Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

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Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

Postby Sannhet » 2 years 10 months ago (Wed Jul 29, 2020 11:41 am)

A previous thread here is on the topic of David Cole's video of July 21st 2020 in which he attacks Revisionists as "complete cranks" and "kind of dumb," dismisses Revisionism as "polluting the Internet with ahistorical bu-----t," and claims the Holocaust occurred largely as the orthodox story has it but with around "3.5 million" murdered instead of 6 million.

Jim Rizoli, Diane King, and Fred Leuchter recorded a response to the David Cole video the next day (July 22). Cole had gone on an extended attack against not only Dr. Faurisson (r.i.p.) and Bradley Smith (r.i.p.), but harshly against the prolific revisionist Youtuber (now Bitchuter after his life-ban from Youtube) Jim Rizoli, by name. Here is the response video:

I'd like to highlight one thing in particular in this 38-minute video, which is largely carried by the energy of Fred Leuchter:

Fred Leuchter (who is now 77), reveals that both he himself (Leuchter) and Ernst Zundel -- then middle-aged Gentile men of German ancestry (Zundel of German birth and upbringing, of course) -- were suspicious of Cole, the Jewish "Gen. X" young man in his early twenties, when the latter appeared on the scene in the early-mid 1990s. Leuchter relates how both he and Zundel suspected Cole had a mixed motivation at best for his involvement in open and activist Holocaust Revisionism, with both suspecting Cole was consciously infiltrating the movement.

Fred Leuchter says he now suspects that Cole was on a mission in the early 1990s to infiltrate Revisionism, and that Cole could have had (or still have) ties to the Mossad.

The implication is that there were forces (be it the Mossad or others) who were interested in infiltrating Holocaust Revisionism by the early 1990s, given what great progress Revisionism seemed to be making at the time (e.g., in March 1990, major US political personality and '92 Republican presidential-nominee hopeful Pat Buchanan publicly endorsed Holocaust Revisionism; Revisionist conferences were well attended for years running; the IHR, before its decline, was actively publishing its Journal of Historical Review; opinion polls by the early 1990s suggested a large minority actively doubted the Holocaust story as marketed by the media and Hollywood). This itself ought not to be too hard to believe in principle.

Jim Rizoli steers Lecuhter away from this Mossad accusation, saying it is impossible to prove; Leuchter does not mention it one time in passing but comes back and repeats it several times.

Fred Leuchter - Jim Rizoli - Diane King - response to David Cole - July 22 2020.png

Here is one relevant highlight I'll transcribe from the response video, which includes the Zundel anecdote [from 7:00 to 8:30]:

RIZOLI to LEUCHTER: Why don't you give us your take on David Cole because you've met him, right?

LEUCHTER: Oh yes! I've met him several times.

RIZOLI: All right. So go ahead and give us your take.

LEUCHTER: First off, he hasn't read the most important book [puts up a copy of a book to the camera] --

KING: (laughs) The Leuchter Report -- ! [...]

LEUCHTER: I'm going to go back a little ways. When David Cole first appeared on the scene, if you will, or surfaced, I met him at Zundel's in Toronto. And I was a little concerned about who he was and where he was coming from. Because he actually did nothing. All he was doing was taking something that the Revisionists had been saying for twenty years and saying, "Look what I found! I got Piper to admit it!" Well, all Piper did was admit what he had before. But it sounded good. And I talked with Ernst about this, and I said to Ernst, I says, "I think he's a Zionist troll," I said, "I think he's here to corrupt what we're doing and to make things look silly." And Ernst said, "I agree, I think so too," he says, "But let's use him for what he's worth. He's getting publicity, he's helping us, so -- so be it."

Leuchter then says that he has come to also suspect that the famous 'hit' put out by Irv Rubin of the Jewish Defense League against David Cole in 1998, after which David Cole recanted and totally disappeared (taking an assumed name), could have been part of a "master plan," again insinuating collusion.

Cole's own narrative appears to be much the same, although naturally casting himself in the best light in the whole affair. After active involvement in Holocaust Revisionism, from ca. 1991 to 1996, Cole disappeared entirely as of late (?) 1997 and 1998, resurfacing publicly in 2013 -- but he claims he had already turned against Revisionism by 1997. By 1997/98, the global fight against Holocaust Revisionism had born great fruit, and people like Pat Buchanan were no longer making public statements of the kind he felt confident enough to make just a few years earlier. and if the Leuchter allegation has any merit, this is about when they would withdraw their asset from active service, as it were.

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Re: Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

Postby Archie » 2 years 10 months ago (Wed Jul 29, 2020 3:38 pm)

Very possible. Although I have to wonder if it was a good strategy. I don't see how letting a Jew go on Donahue and Montel to make revisionist arguments to a mainstream TV audience is helpful to the Holocaust lobby. He'd have to be providing some pretty good intel for it to be worthwhile for them. Seems like a simpler strategy to wreck the IHR would be simple persecution and bribery. (I'm sure they would love to bribe Germar but I don't think he can be bought).

At this point, not many people pay attention to current Cole except for revisionists. In that context the current Cole seems to be working to convince full-on revisionists to believe in holocaust-lite (or keeping people who are interested in it from going "all the way"). Maybe that's why he's not getting banned on YouTube, Amazon, etc? I see the angle now, but it's not as clear to me back in the day.

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Re: Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

Postby Hektor » 2 years 10 months ago (Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:55 pm)

While's not impossible. My question is, why put this out, if you don't have hard evidence to claim something like that? He 'changed' his mind on things, so why still bother?

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Re: Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

Postby stinky » 2 years 10 months ago (Thu Jul 30, 2020 7:29 am)

Although I was & am a long way from the action unlike Leuchter, I strongly suspect that Cole always has been an agent, from day 1 - to infiltrate revisionism.

I spent some time researching Cole on the internet, after initially getting into revisionism a few years ago. I smelt a rat.
I lifted information from various websites, online previews of Cole's book 'Republican Party Animals' & random internet comment sections, as much as you can trust any of these sources.
The information was the best I could put together given what I could locate.

DAVID ABRAVENAL COLE: Agent provocateur
Born 1971 (I'm not sure where I lifted that year from - born 1968 according to kosherpedia)

Cole did not go to university – "I wanted to begin working" but by the 1980's had become fascinated by political ideology, especially the work of fringe scholars known then as Holocaust revisionists. He was supported during this time by a trust fund. What sparked Cole's interest?
Cole was most active as a ‘revisionist’ from 1991 to 1995/96?
He made no public appearances as a revisionist after the 1995 Oklahoma City bombings
Cole officially recanted in a letter to the JDL on Jan 2 1998 – after receiving death threats & returned as a revisionist(lite) after being ‘outed’ in 2013.

Like Leuchter, I think the whole Irv Rubin/JDL threats & recantation was staged. A public & plausible 'out' as a revisionist.
Cole claimed that he paid the JDL, produced a recantation letter, as demanded, and that was that. Cool story.
Did anyone ever witness Cole being beaten up (he claimed he was assaulted 3 times during his early years as a revisionist)?

I was not aware that Zundel or Luechter had doubts about Cole from early on.
That would make it 3 that smelt a rat early, with Robert Faurisson.

It was critical to weasel up to Zundel & get close to the IHR (in what order, I'm not sure) to gain greater access/credibility with other revisionists - just as he had done earlier infiltrating 'befriending' McCalden, whom had long parted from the IHR.

REVISIONIST YEARS 1989? - 1995/96
Through ‘curiosity’ Cole started corresponding (late 80's?) with David McCalden (Co-founder of IHR).
In 1990 McCalden 'died' – A trustee decided to give McCalden’s vast resources to Cole – rare books & private correspondence by ‘default’. This allowed Cole to gain a valuable intel insight into the topic & the revisionists at the time.
Cole claims that he rented a 2 storey apartment (1 storey dedicated to books) & read EVERYTHING, becoming a self-proclaimed holocaust expert.
That money from his handlers trust fund money came in handy in supporting his fascination.

After being a revisionist for all of 2-3 years, he had already successfully infiltrated established himself, becoming the poster boy for revisionism, appearing in the following national TV;

with Mark Weber

with Bradley Smith


with Bradley Smith & Michael Shermer (whom Cole claims he coached)

with Ernst Zundel also features Mark Weber & Bradley Smith

In 1993, Cole was interviewed by Timothy Ryback for The New Yorker.

1992 David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper / Auschwitz documentary
1992 David Cole & Ernst Zundel at Auschwitz (Samisdat Productions)
1992 Ernst Zundel interviews David Cole (Samisdat Productions)
2014 El Gran Tabu featuring Germur Rudolf, Ernst Zundel & Bradley Smith
(Produced by Bradley Smith / David Cole / Germur Rudolf)

Cole 'borrowed' many of the elements in his Auschwitz video from what McCalden had directly covered prior in his 'Truth Missions' documentaries and what other revisionists had discovered earlier.

1992 11th IHR conference PRESENTATION (Irvine California)
1994 12th IHR conference PRESENTATION (Irvine California)
2014 IHR meeting PRESENTATION – introduced by Mark Weber


(Revisionist) Pseudonym Desmond Bowles
He provides revisionist material to different researches under this pseudonym. He advertised his 'wares' through Bradley Smith's 'Smith's Report' newsletters.

(Revisionist) with Bradley Smith

(Orthodox holocaust narrative) Pseudonym Dr Caleb Tinbergen
"In 1994 Cole co-founded the Tinbergen Archives, a Holocaust education institution and research facility in Beverly Hills, California, and he served as its director of operations from 1994 until 2004. The Tinbergen Archives was named in honor of Isaac Tinbergen, a Jewish victim of the Holocaust who, on the eve of his death, implored his fellow Dutch Jews to "record and remember" their experiences. Under David Stein's directorship, the Tinbergen Archives became one of the leading suppliers of Holocaust education materials to colleges and universities in North America.
In 1996 David created the documentary film division of the Tinbergen Archives, and over the course of the next eight years he produced over a dozen internationally renowned documentary films about the Holocaust, World War II, and the struggle of peoples around the world against racism and intolerance."

(Orthodox holocaust narrative) Pseudonym David Stein

Tinbergen Archives: Filmography
1999 D-Day: The Color Footage
1999 Liberation Day: Dachau
1999 Auschwitz: Silent Witness
2000 They Fought Back!
2001 War Crimes & Trials

David Abramavel Stein / David Cole / Caleb Tinbergen (Credited as Producer)
2013 Pole-itics (Documentary - short) (Associate Producer)
2015 The Red Road (Video documentary - short) (Producer)
2012 Obama Supporter Interviews Her 2008 Self (Video - short) (Producer)
2012 Dog Eater (Video - short) (Producer)
2009 Lucia no besa a nadie (Short) (Executive Producer)
2008 Paging David Cronenberg (Short) (Consulting Producer)
2007 Nuremberg: The 60th Anniversary Director's Cut (Documentary) (producer)
2007 The Courageous, the Forgotten (Documentary) (producer)
2007 El gran tabu (Documentary) (executive producer)
2003 3 Minutes (Short) (executive producer)
2001 War Crimes and Trials (Video documentary) (Producer)
2000 They Fought Back! (Documentary) (Producer)
1999 D-Day: The Color Footage (Documentary) (Producer)
1999 Liberation Day: Dachau (Documentary) (Co-producer)
1999 Auschwitz: Silent Witness (Documentary) (Producer)
1992 David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper (Documentary) (Producer)
2006/2007 The Ninth Circle (Unreleased)

The Ninth Circle blurb:
“One of the most daring documentary projects ever attempted, this film is already generating news worldwide. In December 2006, the government of Iran hosted a “Holocaust denial” conference featuring a network of the world’s most notorious neo- Nazis, anti-Semites, and terrorists. This conference garnered international headlines, but only Nistarim International Media was able to send an undercover operative to tape the secret proceedings of the conference”.
"As a well-known documentary filmmaker, and a Jew, Stein couldn't infiltrate the conference himself, so he worked in tandem with an associate who was able to slip in and out of the conference unnoticed. "At the close of the conference," Stein adds grimly,"President Ahmadinejad pledged twenty-five million dollars to the cause of Holocaust denial and the attendees toasted to the destruction of Israel. And we have it all on tape."
"Stein is editing the footage from the Iran conference into a documentary film, which will explore the rise in anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial worldwide." (Unreleased)

In 2003 Stein scored an exclusive interview with Mel Gibson's reclusive father, Hutton. (Unreleased).
After Hutton's recent death, Cole slithered out of his hole to solicit money to put the video out.

In 2004 he co-founded Cambio Entertainment with Francisco Roel, who had directed several of the documentary films that he produced.
I could not locate any further information on Cambio.

Pseudonym used for a period whilst preparing orthodox holocaust material as Cal Tinbergen & revisionist material as Desmond Bowles.
According to his own account, he fakes his death (as David Harvey) to get out of a ‘violent relationship’.

DAVID STEIN 1998 – 2013
FRIENDS OF ABE (a secretive support & networking group for conservative Hollywood elites)
REPUBLICAN PARTY ANIMALS (Spin off from Friends of Abe group)
From 2009 Stein took control of the Republican Party Animals website, organising parties/social events - mixing congressmen, military leaders, and administration officials with rock and roll, pole dancers, and abundant alcoholic beverages. During this period Stein described himself as a Republican Party activist, blogger & networker. Stein maintained control of the Republican Party Animals website after being ‘outed’ as a revisionist in 2013. I'm not sure how long that lasted.
Was Stein organising events with congressmen involving 'abundant' alcohol & strippers, so his targets could be filmed / photographed in compromising situations as a potential black mail operation / to gather intel for his handlers?

Under this pseudonym, Stein was engaged as a conservative commentator in publications & websites including FrontPageMag, Commentary, The Weekly Standard, Breitbart, The Daily Caller, HotAir, The Blaze, The Washington Times and & on shows including Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, and the Larry Elder Show. Stein was a former op-ed contributor to the L.A. Times from 1999 through 2005

In 1994 Cole & Bradley Smith embarked upon a film project in the Stutthof concentration camp in which, among other revisionists Pierre Guillaume and Henri Roques were present. Cole, (and only Cole’s) vehicle was broken in to in the camp car park and his notes & equipment were stolen. Smith published an eight-minute video, in which Cole told a (“probably fictional story” according to Smith) about an anti-revisionist ambush. The video of Cole’s account of this event was handed out (sold?) to Smith’s close friends. I have not been able to locate this video anywhere.
Smith & Cole fell-out shortly thereafter.
In 1994 (apparently) another video was published with an Auschwitz tour from the perspective of a Holocaust denier.
It is claimed that this video was sent to various college magazines, three of which printed an uncritical summary.
In 1995 Cole published 46 Unanswered Questions About the German Gas Chambers, which also served as an advertisement for his videos.

Cole’s self proclaimed triumphs against the Holocaust establishment include exposing the “Los Angeles Museum of Intolerance” for showing phony gas van, misrepresenting it as authentic footage. Cole showed that the footage came from a 1962 Polish feature film.
In his book Republican Party Animal (2014) Cole states that he is a pro-Zionist who supports Israel but has a low opinion of secular Jews who, while nominally foregoing their Jewish religion, have replaced it with the secular religion of the Holocaust “for which no amount of revision or criticism was tolerable.”
By contrast he had far less of a problem with orthodox Jews than secular ones because their religious vision does not depend on the Holocaust.

It's far from a closed case, but I think there is enough red flags embedded in Cole's background to raise strong suspicions.
At a critical time when revisionism was gaining momentum, Cole was inserted to build his profile, gather intel and influence the movement as 'controlled opposition'.
I more recent times, Cole is clearly trying to drive a wedge with his 'hoax-lite' shtick, siding with the 'smartest' revisionists Irving & Weber.

Coles ability to shape shift, using many different pseudonyms, moving amongst & within very different circles (revisionists, 'networking' group for conservative Hollywood elites, mainstream movie industry - producing documentaries) is not the average journey of a regular, honest truth seeker.

Briefly, I think Weber is also an agent. Weber joined the IHR in 1991 & became director in 1995. He wasted little time dismantling what once was a productive & influential hub for revisionism. I think Rudolf provided a comprehensive summation of Weber's active & intentional sabotage.
That's why Weber & Cole are such good mates.
Weber's background 'teaching' in Ghana 'for a time' is vague & also raises questions.
It's easier to fool someone than to convince them that they have been fooled

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Re: Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

Postby Lamprecht » 2 years 10 months ago (Thu Jul 30, 2020 8:40 am)

It might be the case. It might also be the case that he was young and saw an opportunity to jump on. Taking someone else's older videos or work (like McCalden) and putting a new spin on it, especially with the "And by the way I'm Jewish" doesn't mean he was there to infiltrate for someone else, such as Mossad or the JDL. Maybe he saw it as a good money-making opportunity. He makes a video of the gas chambers and notices the doors don't make much sense, interviews the guy who makes new "Revelations" (at the time) about how it's a reconstruction, and suddenly he's a big name revisionist. I said it in another thread, I believe that he brought publicity to revisionism and I think did more good than harm. The fact that the JDL came after him and then he caved and said "Actually the Holocaust happened but not at Auschwitz" thing makes his new "Holocaust-lite" position appear less genuine.

Stinky pointed out that he had a trust fund. Well, there were a lot of rich kids (many Jewish) at my university so I know that doesn't necessarily imply much for an American Jew born in Los Angeles. Were his parents wealthy?
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

Postby Sannhet » 2 years 10 months ago (Thu Jul 30, 2020 9:17 am)

stinky wrote:I spent some time researching Cole on the internet, after initially getting into revisionism a few years ago. I smelt a rat.
I lifted information from various websites, online previews of Cole's book 'Republican Party Animals' & random internet comment sections, as much as you can trust any of these sources.
The information was the best I could put together given what I could locate.

Thank you -- that is the most comprehensive David Cole dossier I've ever seen!

Do you have specific sources linked to each claim or was this just a running list of your own notes? If it is notes, as I take from how you introduce it, I expect it must be treated as a draft document awaiting confirmation. For one thing, David Cole says his own middle name is Christopher, not Abravenal.

I wonder on the origin of tidbits like this: "[David Cole] made no public appearances as a revisionist after the 1995 Oklahoma City bombings," as it means someone put that out there and thereby insinuated a link between the bombing and Holocaust Revisionist scholarship.

I may return to inquire more about specific things in your dossier later. But this one, unrelated to Cole, I can put to rest:

Weber's background 'teaching' in Ghana 'for a time' is vague & also raises questions

He joined the Peace Corps out of college to see the world and was assigned to Ghana and took it. People of Mark Weber's social-class origin, once freed of the social obligation to graduate college, will sometimes do things like this. For White-Americans of Mark Weber's generation (b.1951), this was much more common, per capita, than it is today.

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Re: Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

Postby Sannhet » 2 years 10 months ago (Thu Jul 30, 2020 9:25 am)

Here is another little bit of David Cole history:

12th IHR Conference speaker photograph - Sept 3 to 5 1994 - David Cole at center.jpg

That's a photograph of speakers at the 12th Institute for Historical Review (IHR) Conference, Sept. 3 to 5 (Saturday to Monday; US Labor Day weekend), 1994. Notice something about this picture: David Cole positioned himself at the exact center. There are six men to his right and six to his left.

The way pictures like this work, as we all know from experience, is that seldom are people assigned to specific places to stand. The way it works is someone says, "Hey, everybody, stand over there; let's get a picture! Picture! Yes. Hey you, enough snacks, it's picture time. Thanks. Yes, over there," and so forth. An organic process occurs. The only rule that the taller stand to the rear. David Cole appears to be the shortest in stature of the thirteen (he describes himself as 5'6" [167.5cm], "on a good day, including shoes") and maybe that's why he ended up positioned at the center, behind the tallest man, Greg Raven. Alternatively, or additionally, we might assume that Cole's winding up at the exact center at the opportune time is symbolic of his perceived/desired role in Revisionism by Sept. 1994.

(Among groups of men of the West assembled for some solemn purpose like an academic conference, politely declining the very center spot is standard practice -- unless the actual host -- until someone was forced to stand there. Certainly the youngest man in a group, among men many of whom had been known to each other professionally for years, would decline the center spot.)

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Re: Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

Postby Lamprecht » 2 years 10 months ago (Thu Jul 30, 2020 9:41 am)

Sannhet wrote:
Weber's background 'teaching' in Ghana 'for a time' is vague & also raises questions

He joined the Peace Corps out of college to see the world and was assigned to Ghana and took it. People of Mark Weber's social-class origin, once freed of the social obligation to graduate college, will sometimes do things like this. For White-Americans of Mark Weber's generation (b.1951), this was much more common, per capita, than it is today.

Weber was the publisher of National Vanguard for Dr. William Pierce's National Alliance back in the 70s and 80s.
I am also not convinced that Weber was always some sort of "agent" - from my other post: Re: The JEWISH REVISIONISTS thread

Lamprecht wrote:Weber is a weird case and it causes you to scratch your head a bit. The IHR was firebombed at one point and also taken over at gunpoint, which resulted in one of the founders (Willis Carto) establishing the Barnes Review. The IHR also has received very sizeable donations, in the realm of millions of USD. Weber, who was once part of Dr. Pierce's National Alliance, wrote an article in January 2009 entitled "How Relevant is Holocaust Revisionism?" where he said that Holocaust revisionism didn't achieve academic support and instead he wanted to focus on fighting "Jewish-Zionist power." In Weber's case, it could just be about the money.
I suggest: viewtopic.php?t=12847 (and the links I posted in my reply) as well as viewtopic.php?t=5294

Another thread related to this topic:

DAMAGE CONTROL: The New Holohoax Frontier
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

Postby Sannhet » 2 years 10 months ago (Thu Jul 30, 2020 10:58 am)

Re: Some of the claims raised above about David Cole's biography:

Here is what David Cole says of his own immediate family and upbringing in his Republican Party Animal autobiography (published May 2014; for some reason it is only selling at $165 now) and some follow-up research by me:

Republican Party Animal - David Cole autobiography.jpeg
Republican Party Animal - David Cole autobiography.jpeg (15.13 KiB) Viewed 3036 times

David Cole describes his family and upbringing - autobiography.png

- David Cole says his middle name is "Christopher" (not anything starting with 'A,' much less "Abravanel");

- Cole implies in his autobiography that he was born in 1968, at Cedars of Lebanon Jewish Hospital (now the Scientology Headquarters; East Hollywood);

- From public records, I believe David Cole's birthday is Sept. 2, 1968. This birth-date is lent strong credence by the fact that Cole said on Aug. 21st of 2019 that he was "50" and then on Sept. 10th of 2019 wrote that he was "51") (more recently, Cole wrote: "When L.A. recovered from the '92 riot we still had city leaders who were willing to put business & property owners above thugs & criminals. That's no longer the case. I've lived here 51 years & I see no way forward for the city. Mayor Assface has presided over our end. @MayorOfLA" [May 31, 2020]). I believe we can say with high confidence that Sept. 2nd of 1968 is David Cole's birthday. (Twenty-nine years plus one day after the invasion of Poland.) In the IHR conference speaker photograph posted above, David Cole would have just had his 26th birthday, one to three days earlier.

- David Cole says his father was a Dr. Leon Cole who "looks cruel and unforgiving" in photos.

- David Cole never much knew his father: David Cole was eight when his father died (Leon R. Cole, born Nov. 14, 1922; died May 7, 1977). Leon R. Cole took another wife or girlfriend in Beverly Hills and lived there from ca. 1969 to his death.

- Leon R. [possibly Rykoff] Cole is listed as born in California (in 1922). A Leon R. Cole born in California in 1922 and otherwise matching this description was a college student in academic years 1940-'41, '41-'42, and '42-'43; at the end of his third year of college, appears in public records as drafted into US Army Reserve at New York (induction dated May 25, 1943; it doesn't seem likely he was ever deployed actively);

- A Leon R. Cole b.1922 is recorded on both the 1930 and 1940 censuses in Los Angeles, the son of a broom manufacturer named Robert Cole (born in Kentucky ca.1896) and a woman born ca. 1897 marked as born in Russia (presumably Russian-Jewish ancestry) and who arrived in the US in 1904; Leon R. Cole's parents married in 1921; the family lived at an address on Holmby Ave., near Beverly Hills, on both the 1930 and 1940 censuses; shortly after the latter census [taken in April 1940], Leon would start college. This is increasingly irrelevant to David Cole himself, given that he never really knew his biological father, but at least in terms of ancestry, David Cole does seem to have long ties to Los Angeles through his father -- if my research is correct. Nothing close to "Holocaust ancestry" on his father's side at all; mother's side, I don't know.

- Cole says his father was "an apparently brilliant surgeon and researcher who also apparently killed Elvis. He has been pegged in many books as the doctor who got Elvis hooked on, and illegally supplied with, drugs." Cole doesn't appear to be very fond of his father but expresses skepticism about the claim that he "killed Elvis," and suggests his father is being "scapegoat[ed]" (Cole uses the word);

- Elvis was so close with Dr. Leon Cole that he gave him a "pink cadillac;"

- David Cole says his mother was "working class." Dr. Leon Cole "abandoned" this working class woman and her son (i.e., David Cole) and had to pay child support. A public record for California divorces puts their divorce as occurring in Aug. 1969 (after a Las Vegas marriage in Oct. 1965). Cole was not yet 12 months old. Cole does not name his mother in his autobiography, perhaps because she is still living, presumably now in he late 70s or early 80s. Her name is possibly A*** San*** Abrams based on a public birth record filed in California for the David C. Cole born Sept-2-1968. First name means "soul" in Spanish. (Not sure if posting this information is OK with CODOH-Forum; it is from a public record. If the moderator wishes to edit out this name I understand.)

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Re: Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

Postby Sannhet » 2 years 10 months ago (Thu Jul 30, 2020 11:07 am)

Lamprecht wrote:It might be the case. It might also be the case that he was young and saw an opportunity to jump on. Taking someone else's older videos or work (like McCalden) and putting a new spin on it, especially with the "And by the way I'm Jewish" doesn't mean he was there to infiltrate for someone else, such as Mossad or the JDL. Maybe he saw it as a good money-making opportunity.

I think this is reasonable. It need not be directed and controlled by a state-actor intelligence agency (or a para-state, quasi-intelligence agency), but it could also partly or fully be a "self-infiltration."

Lamprecht wrote:Stinky pointed out that he had a trust fund. Well, there were a lot of rich kids (many Jewish) at my university so I know that doesn't necessarily imply much for an American Jew born in Los Angeles. Were his parents wealthy?

His father being a wealthy and successful medical doctor with ties to Elvis suggests the trust fund was money from his father's estate -- especially as the father (Dr. Leon R. Cole) died relatively young. See post immediately above. If David Cole did have ties to groups of the kind Fred Leuchter suspected since the early 1990s, and which claim he publicly made in July 2020 (and perhaps earlier, not sure), the motivation would be something other than money.

Things also can get complicated, quick, in these matters: Maybe Cole did have ties to one or more groups but also did indeed become a convinced Holocaust Revisionist and tried to play all sides against each other, a double-, or triple-, or etc. agent, really an agent on behalf of his own self-promotion.

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Re: Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

Postby Carto's Cutlass Supreme » 2 years 10 months ago (Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:53 pm)

I don't think so. Here are some reasons:
* I remember Bradley Smith telling me Cole contacted him while still in High School.
* The David Cole video is very good. If he was an agent it probably would have had a strawman quality.
* The David Cole video was actively passed out. I believe it was sent to US Congressmen. I can't see the Mossad wanting a good revisionist video made and passed out to high level people.
* He's clearly very bright, and has become a star at Taki online Magazine, with a lot of articles, one can tell, are informed by revisionism. Others are very intelligent, creative conservative commentary.
* When he went underground he still did good revisionist work. Like exposing that museum video that was from an East German movie.
* I remember reading a David Stein Tinbergen archive Op Ed in the LA Times, and you can still see certain revisionist informed views he has, that a Mossad undercover agent would have unlikely had.

My feeling is he had to become a believer so as to not become ostracized, so as not to become a pariah. I think if you still have to make a living, there is a need to bend to fit in for most, like Irving. And unfortunately Cole had to throw a lot of people under the bus to do that.

Also, regarding Cole having a trust fund and being wealthy: Bradley told me he was, if you can believe it, working class Jewish. A not expensive neighborhood, a modest house. Bradley would go to his house.

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Re: Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

Postby Hektor » 2 years 10 months ago (Thu Jul 30, 2020 5:15 pm)

Carto's Cutlass Supreme wrote:I don't think so. Here are some reasons:
* I remember Bradley Smith telling me Cole contacted him while still in High School.
* The David Cole video is very good. If he was an agent it probably would have had a strawman quality.
* The David Cole video was actively passed out. I believe it was sent to US Congressmen. I can't see the Mossad wanting a good revisionist video made and passed out to high level people.
* He's clearly very bright, and has become a star at Taki online Magazine, with a lot of articles, one can tell, are informed by revisionism. Others are very intelligent, creative conservative commentary.
* When he went underground he still did good revisionist work. Like exposing that museum video that was from an East German movie.
* I remember reading a David Stein Tinbergen archive Op Ed in the LA Times, and you can still see certain revisionist informed views he has, that a Mossad undercover agent would have unlikely had.

My feeling is he had to become a believer so as to not become ostracized, so as not to become a pariah. I think if you still have to make a living, there is a need to bend to fit in for most, like Irving. And unfortunately Cole had to throw a lot of people under the bus to do that.

Also, regarding Cole having a trust fund and being wealthy: Bradley told me he was, if you can believe it, working class Jewish. A not expensive neighborhood, a modest house. Bradley would go to his house.

I'm inclined to agree here. Of course I can play "clever" and call this all of David's fiendishly smart cover to fool Revisionists. But common sense tells me that this is rather unlikely. My take is that David Cole was one of the brighter Jews that became suspicious of the Holocaust narrative and was willing to investigate and speak about it. Probably also realised that the whole scam is doing more harm than good to Jews in the long run. But speaking out on the Holocaust issue in an unorthodox, impious way didn't make you many friends during the late 1980s or 1990s; and if you are a Jew you are sort of "a traitor" to the cause. It was the time when the Holocaust faith became sort of canonical within the general public in Western countries and it was probably strongest within academic circles and people that form the distributors within society (e.g. teachers and journalists). Well, David probably still had to earn a living and then you better aren't known as "that Holocaust Denier from TV". The continued physical threats/violence from the side of the JDL was certainly adding to the strain on him. So it's actually plausible that he would recant.

Can't see how the "Mossad" or the "Jewish Community" (adhering to the Holocaust) would get any benefits from David Cole's media appearances or publishing. At best he didn't manage to harm then in a way meaningful enough to turn the tables on the Holocaust.

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Re: Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

Postby Archie » 2 years 10 months ago (Thu Jul 30, 2020 5:56 pm)

Sannhet wrote:Here is what David Cole says of his own immediate family and upbringing in his Republican Party Animal autobiography (published May 2014; for some reason it is only selling at $165 now) and some follow-up research by me:

He says a new edition is coming out in a few months. The old one must be out of print. I don’t think he’s been censored or anything. Quite the contrary. I’m sure the new version will be readily available. I remember in an old interview he said the book hadn’t even banned in Germany.

I noticed YouTube is now recommending his videos to me on the homepage.

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Re: Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

Postby Sannhet » 2 years 10 months ago (Thu Jul 30, 2020 9:17 pm)

Carto's Cutlass Supreme wrote:I remember Bradley Smith telling me Cole contacted him while still in High School.

David Cole has written that his "Revisionist years" were "1989 – 1995." He gives these dates in his former website,, writing in 2014 after he resurfaced. Being born in Sept. 1968, Cole must have graduated from high school in mid-1986 or mid-1987. The first Zundel trial [Jan.–March 1985] came during the critical mid-late high school period for Cole. He was sixteen. I can imagine Cole at sixteen being intrigued. Then came the Second Zundel Trial and the commissioning of the first Leuchter chemical study (conducted in the early part of 1988). David Cole was by this time still 19.

All the same, I wonder about that Bradley Smith memory. There are some people who, by temperament, are highly certain about specific dates/months/years attached to memories, and others have memories that are just as good or better but are more flowing with relation to time. My father is like the latter and when I ask him when x occurred in his life he often isn't quite sure but gives a range of a few years. My mother always seems to have a specific month-year ready for similar questions. Which was Bradley Smith? Might Bradley Smith have assumed a 1989 contact with Cole was actually Cole in high school? And I assume Smith told you this Cole anecdote in the 2000s, which is many years after the Cole First Contact, whenever it was, occurred, and time also causes memories to fade.

This is an important part of the Cole puzzle so I am puzzling over it. (I haven't read Cole's 2014 autobiography and will not pay $165 for it; maybe he mentions it in there.)

Carto's Cutlass Supreme wrote:* He's clearly very bright, and has become a star at Taki online Magazine, with a lot of articles, one can tell, are informed by revisionism. Others are very intelligent, creative conservative commentary.

Of that there is no doubt. I am still tempted to suspicion because Cole was always able to land on his feet. Meanwhile, Fred Leuchter was banned for life from practicing his profession, mega-slandered, ruined, and had to work for Home Depot and similar jobs for years just to get income.

One the most intriguing things in the "Cole dossier" posted above is:

Stein [a.k.a. Cole] was a former op-ed contributor to the L.A. Times from 1999 through 2005

When someone "disappears" and takes on a new name, how does it happen that he immediately becomes an "op-ed contributor" for a major newspaper? A year or two after his disappearance, and at age thirty? This does push one towards the belief that Cole had very powerful benefactors pulling strings in his favor. His rise to high society, from being an unknown who showed up with a new name, to hobnobbing with Congressmen and celebrities, is also hard to explain. Can anyone explain it?

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Re: Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

Postby Carto's Cutlass Supreme » 2 years 10 months ago (Fri Jul 31, 2020 12:24 am)

Perhaps he contacted Bradley Smith while in High School, but was not active for another couple years.

how does it happen that he immediately becomes an "op-ed contributor" for a major newspaper?

My memory is there was only a handful of Los Angeles Times Opinion Editorials. Possibly only 1 or 2.

It was one thing he knew a lot about, so he changed his name and pretended to be a believer.

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