Eric Hunt debate to come soon?
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Eric Hunt debate to come soon?
I for one would like to see the new Eric Hunt in a debate.
Questioner February 16, 2017 at 4:36 pm - Reply
I agree to be on Jim’s show.
Sure I’ll do it but with Jim as more of a moderator or maybe even second debater. You have to get at least one top name to debate me. I’m willing to run a gauntlet if you want to get as many as has the intellectual honesty to debate. I’ll do it back to back to back. This is easy. I recommend you ask the following people to debate me – Germar Rudolf, Leuchter, “Hannover” of the CODOH Forums, and two others who have said nasty things about me and appear afraid to debate, Michael Hoffman and Carlos Porter. Mattogno’s knowledge of English isn’t very good. Really Germar is the one to get, I’ll be friendly. I like him and I like Jim too.
I believe the “top names” will make excuses if I just debate Jim or get interviewed by Jim. He hasn’t published anything, really, of note. He is a host. They will write him off as unimportant. I think Jim’d be a decent moderator, biased against me, but whatever. I’m confident in the logic and evidence.
If all of these people are total hypocrites afraid of an “open debate” I’ll appear on the show with just Jim. It’d be pathetic if it came to that.
kikl February 16, 2017 at 4:55 pm - Reply
“If all of these people are total hypocrites afraid of an “open debate” I’ll appear on the show with just Jim. It’d be pathetic if it came to that.”
You are not even capable of debating people in this comment section here. You delete your own posts because they were easily refuted. Then, how do you think you will be able to debate any “top names”? Makes me wonder. But, go on debating Germar Rudolf. I am looking forward to that. Cheers.
Questioner February 16, 2017 at 4:36 pm - Reply
I agree to be on Jim’s show.
Sure I’ll do it but with Jim as more of a moderator or maybe even second debater. You have to get at least one top name to debate me. I’m willing to run a gauntlet if you want to get as many as has the intellectual honesty to debate. I’ll do it back to back to back. This is easy. I recommend you ask the following people to debate me – Germar Rudolf, Leuchter, “Hannover” of the CODOH Forums, and two others who have said nasty things about me and appear afraid to debate, Michael Hoffman and Carlos Porter. Mattogno’s knowledge of English isn’t very good. Really Germar is the one to get, I’ll be friendly. I like him and I like Jim too.
I believe the “top names” will make excuses if I just debate Jim or get interviewed by Jim. He hasn’t published anything, really, of note. He is a host. They will write him off as unimportant. I think Jim’d be a decent moderator, biased against me, but whatever. I’m confident in the logic and evidence.
If all of these people are total hypocrites afraid of an “open debate” I’ll appear on the show with just Jim. It’d be pathetic if it came to that.
kikl February 16, 2017 at 4:55 pm - Reply
“If all of these people are total hypocrites afraid of an “open debate” I’ll appear on the show with just Jim. It’d be pathetic if it came to that.”
You are not even capable of debating people in this comment section here. You delete your own posts because they were easily refuted. Then, how do you think you will be able to debate any “top names”? Makes me wonder. But, go on debating Germar Rudolf. I am looking forward to that. Cheers.
Re: Eric Hunt debate to come soon? about debating your good friend, Fritz Berg?
Maybe, just maybe, they believe what they are telling you about the 'holocaust', but maybe, just maybe, their contempt for your intelligence and your character is beyond anything you could ever have imagined. -- Bradley Smith
Re: Eric Hunt debate to come soon?
Why doesn't this peculiar 'Eric Hunt Whomever' simply login here and debate? Why does he dodge? He's not banned, none of his posts have been deleted, and if he forgot his password it's very easy to get another one as the webmaster has demonstrated.
Here is what this newly invented 'Eric Hunt Whomever' must contend with:
The Last Days of the Big Lie
by Eric Hunt
Questioning the Holocaust: Why We Believed (Part 1 of 2)
by Eric Hunt
3D Imagery Demonstrates the Auschwitz Hole Hoax
by Eric Hunt
The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth
By Eric Hunt
The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax
by Eric Hunt
Response to David Cole Regarding Treblinka
By Eric Hunt
The Auschwitz Museum’s Misrepresentations, Distortions and Deceptions
By Carlo Mattogno , Eric Hunt
E. Hunt's "Treblinka Archaeology Hoax" Video / READY TO VIEW
'Eric Hunt's response to David Cole / Treblinka'
- We're talking about an alleged '6M Jews & 5M others' ... 11,000,000.
There is not a single verifiable excavated enormous mass grave with contents actually SHOWN, not just claimed, (recall the claim of 900,000 buried at Treblinka, or 250,000 at Sobibor) even though Jews claim they still exist and claim to know exactly where these alleged enormous mass graves are.
- If Jews are so sure that millions of Jews were murdered, then why do they ask such dumb questions like "what happened to them?"
Here is what this newly invented 'Eric Hunt Whomever' must contend with:
The Last Days of the Big Lie
by Eric Hunt
Questioning the Holocaust: Why We Believed (Part 1 of 2)
by Eric Hunt
3D Imagery Demonstrates the Auschwitz Hole Hoax
by Eric Hunt
The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth
By Eric Hunt
The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax
by Eric Hunt
Response to David Cole Regarding Treblinka
By Eric Hunt
The Auschwitz Museum’s Misrepresentations, Distortions and Deceptions
By Carlo Mattogno , Eric Hunt
E. Hunt's "Treblinka Archaeology Hoax" Video / READY TO VIEW
'Eric Hunt's response to David Cole / Treblinka'
- We're talking about an alleged '6M Jews & 5M others' ... 11,000,000.
There is not a single verifiable excavated enormous mass grave with contents actually SHOWN, not just claimed, (recall the claim of 900,000 buried at Treblinka, or 250,000 at Sobibor) even though Jews claim they still exist and claim to know exactly where these alleged enormous mass graves are.
- If Jews are so sure that millions of Jews were murdered, then why do they ask such dumb questions like "what happened to them?"
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.
Re: Eric Hunt debate to come soon?
If this debate goes ahead I’ll do a transcript of it (over at my blog) so as to help discussion of the debate here in this forum.
To speed the process up it would be appreciated if some of you here could volunteer and help out with the transcription.
I’ll post details here, if and when the debate occurs. Thanks.
To speed the process up it would be appreciated if some of you here could volunteer and help out with the transcription.
I’ll post details here, if and when the debate occurs. Thanks.
Re: Eric Hunt debate to come soon?
Good news. That would at least remove any doubt about his identity. I hope such a debate will take place.
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed. "
Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed. "
Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925
Re: Eric Hunt debate to come soon?
Eric Hunt2017.....
I have a good idea:
Why don't you "debate" the old Eric Hunt?
You don't have to worry about him being some kind of wacky conspiracy theorist.....
He's actually a level-headed kinda guy.
You can have Jim Rizoli host and even "moderate" the debate.
Do it in several episodes.
Start with:
The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax
by Eric Hunt
.....and show, point by point where Eric the Elder was wrong, and where Eric the Younger is right.
Then, in the next episode you can take on:
E. Hunt's "Treblinka Archaeology Hoax" Video / READY TO VIEW
,,,,,and again refute Eric the Elder.
Of course you can do that right here on the Forum too.
I have a good idea:
Why don't you "debate" the old Eric Hunt?
You don't have to worry about him being some kind of wacky conspiracy theorist.....
He's actually a level-headed kinda guy.
You can have Jim Rizoli host and even "moderate" the debate.
Do it in several episodes.
Start with:
The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax
by Eric Hunt
.....and show, point by point where Eric the Elder was wrong, and where Eric the Younger is right.
Then, in the next episode you can take on:
E. Hunt's "Treblinka Archaeology Hoax" Video / READY TO VIEW
,,,,,and again refute Eric the Elder.
Of course you can do that right here on the Forum too.
Maybe, just maybe, they believe what they are telling you about the 'holocaust', but maybe, just maybe, their contempt for your intelligence and your character is beyond anything you could ever have imagined. -- Bradley Smith
Re: Eric Hunt debate to come soon?
I suggest Germar Rudolf or Vincent Reynouard as the best revisionists to debate Eric Hunt. Vincent speaks good English, though with a strong accent so it might be helpful to have a bilingual translator to smooth over any difficulties. Both are masters of the subject.
Vincent Reynouard is always complaining that no-one in France will debate him. He shares some of Eric's apparent political beliefs, though from a different background.
Vincent Reynouard is always complaining that no-one in France will debate him. He shares some of Eric's apparent political beliefs, though from a different background.
Re: Eric Hunt debate to come soon?
I think the discussion should be limited to a particular topic. You can't debate Auschwitz, Majdanek, the Reinhardt camps and the holocaust by bullets in a single debate, Babyn Yar,... His post deals primarily with Auschwitz, Treblinka and Babyn Yar.
1. Eric's biggest problem appears to be the transit camp theory for Treblinka. So this should be the topic of the discussion. I would suggest that Jürgen Graf debates Eric on this topic, since he coauthored a lot on the Reinhardt camps. It is also Eric's strongest argument.
2. If Eric prefers to debate Auschwitz, then Germar Rudolf would be a good debater. I am curious how Eric would debate the chemistry of Auschwitz with Rudolf. Maybe Richard Green could help out Eric!
Just kidding.
1. Eric's biggest problem appears to be the transit camp theory for Treblinka. So this should be the topic of the discussion. I would suggest that Jürgen Graf debates Eric on this topic, since he coauthored a lot on the Reinhardt camps. It is also Eric's strongest argument.
2. If Eric prefers to debate Auschwitz, then Germar Rudolf would be a good debater. I am curious how Eric would debate the chemistry of Auschwitz with Rudolf. Maybe Richard Green could help out Eric!

If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Sun Feb 12, 2017 2:53 am
Re: Eric Hunt debate to come soon?
So I guess this means Eric no longer wants to debate David Cole?
Re: Eric Hunt debate to come soon?
maninthestreet wrote:So I guess this means Eric no longer wants to debate David Cole?
No, not no more.....they see eye-to-eye now.
They were probably "convinced" by the same "evidence" by the same JDL "scholars".
Maybe, just maybe, they believe what they are telling you about the 'holocaust', but maybe, just maybe, their contempt for your intelligence and your character is beyond anything you could ever have imagined. -- Bradley Smith
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Sun Feb 12, 2017 2:53 am
Re: Eric Hunt debate to come soon?
My point exactly. It wasn't long ago when Eric challenged Cole to debate and came up with a myriad of reasons of why Cole would lose such a debate. Remember his long response? Now he wants to take on "revisionist leaders"? What an amazing turn around in such a short time. Maybe Eric likes all the attention he's getting or maybe he just loves to debate. Whatever his reasons, I am dumbfounded.
Re: Eric Hunt debate to come soon?
He could debate Cole on Auschwitz. Cole would defend the revisionist Position and Hunt Defends the homicidal Gas chambers. How ironic.
If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
Re: Eric Hunt debate to come soon?
Eric hunt17 said:
It appears we(Fritz Berg and Eric Hunt) will be doing the debate at 9 AM Eastern time on Feb. 22nd, 2017.
Ryan Dawson will be hosting.
The platform will be Google Hangouts, so we can have calls from anyone who wants to call in, and a comments section where you can shoot questions over.
A real "open debate."
I guess it's basically a live youtube recording.
I'll share more once we have the URL and more information.
It appears we(Fritz Berg and Eric Hunt) will be doing the debate at 9 AM Eastern time on Feb. 22nd, 2017.
Ryan Dawson will be hosting.
The platform will be Google Hangouts, so we can have calls from anyone who wants to call in, and a comments section where you can shoot questions over.
A real "open debate."
I guess it's basically a live youtube recording.
I'll share more once we have the URL and more information.
Maybe, just maybe, they believe what they are telling you about the 'holocaust', but maybe, just maybe, their contempt for your intelligence and your character is beyond anything you could ever have imagined. -- Bradley Smith
Re: Eric Hunt debate to come soon?
This is why Hunt is supposedly not talking to Rizoli:
"Rizoli was going to moderate a debate between Friedrich Paul Berg and me. Rizoli then refused, in order to cover for his friend Fred Leuchter. Leuchter dodges a debate with Berg and now me, and I’m sure Fritz and I will both be calling out Leuchter as afraid to defend his indefensible conclusions, because Leuchter is totally wrong on many things." ... ust-forum/
What does moderating between Berg and Hunt have to do with covering for Fred Leuchter? Nothing! What does Leuchter dodging a debate with Berg or Hunt have to do with moderating a debate between Berg and Hunt? Nothing. Fred Leuchter is not even at the table.
Does anybody have a clue what Hunt is talking about here?
"Rizoli was going to moderate a debate between Friedrich Paul Berg and me. Rizoli then refused, in order to cover for his friend Fred Leuchter. Leuchter dodges a debate with Berg and now me, and I’m sure Fritz and I will both be calling out Leuchter as afraid to defend his indefensible conclusions, because Leuchter is totally wrong on many things." ... ust-forum/
What does moderating between Berg and Hunt have to do with covering for Fred Leuchter? Nothing! What does Leuchter dodging a debate with Berg or Hunt have to do with moderating a debate between Berg and Hunt? Nothing. Fred Leuchter is not even at the table.
Does anybody have a clue what Hunt is talking about here?
If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
Re: Eric Hunt debate to come soon?
Dresden wrote:Eric hunt17 said:
It appears we(Fritz Berg and Eric Hunt) will be doing the debate at 9 AM Eastern time on Feb. 22nd, 2017.
Ryan Dawson will be hosting.
The platform will be Google Hangouts, so we can have calls from anyone who wants to call in, and a comments section where you can shoot questions over.
A real "open debate."
I guess it's basically a live youtube recording.
I'll share more once we have the URL and more information.
The debate is up on Ryan's website ANCREPORT.COM for his VIP Members. He said he'd have it on vimeo in a week or so.
-You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
-The establishment can't control the web, and the control of information through all means but one, is no control at all.
-The establishment can't control the web, and the control of information through all means but one, is no control at all.
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