Sue, the two year old Jew.

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Sue, the two year old Jew.

Postby Turpitz » 4 months 1 week ago (Tue Jan 31, 2023 3:25 pm)

I have been watching the ethnic-cleansing and rape (literally) of the Irish recently by the U.N., E.U., communist, sodomite, stooge leo varadkar. No, it isn't an "accident" or "incompetence", it is pre-meditated and by design.

He has been posing a lot for his handlers and peddling their psychological wares, imposing them upon the guillible.

The two professional "survivors" in this instance are these two:


Thw woman in this picture has a biography here:

Assuming she is not telling pork-pies regarding her movements, how does her story fit in with a state sponsored plan of murdering Jews, can anyone explain it to me?

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Re: Sue, the two year old Jew.

Postby nut butter » 4 months 1 week ago (Tue Jan 31, 2023 5:03 pm)

Assuming she is not telling pork-pies regarding her movements, how does her story fit in with a state sponsored plan of murdering Jews, can anyone explain it to me?

Obviously there wasn't one but I don't believe she is lying, i've just finished reading Peter Lantos's parallel lines. He's another Hungarian jew who was only 5 years old when deported in 44, he went to strasshof then onto Wiener Neustadt with his parents to repair roads, then finally onto bergen belson as well.

Interestingly he says this about the germans/ austrians
My parents found out after a while where we were, but they did not know how long we would be staying here or what we would be required to do. I did not understand the language the soldiers were speaking, and my mother explained that it was German, a language both my parents spoke. The soldiers were either German or Austrian, she said, and we were no longer in Hungary. This was a confusing discovery, since I could not understand why the enemy was kinder than our own people.
Here we were treated better than at home: we were given food and drink, and they did not beat us. At least, not until we encountered our first Ukrainian guards.

kindly germans, now there's a turn up....

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Re: Sue, the two year old Jew.

Postby Turpitz » 4 months 1 week ago (Wed Feb 01, 2023 4:58 am)

Obviously there wasn't one but I don't believe she is lying

You don't believe she is lying? What do you think is her motive to be propagating such vile lies about a "holocaust", when it is obvious that they actually saved her then? True, it was a mess towards the end of the war but you had created that situation with your indiscriminate carpet bombing of German infrastucture.

And do you think being stood in front of a backdrop of one of the biggest show-trials in history, a great deal of which history has proven to be total nonsense and lies, that she is trying to give it legitimacy?

It certainly doesn't fit in with the myth of the huge Hungarian deportation to Birkenau, does it?

It's a shame the Goy are almost gormless now as they would notice almost instantly that by her very existance proves all her horror stories to be in total contradiction of reality.

Germans retreating, Red-Terror advancing, Jews retreat back to Germany with the Germans to escape the commies, exactly the same scenario crops up time and time again, including at Birkenau.

I also personally do not believe a on/ two year old is capable of such vivid memories. I am highly dubious of their age as well, they look younger than what they should be.

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Re: Sue, the two year old Jew.

Postby nut butter » 4 months 6 days ago (Wed Feb 01, 2023 2:21 pm)

You don't believe she is lying? What do you think is her motive to be propagating such vile lies about a "holocaust", when it is obvious that they actually saved her then? True, it was a mess towards the end of the war but you had created that situation with your indiscriminate carpet bombing of German infrastucture.

What are you on about?, firstly i didn't create any situation with any carpet bombing of German infrastructure, i'm not quite sure who you think i am but i'm sure you'll enlighten me and get it wrong...again.
If you bothered to read what i wrote i was talking about her journey from Hungary which didn't end at Auschwitz like the official story says but belsen the same as peter lantos, yes i believe they went to belsen. I didn't say anything about believing holocaust drivel, you're making shit up there. The last bit was in favour of the germans / austrians it says so quite plainly, try reading it again.

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Re: Sue, the two year old Jew.

Postby Nazgul » 4 months 6 days ago (Wed Feb 01, 2023 5:54 pm)

nut butter wrote:You don't believe she is lying? What do you think is her motive to be propagating such vile lies about a "holocaust", when it is obvious that they actually saved her then? True, it was a mess towards the end of the war but you had created that situation with your indiscriminate carpet bombing of German infrastucture.

What are you on about?, firstly i didn't create any situation with any carpet bombing of German infrastructure, i'm not quite sure who you think i am but i'm sure you'll enlighten me and get it wrong...again.
If you bothered to read what i wrote i was talking about her journey from Hungary which didn't end at Auschwitz like the official story says but belsen the same as peter lantos, yes i believe they went to belsen. I didn't say anything about believing holocaust drivel, you're making shit up there. The last bit was in favour of the germans / austrians it says so quite plainly, try reading it again.

As I was reading her story, the memoir of Peter Lantos immediately came to mind. Some 2 year olds can recall vivid events with accuracy.
Peter arrived at Stasshoff a labour camp in Austria and served as a transit camp as well. link

There were 5 Zwangarbeitslager für Juden at Wiener Neustadt, also in Austria, one of them for Agricultural work on the Schafflerhof estate. link.

There were at least 123 Austrian Labour Camps, specifically for Hungarian Jews.
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Re: Sue, the two year old Jew.

Postby Turpitz » 4 months 4 days ago (Fri Feb 03, 2023 12:50 pm)

What are you on about?, firstly i didn't create any situation with any carpet bombing of German infrastructure, i'm not quite sure who you think i am but i'm sure you'll enlighten me and get it wrong...again.

I never insinuated that you did, but the liars do. They use the mess from ther terror bombing as proof of their Talmudic fairy tales, when it isn't, it's the result of indescriminate terror bombing, a reccuring situation that needs constantly clarifying.

If you bothered to read what i wrote i was talking about her journey from Hungary which didn't end at Auschwitz like the official story says but belsen the same as peter lantos, yes i believe they went to belsen. I didn't say anything about believing holocaust drivel, you're making shit up there. The last bit was in favour of the germans / austrians it says so quite plainly, try reading it again.

It has nothing to do with making things up; and I did read what you said, and you said that "I don't believe she is lying". You never specified what you didn't think she was lying about. In regard to The Industy though, she is a liar, she is making out she was in "a holocaust" when she wasn't that's why she is here today and has lived a prosperous life. This from being born under German jurisdiction and growing to two years old under German jurasdiction, to being removed from the Red Terror and brought safely back to Germany, by the Germans themselves. A very great possibility she actually retreated with those dastardly SS. She's full of black lies exactly like the U.N. stooge she is with. And stop swearing, as it isn't allowed on here.That's not me being titular it's just the way it is for everyone. God forbid, we don't want people thinking we are degenerate lefties.

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Re: Sue, the two year old Jew.

Postby Hektor » 4 months 4 days ago (Fri Feb 03, 2023 5:59 pm)

Turpitz wrote:....

It has nothing to do with making things up; and I did read what you said, and you said that "I don't believe she is lying". You never specified what you didn't think she was lying about. In regard to The Industy though, she is a liar, she is making out she was in "a holocaust" when she wasn't that's why she is here today and has lived a prosperous life. This from being born under German jurisdiction and growing to two years old under German jurasdiction, to being removed from the Red Terror and brought safely back to Germany, by the Germans themselves. A very great possibility she actually retreated with those dastardly SS. She's full of black lies exactly like the U.N. stooge she is with. And stop swearing, as it isn't allowed on here.That's not me being titular it's just the way it is for everyone. God forbid, we don't want people thinking we are degenerate lefties.

Numerous "Survivors" are plenty of evidence against the Holocaust Narrative.

But they can not admit that. They'd have to admit that their historiography was due to a bias instilled by propaganda during and after world war two... Propaganda that actually started already before World War Two... Think of some lines from the Chaplin-Film "The Great Dictator"... One can now of course come up with several possibilities:
1. It was just a coincidence (unlikely since that was a major project for investors who ultimately got 2.5 times their investment back).
2. The author of the movie script was just a very clever person that could see where things lead to and hence predicted the Holocaust (That's not believable, since there was malicious interpretation into events and statements, which is a form of twisting).
3. It was inserted into the script as a sublime message to have the audience 'think about', and it created 'expectations of the worst'. That would rail up the audience against Germany (and the Axis) and make belief in the worst more plausible later. (This is indeed what is the most likely, it's an indication for planning and organizing as well, since this was hardly isolated).

2 year old kids are extremely unlikely to keep vivid memories of the time they were at that age.

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Re: Sue, the two year old Jew.

Postby nut butter » 4 months 3 days ago (Sat Feb 04, 2023 3:39 pm)

you put I never insinuated that you did, but the liars do

it was a mess towards the end of the war but YOU ????? had created that situation with your indiscriminate carpet bombing of German infrastucture.

so who is the "you" then in that sentence if not me when you're replying to me? I'm confused.

you put Assuming she is not telling pork-pies regarding her movements, how does her story fit in with a state sponsored plan of murdering Jews, can anyone explain it to me?
You never specified what you didn't think she was lying about[/b]

Of course i did, it's obviously about the travel.
You wrote "assuming she is not telling pork-pies (lies) regarding her movements" , i said i don't believe she's lying, i then said of peter lantos's journey to Bergen Belsen which corroborates her journey to Belsen, or did i miss something?.

As for the rest of it you're preaching to the choir...

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Re: Sue, the two year old Jew.

Postby Hektor » 4 months 3 days ago (Sun Feb 05, 2023 4:11 am)

It would be indeed a good start to illustrate to people what the situation in Germany where the 'liberated caps' was early in 1945. That makes 'hungry and dead people in the camps' far more plausible 'without a Holocaust'. There is of course other factors as well. But the Allied psychological warfare efforts of the Allies made sure that a totally other picture got established.

Not that people weren't skeptical... Not everybody was a fool. But that skepticism declined with the number of people that were living during that era. And not only in German... In other countries there were similar phenomena. I don't think that people in the late 1950s had it on the screen. But the media attention on 'war crimes trials' increase attention. And movies like "Holocaust' lead to a general change in opinion in the late 1970s/1980s. I think that the Revisionist Activism like the one of Ernst Zuendel was a response to this. German-Canadians, especially their kids at school, may have felt the blunt of this.

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Re: Sue, the two year old Jew.

Postby Turpitz » 4 months 2 days ago (Sun Feb 05, 2023 12:23 pm)

As for the rest of it you're preaching to the choir...

Whatever you say! At the end of the day she was in no "Holocaust" if she had been she would never have survived the war. She is a toxic liar who is fully aware that she is as much. Those particular two in that photo epitomize all that is wrong in the world, not one iota of ethics in either of them. I wonder who was feeding baby and mother for her first two years on earth? No prizes for the correct answer.

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Re: Sue, the two year old Jew.

Postby nut butter » 4 months 1 day ago (Mon Feb 06, 2023 4:14 pm)

Whatever you say! At the end of the day she was in no "Holocaust" if she had been she would never have survived the war. She is a toxic liar who is fully aware that she is as much. Those particular two in that photo epitomize all that is wrong in the world, not one iota of ethics in either of them. I wonder who was feeding baby and mother for her first two years on earth? No prizes for the correct answer.

"whatever you say", again what is that about? you even understand what preaching to the choir means?. I never said she was in any holocaust, i've been a revisionist for 20 years...

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Re: Sue, the two year old Jew.

Postby Reviso » 4 months 1 day ago (Tue Feb 07, 2023 8:45 am)

Turpitz, thanks for Sue's story, it is very interesting and casts doubt on the Holocaust. But it is possible that Sue believes that other persons were really holocausted, so nut butter is not guilty to think that she doesn't lie.

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Re: Sue, the two year old Jew.

Postby hermod » 4 months 1 day ago (Tue Feb 07, 2023 11:50 am)

Turpitz wrote:Assuming she is not telling pork-pies regarding her movements, how does her story fit in with a state sponsored plan of murdering Jews, can anyone explain it to me?

The Jews have distorted the definition of the word "Holocaust" so much that it now means "any unpleasant thing experienced by a Jew during the 1930s and 1940s" to most people. No gas chamber, no death camp and no mass murder are needed anymore to be called a Holocaust survivor. Many of the brainwashed people who fell for that trick now even believe The Evil Deniers claim that there were no German concentration camps and that no Jew suffered or died during WWII. Distorting and/or faking an opponent's words is the best way to make that opponent look like a crackpot and a moron. Holohoax profiteers never planned to reply to Holocaust revisionists. They know that slandering revisionists will always be enough. That's the privilege of power-holders and opinion-makers. They don't need arguments.
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
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Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Sue, the two year old Jew.

Postby forasanerworld » 3 months 2 weeks ago (Sun Feb 19, 2023 7:35 pm)

"Suzi was born in Hungary and deported to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp on the last transport of Jews to leave Budapest." do e know when, was she was evacuated from the approaching front?

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Re: Sue, the two year old Jew.

Postby Hektor » 3 months 2 weeks ago (Mon Feb 20, 2023 6:39 am)

forasanerworld wrote:"Suzi was born in Hungary and deported to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp on the last transport of Jews to leave Budapest." do e know when, was she was evacuated from the approaching front?

I recall Jews telling me that they were actually evacuated from Hungary into Germany 1944/45. They also spoke German. Probably stayed there as "displaced" persons for a while.

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