Great Hitler Quotes

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Great Hitler Quotes

Postby Butterfangers » 2 years 3 months ago (Sun Feb 28, 2021 7:03 am)

I was watching this video earlier (linked below) and realized it is a great summary of many quotes from Hitler which show his actual intent for Germany and its place in the world, contrary to much of what is said about him elsewhere. I would like to incorporate some of these quotes into my own work and am just having trouble finding their sources (i.e. date and location of speech), as I do not speak German, thus cannot search for fragments of what is said here, etc.

Could anyone who is more fluent in German and/or familiar with these speeches and segments please help reference these statements?

Also, to expand this topic a bit: what other statements really stand out above the rest in terms of showing Hitler's true intentions? What are some highlights that folks new to all of this should not go without?

Video is here:

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Re: Great Hitler Quotes

Postby DissentingOpinions » 2 years 3 months ago (Sun Feb 28, 2021 3:32 pm)

You might have better luck if you repost this thread in the WW2/Europe Revisionist Forum, This section of the forums primarily deals with Holocaust revisionism, but if any of the Hitler quotes in question are directly related to the Holocaust myth, it should be no problem if you’re asking here.


[Moved, M1]


Re: Great Hitler Quotes

Postby Otium » 2 years 3 months ago (Mon Mar 01, 2021 12:14 am)

The first speech, up until 00:42 was delivered by Hitler on November 8, 1940 in Munich at the Löwenbräukeller.

English: When I came to power, I relieved a Reich that had been a democracy. Today it is namely often so portrayed to the world as if one would have been ready anyway, after all, to give the German folk everything, if it were only a democracy. Yes, the German folk was a democracy back then, after all, before us, and it was plundered and extorted. No, what does democracy or authoritarian state mean for these international hyenas! That does not interest them at all. Only one thing interests them: Is somebody ready to let himself be plundered? Yes or no? Is somebody dumb enough to stand still in the process? Yes or no? And if a democracy is dumb enough to stand still in the process, then it is good. And if an authoritarian state declares: “You will no longer plunder our folk, neither internally nor externally”, then that is bad.

German: Als ich an die Macht kam, löste ich ein Reich ab, das eine Demokratie war. Es wird nämlich heute manches Mal der Welt so dargestellt, als ob man ja so ohne weiteres bereit wäre, dem deutschen Volk, wenn es nur eine Demokratie wäre, alles zu geben. Ja, das deutsche Volk war ja damals eine Demokratie, vor uns, und es ist ausgeplündert und ausgepreßt worden. Nein, was heißt für diese internationalen Hyänen Demokratie oder autoritärer Staat! Das interessiert die gar nicht. Es interessiert sie nur eines: Ist jemand bereit, sich auspiündern zu lassen? Ja oder nein? Ist jemand dumm genug, dabei stillzuhalten? Ja oder nein? Und wenn eine Demokratie dumm genug ist, dabei stillzuhalten, dann ist sie gut. Und wenn ein autoritärer Staat erklärt: "Ihr plündert unser Volk Dicht mehr aus, weder innen noch außen," dann ist das schlecht.

Phillip Bouhler, Der großdeutsche Freiheitskampf. II. Band: Reden Adolf Hitlers vom 10. März 1940 bis 16. März 1941 (Zentralverlag der NSDAP., Franz Eher Nachf. München, 1942). In English, see: Greater Germany's Battle for Freedom., Pp. 78-79. Archive.

I attempted to find the speech in Max Domarus's 'The Complete Hitler: Speeches and Proclamations 1932-1945' but he evidently doesn't transcribe the entire speech because these quotes are nowhere to be found. So much for being "complete".

The rest of the video is hard to decipher unfortunately. I can find bits and pieces which sort of fit, but not very well, or at least, I'm not sure if they're the same quotes used in this video.

When Hitler mentions quite clearly the 'internationalist elements' the only reference I could find is this:

If tensions have now arisen, Germany does not bear the responsibility for this. Instead, this is to be blamed on international elements intentionally promoting tensions to serve their capitalist interests.

Adolf Hitler, April 28, 1939. Quoted in, Max Domarus, The Complete Hitler: His Speeches and Proclamations 1932-1945 (Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers), Pp. 1562.

And this seems to be the reference for the quote regarding the 'international clique':

I ask myself: who are these elements who have no desire for tranquility, for peace, for understanding; who have a need to constantly agitate and sow the seeds of mistrust, who are these people? (Cries of “The Jews!”) I know (Applause lasting several minutes),I know it is not the millions who would have to take up arms were these agitators to succeed in their plans. They are not the ones! Not in any nation! It is a small faction of interests (Interessenklüngel), an international clique that lives off stirring up other peoples by agitation. We know these fellows from our own country, and we see their tracks between the peoples. Thus it is all the more necessary for us to cling more than ever—and for this reason most of all— to our own unity and consolidation.

Adolf Hitler, May 1, 1936. Ibid., p. 809.

Although this might be from a different occasion than the one in the clip, which if so, I couldn't locate. But this is still a good quote nonetheless in my opinion.

The quote 'we will never capitulate' I think is from Hitler's speech on January 30, 1940. It's the closest I could find:

English: At the beginning of the 8th year of the National Socialist revolution, our hearts turn to our German folk, to its future. We want to serve it, for it, we want to fight, if necessary, fall, never capitulate! Germany - Sieg Heil!

German: Am Beginn des 8. Jahres der nationalsozialistischen Revolution wenden sich unsere Herzen unserem deutschen Volke zu, seiner Zukunft. Ihr wollen wir dienen, für sie wollen wir kämpfen, wenn notwendig fallen, niemals kapitulieren! Deutschland - Sieg Heil!

Phillip Bouhler, Der großdeutsche Freiheitskampf. I. Band: Reden Adolf Hitlers vom 1. September 1939 bis 10. März 1940 (Zentralverlag der NSDAP., Franz Eher Nachf. München, 1940), Pp. 157. Archive. In English, see: Greater Germany's Battle for Freedom., Pp. 108. Archive.

I'm not sure if whoever made the video was mistaken, but it was Goebbels speaking at around 2:38. I cannot find the speech where this is from though, in any case. On May 8th, 1943, Goebbels published an article in Das Reich entitled 'The War and the Jews' where he wrote:

The Jews laughed in Germany too when they first saw us. They aren’t laughing any more. They chose to wage war against us. But that war is turning against them. When they planned a war of total destruction (Vernichtung) against the German people, they signed their own death sentence (Todesurteil).

Thomas Dalton, PhD., Goebbels on the Jews: The Complete Diary Entries – 1923 to 1945 (Castle Hill Publishers, 2019), Pp. 210. In German: Joseph Goebbels, “Der Krieg und die Juden,” Der steile Aufstieg (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP., 1944), Pp. 270.

This is all for right now, I'll keep looking for any more of the quotes from this video, when I find them I'll make another post.

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Re: Great Hitler Quotes

Postby Butterfangers » 2 years 2 months ago (Sun Mar 28, 2021 3:31 pm)

HM, thank you!

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