Now, of course, if there's poor people anywhere who need 'food, medicine, heat and shelter' then I'm all in favor of rich Hollywood celebs giving large amounts of money to helping these people out, assuming of course that the charity organization is not just some scam, as I believe many of them are.
Anyways, what I don't understand here is: Are these people claiming that there is a large number of Jews in Eastern Europe that are Holocaust survivors who are so poor they are unable to get 'food, medicine, heat and shelter'?? In Eastern Europe in 2017, are Jews impoverished at a higher rate than the gentiles around them? Also, are these Holocaust survivors not aware of the large amounts of money Germany has been shelling out for decades to the loosely defined group of people known as 'Holocaust survivors', with no end in sight? Someone should tell these Jews who are in such desperate straights... lol..
Of course there is no such plight of poor impoverished Jews in Eastern Europe. They suffer poverty at no greater rate than the populations at large, and probably do a lot better as a whole than the gentiles around them.
The article then gives Mel a pat on the back and details how he has worked so hard to 'turn things around' with regard to his "past behavior". And so now after all this hard work, look how well he is doing both personally and professionally, as he is again seen attending celebrity award shows, rubbing shoulders with the rich and the beautiful people, and his latest movie has received many nominations, etc.
So, see, gentile reader? Everyone makes mistakes. Mel made a mistake when he said some things he shouldn't have, and he has made amends, and now look how great he is doing! He's again riding high. He's just like Winston Smith at the end of 1984: Mel finally loves Big Brother.
Hey, I got an idea: maybe Mel and Eric Hunt could do a movie together about all the Jewish Holocaust Survivors in Eastern Europe in 2017 who are so poor they can't afford 'food, medicine, heat and shelter'?? LOL...
Mel Gibson Has Been Quietly Working to Help Holocaust Survivors
Mel Gibson is doing a mitzvah.
The Hacksaw Ridge director, who made headlines back in 2006 for going on a drunken anti-semitic rant, has been quietly working with a charity that helps Holocaust survivors.
Zane Buzby, the founder of the Survivor Mitzvah Project, recently told Extra that her charity helps “bring emergency aid to Holocaust survivors in Eastern Europe who are in desperate need of food, medicine, heat and shelter and we always bring them friendship and hope.”
She adds, “The goal of the Survivor Mitzvah Project is to make sure that no Holocaust survivor who has endured the darkest days of human history will ever be hungry again or suffer or be forgotten or neglected.”
Gibson quickly responded to the mission of the Survivor Mitzvah Project after the charity approached him to see if he’d like to get involved.
“He has been an avid supporter of this organization for a few years now and doesn’t just write a check,” says a source.
“He has been to the office and personally learned about the mission and the people helped on an ongoing basis. He’s also helped raise additional funds by getting others involved. Mel feels great compassion for what this organization does. And he doesn’t publicly promote most of his philanthropy but quietly helps out.”
As for the director’s contribution, Buzby said, “Mel Gibson is helping Holocaust survivors in eight countries, it’s remarkable. I have a great respect for people who turn their lives around, and I think that everyone makes mistakes in life, and I think the real proof of what kind of human being you are is what you do with that mistake. He’s educated himself. He’s done philanthropic work now, and I think that actions speak very loudly … and his actions have helped a lot of people.”
Gibson has enjoyed a banner year, making appearances at award shows where his film received a bevy of nominations. Sources previously told PEOPLE that he has worked hard to turn his life around.
“Mel has showed some remorse over his past behavior,” said a Gibson source. “Mel wants to be remembered for his work. He has worked on his issues and has definitely shaped up.”