Recommendations for Videos besides Eric Hunt's?
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Recommendations for Videos besides Eric Hunt's?
Are there any good Holocaust videos you would recommend, besides Eric Hunt's? I'm particularly trying to find a video that I thought was Hunt's, where the open-air burnings at Treblinka were debunked. It was stated that the bodies were piled 5 rows high, with wood in between, and burnt outside, in the middle of winter. It was debunked by burning a leg of lamb at the beach?
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Re: Recommendations for Videos besides Eric Hunt's?
This one?
Holocaust Hoax: Science Repudiates Mass Cremation Stories
Holocaust Hoax: Science Repudiates Mass Cremation Stories
Re: Recommendations for Videos besides Eric Hunt's?
The famous Treblinka Pig Roast video.

Re: Recommendations for Videos besides Eric Hunt's?

And for the missing part of the last one...
Yitzak Arad describes these open-air incinerations at Treblinka and Belzec as follows:
[Treblinka:] The cremation structure consisted of a roaster made from five or six railroad rails laid on top of three rows of concrete pillars each 70 cm high. The facility was 30 m wide.[…].
[…] SS Oberscharführer Heinrich Matthes, the commander of the “extermination area” in Treblinka, testified:
[…] The corpses were piled on these rails. Brushwood was put under the rails. The wood was doused with petrol. (p. 174)
[…] another special team, called the “burning group” (Feuerkolonne), removed the corpses from the stretchers and arranged them in layers on the roaster to a height of 2 meters. Between 2,000 and 2,500 bodies – sometimes up to 3,000 – would be piled on the roaster. When all was ready, dry wood and branches, which had been laid under the roaster, were ignited. The entire construction, with the bodies, was quickly engulfed in fire. The railings would glow from the heat, and the flames would reach a height of up to 10 meters.
At first an inflammable liquid was poured onto the bodies to help them burn, but later this was considered unnecessary; the SS men in charge of the cremation became convinced that the corpses burned well enough without extra fuel.
Yechiel Reichman, a member of the “burning group,” writes:
The SS “expert” on bodyburning ordered us to put women, particularly fat women, on the first layer on the grill, face down. The second layer could consist of whatever was brought […]. Then the “expert” ordered us to lay dry branches under the grill and to light them. Within a few minutes the fire would take so it was difficult to approach the crematorium from as far as 50 meters away. (p. 175)
The body-burning went on day and night. The corpses were transferred and arranged on the roasters during the day; at nightfall they were lit, and they burned throughout the night. When the fire went out, there were only skeletons or scattered bones on the roasters, and piles of ashes underneath. (p. 176)
Outdoor Incineration of Livestock Carcasses
Heinrich Köchel
So they didn't need to keep feeding the fire with fuel, despite archaeologists having to do so in their own experiments as documented that Treblinka pig roast video. Once again those magical Nazis used their Thule magic to suspend the laws of nature.
Re: Recommendations for Videos besides Eric Hunt's?
Let's be generous and take Das Prussian's numbers. He said there could be TWO rows on the 30 meter long railway pyres since they were wide enough. Okay. He tried to minimize the human shoulder to shoulder span by implying human decay but that won't work because whether the shoulders are packed with any skin or muscles, you can't change the skeletal range of at least one and a quarter feet - maybe one and a third - shoulder to shoulder. And if bodies were being exhumed in August when the camp was only open for a month by August 1943, then we can't pretend the bodies were skeletal. So DP loses there.
Next, he brings up children. He says Mattogno says a third were children in Treblinka. I will believe him on that. So 100 adults per row on the pyre becomes 200 when we have two rows per layer on the pyre. So look at one row and take a third of that off and we have about 66 adults. Problem is, the shoulder to shoulder length of each adult would be LARGER than one foot. So we would have LESS than 100 adults if the rails are 100 feet in length - 30 meters as given in Arad.
So what should we drop the number of adults to if a shoulder to shoulder span of an adult is well over a feet, and could be a foot and a quarter? 75 adults per 100 feet sounds good. A third of 75 is 25. So give us 50 adults. That leaves us with 75 feet out of 100 feet filled. We need 25 more feet. Throw anywhere from 20-25 children on since children's shoulder to shoulder span would be around one foot. So what is 50 adults plus 25 kids? 75 bodies per 100 feet. Two rows of 100 per layer is 200 per layer.
2500 / 200 = 12-13 layers of bodies.
A dozen layers of bodies burned away to skeleton and ash in five hours with 1.7 meters of space below for wood and twigs to be lit up with fire. If we want to claim that there were three rows of bodies per layer, call it 300 bodies per layer.
2500 / 300 = 8 layers of bodies.
And this is all supposed to be largely carbonized, and mostly burned away with just a few bones left in five or six hours per pyre.
Next, he brings up children. He says Mattogno says a third were children in Treblinka. I will believe him on that. So 100 adults per row on the pyre becomes 200 when we have two rows per layer on the pyre. So look at one row and take a third of that off and we have about 66 adults. Problem is, the shoulder to shoulder length of each adult would be LARGER than one foot. So we would have LESS than 100 adults if the rails are 100 feet in length - 30 meters as given in Arad.
So what should we drop the number of adults to if a shoulder to shoulder span of an adult is well over a feet, and could be a foot and a quarter? 75 adults per 100 feet sounds good. A third of 75 is 25. So give us 50 adults. That leaves us with 75 feet out of 100 feet filled. We need 25 more feet. Throw anywhere from 20-25 children on since children's shoulder to shoulder span would be around one foot. So what is 50 adults plus 25 kids? 75 bodies per 100 feet. Two rows of 100 per layer is 200 per layer.
2500 / 200 = 12-13 layers of bodies.
A dozen layers of bodies burned away to skeleton and ash in five hours with 1.7 meters of space below for wood and twigs to be lit up with fire. If we want to claim that there were three rows of bodies per layer, call it 300 bodies per layer.
2500 / 300 = 8 layers of bodies.
And this is all supposed to be largely carbonized, and mostly burned away with just a few bones left in five or six hours per pyre.
Re: Recommendations for Videos besides Eric Hunt's?
Good revisionist videos: ... s-g/videos ... h-section2 ... s-g/videos ... h-section2
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed. "
Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed. "
Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925
Re: Recommendations for Videos besides Eric Hunt's?
Are you guys kiddin' me here? Am I missing something, which is entirely possible. Happens all the time with increasing frequency I'm afraid. But no mention of Denierbud's great videos??? They're just what you're looking for, and they're available on youtube. They are the following 4 videos:
One Third of the Holocaust- a 4 hour masterpiece dealing with Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka.
Nazi Shrunken Heads- there's a couple versions available. But it's a very interesting look at the 'shrunken heads' pathetically pushed by the allies as being evidence of 'nazi barbarism', etc.. LOL.. Also it draws parallels between modern establishment narratives such as the first gulf war 'babies and incubators' story with the villain narrative of Idi Amin in Uganda. It's a fascinating 25 minutes of video.
Buchenwald (A dumb dumb portrayal of evil)- fascinating expose' of allied psy-ops at Buchenwald to create a narrative of nazi evil. All the episodes together add up to over 2 hours of video.
Auschwitz: The Surprising Hidden Truth- great look at Auschwitz using a 3D model. Very interesting 45+ minute video! There's also a kind of comedy version of this available out there that I always kind of liked, lol.
And there's some other good videos out there from other revisionist film makers out there, of course there's the David Cole in Auschwitz video out there which is very good as well. But definitely checkout Denierbud's films, if you haven't already.
One Third of the Holocaust- a 4 hour masterpiece dealing with Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka.
Nazi Shrunken Heads- there's a couple versions available. But it's a very interesting look at the 'shrunken heads' pathetically pushed by the allies as being evidence of 'nazi barbarism', etc.. LOL.. Also it draws parallels between modern establishment narratives such as the first gulf war 'babies and incubators' story with the villain narrative of Idi Amin in Uganda. It's a fascinating 25 minutes of video.
Buchenwald (A dumb dumb portrayal of evil)- fascinating expose' of allied psy-ops at Buchenwald to create a narrative of nazi evil. All the episodes together add up to over 2 hours of video.
Auschwitz: The Surprising Hidden Truth- great look at Auschwitz using a 3D model. Very interesting 45+ minute video! There's also a kind of comedy version of this available out there that I always kind of liked, lol.
And there's some other good videos out there from other revisionist film makers out there, of course there's the David Cole in Auschwitz video out there which is very good as well. But definitely checkout Denierbud's films, if you haven't already.
-You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
-The establishment can't control the web, and the control of information through all means but one, is no control at all.
-The establishment can't control the web, and the control of information through all means but one, is no control at all.
Re: Recommendations for Videos besides Eric Hunt's?
DenierBud's videos can be found through the 1st link in my previous comment.
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed. "
Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed. "
Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925
Re: Recommendations for Videos besides Eric Hunt's?
This one may be helpful:
I have some ideas for videos ,but may need some help with it. One video may deal with the emergence of the gassing rumors.
I have some ideas for videos ,but may need some help with it. One video may deal with the emergence of the gassing rumors.
Re: Recommendations for Videos besides Eric Hunt's?
Thanks, I'll look into all these. The first video wasn't it. I would have sworn it was a Hunt video. It was just a leg of lamb, and there were no firemen. There was just him. He finally had to get a ridiculous amount of wood to burn it, and even then, the bones didn't burn completely. There was a lot of debunk of Arad's testimony. It definitely didn't have that horrific robonarration. And I'm pretty sure it dealt with a lot of testimonial videos where they said they were transited elsewhere. It went through models and drawings of the camp. It showed how the pits couldn't have been where this guy claimed. It showed a large, Olympic stadium and showed that that would have been the size of just one of the pits...
Does this ring a bell for anyone?
On a secondary note. I'm a techtard and I can't figure out how to shrink an avatar down to work as my picture. Can someone PM me and help me out? I blame it on being a girl.
Does this ring a bell for anyone?
On a secondary note. I'm a techtard and I can't figure out how to shrink an avatar down to work as my picture. Can someone PM me and help me out? I blame it on being a girl.
Re: Recommendations for Videos besides Eric Hunt's?
Darkshine wrote:Are there any good Holocaust videos you would recommend, besides Eric Hunt's?
There are a lot of good videos made by Vincent Reynouard. However, his work is mostly in French.
Last Youtube account: ... _Nw/videos
Main VR website:
Some of them were subtitled in English by "didi18"
Click "Vincent Reynouard·" on Didi18's page:
English section of French web site: ... anscripts/
Re: Recommendations for Videos besides Eric Hunt's?
Darkshine wrote:Thanks, I'll look into all these. The first video wasn't it. I would have sworn it was a Hunt video. It was just a leg of lamb, and there were no firemen. There was just him. He finally had to get a ridiculous amount of wood to burn it, and even then, the bones didn't burn completely. There was a lot of debunk of Arad's testimony. It definitely didn't have that horrific robonarration. And I'm pretty sure it dealt with a lot of testimonial videos where they said they were transited elsewhere. It went through models and drawings of the camp. It showed how the pits couldn't have been where this guy claimed. It showed a large, Olympic stadium and showed that that would have been the size of just one of the pits...
Does this ring a bell for anyone?
On a secondary note. I'm a techtard and I can't figure out how to shrink an avatar down to work as my picture. Can someone PM me and help me out? I blame it on being a girl.
The video you are talking is called "One third of the Holocaust"
I just love the smell of Zyklon B in the morning, afternoon, late afternoon, evening and night, for it means that I’m nicely deloused 

Re: Recommendations for Videos besides Eric Hunt's?
Darkshine wrote:Thanks, I'll look into all these. The first video wasn't it. I would have sworn it was a Hunt video. It was just a leg of lamb, and there were no firemen. There was just him. He finally had to get a ridiculous amount of wood to burn it, and even then, the bones didn't burn completely. There was a lot of debunk of Arad's testimony. It definitely didn't have that horrific robonarration. And I'm pretty sure it dealt with a lot of testimonial videos where they said they were transited elsewhere. It went through models and drawings of the camp. It showed how the pits couldn't have been where this guy claimed. It showed a large, Olympic stadium and showed that that would have been the size of just one of the pits...
Does this ring a bell for anyone?
The part of DenierBud's One Third of the Holocaust with a leg of lamb is below.
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed. "
Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed. "
Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925
Re: Recommendations for Videos besides Eric Hunt's?
Darkshine wrote:On a secondary note. I'm a techtard and I can't figure out how to shrink an avatar down to work as my picture. Can someone PM me and help me out? I blame it on being a girl.
Maximum dimensions: 170 pixels X 170 pixels. Perhaps you could shrink a larger pic down on your computer and then upload the shrunken pic from there.
To upload an avatar, you must click on your name (top right), then on "Profile," "Edit profile," and "Edit avatar." Finally, you can upload a pic from your computer ("Upload from your machine") or from the internet ("Upload from a URL").
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed. "
Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed. "
Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925
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