There was a lot of propaganda produced during WW II, by both sides, to be sure. Says the communist Jew Bruno Baum, who was stationed in German concentration camps during that time:
All the propaganda which started abroad about Auschwitz was initiated by us together with the help of our Polish comrades.[…]
I believe that it is no overstatement when I say that the largest part of the Auschwitz propaganda, which at that time was circulated throughout the world, was written by us in the camp.[…]
We continued with this propaganda for world wide publication up to the last day of our stay in Auschwitz.
Besides Baum there were other communist camp partisans participating in this activity:: Hermann Langbein, Ota Kraus, Erich Schön-Kulka, Rudolf Vrba, Filip Müller, Stanislaw Jankowski, Ella Lingens-Reiner and the long time director of the Auschwitz museum Kazimierz Smolen.
This propaganda garbage now is what the “legal experts”, the “cream of legal professionals” of the IMT, NMT and all the other trials, as well as present judges, are taking judicial notice to. And it is punished with prison terms of up to 5 years to doubt anything of it in Germany.
(Source: Bruno Baum, Widerstand in Auschwitz, Kongress-Verlag, Berlin 1957; Nachlaß Langbeins im DÖW, Wien: Unveröffentlichtes Manuskript Baums »Bericht über die Tätigkeit der KP im Konzentrationslager Auschwitz« vom Juni 1945 bei Wien; B. Baum »Wir funken aus der Hölle« in Deutsche Volkszeitung - Zentralorgan der KPD, Berlin 31.7.1945.)
Taken from:
Aus den Akten des Frankfurter Auschwitz-Prozesses, Teil 2 (in German)
(From the Files of the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial, Part 2)