Myths about Generalplan Ost and Lebensraum

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Myths about Generalplan Ost and Lebensraum

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 10 months ago (Sat Aug 03, 2019 10:20 pm)

[The topic, Generalplan Ost, is also discussed at the CODOH WWII Atlantic / European Theater Forum here: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=7943 , as well as other threads here at the 'Holocaust" Forum. Thanks, Moderator]

'Lebensraum' is often intentionally exaggerated by those wanting to push the nonsense "Hitler planned to exterminate all races" lie. The actual meaning of Lebensraum referred to the security of the German borders, and the need to provide living space so that Germans aren't threatened by outside forces. The primary focus of Lebensraum were the Volksdeutch (Germans held in former German lands after the redrawn map of Versailles) populations and former German lands used to create Poland and Czechoslovakia under the Treaty of Saint Germain. To claim that "living space" meant "exterminate and re-populate more land than there would have been Germans to inhabit" is absurd, and contradicts the policies of "Germanization" that were actually practiced by Germans regarding occupied peoples

It is fraudulently claimed that the invasion of the USSR was an example of "Lebensraum" - however, there were multiple reasons for the invasion of the Soviet Union, for example:

1. To gain the necessary resources to fuel a long time war, something that Germany was severely lacking.

2. To prevent the inevitable invasion of Europe by the Soviet Union. The USSR was amassing troops on the border, it was clear that they intended to steamroll through Europe

3. To disband the Bolshevik and Jewish regime in the Soviet Union, something Hitler knew would be a threat to Germany, and the rest of Europe for that matter.

True, the Germans would've gained land from defeating the Soviets and would certainly have sent its citizens into this newfound land, just like the allies did to German clay they gained after WW1 and WW2. The Germans wouldn't have exterminated Russians. They simply would have governed them.

A Case Study in Intellectual Dishonesty, False History and Anti-Germanism, by Hans Krampe
Hitler NEVER said, nor implied, that the Russian people were “subhuman” [...] What Hitler DID say was that they were inferior to Germans; and the majority of them clearly were at the time, in terms of society, culture and technology. The majority of Russian peasants in the vast, thinly populated western USSR that Hitler wanted to colonize with Germans, were illiterate, living in lice infested hovels, with no roads, no sanitation, no conception of hygiene or civilization, no inventive ambitions nor any desire to change these conditions as long as there was enough Vodka. They had grown used to living like that during centuries of neglect and abject servitude. Hitler neither intended to destroy them nor to enslave them. Unlike Robin, Adolf Hitler just wasn’t malicious enough for that. He simply intended to leave them to their ways while building roads (autobahns), railroads and along them towns for Germans to emigrate to from the overcrowded home country.

Some points:

1. There is absolutely no proof of Generalplan Ost ever existing.

2. Hitler would have been fine with a path through the Polish Corridor. If Poland had agreed to the terms then there would have been no war.

3. Germany did not massively blob into Eastern Europe like Wikipedia suggests, they had very clear borders. The eventual goal was to set up puppet states, not wipe out the populace.

4. If the plan was to exterminate Slavs, then why were there no camps for that purpose? The deaths in Eastern Europe are from starvation and warfare, not extermination.

5. Plenty of Slavs fought alongside Germans in the Russian Liberation Army, SS Galician, and others.

6. "Dokument 1880" is a letter from Himmler to Hitler discussing Himmler's "Germaneizerung" (Germanization) Plan for occupied peoples of the East. The objective was to forcibly assimilate them in the shortest amount of time, mostly by importing foreign children to Germany and "Germanizing" them with new German names, and German educations. This was also the basis of the "Lebensborn Kidnapping Trials", so the assertion that Germany meant to "exterminate" slavs contradicts the other myth, that Germany "kidnapped" slavic children to "erase their identities". (See Page 147 of ... l-XIII.pdf)


The word appears nine times in Mein Kampf.
"Einmal tritt aber dieser Fall ein, und zwar um so früher, je kleiner der zur Verfügung stehende Lebensraum eines Volkes ist."

But this case occurs once, and the smaller the available living space of a people

"Er ist nicht eine Zusammenfassung wirtschaftlicher Kon-trahenten in einem bestimmt umgrenzten Lebensraum zur Erfüllung wirtschaftlicher Aufgaben"

It is not a summary of economic contenders in a defined (living) environment for the fulfillment of economic tasks

"um diese unter allerlei Vorwänden für sich schaffen zu lassen, können selbst ohne jeden eige-nen, bestimmt begrenzten Lebensraum Staaten bilden. Dies trifft in erster Linie zu bei dem Volke, unter dessen Para- sitentum besonders heute die ganze ehrliche Menschheit zu leiden hat: dem Judentum."

To all these pretexts for themselves, without any countries. This applies primarily to the people, under who the whole of honest humanity today has suffered: Judaism.

Der Nomade besitzt sehr wohl einen bestimmt um-grenzten Lebensraum, nur bebaut er ihn nicht als seßhafter Bauer, sondern lebt vom Ertrage seiner Herden, mit denen er in seinem Gebiete wandert. Der äußere Grund hierfür ist in der geringen Fruchtbarkeit eines Bodens zu sehen, der eine Ansiedlung einfach nicht gestattet. Die tiefere Ur-sache aber liegt im zwischen der technischen Kultur einer Zeit oder eines Volkes und der natürlichen Armut eines Lebensraumes."

The nomad has a bordered habitat, he did not cultivate as a more settled peasant, but lives by the yield of his flocks, with those he walks in his territory. The external reason for this is to be seen in the low fertility of a soil, which does not allow settlement. There is a disproportion between the technical culture of a time or a people and the natural poverty of a living space.

"Bei den Juden hingegen ist diese Einstellung überhaupt nicht vorhanden; er war des-halb auch nie Nomade, sondern immer nur Parasit im Körper anderer Völker. Daß er dabei manchmal seinen bis-herigen Lebensraum verläßt ... die mißbrauchten Gastvölker erfährt."

Among the Jews, however, this attitude does not exist at all, for he was never a nomad, but always only a parasite in the bodies of other peoples. The fact is that sometimes his habitat does not depend on his intention but is the result of the expulsion, from time to time due to the abused peoples experiences.

"Sie muß dann, ohne Rücksicht auf „Traditionen" und Vorurteile, den Mut finden, unser Volk und seine Kraft zu sammeln zum Vormarsch auf jener Straße, die aus der heutigen Beengtheit des Lebensraumes dieses Volk hinausführt zu neuem Grund und Boden und damit auch für immer von der Gefahr befreit, auf dieser Erde zu vergehen oder als Sklavenvolk die Dienste anderer besorgen zu müssen."

It must then, without regard for traditions and prejudices, find the courage, to gather our people and their strength, to take the road that emerges from the today's constriction of the habitat this nation leads, to a new ground and soil and thus also forever from the danger freed on this earth or as slaves to the services of others.

"So wie Deutschlands Grenzen Grenzen des Zufalls sind und Augenblicksgrenzen im jeweiligen politischen Ringen der Zeit, so auch die Grenzen der Lebensräume der anderen Völker."

Just as Germany's borders are limits of chance, and momentary limits in the respective political domain, the limits of habitats are based on the limits of their peoples.

"Sie kann und wird nur Sinn erhalten, wenn sie die Rückendeckung bietet für eine Vergrößerung des Lebensraumes unseres Volkes in Europa."

It can and will only sense if it provides the back cover for an enlargement of the living space of our people in Europe.

We see the group most mentioned in conjunction with "Lebensraum" are Jews not Slavs.

Suggested reading:

Operation Barbarossa Was A Preventive Attack

"Master Race" / Herrenrasse / Herrenvolk - a deliberate mistranslation

Generalplan Ost in Revisionism

'Why Germany Invaded Poland', by John Wear / 'peaceful Poland' debunked
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Myths about Generalplan OST and Lebensraum

Postby Hannover » 3 years 10 months ago (Sat Aug 03, 2019 11:18 pm)

Brilliant, Lamprecht.

Fake claims about the nonexistent 'Generalplan Ost' come up frequently in discussions and in "Holocau$t Industry" propaganda. That's how desperate they are. As usual, they make absurd claims for which there is no documentary or physical proof.

But then this is The Big Lie. It is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived.

from: 'Propaganda', by French social philosopher Jacques Ellul:
"Action makes propaganda's effect irreversible. He who acts in obedience to propaganda can never go back. He is now obliged to believe in that propaganda because of his past action. He is obliged to receive from it his justification and authority, without which his action will seem to him absurd or unjust, which would be intolerable. He is obliged to continue to advance in the direction indicated by propaganda, for action demands more action."

Below is where free speech on the truly impossible "holocaust" storyline is illegal, violators go to prison for Thought Crimes. In all western countries, persecution, harassment, violent attacks & threats are the order of the day against those who engage in free speech about the impossible claims within it.
Those are obvious admissions that the storyline doesn't stand up to scientific, logical, & rational scrutiny.


Only lies reqiure censorship.

- Hannover
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: Myths about Generalplan OST and Lebensraum

Postby ServantOfAhuraMazda » 3 years 10 months ago (Sun Aug 04, 2019 8:29 am)

Slavs are a linguistic group and were treated as such by the racial theorists of the 19/20th century. To claim that the National Socialists intended to genocide whole nations on the basis of speaking a Slavic language is ridiculous. Anyone who is familiar with the racial theories of the early 20th century knows this to be a lie.

People of Europe were divided into 5 races: Nordic race, Dinaric race, Alpine race, Mediterranean race ,East Baltic race. The reason why some National Socialists viewed Slavs as inferior to German people was due to the asian admixture in the east. This admixture however, was never considered to be present in the majority of Europeans (Aryans) speaking a Slavic language.

Children belonging to the Nordic race were indeed taken to Germany as the National Socialists tried to stop, and even inverse the process of de-nordization of Europe. Nordic race was seen as the healthiest racial element among the Europeans / Aryans.

The so called "nazis" were pro-nordic. Not anti-slavic, anti-alpine etc.
Germans not belonging to the nordic race were never treated or viewed as inferior people. German government made a great effort to not ostracize people not belonging to the nordic race.
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