Exterminationist Holocaust Graphics Circulating Online

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Exterminationist Holocaust Graphics Circulating Online

Postby Otium » 4 years 2 months ago (Tue Apr 02, 2019 12:58 pm)

I don't know how long this has been happening, but I've come across many of these graphics which purport to 'debunk holocaust denial'. https://archive.4plebs.org/tv/thread/98883259/#98885028 (a thread for anyone interested). I wanted to make this post to poke fun at them and read the critiques of those more knowledgeable than myself, so perhaps this thread can be a topic debunking these graphics specifically if it hasn't been done already. They seem, as a cursory glance to be based more upon asking questions and moral judgements then about actual information.


If you look at the centre right graphic of the first image below, the one in the middle the fourth point admits that there isn't enough tangible evidence to prove the Holocaust.

The Nazi's cover-up also had one last unintended benefit. While the enormous amount of documents, testimonials and witnesses provide a grand picture proving the reality of the holocaust beyond a doubt, holocaust deniers and historical revisionists could use the lack of immediate hard evidence of the death camps to mislead laymen into believing it never happened


This to me is not an insignificant admission. And probably why the argument quality in these images seems to come down to the reader having to accept unsourced predictions for the debunking to even be relevant such as the idea that the Nazis hid their tracks, of course that's very convenient even though in the same point apparently we still have documents...So, either the Nazis did it so well or not so well, there doesn't seem to be an answer. The points about testimonials and witness reports seems laughable. If I write a novel painting a 'grand picture' it's still just a fiction, even if gullible people for whatever reason started to believe it.

This one strikes me as odd. The idea that hearing about '6 million jews' would've been normal because that was the rough total number of Jews in europe seems off simply because the Holocaust is supposed to have killed 6 million jews, leaving millions more alive, and more millions receiving reparations. I can't help but think some of these images are so bad they might've been created by revisionists as a tactic to attack even though I'm yet to see anyone make rebuttals.

Here are the other images.








This one makes me laugh simply because somehow it's "selective' (no shit) to criticize laughable stories touted to be true. Of course exterminationist hate this because of how ridiculous we know it all is.


I know that all of these arguments are probably very basic and have been refuted to death elsewhere on the forum. But I think that this thread can be an antidote to such graphics when those questioning look online, especially since these graphics on our side or theirs seem to exist within their own niche. I also think it'd be useful to debunk them here so anyone looking for answers can find them quickly without digging for hours and hours through tons of information that create an overwhelming experience. I know I've personally been overwhelmed when I go into a rabbit hole.

Maybe creating our own graphics as supplements to the Holocaust Handbooks could provide some use, less conspiratorial looking graphics that would put off those wondering about the truth. Unfortunately we have to be a lot more careful than the other guys. Anyway.

I'm just particularly interested in responding to these points, especially those about the oven capacity and the zyklon residue, how it works in different weather, apparently that Polish team cited in a few of the graphs found traces, but traces also have been lost because the Auschwitz 'homicidal gas chambers' were open and subject to the conditions??

I'm interested to, because of the non-revisionist historians which are now questioning Auschwitz or throw it off entirely. Particularly Gitta Sereny.

Her ruthless desire to stick to the facts -- that, say, Auschwitz was not a "death camp" -- has not always won her friends. She is particularly scathing about the identification of Hitler's evil with the death of the Jews and only the Jews. She deplores the use of the word "holocaust", she says.
http://www.fpp.co.uk/Legal/Observer/Ser ... 90801.html

"Untruth always matters," she writes, "and not just because it is unnecessary to lie when so much terrible truth is available. Every falsification, every error, every slick rewrite job is an advantage to the neo-Nazis." She is puzzled, too, by what she perceives as a reluctance to confront the truth by those who seem to have the most interest in it: "Why on earth have all these people who made Auschwitz into a sacred cow. . . why didn't they go and look at Treblinka (which was an extermination camp)? It was possible. There were survivors alive when all this started. Nobody did. It was an almost pathological concentration on this one place. A terrible place -- but it was not an extermination camp." Then she sighs; and suddenly the fierceness leaves her. "The distinctions are important," she says more quietly. "But -- death is death.http://www.fpp.co.uk/Legal/Observer/Ser ... 90801.html

And also Fritjof Meyers report http://www.vho.org/GB/c/Meyer.html about the lower Auschwitz death toll to around the 400,000 mark, the number used in 1947 by the poles themselves. But not only that, the idea that Jews were actually gassed in farm houses outside of Auschwitz itself. Even though that simply creates more unfalsifiable claims, it's still a huge step in the right direction in my mind. And those exterminationists know this as I'm sure many know there was some controversy around Meyer's study.

Irving has made a post on his website documenting some of the controversy.

And there's also this article published in the Journal for Genocide research written by John Zimmerman which I haven't seen a thorough response to from the revisionist side.


I think this would be a useful thread to respond to these graphics specifically as I haven't come across anyone resisting them with revisionist arguments. These Exterminationists are running wild and they need to be stopped.

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Re: Exterminationist Holocaust Graphics Circulating Online

Postby borjastick » 4 years 2 months ago (Tue Apr 02, 2019 1:08 pm)

It's all very simple, ask these experts to come here and defend their claims. They won't because of several reasons but mainly because they are held to a higher standard here and because they know they will be put to the sword.

It's very easy for a sixteen year old 'hard' boy at school to dominate and win the argument in the school playground against twelve years olds. But sooner or later he leaves school and finds that 18 yr olds are waiting for him.

In this place they will need to be at their best, and they aren't, ever.
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

'We don't need evidence, we have survivors' - israeli politician

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Re: Exterminationist Holocaust Graphics Circulating Online

Postby Lamprecht » 4 years 2 months ago (Tue Apr 02, 2019 2:19 pm)

Some of these info pics they are "debunking" are just bad arguments. If you do not use these images, then someone "refuting" them is simply attacking a strawman.

A straw man is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man."

As for this:


Juergen Graf examines Hilberg's book in his "The Giant with Feet of Clay" here: https://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/03-tgwfoc.pdf

It also misses the entire point, which is that we know some eyewitness testimony is complete nonsense. Even jews have admitted that most testimony is "unreliable" see: viewtopic.php?t=12170#p90773

As for this picture with the Zyclon-B stains:


Germar Rudolf shows that the Polish team's study was not using "legitimate scientific methods" here:

A fraudulent attempt to refute Mr. Death

As well as many other places. As for:


Yeah, believers love to attack Leuchter for his alleged lack of credibility (a fallacious ad hominem attack of course) but they usually ignore Germar Rudolf and his expert report, since he is an actually qualified chemist:

The Rudolf Report: Expert Report on Chemical and Technical Aspects of the ‘Gas Chambers’ of Auschwitz

The Chemistry of Auschwitz
PDF: http://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/02-tcoa.pdf
Video: https://codoh.com/library/document/the- ... chwitz/en/ or https://archive.org/details/thechemistr ... aschambers or https://bitchute.com/video/Izk0OVICrgj0/

As for the top right image on Krege's analysis (which, to be fair, hasn't been published) how can they "Debunk the whole image" if they can not show us even one huge mass grave with 0.1% of the alleged victims? Apparently you can win $100,000 by showing the graves at Treblinka.
See: https://thisisaboutscience.com/

Honestly, I have never used any of these photos that are "debunked" in these images in my debates. I would stick to the facts, there are many ways to approach the debate. If someone posts these images themselves, and "debunks" them, explain that you did not post these images and it is a strawman argument.

I'm just particularly interested in responding to these points, especially those about the oven capacity and the zyklon residue, how it works in different weather, apparently that Polish team cited in a few of the graphs found traces, but traces also have been lost because the Auschwitz 'homicidal gas chambers' were open and subject to the conditions??

Oven capacity is not something I usually choose to debate about. These people claim millions of jews were vaporized in ovens, so why don't they show the millions of pounds of remains that would necessarily be there?

On that cremation document: https://imgur.com/jSj3fsf

Why did Auschwitz need crematoriums able to 'burn 5,000 people a day' ?

The Crematoria Ovens of Auschwitz and Birkenau

The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz—A Technical and Historical Study
PDF: http://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/24-tcfoa.pdf

As for the ferrocyanide residue, see the links above "A fraudulent attempt to refute Mr. Death" and "The Rudolf Report" and "The Chemistry of Auschwitz" - As well as this thread:

Cyanide Chemistry at Auschwitz

This link shows you the Polish report and totally rips it to shreds in a short summary at the top:

An Official Polish Report on the Auschwitz 'Gas Chambers'
https://codoh.com/library/document/an-o ... tz-gas/en/

Some considerations about the 'Gas Chambers' of Auschwitz and Birkenau

And there's also this article published in the Journal for Genocide research written by John Zimmerman which I haven't seen a thorough response to from the revisionist side.

It has been discussed in multiple works, see the thread on the article:
Fritjof Meyer and the number of Auschwitz victims: a critical analysis - John C. Zimmerman

See also my thread on the quantity of burnt remains that would be at Auschwitz (roughly 1 US football field covered over 1 foot high in burnt remains / bone ash):
Cremated remains, bone ash, and water-solubility // the ash ponds
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...


Re: Exterminationist Holocaust Graphics Circulating Online

Postby Otium » 4 years 2 months ago (Wed Apr 03, 2019 5:16 am)

Lamprecht wrote:Some of these info pics they are "debunking" are just bad arguments. If you do not use these images, then someone "refuting" them is simply attacking a strawman.

A straw man is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man."

As for this:


Juergen Graf examines Hilberg's book in his "The Giant with Feet of Clay" here: https://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/03-tgwfoc.pdf

It also misses the entire point, which is that we know some eyewitness testimony is complete nonsense. Even jews have admitted that most testimony is "unreliable" see: viewtopic.php?t=12170#p90773

As for this picture with the Zyclon-B stains:


Germar Rudolf shows that the Polish team's study was not using "legitimate scientific methods" here:

A fraudulent attempt to refute Mr. Death

As well as many other places. As for:


Yeah, believers love to attack Leuchter for his alleged lack of credibility (a fallacious ad hominem attack of course) but they usually ignore Germar Rudolf and his expert report, since he is an actually qualified chemist:

The Rudolf Report: Expert Report on Chemical and Technical Aspects of the ‘Gas Chambers’ of Auschwitz

The Chemistry of Auschwitz
PDF: http://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/02-tcoa.pdf
Video: https://codoh.com/library/document/the- ... chwitz/en/ or https://archive.org/details/thechemistr ... aschambers or https://bitchute.com/video/Izk0OVICrgj0/

As for the top right image on Krege's analysis (which, to be fair, hasn't been published) how can they "Debunk the whole image" if they can not show us even one huge mass grave with 0.1% of the alleged victims? Apparently you can win $100,000 by showing the graves at Treblinka.
See: https://thisisaboutscience.com/

Honestly, I have never used any of these photos that are "debunked" in these images in my debates. I would stick to the facts, there are many ways to approach the debate. If someone posts these images themselves, and "debunks" them, explain that you did not post these images and it is a strawman argument.

I'm just particularly interested in responding to these points, especially those about the oven capacity and the zyklon residue, how it works in different weather, apparently that Polish team cited in a few of the graphs found traces, but traces also have been lost because the Auschwitz 'homicidal gas chambers' were open and subject to the conditions??

Oven capacity is not something I usually choose to debate about. These people claim millions of jews were vaporized in ovens, so why don't they show the millions of pounds of remains that would necessarily be there?

On that cremation document: https://imgur.com/jSj3fsf

Why did Auschwitz need crematoriums able to 'burn 5,000 people a day' ?

The Crematoria Ovens of Auschwitz and Birkenau

The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz—A Technical and Historical Study
PDF: http://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/24-tcfoa.pdf

As for the ferrocyanide residue, see the links above "A fraudulent attempt to refute Mr. Death" and "The Rudolf Report" and "The Chemistry of Auschwitz" - As well as this thread:

Cyanide Chemistry at Auschwitz

This link shows you the Polish report and totally rips it to shreds in a short summary at the top:

An Official Polish Report on the Auschwitz 'Gas Chambers'
https://codoh.com/library/document/an-o ... tz-gas/en/

Some considerations about the 'Gas Chambers' of Auschwitz and Birkenau

And there's also this article published in the Journal for Genocide research written by John Zimmerman which I haven't seen a thorough response to from the revisionist side.

It has been discussed in multiple works, see the thread on the article:
Fritjof Meyer and the number of Auschwitz victims: a critical analysis - John C. Zimmerman

See also my thread on the quantity of burnt remains that would be at Auschwitz (roughly 1 US football field covered over 1 foot high in burnt remains / bone ash):
Cremated remains, bone ash, and water-solubility // the ash ponds

Thanks very much Lamprecht! This will be very helpful. My first and foremost action to take with those who I talk to about the Holocaust is to refer them to the forum as I know there's people on here definitely more adept than myself to respond to such questions. My main interest is the rise and actual state of the Third Reich not so much the war and the Holocaust, although the Holocaust is definitely something I get into rabbit holes about on the occasion.

And like I said in the original post, I find it quite telling that they admit the lack of real physical evidence can lead to the conclusion that it didn't happen. As far as I'm concerned they have the conclusion in their mind, whatever deviates from that must fit their preconceived conclusions whether it's about the Holocaust or the National Socialists prior to. In order for them to debunk something they must accept other claims they haven't proven.

Krege is interesting, you said his findings haven't been published but if you just type in his surname you get results claiming to debunk him, based on what I do not know. In the graphic they simply made non points about HIM not the actual findings which fell totally flat. I'll look at your links.

If anyone else wants to respond with more info I'd be willing to see it too.

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Re: Exterminationist Holocaust Graphics Circling Online

Postby Lamprecht » 4 years 2 months ago (Wed Apr 03, 2019 9:04 am)

Yes, they often like to attack the person. Some times, instead of refuting what someone says, a person will try to set about and prove they are a "racist" or "anti-semite" which, to them, invalidates all of their statements. Obviously, it does not, if a 'racist' says "2+2=4" is that not true?


Krege's report hasn't been published, but we also have Sturdy Colls' analysis of Treblinka. Read more:

Comments on Treblinka Statements by Caroline Sturdy Colls

[Video] Treblinka Archaeology Hoax

Simply search Sturdy Colls in the forum: https://google.com/search?q=sturdy+coll ... .codoh.com or search.php?keywords=Sturdy+Colls

As for:
As far as I'm concerned they have the conclusion in their mind
Yes that is often the case. When someone has adopted a religion, they really can not change it. I have made a post about this: viewtopic.php?t=7134#p52463

There exist true believers, they are convinced that if you say "Hitler did not gas Jews" you are justifying genocide and racism in some way. I don't really put in much effort trying to understand their illogical thought processes, all you can do is make your case.
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Exterminationist Holocaust Graphics Circulating Online

Postby Lamprecht » 4 years 1 month ago (Tue Apr 30, 2019 12:35 pm)

From the OP:

The document is probably real, but the caption is contradicted by its own contents!

Full German text: https://archive.fo/iTBBb or http://web.archive.org/web/201402282003 ... befehl.htm
English translation: http://archive.fo/iJtZF or https://web.archive.org/web/20200618040 ... e.it/2pa96 or https://archive.vn/EmhXL

This was a circular letter that SS Obergruppenfuhrer Oswald Pohl, mentioned by Blatt, delivered to the commanders of all 19 concentration camps on October 26, 1943.

Partial translation:
The work capacity of the detainees has become significant and all measures taken by the commanders, the heads of the food service, and the physicians have to aim for the health and efficiency of the detainees. [...] My first priority is: No more than 10% of all detainees should be disabled because of diseases. This objective must be achieved by the joint efforts of all concerned. Thus, it is necessary to ensure:

1) Good and proper diet

2) Good and proper clothing

3) Use of all natural health agents

4) Avoidance of all unnecessary efforts not immediately connected with the task in question.

I seriously fail to understand how this at all shows a deliberate policy of starvation? I guess these hoaxters are just hoping they can trick people into believing lies by mislabeling documents in languages the reader doesn't understand...

See also:

Did Himmler order the Jews be better treated?

A 1936 italian report about KL Dachau.
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...


Re: Exterminationist Holocaust Graphics Circulating Online

Postby Otium » 3 years 8 months ago (Thu Sep 12, 2019 9:23 am)

In one of my newest threads I've come across a know it all armchair twitter historian who claims to have debunked the deniers! His evidence? More Exterminationist graphics that have been debunked in one thread or another. So here's an update.

My thread on the Twitter user: https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=12715&p=93646#p93646

Here are the graphics.

graphic exterminationist.jpg

I would like to note, that this idea 'women burned faster' isn't true, and was dealt with in the documentary: Auschwitz: The Surprising Hidden Truth http://holocausthandbooks.com/index.php?page_id=1005 in which it's showed that women only burn 3% faster than men. The idea as quoted in this graphic, that female bodies can essentially act as FUEL to speed up cremation without accounting for body water concentration is just ridiculous. And whatever happened to the other accusation these exterminationists make about how emaciated they would be? Surely the fat ratio between starved men and women couldn't possibly be enough for this?

In any case they themselves simply rely on eyewitness evidence without sourcing anything which supports their claims scientifically. It's all just 'what if'.

For example.

If you stuff 4 corpses into each muffle (2 adults + 2 children or infants) and it takes an entire hour for the contents to be somewhat reasonably cremated, to then be dropped to the ash collection channel below, so that the muffle is clear for the introduction of the next batch of bodies, the calculation checks out

This strikes me as so stupidly specific. If this as implied, is the only way the calculation 'checks out' I as an exterminationist would be quite scared for a few reasons. For one, I'd need to actually provide evidence that this was done and is possible, which I couldn't. Second this relies on the idea that they had an equal ratio of 2 adults + two children or infants, of which there's no way of actually making sure of. Eyewitnesses can claim this works, but simply thinking about the amount of times you'd have to work without this combination of bodies is extremely damaging to the claim made by these exterminationists.

If anyone has any more specific info on this, and the maths behind it, I would very much appreciate a post in this thread with reference to this graphics claims.


This document is discussed here:
The Ovens in the Camps are Incinerators Now

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Re: Exterminationist Holocaust Graphics Circulating Online

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 8 months ago (Wed Sep 18, 2019 7:21 pm)

I have found the source of most of these infographics / "debunkings"


He also has a RODOH account: https://rodoh.info/forum/search.php?aut ... 2&sr=posts

His strategy is pretty simple, and very common: just go after the weakest arguments, ie: the low hanging fruit. Similar to how Myles Power "debunked" the Leuchter report but never even mentioned Rudolf's expert report (see: viewtopic.php?t=12438 )

For the most part, all of his "debunkings" are just appeals to authority and citing, most often, Wikipedia. Also he attacks a lot of strawman arguments, a lot of claims I've never heard of, at least by published revisionists.
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Exterminationist Holocaust Graphics Circulating Online

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 8 months ago (Wed Sep 18, 2019 7:50 pm)

HMSendeavour wrote:Image

I would like to note, that this idea 'women burned faster' isn't true, and was dealt with in the documentary: Auschwitz: The Surprising Hidden Truth http://holocausthandbooks.com/index.php?page_id=1005 in which it's showed that women only burn 3% faster than men. The idea as quoted in this graphic, that female bodies can essentially act as FUEL to speed up cremation without accounting for body water concentration is just ridiculous. And whatever happened to the other accusation these exterminationists make about how emaciated they would be? Surely the fat ratio between starved men and women couldn't possibly be enough for this?

In any case they themselves simply rely on eyewitness evidence without sourcing anything which supports their claims scientifically. It's all just 'what if'.

For example.
If you stuff 4 corpses into each muffle (2 adults + 2 children or infants) and it takes an entire hour for the contents to be somewhat reasonably cremated, to then be dropped to the ash collection channel below, so that the muffle is clear for the introduction of the next batch of bodies, the calculation checks out

This strikes me as so stupidly specific. If this as implied, is the only way the calculation 'checks out' I as an exterminationist would be quite scared for a few reasons. For one, I'd need to actually provide evidence that this was done and is possible, which I couldn't. Second this relies on the idea that they had an equal ratio of 2 adults + two children or infants, of which there's no way of actually making sure of. Eyewitnesses can claim this works, but simply thinking about the amount of times you'd have to work without this combination of bodies is extremely damaging to the claim made by these exterminationists.

If anyone has any more specific info on this, and the maths behind it, I would very much appreciate a post in this thread with reference to this graphics claims.

German engineer Kurt Prüfer:
"I spoke about the enormous strain on the overused furnaces. I told Chief Engineer Sander: I am worried whether the furnaces can stand the excessive usage. In my presence two cadavers were pushed into one muffle instead of one cadaver. The furnaces could not stand the strain."

All this SirAaronRichards guy does is quote exterminationist and mainstream sources as fact. It's merely an appeal to authority.

I would suggest:
Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers—An Introduction and Update to Jean-Claude Pressac’s Magnum Opus
PDF: https://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/42-ataootgc.pdf

An excerpt:
The capacity of a cremation device – the number of corpses it can incinerate within a given time span – and its efficiency – the amount of fuel it needs either per cremation or per operational time period – are extremely crucial device properties in our context. They are decisive in determining whether the Auschwitz authorities were merely trying to handle the victims of the epidemics raging inside the camp, or whether they build an excessive cremation capacity explicable only by the intent to mass-murder people.

In order to get those properties right, it’s not good practice to depend on administrative documents, since bureaucrats have never been known to be competent in technical matters. It’s also not good practice to depend on the advertisement material of a vendor of such devices. Hyperbole and exaggerations – also called false advertisement – are rather common in the technical field. At the end of the day, resorting to technical literature, to experiments and to thermo-technical calculations is the only way to be certain of gaining proper knowledge in these matters.

To date, only one study of the Auschwitz cremation furnaces has been written. It is a three-volume work of 1,198 pages chock-full of calculations, references to expert literature, documents and photographs.39 The most important insights we gain from it is that the cremation furnaces of Auschwitz were a cheap, stripped-down version of normal civilian cremation furnaces on a number of counts:

– Their muffles were smaller, because they were designed to merely accommo- date one corpse at a time, without a coffin. The missing fuel-equivalent of the wooden coffin had to be compensated for with additional furnace fuel.

– The furnaces had no means of recovering the heat from the exhaust gases (a so-called recuperator). The heat loss had to be compensated for with additional furnace fuel. Combustion air fed into the furnace was cold, hence, the entire furnace operated on average at lower temperatures, thus at extended cremation times.

– The furnaces of the Birkenau crematoria had no forced-draft blowers increasing the chimney’s draft. Moreover, their means of regulating the air flow with ports and shutters was very limited. Hence, they could rarely be operated under ideal conditions.

– The 10 triple-muffle furnaces of the Crematoria II & III had a major design flaw: the combustion air of the two lateral muffles flowed into the center muffle, whose combustion air therefore flowed with twice the speed. As a result, the still-burning combustion gases rushed into the flues, overheating them and the chimney ducts. As a consequence, these crematoria suffered frequent breakdowns due to damaged flues and chimneys. In addition, these units had only one blower feeding cold air indiscriminately into both lateral muffles, further reducing the controllability of cremations.

Although almost the entire documentation about the operation of these crematoria seems to have been lost or destroyed, we don’t have to rely on theoretical thermotechnical calculations and extrapolations from similar furnaces in order to figure out how much time it took to cremate a body in those furnaces, and how much coke each cremation required. As a stroke of luck, a furnace of basically the identical design as were installed in Crematoria II & III at Birkenau was also installed at the Gusen Camp in Austria, and for this, some documents have been preserved. From them we can derive that a cremation of one single corpse took on average an hour, and that it required a little less than 30 kg of coke per hour (and corpse), if the furnace was operated continuously. Discontinuous operations increased the coke consumption accordingly.

From the vast documentation of the Central Construction Office of Auschwitz we can glean that the first two crematoria of Birkenau becoming operational were also seriously damaged right at the beginning. Facing a catastrophic typhus epidemic with thousands of corpses remaining uncremated, the Auschwitz camp authorities fired up these crematoria too fast and too unevenly. Crematorium II had its flues collapse and the chimney crack, while Crematorium IV was irreparably damaged and was subsequently taken offline, never to be used again.

The common cliché has it that Auschwitz was a high-efficiency death camp where people were murdered and incinerated in a conveyor-belt fashion with the most-modern German technology available at the time. A close look into the documents reveals, however, that the Auschwitz cremation devices were cheap, badly designed quick-fixes that failed repeatedly. Their efficiency and capacity were sub- par at best.

There is much more there in the book which demolishes Pressac's ridiculous claims. As recently pointed out by Hektor here:
and: viewtopic.php?p=93833#p93833

There was an offer to build a four-story tall “incineration chamber” that acted as a "continuous operation corpse incineration" for Auschwitz, which was denied.


EDIT: also check out chapter "Crematorium I" (pg 34) of the above pdf
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...


Re: Exterminationist Holocaust Graphics Circulating Online

Postby Otium » 3 years 8 months ago (Thu Sep 19, 2019 3:18 am)

Lamprecht wrote:There was an offer to build a four-story tall “incineration chamber” that acted as a "continuous operation corpse incineration" for Auschwitz, which was denied.

IIRC the actual ovens broke at one point didn't they? Having to be repaired over 4 weeks. I cannot remember exactly where I read this, i've been going over threads, books and videos in my spare time the past week and a half so it's easy for info like that to be lost. Hence why I need index cards.

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Re: Exterminationist Holocaust Graphics Circulating Online

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 8 months ago (Sat Sep 21, 2019 10:34 pm)

Found this debunking of one of these images. I already addressed it above though

HMSendeavour wrote:
Lamprecht wrote:There was an offer to build a four-story tall “incineration chamber” that acted as a "continuous operation corpse incineration" for Auschwitz, which was denied.

IIRC the actual ovens broke at one point didn't they? Having to be repaired over 4 weeks. I cannot remember exactly where I read this, i've been going over threads, books and videos in my spare time the past week and a half so it's easy for info like that to be lost. Hence why I need index cards.

Ovens broke down many times. I would suggest:

The Crematoria Ovens of Auschwitz and Birkenau

If you search for the following text, there is a table below it showing what you seek:
"Thus the following picture emerges of the service and downtime periods of the four crematoria of Birkenau in 1943:"
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Exterminationist Holocaust Graphics Circulating Online

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 8 months ago (Mon Sep 23, 2019 7:49 pm)

Another silly "Debunking"


Top left - How are human animal incinerators a better comparison to 1940s crematoria in Auschwitz than modern crematoria? Various camps had better crematoria than Auschwitz.
I suggest this post:

"I have mentioned the enormous load to which the overtaxed ovens were subjected. I told Chief Engineer Sander I was worried about whether the ovens could withstand the excessive load. In my presence, two bodies were placed in one muffle, instead of a single body, and the ovens were unable to handle the load" - Kurt Prüfer, the head of Topf & Söhne's small crematoria department, at his 19th March 1946 interrogation

Bottom left - This four story corpse continuous incineration device was never built. Why even mention it? They offered to build it and at Auschwitz they said "No"
See: viewtopic.php?t=10617#p79804

Top right - This document is a forgery and has been totally debunked; even some exterminationists disregard it due to its absolute absurdities:
Bischoff Letter Dated June 28th 1943 and Krema 4

Bottom right - nobody denies the crematoria. Not sure what else has to be said about that. Actually, Revisionist Carlo Mattogno has the most comprehensive work to date on the cremation furnaces of Auschwitz, an over 1000 page read:
The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz—A Technical and Historical Study
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...


Re: Exterminationist Holocaust Graphics Circulating Online

Postby Otium » 2 years 6 months ago (Mon Dec 07, 2020 9:28 pm)

Lamprecht wrote:Bottom left - This four story corpse continuous incineration device was never built. Why even mention it? They offered to build it and at Auschwitz they said "No"
See: viewtopic.php?t=10617#p79804

What about the Topf letter regarding the "pure facility for extermination"?

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Re: Exterminationist Holocaust Graphics Circulating Online

Postby Lamprecht » 2 years 6 months ago (Mon Dec 07, 2020 9:58 pm)

HMSendeavour wrote:
Lamprecht wrote:Bottom left - This four story corpse continuous incineration device was never built. Why even mention it? They offered to build it and at Auschwitz they said "No"
See: viewtopic.php?t=10617#p79804

What about the Topf letter regarding the "pure facility for extermination"?

He is talking about the purpose of the crematoria, the document is discussed here: viewtopic.php?p=94849#p94849

It would not be a "facility for extermination" because it would be loaded with corpses, not living people. You can't kill a dead body. He is contrasting this with civilian crematoria because families often want to preserve the ashes of their deceased relatives, usually in a jar or container of sorts. Auschwitz had a high death rate due to disease spreading among the prisoners. The crematoria were built to incinerate the bodies so that they could control the spread of disease. There was no need to have the ashes of each person segregated and placed into separate jars, it didn't matter if they got mixed together. Fritz Sander was an engineer that designed crematoria ovens so he was looking at it from that perspective. If there was a desire to make a "facility for extermination" they would have used an incineration plant designed for organic material. Search "offal incineration device" - these sorts of things are sold to slaughterhouses all the time.
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Exterminationist Holocaust Graphics Circulating Online

Postby Hektor » 2 years 5 months ago (Fri Dec 11, 2020 11:40 am)

Lamprecht wrote:....
Bottom left - This four story corpse continuous incineration device was never built. Why even mention it? They offered to build it and at Auschwitz they said "No"
See: viewtopic.php?t=10617#p79804

It's worth mentioning, because it indicates that they had no use for this in Auschwitz.
So the refusal doesn't support the Holocaust Narrative.

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