upcoming Holocaust Handbooks

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Re: upcoming Holocaust Handbooks

Postby Archie » 1 year 10 months ago (Sat Jul 31, 2021 10:34 pm)

I see the Operation Reinhardt book is only 402 pages. I was thinking it was going to be a massive tome. Does that mean they are keeping the individual monographs for each camp?


Re: upcoming Holocaust Handbooks

Postby Otium » 1 year 10 months ago (Sat Jul 31, 2021 11:29 pm)

Archie wrote:I see the Operation Reinhardt book is only 402 pages. I was thinking it was going to be a massive tome. Does that mean they are keeping the individual monographs for each camp?

I was also expecting a massive tome and honestly, I feel let down. But if you read the foreword Germar explains it, but it doesn't make the actual scope of the book any less disappointing. A tome in scope and size of the book on the Einsatzgruppen would've been appreciated.

The individual monographs of the Reinhardt camps aren't going anywhere, and the original volume 28 responding to the HC hacks will be "reissued as a slightly revised stand-alone work sometime in the future." (p. 9). Hopefully this doesn't mean it will be abridged, that would be a mighty shame.

Would his new book comprise 2,500 pages this time? Well, the good news is, no. Instead of revising the initial three monographs, which was deemed too much of a challenge, as a revision would mean that they all three had to be closely realigned, and instead of revising the two-volume-1,400-page doorstop, which has not exactly been any reader’s favorite judging by sales figures, Mattogno decided to write a new book which would discuss the current, updated state of knowledge about all three camps, reduced down to the very essentials. This book with its systematically built, self-contained story line, which you are holding in your hands, is now the new Volume 28 of the Holocaust Handbooks.

Carlo Mattogno, The “Operation Reinhardt” Camps Treblinka, Sobibór, Bełżec: Black Propaganda, Archeological Research, Expected Material Evidence (Castle Hill Publishers, 2021), Pp. 8-9.

This is what concerns me, Germar continues by saying:

This raises the question: what exactly is essential about those three camps? First of all, a general discussion of the “Final Solution to the Jewish Question” in general and Operation Reinhardt in particular is not included in this book. This has been covered ad nauseam in the books on Treblinka, on Sobibór and in the two-volume doorstop. Furthermore, the present study has its focus only on witness testimony recorded during the war and in the immediate post-war era for two reasons. First, this is when the myth was created, and this is where its true origin can be found. And second, the nature of the human memory dictates that recollections older than several years are simply too unreliable, and when it comes to events that are highly publicized, and where there are strong expectations by the general public as to what has to be remembered – at times even at gunpoint – witness testimony tends to get increasingly contaminated by second-hand “knowledge” as time goes on.

Ibid., p. 9.

This is what disappoints me. The claim is that it would've led to too much overlap to overhaul the original 3 monographs and also integrate the new findings of the original volume 28. Not to mention how complicated that would be. So instead, Mattogno wrote this new book which is merely a 4th monograph that presents as a comprehensive study of Operation Reinhardt from the revisionist perspective - but isn't a comprehensive, holistic, and integrated study. So now, you have to read 4 books instead of one, and 5 when they reissue (as they should) the original volume 28. If Germar and Mattogno wanted to avoid repetition and minimize the amount of reading that would have to have been done, it would've been better to just write a new, or perhaps 2-3 volume study purely on Operation Reinhardt as a whole, in order to present a comprehensive revisionist account from it's inception in reality to it's propaganda inception from the Allies in a liner work which would avoid the drawbacks of jumping back and forth between older and newer books that don't contain the same current research.

If it was easier for Mattogno to have just written a new book - as he did - then why not write that book instead of this new volume which only contains "the bare essentials" and no larger contextual framework? It just seems like another convoluted way to read about the revisionist research on Operation Reinhardt, when it would've been much more satisfying to have a completely rewritten comprehensive tome on the camps/claims as a whole abreast with the latest research and the refutations of the original volume 28 already taken into account within the textual argumentation.

If the original 3 monographs are "outdated" - as the the Holocaust Handbooks promotional brochure claims - then why not just write an entirely new comprehensive study that would be much easier to update in the future if need be? It seems like the complicated nature of the HH study of the Reinhardt Camps has merely been minimised but by no means eliminated, which was the aim of this new book. Would it not have been easier in the long run to spend the time writing a new large tome that would stand the test of time as its own comprehensive work that would be easier to update? It seems so to me.

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Re: upcoming Holocaust Handbooks

Postby Archie » 1 year 10 months ago (Sun Aug 01, 2021 11:11 am)

I think they originally intended to do a single comprehensive Reinhardt volume but I suspect it became too big of an effort so they scaled back the scope. I guess even Mattogno has his limits. Really, it would be good to get some new researchers on the scene. Although the main challenge right now is not really lack of research imo since what's been produced to date is sufficient to destroy the Holocaust story several times over and from every possible angle.

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Re: upcoming Holocaust Handbooks

Postby Butterfangers » 1 year 9 months ago (Sat Aug 21, 2021 5:09 am)

The latest updated book on AR camps from Mattogno is a welcomed arrival but does anyone else find the conclusion on page 295 to be cut off abruptly? The following page (296) is left blank and I am just used to seeing something that feels more like closure at the end, although it does appear to provide a good summary of important points. It's here, I am looking at the PDF:


I could be wrong but just thought I'd check if I am the only one thinking a page could be missing.

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Re: upcoming Holocaust Handbooks

Postby Werd » 1 year 9 months ago (Sat Aug 21, 2021 7:37 pm)

Butterfangers wrote:The latest updated book on AR camps from Mattogno is a welcomed arrival but does anyone else find the conclusion on page 295 to be cut off abruptly? The following page (296) is left blank and I am just used to seeing something that feels more like closure at the end, although it does appear to provide a good summary of important points. It's here, I am looking at the PDF:


I could be wrong but just thought I'd check if I am the only one thinking a page could be missing.

There is no missing text. The conclusion is two numerated points and it literally ended up on the last possible line of the page due to the margins. It's a rarity, to be sure.

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Re: upcoming Holocaust Handbooks

Postby Mortimer » 1 year 5 months ago (Sun Dec 26, 2021 11:32 pm)

Thomas Dunskus has died. For those not familiar with the name this man was a long time supporter and volunteer who helped CODOH immensely. He translated several of the Holocaust Handbooks from Italian into English and some into German. The titles that he translated are listed in the link below. The following obituary is by Germar Rudolf.
https://codoh.com/library/document/memo ... t-2021/en/
There are 2 sides to every story - always listen or read both points of view and make up your own mind. Don't let others do your thinking for you.

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Re: upcoming Holocaust Handbooks

Postby Werd » 1 year 4 months ago (Mon Jan 31, 2022 5:31 pm)

https://shop.codoh.com/bundle/einsatzgr ... s-en/1100/

Now in two separate parts. Just like the Italian edition.


The Einsatzgruppen in the Occupied Eastern Territories (2 parts)

On 22 June 1941, National-Socialist Germany set out to destroy what it saw as a menace to the world: Judeo-Bolshevism in its most threatening manifestation, the Soviet Union. As the German Army marched east, certain special units called Einsatzgruppen (task forces) were deployed behind the front. Mainstream historians maintain that their primary task was to exterminate as many Jews as possible. At war’s end, the Einsatzgruppen’s death toll and that of associated units is said to have amounted to some 1.5 to 3 million Jewish civilians, depending on which historian you happen to hear.

The present study takes a critical look at the Einsatzgruppen’s activities and missions. While many authentic documents exist attesting to mass executions of Jews in the temporarily German-occupied Soviet territories, the accuracy of the data contained in them is questionable, as even mainstream scholars admit.

The present book tries to uncover what really happened to the Jews who lived in, or were deported into, the temporarily German-occupied territories of the Soviet Union. It first shows that the Einsatzgruppen were not simple killing units but had a broad variety of responsibilities. It then establishes that there is not a shred of evidence indicating that these units ever received orders to commit wholesale slaughter of Jews. In fact, there is abundant evidence refuting such a claim. The extant documentation instead points to the Jews having been targeted by the Germans as the fertile breeding ground of Bolshevism, hence as a convenient scapegoat for the atrocious way the Soviets waged this war.

Next, and unlike all other works published so far on this topic, the author analyzes with a critical mind and a common-sense approach the information we have about the Einsatzgruppen’s killings as well as the claimed attempts of German units to erase the traces of these crimes in what has been dubbed “Aktion 1005”: the exhumation and incineration of the murdered victims in 1943/1944. Almost everything known about “Aktion 1005” stems from Soviet investigations conducted after the Germans’ retreat. Their witness testimonies and forensic expert reports, however, reek of atrocity propaganda marked by absurdly impossible and often contradictory claims.

The only way of determining any more about what really happened would be the forensic examination, by independent researchers, of the physical traces left behind. Unfortunately, such research has been prevented by the powers that be.

Second, revised edition in two parts.

I was in contact with Germar Rudolf, and he and Mattogno fixed a lot of kinks in the first English edition that holocaust controversies spotted. Here's a quick one. Remember how holocaust controversies asked this: why is it in the Italian edition Mattogno cites document PS-579 to claim that some Jews allegedly killed in Kaunas were in fact transported to Riga, but we can't find that document. Well Mattogno did. It was in the Yad Vashem archives. And it's in the appendix now for all to see. So Carlo wasn't lying.

Oh, and the problem here about the English translation of von dem Bach-Zelewski's declaration not appearing in Mattogno's first English edition, but was present in the first Italian edition, has been fixed too.
https://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot ... nd_22.html
The reason for these two errors and a few others found by HC in the first English edition is the translator was somehow working with an outdated manuscript instead of the one he should have been working with. I don't remember how Rudolf explained that cock-up, but it, and many other minor errors that HC found have been fixed. Rudolf emailed me the new manuscript and oh boy, there were a lot of sky blue deletions and deep blood red additions to the text. If you could all see it, you'd see pretty much half of the von dem Bach-Zelewski section was re-written and strengthened.

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Re: upcoming Holocaust Handbooks

Postby Archie » 11 months 4 days ago (Tue Jul 05, 2022 3:16 pm)

There are two follow-up volumes to #44. All three are on the Auschwitz Sonderkommando. #44 was out last year. #45 was released in May. #46 is scheduled for August.

#47 will be Mattogno’s critique of Danuta Czech’s Auschwitz Chronicle. It was scheduled for June but it’s not available yet.


Re: upcoming Holocaust Handbooks

Postby Otium » 8 months 1 week ago (Mon Sep 26, 2022 5:05 pm)

It's been a while since I've updated my physical collection of HH's, and I haven't yet bought many of the new volumes that have come out which I planned to purchase all at once. However, I have mostly been contemplating whether to get the hardcovers, which in principle I prefer to reading softcover books.

Does anyone have any copies of the HC's and some pictures they could show of them? Particularly of the binding and perhaps how well the pages separate? My experience with hardcovers are fairly hit or miss. Sewn bindings are better than glued, and rounded sewn bindings are the best.

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Re: upcoming Holocaust Handbooks

Postby DissentingOpinions » 4 months 1 week ago (Thu Jan 26, 2023 1:44 pm)

All volumes have now been officially released as of last night, with some updated editions. This completes the Holocaust Handbooks series after nearly 23 years of English releases.

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Re: upcoming Holocaust Handbooks

Postby Butterfangers » 4 months 1 week ago (Fri Jan 27, 2023 12:04 am)

DissentingOpinions wrote:All volumes have now been officially released as of last night, with some updated editions. This completes the Holocaust Handbooks series after nearly 23 years of English releases.

Bravo, gratitude beyond words to the tireless efforts of Mattogno, Rudolf, Graf and outstanding scholars who have contributed to this timeless collection.

One question: do the updated editions of the books typically have some indication of what changes/updates were made? I've sometimes seen added forewords that explain this but not always and not in the recent updated editions on HH.

If not, it'd be helpful if anyone who does identify/notice the changes that were made to include them on this thread, perhaps. Without this, it makes it difficult to know whether I should (or need to) buy a newer book edition when I already have the old one.

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Re: upcoming Holocaust Handbooks

Postby curioussoul » 4 months 1 week ago (Fri Jan 27, 2023 5:49 pm)

Butterfangers wrote:
DissentingOpinions wrote:All volumes have now been officially released as of last night, with some updated editions. This completes the Holocaust Handbooks series after nearly 23 years of English releases.

Bravo, gratitude beyond words to the tireless efforts of Mattogno, Rudolf, Graf and outstanding scholars who have contributed to this timeless collection.

One question: do the updated editions of the books typically have some indication of what changes/updates were made? I've sometimes seen added forewords that explain this but not always and not in the recent updated editions on HH.

If not, it'd be helpful if anyone who does identify/notice the changes that were made to include them on this thread, perhaps. Without this, it makes it difficult to know whether I should (or need to) buy a newer book edition when I already have the old one.

They did it for some editions, like the Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor books, where they included new information about the archeological investigations. But for most editions there are no specific sections detailing the changes.

Anyway. I haven't read Mattogno's latest book about The Real Auschwitz Chronicle. But I just want to express my gratitude and respect. This one man has almost singlehandedly refuted and written about everything single imaginable aspect of the Holocaust in scholarly researched books, monographs and articles for some 50 years. All of his books contain impeccable, primary and archival sources.

It's simply absurd what this lone man has achieved. If he was "on the other side" he would probably be ranked amongst the most greatest and most prolific historians of all time. It can not be understated the absolute magnitude of Mattogno's works.

That is not to understate the works of people like Rudolf (who has largely carried the entire revisionist/Holocaust Handbooks movement on his shoulders for decades), Graf, Faurisson, Kues, etc. But the fact that Mattogno has literally spent a lifetime researching the Holocaust is nothing short of remarkable. And while some of his books have been recognized by mainstream scholars and historians, his work has been largely thankless. I think that Mattogno's research and arguments have, to a large extent, driven the antirevisionist side into formulating completely new hypotheses to maintain their absurd delusions. When mainstream historians mention revisionist works, they intentionally leave out Mattogno, because they know that any serious person interested in the Holocaust and who reads his books will understand that we're dealing with a very serious and knowledgeable scholar.

In regards to the 3 last editions of Holocaust Handbooks, I was a little disappointed to see that they had been translated from Italian to English using DeepL. I'm guessing this is because of Rudolf's legal situation and lack of good translators. I think that the German edition is probably better written because of this.

It's truly a shame that the translator of The Real Case for Auschwitz, which is Mattogno's best translated work into English, is now deceased.

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Re: upcoming Holocaust Handbooks

Postby Butterfangers » 4 months 1 week ago (Mon Jan 30, 2023 2:04 am)

curioussoul wrote:In regards to the 3 last editions of Holocaust Handbooks, I was a little disappointed to see that they had been translated from Italian to English using DeepL.

I felt the same, initially, but that said, I'm impressed with the quality so far in spite of the fact that they are software-translated. It's a privilege to be able to read Mattogno's work, especially work with the significance of the latest. I'll be gradually chipping away at much of it in the weeks/months to come, using it as needed as a reference thereafter.

It's truly a shame that the translator of The Real Case for Auschwitz, which is Mattogno's best translated work into English, is now deceased.

Agreed. RIP.

If Mattogno does continue authoring works into the future beyond the HH series, I might recommend a DeepL (or other service) translation as a starting point, to assist a human translator/editor who can then correct any errors and convert to a more ideal, conversational [English] tone thereafter.

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Re: upcoming Holocaust Handbooks

Postby Kremawurst » 3 months 2 weeks ago (Fri Feb 24, 2023 9:35 pm)

These are phenomenal books and Mr Mattogno is absolutely prolific. He's a godsend. Curious, though. The reply to the Holocaust-Controversies Belzec, Treblinka, Sobibor book tltled, The "extermination camps" of "Aktion Reinhardt" is no longer listed in the Holocaust Handbooks. I note it is no longer Handbook #28 but has been replaced by another of the same general subject by Mattogno. It's really unfortunate because it's a very good book and it's still up for download on the Internet Archive.

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