Is the "Holocaust" story primarily why white leftists view their own race negatively?

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Is the "Holocaust" story primarily why white leftists view their own race negatively?

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 6 months ago (Mon Nov 25, 2019 3:19 pm)


(Graph source: ... te-saviors or )

The radical left in America has essentially been brainwashed into worshipping the religion of the "Holocaust". This religion is based on an obsession with "Equality" and "diversity" (except of opinions) as the greatest concepts ever devised, whereas "Nazism" and "Hitler" are seen as the purest form of evil. Merely questioning the veracity of an alleged crime committed by the Third Reich is tantamount to heresy. And the "Holocaust" is supposed to be the greatest crime ever, a culmination of racism+sexism+ableism+eugenics+homophobia+antisemitism etc, hence why all of these -ism's must be grouped all together and seen as just the same thing ("ignorance" or "lack of education") with no possibile alternative explanation (that would be "hate speech").

It is known from studies on non-White minorities in the USA that a strong ethnic identity is associated with higher self esteem and positive mental health in adolescents. There are no studies of this on Whites (it would be called "Racist") but I fail to see why they would be the sole exception to this rule.

Not everyone takes the obvious nonsense propaganda taught in the public schools seriously: that basically everything bad that ever happened since the late 1900s has been due to "White racism" and all the races would be equal in every way (except when an obvious genetic advantage over whites exists, like Blacks in the NBA). I can't imagine how I would feel if I believed that nonsense because I never did. But for the people that do actually believe it, this artificial self hatred must cause them some serious mental issues.

White people have traits which are used against them, but that doesn't mean they are bad traits. They are a strength when Whites are left to their own devices but only become a weakness when they come in contact with those who use them to manipulate. And the masters of manipulation of these traits are the jewish supremacists in the mass media. The best example here is the way in which racist jews use their "Holocaust" story to keep Whites on the defensive while they exploit them in any way that they can.


Lessons of the Holocaust: Diversity + Proximity = War?

Were Americans more anti-Semitic than anti-German during WWII?

Most important thing about being Jewish: Remembering the "Holocaust"

Complete List of Jewish Expulsions / Jews expelled from over 1,000 places
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Is the "Holocaust" story primarily why white leftists view their own race negatively?

Postby borjastick » 3 years 6 months ago (Tue Nov 26, 2019 3:54 am)

Good point Lamprecht and one I have been thinking about, on a slightly wider scope, for some years.

I firmly believe that the so called Holocaust has left a shadow, spectre or footprint right across Europe and its politically institutions. Thus when people like Tony Blair (left wing former UK prime minister) only yesterday talked about the problems of 'populism' he means that fascists are on the rise and thus he suggests, without saying so, that the holocaust and related crimes could be repeated. The message is clear to those who know.

Likewise concerning the use of the words 'populism' and 'populist politics' the inference is quite clear to me that they mean Hitler type and Nazi type attitudes, things and people. Jews are usually first to use this to their advantage and when this happens, on a seemingly daily basis, they mean to infer the second holocaust etc.

To me Populism is simply the process of those masses who realise they have been lied to by the political classes. They have been used and abused and are now 'Woke' to it all. That's populism' and the originators of this phrase and all those who seek to scare people into submission are the left and usually lurking somewhere are jews.

Similarly the European Union has consistently used the shadow of the holocaust to make us afraid and thus bow down to a new superstate (dictatorship) under the suggestion that what happened before (the second world war in Europe and clearly the holocaust) must never happen again, and the only way to stop this is to remove all free thought and expression, nationalism and national pride, individual state pride and create what we have now, an all seeing and all controlling central power that dictates what we can do and see and say and experience because the holocaust might be the alternative.

Thus where the EU has made its biggest mistake is to follow through on the Kalergi Plan and flood europe with non entity non white idiots who will serve no purpose in the community and drain us all. The irony is that the hard left which is populated by your white leftists will precipitate more populism and white uprising by their actions to date than if they had just left things to move along quietly. They have pushed too hard...
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

'We don't need evidence, we have survivors' - israeli politician

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Re: Is the "Holocaust" story primarily why white leftists view their own race negatively?

Postby borjastick » 3 years 6 months ago (Tue Nov 26, 2019 7:46 am)

I should add that self loathing is the preserve of two main groups; those not in possession of a backbone and those of the cultural Marxist persuasion. The latter group is largely of the left and simply hate their own people and feel that anything is better than looking after their own people and country. These are the people who jump on any social justice bandwagon that meanders past their front door and currently are in full flow on subjects such as White Privilege. For the record WP is a concept imagined by those who feel that whatever us whites have done for the world over the past 500 yrs or so has caused harm to the blacks under their influence. This is utter tosh. If one looks at the main areas of imperialism and colonialism where whitey stepped in those communities have largely benefited from our application of law and order, education, social care, science and medicines etc. Just think how most of Africa would look today had we not been there.

The disruptive and agitators of the world tend to be of a certain minority group and push the holocaust narrative at all times. Look at how today the chief rabbi of UK effectively calls all jews to boycott Labour in the upcoming election. More disruption from a completely minority group. Avoiding Labour isn't difficult for millions of people because they are numpties but yet we see the Big Nose in Chief sticking his disruptive oar in.

Your main point or question was is the holocaust behind self loathing and anti white actions? The answer is a firm yes but the analysis of this as I have outlined above takes you in an interesting direction.

Bring the holocaust story down and many benefits will flow including a whole new generation of younger people suddenly finding themselves in possession of a backbone...
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

'We don't need evidence, we have survivors' - israeli politician

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Re: Is the "Holocaust" story primarily why white leftists view their own race negatively?

Postby JLAD Prove Me Wrong » 3 years 6 months ago (Tue Nov 26, 2019 10:04 pm)

Lamprecht wrote:It is known from studies on non-White minorities in the USA that a strong ethnic identity is associated with higher self esteem and positive mental health in adolescents. There are no studies of this on Whites (it would be called "Racist") but I fail to see why they would be the sole exception to this rule.

Which studies? I would be interested to see these. And do they really ban white people?
Lamprecht wrote:Not everyone takes the obvious nonsense propaganda taught in the public schools seriously: that basically everything bad that ever happened since the late 1900s has been due to "White racism" and all the races would be equal in every way (except when an obvious genetic advantage over whites exists, like Blacks in the NBA). I can't imagine how I would feel if I believed that nonsense because I never did. But for the people that do actually believe it, this artificial self hatred must cause them some serious mental issues.

White people have traits which are used against them, but that doesn't mean they are bad traits. They are a strength when Whites are left to their own devices but only become a weakness when they come in contact with those who use them to manipulate. And the masters of manipulation of these traits are the jewish supremacists in the mass media. The best example here is the way in which racist jews use their "Holocaust" story to keep Whites on the defensive while they exploit them in any way that they can.

I do oppose legitimate racism. I oppose the oppression of any people group. And Jews are the most racist people on Earth. They oppress Palestinians, and trash European history with their holocaust myth.

Even without the holocaust, Jews could dig up dirt and use it against gentile whites. Jews want to end white people, they will push white guilt by whatever means necessary.

Even though the holocaust is used to guilt white people, it is much more effective as an umbrella from any criticism of Jewish behavior. If you criticize Jews, they will compare you to the Jewish interpretation Third Reich Germans.

The reason Jews get so emotional when you tell them the holocaust is a lie, is because you are destroying the umbrella which shields them from criticism, gets them money, and which guilts gentile whites. They cannot have that, so they get very angry at you. Myself, I would be happy to learn that my ancestors were not murdered in horrific ways, but what do I know? I'm a gentile.
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Re: Is the "Holocaust" story primarily why white leftists view their own race negatively?

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 6 months ago (Tue Nov 26, 2019 11:04 pm)

JLAD Prove Me Wrong wrote:
Lamprecht wrote:It is known from studies on non-White minorities in the USA that a strong ethnic identity is associated with higher self esteem and positive mental health in adolescents. There are no studies of this on Whites (it would be called "Racist") but I fail to see why they would be the sole exception to this rule.

Which studies? I would be interested to see these. And do they really ban white people?

Ban? No, there are just no studies [or they are not published, or I cannot find them] on whether Whites with strong ethnic identities are happier, mentally healthier or have higher self esteem. Why would they do that? Judging by the studies on other minorities, it is only beneficial. So we can't have anything like that existing which shows that Whites benefit by being "Racist" (it is only "Racist" when Whites do it though).

Here are a few, it is not hard to find them but in every single case they are on non-Whites:
- "Adolescents with positive feelings toward their ethnic group say they are happier on a daily basis than those who have a more negative attitude about their ethnic identity. The study, involving 415 ninth-graders from Chinese and Mexican backgrounds, shows the protective effects of ethnic identity on daily psychological well-being. The researchers... suggest that parents and society in general should encourage strong ethnic identity in families."

- "Black people who identify more strongly with their racial identity are generally happier... blacks with a strong sense of racial identity may feel more connected to their racial group, which in turn makes them happy."

- "The present study hypothesized that perceiving more frequent messages of cultural socialization-pluralism from parents would indirectly lead to higher self-esteem via stronger ethnic identity... Based on model testing via the bootstrap method (Preacher & Hayes, 2008), the hypothesis was supported."

- "Overall, this review supported the conclusion that a strong, positive ethnic identity benefits adolescent mental health and academic success."

- "His team found that a sense of ethnic identity is indeed associated with positive psychological outcomes for youth in immigrant families, including high self-esteem, a greater sense of happiness, and better academic adjustment."

- "correlational analyses revealed a significant and positive relationship between ethnic identity and self-esteem for all groups." ... 4.93635.68

- "Ethnic identity was positively related to self-esteem and negatively to depression" ... 1003771783

Like I said, the results are consistent for all the various ethnic groups, but Whites are never included. If you ever find a study which includes Whites on this subject, I would like to see it. Another note, while researching something else I found that of all racial and ethnic groups in the USA, White adolescents report enjoying school the least of all! Hmm, I wonder why? Holocaust class, followed by a lesson on slavery (no mention of it anywhere else in the world), then a lesson on how the poor Amerinds were treated, and then at the end of the day diversity class... :roll:

The reason Jews get so emotional when you tell them the holocaust is a lie, is because you are destroying the umbrella which shields them from criticism, gets them money, and which guilts gentile whites. They cannot have that, so they get very angry at you. Myself, I would be happy to learn that my ancestors were not murdered in horrific ways, but what do I know? I'm a gentile.

It may be more than that, it may not be conscious or deliberate. What is curious though is how they believe that accusing some Jews of fabricating "Holocaust" claims (something that is admitted to by historians) is the most evil thing ever, but somehow accusing Germans of war crimes they may not have committed is perfectly OK. And for German people to think they can debate certain war crimes they are accused of is heresy, tantamount to declaring more Jews must be shoved into gas chambers. It's insane.

From: viewtopic.php?p=92377#p92377
A Jew writing about ethnic guilt regarding the Germans: "And so it is no accident that I, a Jew, someone not burdened by past guilt, should have tackled the question of how these descendants of the perpetrators come to terms with the problem"
A Jew, not burdened by past guilt, something to be reserved for Germans (even those not alive at the time)? :roll:

And the Simon Wiesenthal Center head says the Holodomor is not genocide because that would mean Jews are responsible: viewtopic.php?t=12269

And of course as pointed out in the OP recommended links, the post important thing about being Jewish is rated "Remembering the Holocaust". And it's not just that, according to Malcom X, Jews have also been at the forefront of promoting ethnic tension between Blacks and Whites to keep the focus off themselves:

Jews lived as minorities among host populations for thousands of years. If certain ethnocentric or collectivist behaviors have a genetic or heritable component, and they do, then if 2% of Jews assimilated into European Christian population every year (just a hypothetical number I made up, I don't know of any real figures) then that would end up changing the entire genome of the Jewish gene pool in this regard. If a population selects against a phenotype that promotes assimilation, or is anti-ethnocentrism/collectivism/whatever over a long period of time, you are selecting against the genotype which causes this behavior (in a certain environment).
Since every generation mixes the genes up, by removing the 2% or so of individuals most predisposed to assimilation (or have the weakest jewish ethnic identity) the trait is being consistently culled from the gene pool. Since this would have been going on to some degree every generation, it's not just reducing the % of Jews in the population at one point who would be likely to assimilate (essentially, no longer be Jewish) but it's reducing the frequency of "assimilation genes" in the entire population, changing the nature of all of the entire population, not just the ratio of jews who would be likely to assimilate in those circumstances.
But it should be noted that certain Jewish ethnicities today complain about assimilation issues, but that is also due to the fact that most have totally given up their religion and also live in a different sort of environment than in the past, when Jews were seen as untrustworthy outsiders.

Genetic Evidence for Multiple Biological Mechanisms Underlying In-Group Favoritism:

And a table: (number on the left is the proportion of variance that can be attributed to genetic differences)
The importance of heritability in psychological research: the case of attitudes:
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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