Of course the problem with this laughable claim is that no excavations can be shown that these alleged 'holocaust' corpses supposedly came from. Let alone the claimed 'tens of thousands', and / or '150,000' corpses.
In fact a recent Zionist excavation revealed no human remains whatsoever. That's NONE.
'!! Excavation Result: No Enormous Human Remains as Alleged at Babi Yar !! ... of course '
Then there's the fact that detailed aerial photos at the exact time of the alleged German Babi Yar actions show nothing whatsoever, nothing.
The entire fraud is just one more lie within The Big Lie, aka: the 'holocau$t'.
Here we have Roberto claiming that these are Babi Yar corpses of who knows who, from who knows when, taken by who knows who, with no proof that they were murdered by anyone, and certainly no proof they were murdered by Germans.
Got pictures of corpses? OK then, just call them 'holocaust' corpses. That's all it takes.
In fact, anyone could and has posted pictures of corpses and made fake claims that they were 'holocausted'. Who's to stop them?
Believe it or risk arrest, verbal & physical attacks, and persecution.
Indeed, it's right from the witchcraft, witch hunt era where witchcraft was a "proven fact" with tons of "eyewitnesses", "confessions", and court trials.
Zionist Roberto & those like him post fake photos and simply make up nonsense about them that they insist everyone believe.
Have a look, enjoy the laugh.
'WWII Auschwitz aerial photos / Roberto Muehlenkamp & bungling Zionist 'Holocaust Industry' blow it again'
'Photograph of the Einsatzgruppen murdering Kiev Jews discovered'
Industry's Roberto Muehlenkamp claims these faked 'photos' are proof of 'holocaust'
- Hannover
The 'holocaust' storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent, racist, & privileged Jewish supremacists demand censorship. What sort of truth is it that denies free speech and the freedom to seek the truth? Truth needs no protection from scrutiny.
The tide is turning.