The NAZI's Kept the Jews A-L-I-V-E!

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Friedrich Paul Berg
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The NAZI's Kept the Jews A-L-I-V-E!

Postby Friedrich Paul Berg » 1 decade 2 years ago (Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:27 pm)

On YouTube, a fascinating new video is drawing some interest--including comments from me:

Take a look, not just for the story of 106-year-old Alice Sommers but also for the revealing footage of life in Theresienstadt. If that was all staged by the Nazis, then they deserve some Oscars for "direction."

It is time to say "THANK YOU" to the Nazis! Obviously, Alice Sommer's wartime ordeals. whatever they were,. had no adverse effect on her longevity. Obviously, the Nazis took very good care of her. That is the real lesson of this story. The Nazis did NOT exterminate her at all. Alice Sommers is clear evidence that the "holocaust" story really is a monstrous Jewish hoax for which ALL Jews should apologize. They have nothing to cry or whine about--and they should give back all the money they swindled out of the German people, their victims.

The Nazis kept the Jews alive! Alice Sommers and the other Jews in this malicious video could have all been killed so easily -- but, obviously, they were not killed. Did they "survive" because of their religion, or music, or because of some inner strength? Of course, not! They ALL "survived": because the Nazis protected them and kept them alive just as they kept most of the Jews alive. The so-called "survivors"--and there were 1,092,000 of them still alive in 2003 according to Dr. Sergio DellaPergola all evidence that the "Holocaust" really is a monstrous Jewish hoax. The real killers of most of the Jews who did die on German-occupied territory were the Allies who strafed and bombed refugees and evacuees and civilians generally throughout the last months of the war--and disease, especially typhus, brought on largely because of the failure of the Germans to hold on to places like Auschwitz.

Auschwitz served the exact same purpose as Ellis Island in NY harbor: to keep disease out of the country with medical exams, forced bathing, quarantine, gas chambers and crematoria just as in Auschwitz When the Germans evacuated Auschwitz to the advancing Russians in mid-January 1945, the dam broke (the Cordon Sanitaire) and disease, especially typhus, entered Germany with a vengeance that had not been seen since the Thirty Years War.

The Germans still tried to confine the medical disaster to the concentration camps with horrible results that made excellent visual propaganda for the true genocidal maniacs: the Allied victors of WW2--and especially the Jews. If the Germans had not tried to confine the typhus outbreak to concentration camps such as Dachau and Bergen-Belsen, the consequences would have been even worse just as the victors discovered quickly enough for themselves. The death rate at Bergen-Belsen actually increased after the British took over the camp. The typhus epidemic quickly spread beyond the camp until the British re-imposed tight security on all of the camp inmates.

The real reason Alice Sommer and the others "survived" is that the Nazis never tried to kill her, or any of the others, in the first place. That should be rather obvious. She NEVER was under any kind of "gallows." Instead, the Nazis kept her alive, fed her, provided her with housing, medical care and safety as best they could while millions of people around her, including millions of Germans who were and still are the real victims of videos like this one, were being killed and even burned alive in the war that Jews had done so much to bring about. Alice's "story" is essentially a Big LIE! When the Nazis tried to expel her and others like her from the new, saner Europe that they tried to build, they certainly had the right idea.

Friedrich Paul Berg
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Last edited by Friedrich Paul Berg on Thu Oct 28, 2010 11:00 pm, edited 6 times in total.
The Holocaust story is a hoax because 1) no one was killed by the Nazis in gas chambers, 2) the total number of Jews who died in Nazi captivity is miniscule compared to what is alleged.

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Re: The NAZIs Kept the Jews Alive!

Postby Kingfisher » 1 decade 2 years ago (Thu Oct 28, 2010 3:56 pm)

So how many converts did your confrontational approach make on that youtube blog, Mr. Berg?
Holodenier has never experienced authentic love, neither from family or friends, let alone children and pets. His only experience that validates who he is is getting hate mail from people, and aggravating people. The more hate is sent his way -- for his sick thinking -- the more alive he feels. Ignore the loser... he will die being very right, having never felt love, mystery, god, or the beauty of Life... and very lonely.

Holodenier - You are a disgusting creature - not even human. Only a totally debased creature so full of hate they cannot see through it would say what you say. The sooner you pass, the better for all good people on earth. I pray you never had or have children to ruin with your toxic values.

Dear Holodenier: It is disturbing to know that there are still uninformed people such as yourself who make valient efforts to debunk, the undebunable truths of our time for your pleasure and profit.

I wish that your afterlife (if there is one) is nothing but trying to apologize to all of the people you've hurt.

Most of your comments have been blanked out as spam.

I do have to acknowledge, though, that no approach would work with those people. They are completely brainwashed. But so are most of the world. The only chance is to find open-minded people and engage with them. Why go into the lion's den?

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Re: The NAZI's Kept the Jews A-L-I-V-E!

Postby Cloud » 1 decade 2 years ago (Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:47 pm)

Fritz made a clever comeback to PREEMD:

PREEMD (on YouTube) wrote:Dear Holodenier: It is disturbing to know that there are still uninformed people such as yourself who make valient efforts to debunk, the undebunable truths of our time for your pleasure and profit. Before you make yourself appear any more ridiculous that you already are, I would reccomend that you travel to the Yad Vashem in Jerusalem and spend a day there with an open mind, if you have any functioning brain cells left... There in the quiet and peaceful halls of this shrine to courage and bulwark against tyranny, you may just begin to get a glimpse of the possibilities of man's inhumanity to man. Of course, in America you have the right unabated political speech, and I respect that right. But remember; tolreance is a crime when applied to evil. Take my admonition to heart, or you will persist in live with delusion, the most quiet form of madness.

Fritz Berg (on YouTube) wrote:To PREEMD who suggested I spend a day at Yad Vashem which she regards as a "bulwark against tyranny," I suggest she step o-u-t-s-i-d-e of Yad Vashem and open her eyes to the racist terror and tyranny that Jews and Israel are inflicting upon the Palestinians, There is absolutely NO forensic or scientific evidence in Yad Vashem, or anywhere else, that even one person was ever killed by the Nazis, anywhere, with poison gas. Where are the autopsies?

If the National Socialists really wanted to kill the Jews, there would be no survivors.

I once asked on PhysicsForums (whose moderators are either left wing or Jewish) for any autopsies that proved cyanide poisoning of Jews and was subsequently banned (Reason for ban: Crackpot) with my post deleted along with all other posts that quoted me. So just like academia, the Jews control the academic forums on the internet. It's real pity, because those places have the people I'd like most to be able to persuade (students & profs).

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Re: The NAZIs Kept the Jews Alive!

Postby Hektor » 1 decade 2 years ago (Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:56 am)

Kingfisher wrote:So how many converts did your confrontational approach make on that youtube blog, Mr. Berg?....
I do have to acknowledge, though, that no approach would work with those people. They are completely brainwashed. But so are most of the world. The only chance is to find open-minded people and engage with them. Why go into the lion's den?

The important thing is to unfreeze these dudes first. Pointing out the life support facilities for Jews in concentration camps may assist with that.

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Re: The NAZI's Kept the Jews A-L-I-V-E!

Postby Friedrich Paul Berg » 1 decade 2 years ago (Fri Oct 29, 2010 8:55 am)

To help "unfreeze the dudes" at YouTube I have put a simple question to them: "Did the Nazis really try to exterminate Alice Sommer?" Yes, or No?

Obviously, there are huge flaws in the holocaust scenario that we have been given. That is why Jews dare NOT give any serious answer to my simple question. They are cunning enough to know they are trapped and that their horror tale really s a Big LIE. But, telling the truth is impossible for them. Their very existence as Jews is at stake. They hope I will simply go away and let them go on l-y-i-n-g again with impunity.

Friedrich Paul Berg
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The Holocaust story is a hoax because 1) no one was killed by the Nazis in gas chambers, 2) the total number of Jews who died in Nazi captivity is miniscule compared to what is alleged.

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Re: The NAZI's Kept the Jews A-L-I-V-E!

Postby Friedrich Paul Berg » 1 decade 2 years ago (Fri Oct 29, 2010 5:40 pm)

Here is my "question for the day:" Were the Nazis really trying to exterminate Alice Sommer? Yes, or No?

Give it a try, Kingfisher.

Friedrich Paul Berg
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The Holocaust story is a hoax because 1) no one was killed by the Nazis in gas chambers, 2) the total number of Jews who died in Nazi captivity is miniscule compared to what is alleged.

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Re: The NAZI's Kept the Jews A-L-I-V-E!

Postby JoFo » 1 decade 2 years ago (Fri Oct 29, 2010 9:38 pm)

Interesting how it's not enough to let the images in that film speak for themselves. Ms. Herz-Sommer was the only person who appeared to speak for herself and she didn't have a negative word for anyone. I liked her philosophy about rejecting hatred; I wish the film makers adhered to that as well.

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Re: The NAZI's Kept the Jews A-L-I-V-E!

Postby Kingfisher » 1 decade 2 years ago (Sat Oct 30, 2010 5:36 am)

Friedrich Paul Berg wrote: (minus the shouting colours and giant font)
Here is my "question for the day:" Were the Nazis really trying to exterminate Alice Sommer? Yes, or No?

Give it a try, Kingfisher.

Friedrich Paul Berg
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Of course they weren't. The entire film is a piece of sentimental emotional manipulation. I don't even understand why you are asking me the question.

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Re: The NAZI's Kept the Jews A-L-I-V-E!

Postby Friedrich Paul Berg » 1 decade 2 years ago (Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:48 am)

Well, I try to put the question to everyone. Kingfisher's answer is the right one but Jews dare not give such an answer because if they do, their entire house-of-cards will fall down--and they know that perfectly well.

The only answer I received from any Jew was actually a very clever one and it is the following. The Nazis did not actually try to kill Alice Sommer but they were thinking about it and planning for it. Plans would involve some actual paper work which is absent except for the vaguest suggestions.

Friedrich Paul Berg
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Nazi Gassings Never Happened! Niemand wurde vergast!
The Holocaust story is a hoax because 1) no one was killed by the Nazis in gas chambers, 2) the total number of Jews who died in Nazi captivity is miniscule compared to what is alleged.

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Re: The NAZI's Kept the Jews A-L-I-V-E!

Postby Mojo » 1 decade 2 years ago (Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:23 am)

I think that's the first jewish WW2 survivor I've seen that wasn't full of venom and fairytales. Thanks for posting the video Mr. Berg.

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Re: The NAZI's Kept the Jews A-L-I-V-E!

Postby Friedrich Paul Berg » 1 decade 2 years ago (Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:48 am)

Yes, Mojo --I think I agree with you. But remember something about the powers of editing. Anne Frank's Diary was also carefully edited, several times I believe, to make it sound a bit like the Sermon on the Mount.

The two Czech Jewesses who also appear in the video, also "survivors," revealed much more of their Jewishness and hatred for Germans. In the e-mail comments that I am now getting with many veiled death threats, the typical fanaticism and viciousness of many Jews is quite clear. When Germans tried to expel such monsters from Germany and Europe forever, they certainly had the right idea. Ultimately, that saved Europe and civilization from the total enslavement that was waiting for us all.

Friedrich Paul Berg
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Nazi Gassings Never Happened! Niemand wurde vergast!
The Holocaust story is a hoax because 1) no one was killed by the Nazis in gas chambers, 2) the total number of Jews who died in Nazi captivity is miniscule compared to what is alleged.

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Re: The NAZI's Kept the Jews A-L-I-V-E!

Postby Carolyn Yeager » 1 decade 2 years ago (Sat Oct 30, 2010 2:27 pm)

Friedrich Paul Berg wrote:Yes, Mojo --I think I agree with you. But remember something about the powers of editing. Anne Frank's Diary was also carefully edited, several times I believe, to make it sound a bit like the Sermon on the Mount.

The two Czech Jewesses who also appear in the video, also "survivors," revealed much more of their Jewishness and hatred for Germans. In the e-mail comments that I am now getting with many veiled death threats, the typical fanaticism and viciousness of many Jews is quite clear. When Germans tried to expel such monsters from Germany and Europe forever, they certainly had the right idea. Ultimately, that saved Europe and civilization from the total enslavement that was waiting for us all.

Friedrich Paul Berg
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Nazi Gassings Never Happened! Niemand wurde vergast!

I've looked over the comments, Fritz, and you are doing a great job. Thank you. I've noticed that when you take on something like this, you always stick it through. It's clear that there are those who do things, take action ... and there are those who do nothing, but criticize those who do, because the doer doesn't do it as they would do it ... if they did anything. :D

I think you're being very effective, and you're right about the two other women in the film -- monsters.

To Kingfisher:
Do you think it would be better if HoloDenier was not there in the comments; if it were just all the 'true believers' having a joyfest at the expense of the German nation, with no truth emerging to ruin their party????? If you don't agree with that, and you think HoloDenier is all wrong, why aren't you on there doing it the "right way?" Of course, you are not German - I guess you are British. Makes a difference.

If your only reply is "Why aren't you there, Carolyn?" --- my answer is that I'm not registered at youtube and don't want to be. But I do drop comments in many places when the opportunity arises and it suits me -- too much, really, because it takes up time and sometimes get me embroiled in more than I anticipated. But whenever I look back with some perspective, I think it's all worthwhile, important and necessary.

What about you? What are the efforts you're making to educate the world in this vital area? I would really like to know.
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Re: The NAZI's Kept the Jews A-L-I-V-E!

Postby Mojo » 1 decade 2 years ago (Sat Oct 30, 2010 4:41 pm)

Friedrich Paul Berg wrote:But remember something about the powers of editing. Anne Frank's Diary was also carefully edited, several times I believe, to make it sound a bit like the Sermon on the Mount...

Friedrich Paul Berg
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Nazi Gassings Never Happened! Niemand wurde vergast!

Sound advice.

Friedrich Paul Berg
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Re: The NAZI's Kept the Jews A-L-I-V-E!

Postby Friedrich Paul Berg » 1 decade 2 years ago (Sat Oct 30, 2010 5:33 pm)

Thanks Carolyn and Mojo. It's actually fun to see how much they will tolerate. My latest post is:

Thank you THANK YOU, T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U to the Nazis and SS and to Adolf Hitler for having taken such wonderful care of Alice during that terrible war when so many other people, Germans especially. were being murdered and even roasted o death by the US and Britain. Instead of killing Alice as those vile Jews have alleged so often, you all provided her food, shelter, medical care (especially against contagious disease) and safety as best you could. No doubt, Alice will be thanking you all personally if she also gets to heaven.

Friedrich Paul Berg

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Nazi Gassings Never Happened! Niemand wurde vergast!
The Holocaust story is a hoax because 1) no one was killed by the Nazis in gas chambers, 2) the total number of Jews who died in Nazi captivity is miniscule compared to what is alleged.

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Re: The NAZI's Kept the Jews A-L-I-V-E!

Postby Werd » 8 years 9 months ago (Wed Aug 13, 2014 5:52 pm)

I would like to point out that this book has been promised to the English speaking world for years. Anyone who has advertisements in the backs of their holocaust handbooks either Barnes or T&D editions will often see it advertised under a heading like "In preparation" or "coming soon." As you know, with devoted holocaust experts like Mattogno and Graf who are busy with research and translating, work keeps piling up. Hell, not even the two volume set THE CREMATORY OVENS OF AUSCHWITZ has made it to English yet. See my point? That's why I love googletranslators for this Italian revisionist blog. They had to take a huge break to publish their massive reply to the holocaust controversies group. Now that another Mattogno book has made it into English called "Inside the Gas Chambers", we find that Kues is expanding his work on the evidence for the presence of gassed jews in eastern territories, and Graf I believe is working on a book on the Einsatzgruppen. Without futher ado...

English translation from olodogma.

0659 - The prizes for the internees in productivity Konzentrationslager German ... by Carlo Mattogno

Appearance unexpected, unknown, hidden German Konzentrationslager


We publish a short excerpt of the well documented study of Carlo Mattogno, "Auschwitz: health care," selection "and" Sonderbehandlung "of detainees registered" specifically pages 35 and 36 where the author is a strange topic, unknown to most, concealed by historical standards: the reward for the inmates, including Jews.

It is published with the consent of the author whom we thank for elegant availability.'s Book of 254 pages + appendix documentary (Effepi Editions, 2010. Euro 32.00) can be ordered from: Editions Effepi [email protected] AR Editions : [email protected] . Complementing the text are post some pictures (not part of the work) of the money circulating within, and only within the various fields, the German concentration camp system. Spendable money in the shops of the field for the purchase of cigarettes, other products, and also for performance pay (2 marks) of the women of the brothels. Olodogma


The productivity bonuses


As we have seen above, the directive of October 26, 1943 Pohl gave wide coverage to the "productivity bonuses" (Leistungsprämien) for prisoners and made ​​reference to a bill of May 15, 1943 entitled 'Service Regulation for the granting of facilities to detainees "(Dienstvorschrift für die Gewährung von Vergünstigungen an Häftlinge), which became normative starting from 1 June 1943. On June 4, the head of the Zentralbauleitung of Auschwitz, SS - Hauptsturmführer Karl Bischoff (pictured), wrote the following letter addressed to the 31 companies civilians who worked at the camp:


"As is clear from the copy attached to the desire of Reichsführers-SS and Chief of the German Police must obtain an increase up to the maximum level of productivity of prisoners giving their productivity bonuses. The vouchers issued for this purpose by the KL can be purchased there in the block and be bought by individual companies against reimbursement of the equivalent. Inmates awarded must be notified in writing from time to time to Bauleiter office, specifying their number. To achieve high productivity of the detainees, please immediately take the introduction of the system of rewards and to make a brief report to the Zentralbauleitung by June 26, 1943 on its effectiveness. "

["Wie aus beiliegender Abschrift ersichtlich, soll auf Wunsch des Reichsführers-SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei von durch Gewährung Leistungsprämien Häftlinge an die eine der Steigerung Arbeitsleistung erreicht werden bis zum Höchstmaß. Die zu diesem Zweck von der Verwaltung des KL ausgegebenen Gift Vouchers werden von der Zentralbauleitung daselbst geschlossen gekauft und können durch von den einzelnen Firmen Erstattung des Gegenwertes erworben werden. Die mit Prämien bedachten Häftlinge jeweils sind unter der Angabe Häftlingsnummer schriftlich zu dem ständigen Bauleiter melden. Erhönte Arbeitsleistung um eine zu der Häftlinge erzielen, gebeten wird von der Einführung des Prämiensystems Gebrauch sofort zu machen und über die Auswirkung desselben bis zum 26. Juni 1943 kurzen einen Bericht an die Zentralbauleitung zu geben "] 1 .



The prizes consisted of the provision in "good prize"


(Prämienscheine) to spend at the 'store of detainees "(Häftlingskantine) of the field. The series of reports Zentralbauleitung entitled 'Statement on the use of the total held for the second time ... available to the' SS-V-Hauptamt of 12 August 1943 '(Aufstellung über den Gesamt-Häftlingseinsatz for ... laut Verfügung des SS-V-Hauptamtes vom 12.08.43), at point 7.) contains the following entry: "In the reporting period, vouchers distributed to prisoners (indication in Reichsmarks)" [In der Berichtszeit an Häftlinge ausgegebene Prämienscheine (Angabe Reichsmark)]. From the reports that have been preserved are as follows awarding of prizes to the prisoners:


Already from these fragmentary data is an amount equivalent to RM bestowed to prisoners rather conspicuous. For comparison, the estimated cost of the new bakery Birkenau, BW 14 31, was 234,000 including 40,000 RM RM 5 for bread ovens 15 .

KL Buchenwald brothel

As of November 1943, the awards were extended to Jewish inmates. On November 18, in fact Pohl issued the following provision:

"There's no reason to point out that Jewish inmates should be able to enjoy the rewards of productivity, if you stand for a particularly good job."

[«Es besteht darauf Veranlassung hinzuweisen, dass auch in den jüdische Häftlinge Genuss von Leistungsprämien kommen sollen, wenn sie sich durch gute Arbeit besondere hervortun»] 16 .

Irena Stzelecka has published several lists of names of prisoners of Auschwitz who received productivity bonuses, including one that contains 19 Jewish inmates out of a total of 31 inmates 17 . (...)


1 RGVA, 502-1-60, p. 18-18a. See Documents 10 and 10a.

2 RGVA, 502-1-256, p. 142.

3 RGVA, 502-1-256, p. 135.

4 RGVA, 502-1-256, p. 132.

5 RGVA, 502-1-256, p. 127.

6 RGVA, 502-1-256, p. 118.

7 RGVA, 502-1-256, p. 109.

8 RGVA, 502-1-256, p. 111.

9 RGVA, 502-1-256, p. 105.

10 RGVA, 502-1-256, p. 102.

11 RGVA, 502-1-256, p. 84.

12 RGVA, 502-1-256, p. 90.

13 RGVA, 502-1-256, p. 88.

14 Bauwerk, yard or building or group of buildings of the same type.

15 Kostenvoranschlag zum Ausbau des Kriegsgefangenenlagers der Waffen-SS Auschwitz 1 October 1943. RGVA, 502-2-60, p. 90.

16 Letter from Pohl to the commanders of all the concentration camps with the subject "Leistungsprämien für Häftlinge» 18 November 1943. AGK, NTN, 94, p. 140.

17 I. Strzelecka, "Oboz Meski w Brzezince (BIID) Lipiec 1943-Styczeń 1945 rok" (The men's field at Birkenau [BIID] July 1943-January 1945), in: Zeszyty Oświęcimskie. Wydawnictwo Państwowego Muzeum w Oświęcimiu-Brzezince, 22, 1998, pp.. 188-189.

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