Hitler being a pedo is not discussed enough imo. Virtually everyone he dated was a teenager. Eva Braun was 17 years old. Geli Raubal was also around 17. Maria Reiter was around 16 as well. All known sexual relationships Hitler had started with teenagers whilst he was in his 30s & even 40s.It shows a particular type of masculinity expressing itself. Everyone has met a Hitler. That weird dude who is 35 yet hits on 17 year olds.
https://twitter.com/aPebbleInTheSky/sta ... 2678228994
First of all, there is no good evidence Hitler had any sexual interest in his niece Geli Raubal. This isn't mentioned here, but it's usually claimed that he killed her out of jealously as well. Again, no good evidence for that either. Geli killed herself and there's no good evidence suggesting otherwise. I read Otto Strasser's "Hitler and I" and he tries to portray Hitler as murdering his niece with no evidence. It was propagated by people who didn't like Hitler.
As for Maria Reiter:
The details of Reiter's story about their physical relationship cannot be confirmed
Finally, importing modern notions of the proper age of consent back then in Europe and judge them as a "pedophile" is not legitimate. Even today, the age of consent in Germany is 14:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_c ... pe#Germany
I'm not saying that the law in Germany has the "right" age of consent, but all I'm saying is that an age of consent of 18 is not the universal objective standard everyone has agreed to. Nor is it agreed to by everyone that it makes them a "pedophile" to violate the 18 standard.
And even with an age of consent of 18, one year under the age of 18 at the age of 17 is hardly a big deal. Reminds of this: