and because the word holocaust is in the mix somewhere, people assume the bodies are all those of jews who were shot or gassed, as they have been told and expected to believe.

This tactic works well for climate change too. Al Bore Gore is at it again at this very moment with his new movie A Convenient Lie. One can change any reference to climate change with holocaust and the result is the same. Those who don't buy into the climate change shite are announced and denounced as 'deniers' with the inference being that they are scumbags and no better than jew hating nazis. The tactic has worked well but things are hotting up, excuse the phrase for Al Bore as they are for holocaust promoters. The same damned science and logic gets in the way.

Al Bore tells us all that doom and gloom are coming and that seas will rise by 20 plus feet, which they aren't and won't. The holocaust bores tell us how 6m jews were disappeared with no trace left at all by those gas chambering nazi arses, but science and logic find Bore and Hoaxers wanting very quickly.

This from a review of the latest Al Bore movie reviewed by a scientist;
Greenland Melting

Gore is shown visiting cryospheric expert Konrad Steffen.

“Surface melting is shown with dramatic aerial video. Rivers of meltwater form and plunge down into huge holes in the ice sheet called “moulins”.”


“What isn’t mentioned is that this happens every summer, naturally.”

In fact this is a good example of Gore’s favorite cheat: show dramatic footage of a natural event – eg ice melting rapidly – and then leave the viewer to infer that this is another disastrous and unprecedented consequence of man-made climate change. It spares him the risk of telling flat out lies which might get fact-checked later. The viewer’s imagination does all Gore’s dirty work…

Meanwhile, in the real world, remember, Greenland recently recorded its coldest temperature ever measured in July for the Northern Hemisphere.

The above example can well be applied to pictures by hoaxers above claiming dead bodies are holocaust victims. The viewer is left to make that assumption. ... t-checked/

The similarities are all very clear to see. The problem is they get found out.

How inconvenient...
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

'We don't need evidence, we have survivors' - israeli politician

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Re: The Industry's Roberto Muehlenkamp posts more fake 'holocaust' photos / Babi Yar

Postby Hektor » 5 years 9 months ago (Fri Aug 25, 2017 11:43 am)

Dresden wrote:Rmbrmb21 said:

"Maybe I should just go to Babi Yar with a spade and dispel one side or the other once and for all"

You'd have better luck with a divining rod.

Just a question: Why didn't the Holocaustian Bolsheviks do that long ago?

This would have been great PR for them and as a matter of historical research and piety corpses could be recovered and be given a decent burial.
But they chose they didn't do that. The most plausible reason is that the 33.000 or so people killed and dumped at Babi Yar were the product of agitprop fiction and Soviet key figures actually knew this.

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Re: The Industry's Roberto Muehlenkamp posts more fake 'holocaust' photos / Babi Yar

Postby Dresden » 5 years 9 months ago (Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:18 pm)

Hektor wrote:
Dresden wrote:Rmbrmb21 said:

"Maybe I should just go to Babi Yar with a spade and dispel one side or the other once and for all"

You'd have better luck with a divining rod.

Just a question: Why didn't the Holocaustian Bolsheviks do that long ago?

This would have been great PR for them and as a matter of historical research and piety corpses could be recovered and be given a decent burial.
But they chose they didn't do that. The most plausible reason is that the 33.000 or so people killed and dumped at Babi Yar were the product of agitprop fiction and Soviet key figures actually knew this.

That's right, Hektor; they have no intention of ever digging at any supposed "mass grave" site such as Treblinka, Sobibor, Majdanek, Auschwitz or Babi Yar, because they know for a fact that they would not find anything at all commensurate with tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dead.

"No grave diggers need apply"
Maybe, just maybe, they believe what they are telling you about the 'holocaust', but maybe, just maybe, their contempt for your intelligence and your character is beyond anything you could ever have imagined. -- Bradley Smith

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